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Saliva-secreting cells which produce the enzymes in saliva

Pancreatic cells which secret enzymes for digestion

Pancreatic cells which secret hormones for blood glucose level

The cells in testes that secret male sex hormones which are lipids

Its is bounded by a double membrane. The inner membrane is highly folded.

It is the main site for respiration. It converts chemical energy in food into energy that the cell
can use.

The number of mitochondria in a cell is related to the energy requirement of the cell. Generally,
more mitochondria are present in the cells that use a lot of energy.

e.g. muscle cell


liver cell high level of metabolic activities

enzyme-secreting cell

synthesis of enzymes

epithelial cell in the inner wall of the small intestine

Enzyme-secreting cell Synthesis of enzymes

Muscle cell Contraction
Liver cell High levels of metabolic activities
Epithelial cell in the inner wall of small Absorption of nutrients
Root hair cell Absorption of minerals


It is present in green plant cells, e.g. palisade mesophyll cells and guard cells in the leaves. It is
not present in animal cells

It is bounded by a double membrane, with a network of membrane inside.

It contains a green pigment called chlorophyll, which captures light energy and converts it into
chemical energy in food in photosynthesis.

Starch grains are often present inside. This is because some of the glucose produced through
photosynthesis is converted into starch and temporarily stored in the chloroplast.

Plants cells such as the epidermal cells of onion and root hair cells have no chloroplasts.

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