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Name Gaurav Kumar

Roll no. 2110110619

End sem exam INT101

Is International Relations (IR) an autonomous discipline? Argue your case.

(1. Discuss the relations between IR and Political Science. 2. Please
remember that you are expected to take a stand. 4. Use illustrations.)

The history of international relations can be traced back thousands of years. Thucydides, a
Greek historian (430-406 BC), is thought to be the first scholar to write about IR when he
mentions the struggle between Athens and Sparta in his 'History of the Peloponnesian War.'
Following World War 1, Europeans were the first to formally begin studying International
Relations as a discipline. The Department of International Politics at the University of Wales
established it as a subject in 1919. This advancement was made to investigate the causes of
because of this. Countries such as the United Kingdom and France are accused of abusing the
Treaty of Versailles to enrich themselves at the expense of Germans and others. The League's
ability to keep the world at peace was limited. The League had some flaws that resulted in
World War II. After WWII, traditional ideas for studying world politics were questioned, and
discussions in the field of international relations erupted.

There are a few responsibilities that stand alone as a discipline. What are the essential
components of a self-contained academic field? I'd like to add three characteristics to my
response to this asked question. These traits aren't exclusive to IR; they can be applied to a
variety of subjects. Any discipline should inherit these characteristics to become a self-
contained field of study.
First and foremost, an autonomous field should have a well-developed body of theories. It
states expressly that a discipline must follow a set of rules. These laws give scholars a
framework to work within when conducting research and concluding. With the passage of
time, these hypotheses arose to meet the needs of the period. Each of the presented principles
has supporters and detractors who dispute and scrutinise its validity. In IR, we have Realism,
which was invented by Hans Morgenthau and gained traction and prominence during the' mid
twentieth century,' Liberalism, which was invented by John Locke in the seventeenth century,
Constructivism, which began in the penultimate decade of the twentieth century, and so on.
Then there are techniques and paradigms, which are required by a discipline. Methodology is
a collection of procedures for putting a fresh idea to the test in any discipline. Paradigms, on
the other hand, are utilised to provide a reference point or framework for theory. Whether it is
Realism vs. Idealism or Behaviouralist vs. Traditionalism, we have seen Great Debates in the
field of IR literature. Some scholars claim that various perspectives or approaches for
studying the same issue or course will fracture the field, while others contend that
diversification will strengthen it. This attitude of questioning and criticising established
methods and beliefs, in my opinion, would help the discipline to spread.
The third need for a discipline is that the subject matter be distinct. Previously, international
relations (IR) were thought to be a subset of political science, or a study concerned with inter-
national relations. However, IR was a far bigger topic than that. It is an interdisciplinary
approach to a subject that is not homogeneous. At the global level, it investigates history,
social culture, economics, and a variety of other topics. "Under the gaze of entire nations
scared to recognise the simplicity of the beauty of peace, flowers open in a beautiful moonlit
Aberjhani's book Elemental: The Power of Illuminated Love beautifully discusses the
importance of peace in international order. International organisations, international NGOs,
international security, global terrorism, and global interests such as human rights are now
included in the IR domain, among many others.
From 1648 to today, the course of IR has evolved through several stages and is now a
globally recognised academic discipline. International organisations have accomplished a lot,
from resolving disputes to promoting development. "We must employ the United Nations
Security Council, and we believe that maintaining law and order is one of the few ways to
prevent international relations from devolving into chaos in today's complicated and chaotic
world." "The law is still the law, and we must obey it whether we like it or not," Vladimir
Putin, one of the world's most powerful presidents, says.
Political Science is old science, which implies it dates to the founding of society. Aristotle
established its foundations, and philosophers analysed situations of people obeying the
leadership. In the mid-twentieth century, there was an "identity crisis," and political science
faced numerous challenges in becoming an autonomous discipline of study. By that time,
international relations, which had previously been limited to two cases: peace or war, had
evolved into a variety of forms, such as alliances and polarisation. International relations
encompass all interactions and factors between states, and their influence extends beyond a
state's borders. These relationships arose as a natural by-product of society's development. It
took its final form as an autonomous discipline study in the last years after World War II, at a
time when the United States was allied with Europe against Nazism.
International Relations is more than just a subject to be studied. Working and research
opportunities are also provided by the discipline's diversity. Higher education in the field can
help an individual create his or her own thoughts and viewpoints. Many undergraduate and
graduate degrees are available in this area. In terms of a career, IR offers a variety of well-
known and respected options. One can work for political think tanks, corporate MNCs,
international organisations, and international NGOs, and diplomacy is one of the most
exciting professions to pursue.

There is a common misconception that the increasing nature of IR will make it difficult to
manage. A common misconception is that IR lacks a conceptual basis. However, pessimism
and intolerance are the root causes. To support theses and research, the topic now has a
theoretical framework and paradigms. The scope of IR is expanding, which may lead to
further analysis and specialisation within the field. IR has instilled its concepts in history,
political science, economics, and other applied sciences. There is no reason to believe that
increasing the scope of IR will make it less understandable. It will, in my opinion, aid in the
maturation and growth of the discipline. All the many perspectives, ideas, methodologies,
paradigms, and the discipline's ongoing progress, as well as the ability to see the subject’s
‘revolution,' would reinforce and aid IR's emergence as a bold and well-defined branch of
social sciences.

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