S Telp RDB 1046898

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CODE 378

General Criteria Applicable to All Ponds
A water impoundment made by constructing an
embankment or by excavating a pit or dugout. All federal, State and local requirements shall
be addressed in the design.
In this standard, ponds constructed by the first
method are referred to as embankment ponds, A protective cover of vegetation shall be
and those constructed by the second method established on all exposed areas of
are referred to as excavated ponds. Ponds embankments, spillways and borrow areas
constructed by both the excavation and the as climatic conditions allow, according to
embankment methods are classified as the guidelines in conservation practice
embankment ponds if the depth of water standard 342, Critical Area Planting.
impounded against the embankment at the Site conditions. Site conditions shall be such
auxiliary spillway elevation is 3 feet or more. that runoff from the design storm can be safely
passed through (1) a natural or constructed
PURPOSE auxiliary spillway, (2) a combination of a
To provide water for livestock, fish and wildlife, principal spillway and an auxiliary spillway, or
recreation, fire control, develop renewable (3) a principal spillway.
energy systems, and other related uses, and to Drainage area. The drainage area above the
maintain or improve water quality. pond must be protected against erosion to the
extent that expected sedimentation will not
CONDITIONS WHERE PRACTICE APPLIES shorten the planned effective life of the
This standard establishes the minimum structure. The drainage area shall be large
acceptable quality for the design and enough so that surface runoff and groundwater
construction of low-hazard ponds where: will provide an adequate supply of water for the
intended purpose unless an alternate water
Failure of the dam will not result in loss of life; source exists to serve this purpose. The
damage to homes, commercial or industrial quality shall be suitable for the water’s intended
buildings, main highways, or railroads; or in use.
interruption of the use or service of public
utilities. Reservoir area. The topography and geology
of the site shall permit storage of water at a
The product of the storage times the effective depth and volume that will ensure a
height of the dam is less than 3,000. Storage dependable supply, considering beneficial use,
is the volume, in acre-feet, in the reservoir sedimentation, season of use, and evaporation
below the elevation of the crest of the auxiliary and seepage losses. If surface runoff is the
spillway. The effective height of the dam is the primary source of water for a pond, the soils
difference in elevation, in feet, between the shall be impervious enough to prevent
auxiliary spillway crest and the lowest point in excessive seepage losses or shall be of a type
the cross section taken along the centerline of that sealing is practicable.
the dam. If there is no auxiliary spillway, the
top of the dam is the upper limit. Design Criteria for Embankment Ponds
Geological Investigations. Pits, trenches,
The effective height of the dam is 35 feet or borings, review of existing data or other
suitable means of investigation shall be

Conservation practice standards are reviewed periodically and updated if needed. To obtain
the current version of this standard, contact your Natural Resources Conservation Service
May 2011
State Office or visit the Field Office Technical Guide.
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conducted to characterize materials within the Table 1. Minimum top width for dams
embankment foundation, auxiliary spillway and
borrow areas. Soil materials shall be classified Total height of
using the Unified Soil Classification System. embankment Top width

Foundation cutoff. A cutoff of relatively feet feet

impervious material shall be provided under the Less than 10 6
dam if necessary to reduce seepage through 10 – 14.9 8
the foundation. The cutoff shall be located at 15 – 19.9 10
or upstream from the centerline of the dam. It
shall extend up the abutments as required and 20 – 24.9 12
be deep enough to extend into a relatively 25 – 34.9 14
impervious layer or provide for a stable dam 35 or more 15
when combined with seepage control. The Side Slopes. The combined upstream and
cutoff trench shall have a bottom width downstream side slopes of the settled
adequate to accommodate the equipment used embankments shall not be less than five
for excavation, backfill, and compaction horizontal to one vertical, and neither slope
operations. Side slopes shall not be steeper shall be steeper than two horizontal to one
than one horizontal to one vertical. vertical. All slopes must be designed to be
Seepage control. Seepage control is to be stable, even if flatter side slopes are required.
included if (1) pervious layers are not Downstream or upstream berms can be used
intercepted by the cutoff, (2) seepage could to help achieve stable embankment sections
create swamping downstream, (3) such control Slope Protection. If needed to protect the
is needed to insure a stable embankment, or slopes of the dam from erosion, special
(4) special problems require drainage for a measures, such as berms, rock riprap, sand-
stable dam. Seepage may be controlled by (1) gravel, soil cement, or special vegetation, shall
foundation, abutment, or embankment filters be provided (Technical Releases 56, “A guide
and drains; (2) reservoir blanketing; or (3) a for Design and Layout of Vegetative Wave
combination of these measures. Protection for Earth Dam Embankments” and
Embankment. The minimum top width for a 69, “Riprap for Slope Protection Against Wave
dam is shown in table 1. If the embankment Action” contain design guidance).
top is to be used as a public road, the minimum Freeboard. The minimum elevation of the top
width shall be 16 feet for one-way traffic and 26 of the settled embankment shall be 1 foot
feet for two-way traffic. Guardrails or other above the water surface in the reservoir with
safety measures shall be used where the auxiliary spillway flowing at design depth.
necessary and shall meet the requirements of The minimum difference in elevation between
the responsible road authority. For dams less the crest of the auxiliary spillway and the
than 20 feet in height, maintenance settled top of the dam shall be 2 feet for all
considerations or construction equipment dams having more than a 20-acre drainage
limitations may require increased top widths area or more than 20 feet in effective height.
from the minimum shown in Table 1.
Settlement. The design height of the dam shall
be increased by the amount needed to insure
that after settlement the height of the dam
equals or exceeds the design height. This
increase shall not be less than 5 percent of the
height of the dam, except where detailed soil
testing and laboratory analyses or experience
in the area show that a lesser amount is
Principal spillway. A pipe conduit, with
needed appurtenances, shall be placed under
or through the dam, except where rock,
concrete, or other types of lined spillways are
used, or where the rate and duration of flow

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can be safely handled by a vegetated or earth The minimum thickness of flexible pipe shall be
spillway. SDR 26, Schedule 40, Class 100, or 16 gage
For dams with a drainage area of 20 acres or as appropriate for the particular pipe material.
less, the principal spillway crest elevation shall Connections of flexible pipe to rigid pipe or
not be less than 0.5 feet below the auxiliary other structures shall be designed to
spillway crest elevation. For dams with a accommodate differential movements and
drainage area over 20 acres, this difference stress concentrations.
shall not be less than 1.0 feet.
All pipe conduits shall be designed and
When design discharge of the principal spillway installed to be water tight by means of
is considered in calculating peak outflow couplings, gaskets, caulking, waterstops, or
through the auxiliary spillway, the crest welding. Joints shall be designed to remain
elevation of the inlet shall be such that the watertight under all internal and external
design discharge will be generated in the loading including pipe elongation due to
conduit before there is discharge through the foundation settlement.
auxiliary spillway.
Pipe conduits shall have a concrete cradle or
Pipe conduits designed for pressure flow must bedding if needed to provide improved support
have adequate anti-vortex devices. The inlets for the pipe to reduce or limit structural loading
and outlets shall be designed to function on pipe to allowable levels.
satisfactorily for the full range of flow and
hydraulic head anticipated. Cantilever outlet sections, if used, shall be
designed to withstand the cantilever load. Pipe
The capacity of the pipe conduit shall be supports shall be provided when needed.
adequate to discharge long-duration, Other suitable devices such as a Saint Anthony
continuous, or frequent flows without flow Falls stilling basin or an impact basin may be
through the auxiliary spillways. The diameter used to provide a safe outlet.
of the principal spillway pipe shall not be less
than 4 inches. Pipe conduits used solely as a All steel pipe and couplings shall have
supply pipe through the dam for watering protective coatings in areas that have
troughs and other appurtenances shall not be traditionally experienced pipe corrosion, or in
less than 1-1/4 inches in diameter. embankments with saturated soil resistivity less
than 4000 ohms-cm or soil pH less than 5.
If the pipe conduit diameter is 10 inches or Protective coatings shall be asphalt, polymer
greater, its design discharge may be over galvanizing, aluminized coating or coal tar
considered when calculating the peak outflow enamel as appropriate for the pipe type.
rate through the auxiliary spillway. Plastic pipe that will be exposed to direct
Pipe conduits shall be ductile iron, welded sunlight shall be ultraviolet-resistant and
steel, corrugated steel, corrugated aluminum, protected with a coating or shielding, or
reinforced concrete (pre-cast or site-cast), or provisions provided for replacement as
plastic. Pipe conduits through dams of less necessary
than 20 feet total height may also be cast iron Renewable Energy. For detailed criteria
or unreinforced concrete. where the purpose is to develop renewable
Pipe conduits shall be designed and installed to energy systems refer to interim conservation
withstand all external and internal loads without practice standard Renewable Energy
yielding, buckling, or cracking. Rigid pipe shall Production (716).
be designed for a positive projecting condition. Cathodic Protection. Cathodic protection is to
Flexible pipe shall be designed for a maximum be provided for coated welded steel and
deflection of 5 percent. The modulus of galvanized corrugated metal pipe where soil
elasticity for PVC pipe shall be assumed as and resistivity studies indicate that the pipe
one-third of the amount designated by the needs a protective coating, and where the need
compound cell classification to account for and importance of the structure warrant
long-term reduction in modulus of elasticity. additional protection and longevity. If cathodic
Different reductions in modulus may be protection is not provided for in the original
appropriate for other plastic pipe materials. design and installation, electrical continuity in
the form of joint-bridging straps should be

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considered on pipes that have protective shall increase by at least 15 percent the
coatings. Cathodic protection should be added seepage path along the pipe.
later if monitoring indicates the need.
Trash Guard. To prevent clogging of the
Seepage Control. Seepage control along a conduit, an appropriate trash guard shall be
pipe conduit spillway shall be provided if any of installed at the inlet or riser unless the
the following conditions exist: watershed does not contain trash or debris that
could clog the conduit.
• The effective height of dam is greater than
15 feet. Other Outlets. A pipe with a suitable valve
shall be provided to drain the pool area if
• The conduit is of smooth pipe larger than 8 needed for proper pond management or if
inches in diameter. required by State law. The principal spillway
• The conduit is of corrugated pipe larger conduit may be used as a pond drain if it is
than 12 inches in diameter. located where it can perform this function.
Seepage along pipes extending through the Auxiliary spillways. Auxiliary spillways
embankment shall be controlled by use of a convey large flood flows safely past earth
drainage diaphragm, unless it is determined embankments and have historically been
that anti-seep collars will adequately serve the referred to as “Emergency Spillways”.
purpose. An auxiliary spillway must be provided for each
Drainage Diaphragm. The drainage dam, unless the principal spillway is large
diaphragm shall function both as a filter for enough to pass the peak discharge from the
adjacent base soils and a drain for seepage routed design hydrograph and the trash that
that it intercepts. The drainage diaphragm comes to it without overtopping the dam. The
shall consist of sand meeting the requirements following are minimum criteria for acceptable
of ASTM C-33, for fine aggregate. If unusual use of a closed conduit principal spillway
soil conditions exist such that this material may without an auxiliary spillway: a conduit with a
not meet the required filter or capacity cross-sectional area of 3 ft or more, an inlet
requirements, a special design analysis shall that will not clog, and an elbow designed to
be made. facilitate the passage of trash.

The drainage diaphragm shall be a minimum of The minimum capacity of a natural or

2 feet thick and extend vertically upward and constructed auxiliary spillway shall be that
horizontally at least three times the outside required to pass the peak flow expected from a
pipe diameter, and vertically downward at least design storm of the frequency and duration
18 inches beneath the conduit invert. The shown in Table 2, less any reduction creditable
drainage diaphragm shall be located to conduit discharge and detention storage.
immediately downstream of the cutoff trench, The auxiliary spillway shall safely pass the
but downstream of the centerline of the dam if peak flow, or the storm runoff shall be routed
the cutoff is upstream of the centerline. through the reservoir. The routing shall start
The drainage diaphragm shall be outletted at either with the water surface at the elevation of
the embankment downstream toe using a drain the crest of the principal spillway or at the water
backfill envelope continuously along the pipe to surface after 10 days’ drawdown, whichever is
where it exits the embankment. Drain fill shall higher. The 10-day drawdown shall be
be protected from surface erosion. computed from the crest of the auxiliary
spillway or from the elevation that would be
Anti-seep Collars. When anti-seep collars are attained if the entire design storm were
used in lieu of a drainage diaphragm, they shall impounded, whichever is lower. Auxiliary
have a watertight connection to the pipe. spillways shall provide for passing the design
Maximum spacing shall be approximately 14 flow at a safe velocity to a point downstream
times the minimum projection of the collar where the dam will not be endangered.
measured perpendicular to the pipe but not
more than 25 feet. The minimum spacing shall Constructed auxiliary spillways are open
be 10 feet. Collar material shall be compatible channels that usually consist of an inlet
with pipe materials. The anti-seep collar(s) channel, a control section, and an exit channel.
They shall be trapezoidal and shall be located
in undisturbed or compacted earth or in-situ
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rock. The side slopes shall be stable for the shall extend to the anticipated low water
material in which the spillway is to be elevation at a slope no steeper than three
constructed. For dams having an effective horizontal to one vertical.
height exceeding 20 feet, the auxiliary spillway
Inlet protection. If surface water enters the
shall have a bottom width of not less than 10
pond in a natural or excavated channel, the
side slope of the pond shall be protected
Upstream from the control section, the inlet against erosion.
channel shall be level for the distance needed
Excavated material. The material excavated
to protect and maintain the crest elevation of
from the pond shall be placed so that its weight
the spillway. The inlet channel may be curved
will not endanger the stability of the pond side
to fit existing topography. The grade of the exit
slopes and it will not be washed back into the
channel of a constructed auxiliary spillway shall
pond by rainfall. It shall be disposed of in one
fall within the range established by discharge
of the following ways:
requirements and permissible velocities.
Uniformly spread to a height that does not
Structural auxiliary spillways. If chutes or
exceed 3 feet, with the top graded to a
drops are used for principal spillways or
continuous slope away from the pond.
auxiliary spillways, they shall be designed
according to the principles set forth in the Part Uniformly placed or shaped reasonably well,
650, Engineering Field Handbook and the with side slopes assuming a natural angle of
National Engineering Handbook, Section 5, repose. The excavated material will be placed
Hydraulics; Section 11, Drop Spillways; and at a distance equal to the depth of the pond but
Section 14, Chute Spillways. The minimum not less than 12 feet from the edge of the pond.
capacity of a structural spillway shall be that
Shaped to a designed form that blends visually
required to pass the peak flow expected from a
with the landscape.
design storm of the frequency and duration
shown in table 2, less any reduction creditable Used for low embankment construction and
to conduit discharge and detention storage. leveling of surrounding landscape.
Table 2. Minimum auxiliary spillway capacity Hauled away.
Minimum design
Visual resource design. The visual design of
Drainage height of Minimum
ponds should be carefully considered in areas
area dam1 Storage Frequency duration of high public visibility and those associated
(Ac.) (Ft.) (Ac-Ft) (Years) (Hours) with recreation. The underlying criterion for all
20 or less 20 or less < than 50 10 24
visual design is appropriateness. The shape
and form of ponds, excavated material, and
20 or less > than 20 < than 50 25 24
plantings are to relate visually to their
> than 20 < than 50 25 24 surroundings and to their function.
All others 50 24
The embankment may be shaped to blend with
1. As defined under “Conditions where Practice Applies”.
the natural topography. The edge of the pond
2. Select rain distribution based on climatological region. may be shaped so that it is generally curvilinear
Criteria for Excavated Ponds rather than rectangular. Excavated material
can be shaped so that the final form is smooth,
Runoff. Provisions shall be made for a pipe
flowing, and fitting to the adjacent landscape
and auxiliary spillway, if needed, that will meet
rather than angular geometric mounds. If
the capacity requirements of Table 2. Runoff
feasible, islands may be added for visual
flow patterns shall be considered when locating
interest and to attract wildlife.
the excavated pond and placing the spoil.
Cultural Resources. Consider existence of
Side slopes. Side slopes of excavated ponds
cultural resources in the project area and any
shall be stable and shall not be steeper than
project impacts on such resources. Consider
one horizontal to one vertical. If livestock will
conservation and stabilization of archeological,
water directly from the pond, a watering ramp
historic, structural, and traditional cultural
of ample width shall be provided. The ramp
properties when appropriate.

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Fish and Wildlife. Project location and soluble and sediment-attached substances
construction should minimize the impacts to that are carried by runoff.
existing fish and wildlife habitat.
• Effects on the visual quality of onsite and
When feasible, structure should be retained, downstream water resources.
such as trees in the upper reaches of the pond
• Short-term and construction-related effects
and stumps in the pool area. Upper reaches of
of this practice on the quality of
the pond can be shaped to provide shallow
downstream water courses.
areas and wetland habitat.
• Effects of water level control on the
If fish are to be stocked, consider criteria and temperatures of downstream water to
guidance in conservation practice standard prevent undesired effects on aquatic and
399, Fishpond Management. wildlife communities.
• Effects on wetlands and water-related
Vegetation. Stockpiling topsoil for placement wildlife habitats.
on disturbed areas can facilitate revegetation.
• Effects of water levels on soil nutrient
Consider placement and selection of vegetation processes such as plant nitrogen use or
to improve fish and wildlife habitat and species denitrification.
• Effects of soil water level control on the
Water Quantity. Consider effects upon
salinity of soils, soil water, or downstream
components of the water budget, especially:
• Effects on volumes and rates of runoff,
• Potential for earth moving to uncover or
infiltration, evaporation, transpiration, deep
redistribute toxic materials such as saline
percolation, and ground water recharge.
• Variability of effects caused by seasonal or
• Effects on downstream flows and impacts Plans and specifications for installing ponds
to environment such as wetlands, aquifers, shall be in keeping with this standard and shall
and; social and economic impacts to describe the requirements for applying the
downstream uses or users. practice to achieve its intended purpose.
• Potential for multiple purposes. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE
Water Quality An operation and maintenance plan shall be
• Consider effects on erosion and the developed and reviewed with the landowner or
movement of sediment, pathogens, and individual responsible for operation and

May 2011

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