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Gender equality

Anita Dewi Permatasari_11


Good morning Ms. ezi and friends. I am Anita

and today i will be presenting about gender
equality. Gender quality is an effort to fight
for the rights of both sexes, both male and
female. Their equality must be the same in
both rights and obligations.


Gender equality is still a very big problem in Indonesia. For example, tax and
inheritance laws discriminate against women and legislation to protect women
against sexual harassment and domestic violence is weak or goes unenforced.
Gender equality is a human right, where people of all genders have equal rights,
responsibilities, and opportunities. Everyone is affected by gender inequality. It
impacts people of all ages and backgrounds. Yet, women and girls around the world
do not fully have equal rights. Women are underrepresented in power and decision-
making roles. Women and girls make up half of the planet’s population. Their
empowerment is essential in expanding economic growth and promoting social
development in a sustainable way. Gender inequality remains an everyday reality
for the world’s women and girls. Despite critical advances over the course of recent
history, women in all countries can face various forms of unfair treatment. They
receive unequal pay for equal work, they continue to be targets of sexual abuse,
discrimination, harassment, and domestic violence. Women also face legal and
other barriers that affect their opportunities at work and as entrepreneurs.
This country needs gender equality, where men and
women enjoy the same privileges, rules, and rights.
In Indonesia, women comprise almost half (49.7%) of
the country’s population, according to BPS-Statistics
Indonesia in 2010.But despite there being almost equal
numbers of men and women in Indonesia, the 2010
country’s census data and the Gender Disparity Index
series continue to show that women are not offered
equal opportunities in Indonesia today.

Gender equality begins because of the belief that

some people support the theory that their equality
is not the same or that one is superior to one of
them. gender equality is a difference between
genders that must be stopped.

Thank YOU!

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