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Santa Teresa del Carmelo

Profesor : Roberto Muñoz
Departamento de Inglés


Content: Diagnostic Test.

Name: Grade:

Total Score:37 pts Score achieved: Mark:

- Demostrar comprensión de ideas generales en textos, identificando vocabulario y

expresiones claves.
- Escribir información relevante.
- Formular preguntas y respuestas

* Read carefully the instructions from every activity.
* Answer carefully and clear.
* DO NOT COPY OR CHEAT in the process.

1. Write questions and answers following the model (12 points)

What is her job?

What is his job?
She is a doctor
He is a doctor

________________________ ______________________
________________________ ______________________

________________________ _____________________
________________________ _____________________

2. Read the text and answer True or False (8 points)

My name is Alexander, I am 27 years old and I am a teacher. I work in a school in

Talcahuano and I teach maths. Some students are afraid of maths, but when they try they
realize that it is easy. I like very much being a teacher and I don’t imagine myself having
other profession. My dream job always was to become a math teacher.
______ Alexander is an English teacher ______ He always wanted to be a teacher
______ Alexander works in Concepción ______ He teaches maths
Esc.Santa Teresa del Carmelo
Profesor : Roberto Muñoz
Departamento de Inglés

3. Match these words and phrases related to education with their definition

learning – scholarship – lecture – classmate – intensive course – higher education – science fair

a) _________________: an amount of money that is given by school, an

organization, etc, to a student to help pay for the student’s education.
b) __________________ : a member of the same class at a school or college
c) __________________ : a formal talk on a serious subject given to a group
d) __________________: an event at which science projects created by students
are presented.
e) ___________________: education beyond the secondary level, usually
provided by a college or university
f) ___________________: the activity or process of gaining knowledge or skill by
g) ___________________: a course that offers lots of training in order to reach a
goal in as short a time as possible.

4. Write the name of 10 applications (apps) we use to learn and communicate in

the digital era (10 points)

Write the apps


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