Relativistic Doppler Effect - Wikipbedia

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11/15/21, 1:13 AM Relativistic Doppler effect - Wikipedia

Motion in an arbitrary direction

The analysis used in section  Relativistic longitudinal Doppler

effect can be extended in a straightforward fashion to calculate
the Doppler shift for the case where the inertial motions of the
source and receiver are at any specified angle.[2][9]  Fig.  7
presents the scenario from the frame of the receiver, with the
source moving at speed   at an angle   measured in the frame
Figure 7. Doppler shift with source
of the receiver. The radial component of the source's motion moving at an arbitrary angle with
along the line of sight is equal to  respect to the line between source
and receiver.
The equation below can be interpreted as the classical Doppler
shift for a stationary and moving source modified by the
Lorentz factor 

Eq. 6:    

In the case when  , one obtains the transverse Doppler effect:

In his 1905 paper on special relativity,[p 2] Einstein obtained a somewhat different looking equation
for the Doppler shift equation. After changing the variable names in Einstein's equation to be
consistent with those used here, his equation reads

Eq. 7:    

The differences stem from the fact that Einstein evaluated the angle   with respect to the source
rest frame rather than the receiver rest frame.    is not equal to    because of the effect
of relativistic aberration. The relativistic aberration equation is:

Eq. 8:    

Substituting the relativistic aberration equation Equation 8 into Equation 6 yields Equation 7,

demonstrating the consistency of these alternate equations for the Doppler shift.[9]

Setting    in  Equation  6  or    in  Equation  7  yields  Equation  1, the expression for
relativistic longitudinal Doppler shift. 1/1

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