Introduction EFForTS Education On OPMX - UM - For Students

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CRC 990 – Ecological and socioeconomic functions of tropical

lowland rainforest transformation systems (Sumatra, Indonesia)

EFForTS education
on Oil Palm Management

Yellow pan traps.

EFForTS OPMX, 2019.

Finn Matthiesen, Jacqueline Dischereit, Dr. Safwatun Nida & Dr. Indra Fardhani
Gina Göhmann, & Mai Pham,
Prof. Dr. Susanne Bögeholz
Photo: Please note that during the virtual meeting,
photos will be taken for Public Relation purposes.
CRC 990: EFForTS PR Project – Higher Education Please write to Finn Matthiesen if you wish to opt
7 December 2021 out.
CRC 990 – Ecological and socioeconomic functions of tropical lowland rainforest transformation systems (Sumatra, Indonesia)

Structure for today

▪ Introduction to EFForTS and EFForTS PR
▪ Introduction to EFForTS education on Oil Palm
Management Strategies
▪ Introduction to evaluation approach and information on
data policy
▪ Open Questions and Discussion
▪ Pretest: Questionnaire

Photo: K T Sibhatu

2|7 December 2021

CRC 990 – Ecological and socioeconomic functions of tropical lowland rainforest transformation systems (Sumatra, Indonesia)

Collaborative Research Centre 990 EFForTS:

Ecological and Socioeconomic Functions of
Tropical Lowland Rainforest Transformation
Systems (Sumatra, Indonesia)

▪ Research collaboration of more than 160 researchers between

➢ Overall Goals of EFForTS: Providing science-based knowledge for reconciling
conservation and human needs

Link to the EFForTS movie:

• Bahasa:
• English:

3|7 December 2021 EFForTS Homepage:

CRC 990 – Ecological and socioeconomic functions of tropical lowland rainforest transformation systems (Sumatra, Indonesia)

Goals of EFForTS PR EFForTS PR Core Team
Focus on EFForTS-education
on Oil Palm Management
for EFForTS OPMX unit

Making EFForTS research

knowledge available for

➢ Higher and Teacher

(in short-term)
➢ students at school
(in mid-term)
➢ the public
(in long-term)

=> nationally and globally

4|7 December 2021

CRC 990 – Ecological and socioeconomic functions of tropical lowland rainforest transformation systems (Sumatra, Indonesia)

EFForTS Education on
Oil Palm Management Yellow pan traps.
EFForTS OPMX, 2019.

Oil Palm Management Strategies:

In which way can weeding and
fertilisation contribute to sustainable
oil palm management? Fresh fruit bunches. Afor, 2019.

5|7 December 2021

CRC 990 – Ecological and socioeconomic functions of tropical lowland rainforest transformation systems (Sumatra, Indonesia)

Guiding question:
In which way can weeding and fertilisation contribute to sustainable oil palm
Bagaimana penyiangan dan pemupukan dapat berkontribusi pada pengelolaan
kelapa sawit berkelanjutan?

Aim of the Self-Learning Module

You understand the need to establish knowledge on how

different fertilisation and weeding management strategies are related to

ecosystem functions and biodiversity in interaction with oil palm productivity.

Relevance for you:

➢ Sustainable Land-Use / Sustainable Oil Palm Management
➢ Multiplier – Change Agents
➢ Research in Science Education

6|7 December 2021

CRC 990 – Ecological and socioeconomic functions of tropical lowland rainforest transformation systems (Sumatra, Indonesia)

Overview of the Module (=unit)

➢Whole Module available in English and Bahasa Indonesia
➢Self-learning Module comprises 3 sessions
➢individual and group work activities
➢ Group work in Session II (5 students in each group)
➢PowerPoint Format in two versions
➢ Main version and alternative version (if you have trouble with the main version)
➢ For the Main version: Please use the presentation mode (for some tasks you need to leave it)

➢Infographic as cumulative task (Creativity)

➢ scientific concepts at the end of each session and glossary in the end

Don’t worry 🙂: It is a new module and a new experience for all of

us. We would like to learn from you as prospective educators.
Your questions, answers and tasks won’t lead to any disadvantages.

7|7 December 2021

CRC 990 – Ecological and socioeconomic functions of tropical lowland rainforest transformation systems (Sumatra, Indonesia)

Schedule of the Module

You will receive access to Session I.
• For Wednesday courses later today, you have time
until Friday, 10.12.2021, to finish Session I.
• For Friday course in two days, you have time until
Sunday 12.12.2021, to finish Session I.
After you have completed Session I, please fill in the
Short Survey and submit your tasks to the LMS.
You will receive access to Session II, on the
submission day of Session I and then you have
time for completing Session II until the day of your
course meeting (so 14.12. / 16.12.)
You will receive access to Session III, on the
submission day of Session II and then you have time
for completing Session III for Wednesday courses
until the 19.12. and for Friday course until the 21.12..

Postmeeting for all courses is on Tuesday,

8|7 December 2021
CRC 990 – Ecological and socioeconomic functions of tropical lowland rainforest transformation systems (Sumatra, Indonesia)

▪ Introductory session
➢ Read overall introduction. If
anything is unclear for you, please
contact us.
➢ Follow the module page by page

▪ Students work in groups of 5 (if

➢ 3 students work in Group A
(environmental effects of
➢ 2 students work in Group B
(environmental effects of
➢ Together, the five students design
network of relationships

9|7 December 2021

CRC 990 – Ecological and socioeconomic functions of tropical lowland rainforest transformation systems (Sumatra, Indonesia)


▪ Which questions do you have?

10|7 December 2021

CRC 990 – Ecological and socioeconomic functions of tropical lowland rainforest transformation systems (Sumatra, Indonesia)

Evaluation: We are very thankful for your participation

1. Pretest: Interest in Sustainable Development and in Scientific
Research and respective knowledge (self-reported knowledge)
2. Short Survey: Interest and mental load after each session of the
EFForTS education module.

3. Concluding task to evaluate the impact of the module (no

4. Posttest: Interest in Sustainable Development and in Scientific
Research and respective knowledge (self-reported knowledge)
+ Evaluation of instructional design

5. Follow-up: Interest in Sustainable Development and in Scientific

Research and respective knowledge (self-reported knowledge

11|7 December 2021

CRC 990 – Ecological and socioeconomic functions of tropical lowland rainforest transformation systems (Sumatra, Indonesia)

The aim of the evaluation is to

➢learn about the quality of the EFForTS educational

module for improving it,
➢learn about interest development regarding
Sustainable Development and Scientific Research
and the impact of the module (concluding task),
➢develop and provide instruments for measuring
interest and self-reported knowledge and for
evaluating the EFForTS educational module
presented as self-learn module on oil palm

12|7 December 2021

CRC 990 – Ecological and socioeconomic functions of tropical lowland rainforest transformation systems (Sumatra, Indonesia)

Information on the Evaluation

➢participation in this questionnaire and the
collected data will be treated confidentially
➢your answers cannot be wrong or lead to any
➢your participation is voluntary. You have the right
to leave the evaluation study and questionnaires at
any time. This will lead not to any disadvantages
➢data be used and published for research,
educational and Public Relations purposes in a
way that your provided information is presented
➢summarized report of the evaluation results after
the completion of the data analysis

13|7 December 2021

CRC 990 – Ecological and socioeconomic functions of tropical lowland rainforest transformation systems (Sumatra, Indonesia)

Kode Persona
Please, carefully read the instruction for the personal code and use the same code for
every questionnaire/survey. (It's best to take a picture of your code.)
If you have any questions or problems, please contact your lecturer or us.

Data berikut ini dibutuhkan untuk menciptakan kode personal (kode merupakan kombinasi dari 4 huruf dan
2 angka, contohnya “EN AM 03”), dengan begitu, identitas Anda tetap anonim.
Kode personal digunakan sebagai identitas Anda pada survei yang Anda lakukan saat ini dan survei-survei
Untuk memulai membuat kode personal Anda, silakan ambil huruf kedua dan ketiga dari nama pertama Ibu
Contohnya bila nama pertama ibu Anda adalah Jennifer → „EN“

Selanjutnya, ambil huruf kedua dan ketiga dari nama pertama Ayah Anda
Contohnya bila nama pertama Ayah Anda adalah James → „AM“

Terakhir, silakan ambil dua angka dari tanggal ulang tahun Ibu Anda,
Contohnya bila Ibu Anda lahir di tanggal 3 November maka dua angka yang Anda ambil adalah → „03“
Misalnya, ada seorang siswa bernama Arjana. Nama ibunya adalah Tika dan nama ayahnya adalah Oka.
Ibunya berulang tahun pada 04. Oktober 1964. Maka kode pribadi Arjana adalah: “IK KA 04”.

14|7 December 2021

CRC 990 – Ecological and socioeconomic functions of tropical lowland rainforest transformation systems (Sumatra, Indonesia)

Testing of the Module

Sustainable Oil Palm Management

▪ Together with you,

our aim is to improve the first version of this EFForTS
educational module on.
➢We would like to learn from you and need your
support, feedback and information about your
interests, self-reported knowledge and mental load.

➢ Certification

15|7 December 2021

CRC 990 – Ecological and socioeconomic functions of tropical lowland rainforest transformation systems (Sumatra, Indonesia)


▪ Which questions do you have?

▪ If you have any questions, please contact

▪ Your student representative
▪ Your lecturers
▪ And you are welcome also to contact us:

16|7 December 2021

CRC 990 – Ecological and socioeconomic functions of tropical lowland rainforest transformation systems (Sumatra, Indonesia)

Thank you for the opportunity to work and learn together with you!

Terima kasih!

17|7 December 2021

CRC 990 – Ecological and socioeconomic functions of tropical lowland rainforest transformation systems (Sumatra, Indonesia)

Please participate now in the pretest,

afterwards we will provide you the link to the unit.

18|7 December 2021

CRC 990 – Ecological and socioeconomic functions of tropical lowland rainforest transformation systems (Sumatra, Indonesia)

▪ Bahasa Indonesia:
▪ English:

Short Survey:
▪ Bahasa Indonesia:
▪ English:

19|7 December 2021

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