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Agriculture sector of

Agriculture sector

• ‘The science or practice of farming,

including cultivation of the soil for the
growing of crops and the raising of
animals to provide food, wool, and other
• Agriculture is the backbone of Pakistan
The main agriculture products are:
• Cotton, Wheat, Rice, Sugarcane, Fruits,
• Pakistan is the world's largest producers
of raw cotton.
• Tobacco is grown mainly in the NWFP
and Punjab.

• Agriculture helps the country in the

development of economy. Pakistan is also
an agriculture country.
• its total area is 7,96,096 square kilometer.
• 70% of our total population is living in the
• In Pakistan, the best area for agriculture is
• Its soil is very fertile and irrigation system
is fine and it has 57% of the total
cultivation land.
• 68% of the population is engaged in
farming directly or indirectly.
• It contributes about 25% of our GDP.
• It provide livelihood about 68% people
living in rural areas.
• It employs 45% of the total national labor
• about 25% of Pakistan total land area is
under cultivation.
Problems of Agriculture
Sector in Pakistan
Techno-Economic Problems
There are a lot of problems faced by the
agriculture sector. The techno-economic
problems faced are as follows :

• Limited Cultivable area.

• Water Logging and Salinity.
• Slow Growth of Allied Products.
• Low Per Hectare Yield.
• Inadequate Infrastructure.
• Uneconomic Land Holdings.
• Old methods of production.
• Inadequate supply of agricultural Inputs.
• Lack of irrigation facilities.
• Inadequate agricultural research.
• Problems of land reforms.
• Defective land tenure system.
• Subsistence farming.
• Low cropping intensity.
• Improper Crop Rotation.
Limited Cultivation Area

• The total area of Pakistan is

about 79.6 million hectares.

• Only 23.7 million hectares

area is used for
agricultural purposes.
Water logging and Salinity

• Salt deposits on land.

• Low plant growth.

• Water logging and salinity

affect about 0.10 million
acre of land.
Slow growth of allied products

“Allied products refer to those that are not

agricultural but indirectly help the farmers to
improve his living standard”.

• Pakistan is in-sufficient in the production of

fruits, milk, poultry, fisheries, livestock and
• All of these factors as a result affect the other
industrial sector.
Low per hectare yield

• low per hectare yield of

agricultural crops.

• Unskilled labor.
Inadequate infrastructure

• Lack of infrastructure.

• Lack of transport.

• Electricity is available to
only ¾ rural population.
Uneconomic land holdings

• Increase in population.
• Division of land by inheritance.
• Less area for cultivation.
• Uneconomic use of machinery.
Old method of production

• Old machinery.
• Old and orthodox techniques.
Agricultural Problems
• Inadequate Supply of Agricultural
Inputs The supply of modern inputs like high yielding
variety (HYV) seeds, chemical fertilizers, pesticides,
mechanized machinery etc. not only costly but also
inadequate and irregular in Pakistan. Numbers of fertilizer
producing units are just 10 in Pakistan
• Lack of Irrigation Facilities Shortage of
irrigation facilities causes a serious
limitation in the expansion of crop area in
Pakistan. The lower water supplies, loses
from water course in the fields are the
serious problems of farm sector.
• Inadequate Agricultural Research The
average crop yield in Pakistan is very low
as compared to advanced countries of the
world. In order to raise the potential of
agricultural production, there should be
continuous improvement in the research
for agricultural growth. Total agricultural
universities and colleges are only 16 in
• Problem of Land Reforms:
Land reforms have been implemented
against the will of people. Due to this
problem agricultural production cannot
increase to desired level.
• Subsistence Farming:
A huge of portion of production is consumed at
farmer’s own house to support large family.
Hence, less portion of the production is available
for market supply. It causes low income of the
farmers. Farming is not conducted at
commercial level in Pakistan.
• Low Cropping Intensity Cropping
intensity means the number of crops
grown on a piece of land in one year. At
the present stage of our development,
there is low level of cropping intensity as
compared to advanced countries.
• Improper Crop Rotation Proper turning
round of crops is essential to re-establish
the fertility of the land. The constant
cultivation of one crop or two; exhausts
the fertility of the soil. Proper rotation of
crops is necessary in order to restore the
• Defective Land Tenure System.
Landlords and feudal-lords live in posh
urban areas while tenants and peasants
have no or less incentive for their hard
work. So, the productivity in agricultural
sector remains low.
Natural Factors
• Various Plant Diseases
- Various agricultural crops like cotton,
sugarcane, tobacco, wheat and rice often under
attack of pests and insects
• Natural Calamities
- Reduction in productivity due to unnecessary
rain and unfavorable climatic situations in
• Scarcity of HYV Seeds
- Use of low quality seeds due to non-
availability of High Yielding Variety (HYV)
• Under Utilization of Land
- Farmers are not interested to use the
advanced and modern means of farming, as a
result area under cultivation remains under
utilized, un-utilized or mis-utilized.
Socio-Economic factors
• Consumption Oriented
- Farmers spend more when they have more
due to illiteracy
• Joint Family System
- It creates deficiency in saving and
investment. A huge part of farmer’s
productivity is consumed at his own house.
• Illiteracy and Ill-health
- They are untrained and inefficient to boost
up the agricultural productivity.
- The health of farmers is improper due to
rural backwardness.
• Political Instability
• Lack of Guidance
Solutions to Problems
Solutions to Problems

• Supply of Agriculture
• Water Logging and
Salinity Control
• Construction of Dams
• Provision of HYV Seed
• Mechanization
Solutions to Problems(Cont..)

• Agricultural Research

• Agro-based Industries

• Tax Concessions

• Training of Farmers
• Prices of Agricultural
• Improve scarcity of
• Preventive measures
against plant diseases
• Co-operative farming
• Better means of transport
and communication
Being an agrarian country, agricultural
sector of Pakistan’s economy is still
backward. Use of modern techniques,
provision of credit facilities, basic
infrastructure and agriculture research
facilities are needed to remove all the
problems of agriculture sector.
Thank You

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