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1.1 What is Chemistry about?

What is matter?
The world around us is made up of matter. Matter is anything that occupies
space and has mass. One particular type of matter is called substance. Iron,
water, air are examples of substances.
What is Chemistry?
Chemistry is the study of substances, including their compositions,
structures, properties and the changes among them.
1.2 Observations, Analyzes and interpretations
A. Observations
-Feeling with hands
-Seeing with eyes
-Smelling with noses
-Hearing with ears
B. Analyses and interpretations
-record the experimental results carefully and fully
-analyze the experimental results
-interpret (explain) them
-draw conclusions for the experiment(crucial step)
1.3 Laboratory safety
1) Do not work in the laboratory unless your teacher is present.
2) Follow strictly the instructions given by your teacher.
3) Never run around or play in the laboratory. Do not leave your bench
unless it is necessary.
4) Do not touch any chemicals with bare hands.
5) Dispose of solid waste (e.g. broken glass, filter paper, copper turning,
etc.) in the waste bin, never in the sink.
6) Clean up all the spillage (on the floor or bench) at once. Clean up the
bench after experiment.
7) Report all accidents and breakages to your teacher at once.
8) In case any chemical gets into eyes, flush the eyes with running water
immediately for at least three times.
9) For chemical burns on skin, place the affected area under slowly running
water until the pain fades.
10) Take all necessary safety precautions.

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