AO3 All of The Fitness Tests

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Explain and undertake a range of fitness tests that cover the components of
fitness, showing regard for health and safety and testing protocol

Sit and reach

The test for flexibility we done was the sit and reach test. “Flexibility is the range of
movements possible around a joint or series of joints” class notes. Flexibility is a health
related component of fitness you will need a lot of stretching before you perform bigger
movements with your joints. You use flexibility in every day in activities e.g. swimming some
jobs that may do flexibility is in the Olympics as a gymnast
• A sit and reach box
• Planner

In this test we warmed up. Then we sat down on the floor and took our shoes off to make it a
fair test. And when we sat down we hat to stretch as far as you could possibly can.
In the sit and reach test I got 21 cm
Subject 2 got 15 cm
Subject 3 got 32 cm

There are two reasons why subject 3 might have been quite flexible and one of those reasons
of him being flexible is because that he said that “I do a lot of daily stretching “ and another
reason why he might be so flexible is because he used to play rugby and in rugby if you play
number 10 your leg muscles need to be flexible to be able to kick the ball high ball then case
it down the field.

Next time I do this test I will be hopefully be more flexible because I will do more exercise and
more daily stretching in order to become more flexible.
illinions agilty test
The agility test or also known as the “Illinois test” is a test of your agility. Agility is a skill
related component of fitness. Agility is the ability to change direction or the body at speed
without losing control or speed. The Illinois is set up with 9 cones. Agility is needed in some
jobs e.g. army because to dodge debris from falling buildings that are under attack. Some
sports use agility e.g. like Shane Williams he has to dodge incoming players.

• Cones
• Stopwatch x2
• People on the stopwatches
In this test we use our legs the most so warm your leg muscles up before this test. (Sir set up
the cones). We started at one cone then ran straight around another cone then back down in
a diagonal line back up in and out the cones back up in another diagonal line then head for
the finish.
I got 15.04 in the agility test
Subject 1 got 16.08
Subject 2 got 14.75
Subject 3 got 16.83

I got 15.04in the agility test. I am pleased with my attempt of this test considering I have got
asthma. The reason I might have more agility than the rest of that list is because I play
number 14 (wing) and to be a winger you need to be fast and agile.

Next time when I do this test, it will be better because I will train and I will practise in P.E

40 meter sprint

The 40m sprint is a test of your speed. Speed is a skill related component of fitness. Speed is
the “ability to move all or part of your body as quickly as possible”. The 40m sprint is set up
with two pairs of cones 40m apart from each other. The idea of this is you have to sprint as
fast as you can till you reach the other side of the cones. Speed can be used in most jobs e.g.
police when you are chasing a suspect for a short period of time. And some runners e.g.
Usan Bolt because he uses speed to beat his opponents.

 Cones
 Stopwatch x2
 People on stopwatches


In this test you use the power in your legs so you have to warm your legs up and raise your
blood temperature. Then we started. We each took turns in running the 40m sprint, we stood
on the line one by one then sir shouted “Go” and started the stopwatch . Then we ran as fast
as we could to the other side then sir stopped the stopwatch.


I got 5.84 in the 40m sprint

Subject 1 got 6.83
Subject 2 got 6.12
Subject 3 got 6.46
Subject 4 got 9.03
(all time was measured in seconds)


I got 5.84 in the 40m sprint . I am pleased with my results as I have asthma. The reason why I
might have slightly better results is because I play rugby. I play number 14 (wing) and
normally a winger is fast. Subject 1 plays football but is a goalkeeper so might not do as much
running around as a striker

Next time I will be better because I will train more and I will continue my rugby to get my
3 rep max bench

The 3 rep max bench is a test of maximum strength. Maximum Strength is the ability to
contract muscles with speed and force in one explosive act. “The three rep max is when you
lie on a bench with your legs straight wider than your shoulder-width apart to stabilize your
body” quoted by Soppani (2006). Strength is a health related component of fitness. We need
this component to carry out simple daily activates e.g. carrying shopping home and you also
need to it for some jobs e.g. army , police


• Bench bar
• Weights
• A spotter (someone to watch you)
• Clips or grips to hold weights in place.


First of all we warmed up (your arms and chest muscles most of all). Then one by one we
each want on the bench press machine and did 3 bench presses each and did more weights
if you complete those set of weights. We lied down on the bench mat and benched 3 reps
• In the three rep max I benched 45kg
• Subject 1 got 35kg
• Subject 2 got 22.5kg
• Subject 3 got 35kg
• Subject 4 got 45kg


Some of the reasons why I and subject 4 might have got to the higher weights of the 3 rep
max are probably because I and subject 4 play rugby for a club. And in rugby to tackle the
bigger stronger players you need a lot of maximum strength in which to take them down.
Subject 3 might not be as strong as I and subject 4 because he plays football and in football
you don’t need that much strength compared to rugby but he needs more cardio vascular
endurance because he runs around the pitch casing other opponents.

Next time I do this test I will hopefully be a bit better because I will be training for this event.

Multi Stage Fitness Test

The Multi stage fitness test is a test of your cardio vascular endurance. Cardio vascular
endurance is a health related component of fitness. Cardio vascular endurance is the “ability
to work the cardio vascular system”. The cardio vascular endurance test (the bleep test) is set
up with a line of cones on one side and on the other side it’s the same but the cones where
20m apart from each other then Mr. Davis started the bleep test. At first it starts of slow then
gradually the bleeps got faster as the levels got higher. Cardio vascular endurance is needed
in most jobs e.g. police like if you are chasing a suspect for long periods of time. And some
runners e.g. Paula Radcliffe as she is a marathon runner and has to run for long periods of

• Cones
• CD player
• The multi stage fitness CD
• Hall to do test

In this test you’ll have to warm before you start by raising your blood temperature while we
were doing that our teacher set up the cones (20m apart) and then sir started the CD and
then the test began. The bleeps started of at a slow pace then the bleeps get faster and faster
as you progressed through the higher stages of the test.

• I got 10.3 in the multi stage fitness test
• Subject 2 got 12.2
• Subject 3 got 7.6
• Subject 4 got 7.9

I got 10.3 I am pleased with my self because I got asthma. The reason why subject 2 has got
more cardio vascular endurance then subject 1, 3 , 4 and me is probably because he plays
football for a team and in football it involves a lot of running around and stamina to mark your
opposite player and to score goals.

Next time I do this test I will work harder and try to run for a longer period of time

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