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Annexure- I

Micro- Project Proposal

Title of Micro-Project: Merge Sort.

1.0 Aims/ Benefits of the Micro – Project :

We can learn to sort input array using the merge sorting method.
2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed
a) Perform basic operations on arrays.
b) Apply different searching and sorting techniques.

3.0 Proposed Methodology (Procedure in brief that will be followed to do the micro-project)

We will prepare merge sort algorithm and flowchart. Using that algorithm, we will develop a c
program. We will input an array for sorting and prepare final report based on output

4.0 Action Plan (Sequence and time required for major activity)

Name of
Sr.No Planned Planned
Details of activity responsible team
. start date finish date
1 Topic Selection 5/10/21 18/10/21 Durva Yerunkar
2 Information Collection 19/10/21 25/10/21 Sakshi More
3 C Program 26/10/21 4/11/21 Fatima Mulla, Sakshi
4 Program Execution 9/11/21 26/11/21 Durva Yerunkar
5 Report 2/12/21 9/12/21 Fatima Mulla
5.0 Resources Required ( major resources such as raw material, some machining facility,
software etc.)

Sr.No Name of resource /

Specification Quantity Remarks
. material
1 Device = Laptop / Pc Install with C 03
compiler, and
2 c guide book any 03

Names of Team Members with Roll Nos.

1. Fatima Mulla 6203 2000270370.
2. Durva Yerunkar 6206 2000270380.
3. Sakshi More 6214 2000270393.

(To be approved by the concerned teacher)

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