Maintaining A Healthy Heart, in Productive Age

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The heart is the most important organ in the human body. The function of
the heart itself is pumping blood throughout the body. Nowadays food or
drinks that contain lots of sugar are also pupular and are not even rarely
found on the roadside. Cigarette, this has also become a primary need for
every man (mostly) and some women, they all know smoking is harmful to
health. Nicotine is the main cause why smoker is difficult to stop smoking,
nicotine affects brain performance so that it can trigger dependency.
Coronary heart disease-often simply called heart disease. The simplest
explanation is there is a build of plaque (pile of fat, cholesterol, and other
substances) on the inner walls of the arteries and cause arteries that carry
blood to the heart to become blocked. Healthy life in old age can be
cultivated. One way. adopting a healthy lifestyle since young. Unhealthy
lifestyles can accelerate the aging of body cells. If the lifestyle while much is
irregular, the process of cell damage in old age bees quickly occurs. In the
modern era, there is a shift in the age group of people with heart disease
from what was originally suffered by old age now creeping into productive
age. Various technologies that make it easier for users actually make a
lifestyle far from healthy. Health is a major factor that will make us active to
do whatever we want. That's why healthy is expensive if we don't adopt a
healthy lifestyle when we are young, not just ourselves who need to be
Kata Kunci :Healthy Heart, Human Body, Modern, Lifestyle

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ 2
TABLE OF CONTENT ..................................................................................... 3
TABLE OF PICTURES...................................................................................... 3
I.1 Background Of Study ............................................................................. 4
I.2 Statement Of Problem ........................................................................... 5
I.3 Goal And Benefit Reserach..................................................................... 5
I.4 Limitiation Of Problem........................................................................... 6
II.1 Heart........................................................................................................ 7
II.2 Heart Disease........................................................................................... 7
II.3 Maintaining Heart Health........................................................................ 8
II.4 Productive Age........................................................................................ 8
II.5 Surabaya.................................................................................................. 8
III.1 Qualitative .............................................................................................9
III.2 How To Apply Qualitative Method........................................................9
IV.1 The Importance......................................................................................11
IV.2 The Risk Of Heart Diseas......................................................................12
V.1 Conclusion ..............................................................................................15


I.1 Background of Study

The heart is the most important organ in the human body. The function of the
heart itself is pumping blood throughout the body. As a means of transportation in
the body, blood is tasked with carrying nutrients and oxygen needed by the organs
of the body, as well as transporting residual substances. The heart and blood
vessels from the cardiovascular system to ensure our survival.
Heart disease is one of the main causes of mortality in the world, both in
developed and developing countries. There are several main causes of heart
disease including hypertension, cholesterol, diabetes mellitus and smoking, these
four are known risk factors for heart disease.
Why this is important because many people think they are too young to get
heart diseases, no matter whats your gender. The fact is that heart disease is the
number one threat in the world. The bad news is heart diseases initiate growth
significantly in a man’s at age 45, and age 55 for a woman. Although heart
disease is a scourge for everyone, this disease can be prevented. Prevention is one
of them by doing regular physical activity. The recommended form of physical
activity is isotonic physical activity, which is a type of exercise that involves large
muscles that do not do pressures and are continuous. For example cycling,
swimming, walking, light aerobics.
As the most populous city after Jakarta, of course it is a challenge for the
mayor of surabaya to move the economy forward to be more developed and more
productive. This is proven by the programs that she made, one of which is to
make some interesting parks. It aims to make people not saturated with activities
in the workspace so as to create productive resources by exercising the park. But
humans are still humans, feeling lazy is the main enemy so as not to move outside
the room where this will adversely affect their health in the future. Besides that
human consumption patterns that tend to eat fast food also affect human health

Nowadays food or drinks that contain lots of sugar are also pupular and are
not even rarely found on the roadside. Cigarette, this has also become a primary
need for every man (mostly) and some women, they all know smoking is harmful
to health. Nicotine is the main cause why smoker is difficult to stop smoking,
nicotine affects brain performance so that it can trigger dependency. Nicotine
itself is a substance that can naturally be found in tobacco. This substance is as
additive as cocaine or heroin. This research is very interesting considering in the
4.0 era where people, especially millennials, really like the instant, this will be a
challenge for them. unhealthy lifestyles in productive age will greatly affect one's

I.2 Statement Of The Problem

Based on the background that has been explained above, then some of the
problems obtained in this study,
1. What is the importance of maintaining a healthy heart in productive age ?
2. What are the risk of heart disease in relation to modern life rule of
productive age ?

I.3 Goal And Benefit Of Research

The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of the daily activities of
surabaya city residents on heart health. And here are some of the benefits:
1. Author’s benefits.
The author can find out the character of the city of surabaya
residents of his health, and can educate about how to maintain heart
health in order to avoid heart disease.
2. Reader benefits.
Useful to add insight into the city of Surabaya residents about the
importance of maintaining heart health in the productive age.

I.4 Limitations Of Study

Limitation of a problem is used to avoid any deviation or expansion of the
main problem so that the research is more directed and facilitates the discussion so

that the objectives in the research will be achieved. The scope of this research in
the productive age community in Surabaya


II.1 Heart
The heart is a muscular organ that is hollow and the size of a fist. The main
function of the heart is pumping blod to the blood vessels with rythmic and
repetitive contractions. The normal heart consists of four chambers, 2 upper heart
chambers called the atria and 2 heart chambers below called ventricles, which
function as pumps. The wall that separates the two atria and ventricles into the
right and left is called the septum.

Picture 2.1 Parts of The Heart

II.2 Heart Disease

Coronary heart disease-often simply called heart disease. The simplest
explanation is there is a build of plaque (pile of fat, cholesterol, and other
substances) on the inner walls of the arteries and cause arteries that carry blood to
the heart to become blocked. Heart disease can cause a heart attack if oxygen and
nutrients that enter the heart are completely obstructed by plaque, and this causes
the heart muscle to suffer permanent damage. This is one type of cardiovascular
disease which is an abnormality in the heart and blood vessels.

II.3 Maintaining Heart Health

Maintaining heart health can be done with a few simple steps, such as living a
healthy lifestyle and eating patterns. Maybe you also have often heard doctors
recommend routine exercise, maintaining ideal body weight, and not smoking.
This is because some of these steps are effective methods for maintaining heart

II.4 Productive Age

Productive age is a time when someone is still able to work optimally and can
still continue to develop businesses to meet the needs of personal life and many
people. The increasing number of productive age also increases the number of
workers in this country. In fact, if the number continues to increase, it is not
impossible if the workforce in a country will be fully dominated by productive
age groups.
If managed properly, workers from this goup can help increase a country’s
level of productivity. Because the productive age workforce usually has
advantages both in terms of stamina, physical, as well as the level of intelligence
and creativity. For this reason, the government, companies and the generation
above this group should be able to manage and empower them as well as possible.

II.1 Surabaya
Geography’s position as coastal settlement has made Surabaya a potential place
for stopovers and settlements for immigrants. This immigration process makes
Surabaya City a multi-ethnic city that is rich in culture. Various migrations, not
only from various etnic groups in the archipelago, such as Madura, Sunda, Batak,
Borneo, Bali, Sulawesi and Papua, but also from ethnic groups outside Indonesia,
such as ethnic Malaysia, Chinese, Arabs, Indians, and Europeans, come, stop and
settle down, live togather and mingle with the natives, forming cultural pluralism
which later became a characteristic of the City of Surabaya.


III.1 Qualitative
Qualitative research is an approach in conducting research oriented to natural
phenomena or symptoms. Given this orientation, it is fundamental and naturalistic
or natural in nature, and cannot be done in a laboratory, but in the field. Therefore,
this kind of research is often referred to as, naturalistic inquiry, or field study.

III.2 How To Apply Qualitative Method

Data Type
Researchers use quantitative data, because researchers obtain the data needed
and carry out documentation. Quantitative data is research by obtaining data in the
form of numbers or qualitative data that are assumed.
Data Source
Researchers use secondary data sources namely documentation that refers to
health report data. Secondary data is data that refers to information collected from
existing sources. documentation techniques are records of events that have already
passed. Documents can be in the form of writings, drawings or monumental works
of a person.
Data Collection Technique
Researchers used data collection techniques, namely observation and
documentation techniques. Because researchers observe and collect data.
Researchers compare the data obtained from the company with the theories of
experts, explore information with different techniques and determine the right
Data Analysis Technique
The data obtained in the field are quite a lot, for that it needs to be recorded
carefully and in detail. reducing data means: summarizing, choosing the main
things, focusing on the things that are important, looking for themes and patterns
and discarding unnecessary. Reduced data will provide a clear picture and make it
easier for researchers to do further data collection, and look for it if needed. After
that, the next step is processing data. Processing data in qualitative research can be

done in the form of: a brief description, charts, relationships between categories,
flowcharts and so on. Then draw conclusions, draw conclusions and verify the
initial conclusions presented are still temporary, and will change if no strong
evidence is found to support the next stage of data collection. However, if the
conclusions are indeed valid and consistent by the evidence when the researcher
returns to the field to collect data, then the conclusions put forward are credible


IV.1 The Importance

Someone will experience aging and it can not be avoided. This is not what we
look like when we are older, but what we have achieved while we are still young,
productive, have an extraordinary spirit, a passion for living happily with a
"beloved". But lifestyle has changed now, unhealthy habits can accelerate the
aging of body cells. Lifestyle that includes eating patterns, coupled with exercise
and adequate rest. An unhealthy lifestyle can trigger free radicals into the body.
The more free radicals enter the body, the more cells will be damaged. Free
radicals are easy to find around you. Ranging from unhealthy fried foods, air
pollution, cigarettes, to electromagnetic pollution. If this happens, of course it will
drain finance. This is what makes people worried their old age will only
inconvenience family burden. In fact, not always as you get older, health is often
disruptive. Not a few elderly people (elderly) who remain fit, productive, useful
and independent.
Healthy life in old age can be cultivated. One way. adopting a healthy lifestyle
since young. Unhealthy lifestyles can accelerate the aging of body cells. Lifestyle
that includes eating patterns, coupled with exercise and adequate rest. If the
lifestyle while much is irregular, the process of cell damage in old age bees
quickly occurs. Because, eating patterns and unhealthy lifestyles can trigger free
radicals into the body. These free radicals cause damage in various parts of the
cell. The more free radicals enter the body, the more cells will be damaged. Free
radicals are easily found around us. Ranging from unhealthy fried foods, air
pollution, cigarettes, to electromagnetic pollution. To resist free radical attack,
antioxidants are needed. Antioxidants will protect cells by capturing free radicals,
so molecules that were once dangerous do not threaten the cells in the body
These antioxidants can be obtained from healthy foods such as vegetables and
fruits. In addition, antioxidants can be obtained from bee and aloe vera products.
However, not everyone can meet their antioxidant needs. It's known, today's

lifestyle increasingly distance people from healthy eating. If it cannot be fulfilled
from food intake, we can get antioxidants from food supplements. In addition to
the elderly, these additional supplements are also good for children, pregnant and
lactating women, women of childbearing age, and smokers. In addition, people
affected by infections and oxidative stress are also advised to take this antioxidant
supplement. Someone should consume antioxidants since the productive period.
The goal is to maintain the fitness of cells and organs until old age. Food
supplements for the elderly can be consumed by someone entering the age of 40
years. However, if needed, the age of 35 years can also take this supplement. This
food supplement is also needed by parents. Because, the function of organs in the
elderly decreases starting from cell function, hormonal and digestive.
As a result, food consumed by the elderly cannot be absorbed properly by the
body. The decline in function of these organs also makes the elderly unable to
consume too much food. After all, the elderly are advised to reduce their food
portions. Therefore, excessive food intake will actually waste cell aging. Because
the food into the body is limited, of course the nutritional intake is also limited. In
fact, when entering old age, people certainly need as much nutrition as possible to
help increase their endurance. To overcome this, the elderly need to consume food
supplements. Food supplements consumed should contain vitamin C. Vitamin C
will help absorb vitamins and other minerals that the body needs. For the elderly,
these supplements should also be supplemented with other minerals, such as
vitamin B complex, vitamin D, omega 3 or gingko biloba. Vitamin B complex is
useful for increasing immunity. While vitamin D serves as an additional calcium
for bone health. There is also omega 3 for heart health, and gingko biloba
nourishes the brain and prevents senility. Even so, the elderly should take
supplements with low doses so that they are safe for consumption every day.
Small doses are safe because the absorption function of older people is lower than
younger people.

IV.1 The Risk Of Heart Disease In Relation To Modern Life

In the modern era, there is a shift in the age group of people with heart disease
from what was originally suffered by old age now creeping into productive age.
Various technologies that make it easier for users actually make a lifestyle far

from healthy. Productive age workers tend to have long working hours, work
behind a desk (move a little), not eat healthy food, and not exercise. Unhealthy
lifestyles and stress have a significant role in causing heart disease at a young age.
Heart disease can be prevented by paying attention to these risk factors. However,
there are some factors that cannot be prevented such as age, heredity, and gender.
Someone who has a family member with a history of heart disease or dies
suddenly before age 55 has a higher chance of developing heart disease. In
addition, with age the risk of heart disease will increase as well, and in men the
risk of heart disease has doubled. People with risk factors such as the above can
do an early cardiac examination.
Heart attack begins with the narrowing of the heart arteries due to cholesterol,
here the patient is sufficient with medication and lifestyle changes to control the
existing risk factors. If the constriction is severe enough ringing can be done to
prevent a heart attack. Then if there is a heart attack before damage to the heart
muscle, it is necessary to administer fibrinolytic as soon as possible to open the
blocked blood vessels to prevent heart damage. If a heart attack has caused muscle
damage to the heart. Treatment depends on how much and how long the heart
muscle damage occurs. Handling can be done with medication or cardiac surgery
to open blood vessels and save heart muscle that can still be saved.
Getting used to a healthy lifestyle is also very important. One of them is
smoking, reducing smoking is the single best thing you can do to protect your
heart. Smoking can damage the lining of your arteries, which causes a buildup of
fat content and narrows the blood vessels which will begin with symptoms of pain
in the chest. But not a few who know that arteries have narrowed after a heart
attack or stroke. Quitting this unhealthy habit will prove to be more beneficial for
your body. Exercising is also very helpful in maintaining your heart health, at
least 30 minutes every day. Exercise is not just about losing weight or forming an
ideal body weight. In addition to improving overall body health, exercise helps
our blood vessels relax and widen, allowing blood to flow more efficiently and to
nourish the heart. It stimulates the production of Nitric Oxide in the body, which
controls, regulates, and protects the cardiovascular system, ensuring you have a
healthier heart. If you find it difficult to exercise 30 minutes every day, try a short

walk all day to campus or at lunchtime, or maybe choose parking a little further
than usual.



Health is a major factor that will make us active to do whatever we want.

That's why healthy is expensive if we don't adopt a healthy lifestyle when we are
young, not just ourselves who need to be healthy. Everyone also has the right to
be healthy, it would be nice if we invite others to adopt a healthy lifestyle. A
healthy lifestyle is one way and lifestyle to maintain the health of the body of a
family member. The purpose is why we have to have a healthy lifestyle, of course,
so that we avoid a variety of diseases, besides that we also become people who are
disciplined in caring for our bodies so they are not susceptible to disease.


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