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1.1 Background of the Study

Every person in this world is living by communicating with each other. If

humans do not do communication, then their life will be difficult and it is hard for

them to make a relation with other people. To communicate with each other, we

need language. Language is a system of choices by which we can communicate

certain function, allowing us to express our experiences of the world, to interact

with others, and to create coherent message (Hyland, 2004:25). Every country

has its own means of communication, but commonly they uses English as an

international language.

There are four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

The most important component to master all the skills and English itself is

vocabulary. Because, no one can speak English if they have limited vocabulary

and without a proportional amount of vocabulary anyone will get trouble in their

listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students usually face problems in

mastering vocabulary. The lack of vocabulary can give difficulties in

understanding and mastering English in the learning process and in daily live.

Wilkins in Thornbury (2002:13) states that someone can be conveyed very little

ideas without grammar, but nothing can be conveyed without vocabulary. Also,

Hornby (2000) similarly says that vocabulary is the total number of words that

make up a language. Vocabulary is the key to students to understand what they

hear and read in school and to communicate successfully with other people.

Maru (2009) stated that “English has been taught in Indonesian schools

for several decades. Yet the long years with attachment to English as a subject

served from the elementary level till university level.” According to

Moring(2007), by mastering most of the English vocabulary the students are

able to speak English whether in teaching learning process or daily conversation.

Methods of teaching that the teacher uses is really important because they

directly affects teaching and learning process. According to school Based

Kurikulum Tingkat SatuanPendidikan (KTSP), the goal of teaching and learning

English at junior high school is that the students must be able to develop

communicative competence in written as well as in spoken form. They are

expected to be able to communicate both in the spoken and written form to solve

the problem in their daily lives. According to Samangun, Tuna, Rorimpandey

“The acquisition an educating vocabulary essential for successful foreign language

because without an extensive vocabulary we will unable to use structure and

function.” However, this goal is still hard to achieve. Therefore, appropriate

selection of teaching method and technique is a must.

The results of research conducted by Paivio (1971), Baggett(1989) and

Kozma(1991), about media combination and learning style indicate that by using

the right mix of media, learning from someone can be improved. That is why

picture can help students to improve their learning, especially to increase their

vocabulary (Beacham et al., 2002; Dede, 2000). As an example, information

conveyed using word (verbal) and relevant illustrations have a tendency to be

easier to learn and to understand than information that use text, sound, or

illustration only. Using picture as a media in teaching learning process can help

students to understand more what the teacher tried to teach. Combination of

picture and verbal information, according to the theory, helps students not only

to comprehend written texts, but also remember and recall new words easier.

Harmer (2001) states, “teachers have always used pictures or graphics

whether drawn, taken from books, newspaper or magazines, or photographs- to

facilitate learning”. She goes on to say, “one of the most appropriate uses for

pictures is for presenting and checking of meaning of the word airplane, for

example, is to have a picture of one”. Philips (1993) writes, “vocabulary is best

learned when the meaning of word(s) is illustrated for example by a picture, an

action or a real object”. In other words picture can be a best mean for presenting

of vocabulary.

The effectiveness of using picture (image/illustration) plus verbal (or text)

has been empirically verified. Yu LiYeh and Chai-Wei Wang (2003: 131) found

that the perceptual learning styles investigated were auditory, visual-verbal (with

text), visual-nonverbal (with pictures), and mixed preferences. The results of the

study showed that the version with text plus picture was the most effective type

of vocabulary annotation.

Although theoretically and empirically found to be effective, the previous

studies were carried out in different educational, cultural and practical contexts

from those in North Moluccas, particularly at SMP Katolik Bintang Laut Tobelo.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Based on the observation at SMP Katolik Bintang Laut Tobelo, the

researcher found that the students have limited vocabulary and it made them

hard to understand what the teacher explain in process of learning English.

1.3 Research Question

Based on the description in the background of the study, the research

question addressed was: Does the use of picture effectively increase students’

vocabulary learning?

1.4 Purpose of the Study

The study was intended to describe the effectiveness of picture in helping

students increase their English vocabulary.

1.5 Significance of the Study

Through this study, the writer hopes that it can help the students to

increase their vocabulary and also can add knowledge and information for

whoever that read this study. Also, this study can help teacher and the writer

herself to do better in learning and teaching process in the classroom, especially

to increase students’ vocabulary.

1.6 Delimitation of the Study

The writer delimited her study in the application of picture to increase

student English vocabulary at SMP Katolik Bintang Laut Tobelo. The writer used

“English On Sky 2” in Unit 2 “Busy People” with material “Talking About Jobs”.

1.7 Definition of Terms

Vocabulary refers to the stock of words used by particular people, class

person, number of art occupation or profession, etc. A list of words or phrase of

language, any collection, signs or symbol constituting a means or system of non-

verbal communication (Yerkes, 1989:1598).

Picture is a design or representation made by various means, such as

painting drawing or photography (Merriam Webster, 2018).

Increase is to become progressively greater as in size, amount, number or

intensity (Merriam Webster, 2019).



2.1 Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the most important part to communicate with other people.

If we are lack vocabulary, we cannot understand what people say. Vocabulary is

also a key to master all the skills in English which is listening, speaking, reading

and writing.

2.1.1 The definition of Vocabulary

Hornby(1995) defines vocabulary as the total number of words in a

language and vocabulary as a list of words with their meaning. Based on the

definition stated above, it can be concluded that vocabulary is a list of words that

students get in school from teacher and other source that have their meaning.

2.1.2 The Importance of Vocabulary

To master English easier, vocabulary is a must to be learned first. If

students have lack vocabulary, then it will be difficult to understand what other

people say to them. They also cannot convey what in their mind to other people.

Wilkins in Thornbury (2002) stated that without grammar very little can be

conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. Furthermore, Rogahan,

Liando, Maru, (2016) explained that “The crucial role that vocabulary plays is

admitted by experts in second/foreign language teaching. All this experts

implicitly admit that vocabulary should be the focus of foreign language teaching

if learning a foreign language is to be successful”(p.2). Based on the states

above, it means that vocabulary is important to students in learning English.

Vocabulary helps students to master English easier. Vocabulary also helps

student to make a good communication with other people in English. Because,

when students have lack vocabulary, they will get trouble in speaking English. So,

vocabulary is important to be learned. McCrostie (2007) believed that having a

large and varied vocabulary is the indicator of communicative competence, and it

is one of the important aspects of language learning. If someone has a lack

vocabulary, they will find some difficulties in expressing their idea in oral or

written. One should be able to master adequate vocabulary to convey his/her


2.2 Dual Coding Theory

Dual coding theory proposed by Paivio attempts to give equal weight to

verbal and non-verbal processing. Paivio(1971) states that human cognition is

unique in that it has become specialized for dealing simultaneously with language

and with nonverbal objects and events. Moreover, the language system is

peculiar in that it deals directly with linguistic input and output (in the form of

speech or writing) while at the same time serving a symbolic function with

respect to nonverbal objects, events, and behavior. Any representational theory

must accommodate this dual functionality”. (see also Baggett, 1989).

2.3 Picture

2.3.1 Definition of Picture

According to Andrew Wright (1989), picture is just not an aspect of

method by through their representation of places, object, and people.They are an

essential part of the overall experience. In other words, picture helps students to

experiences what they see. They also make students imagine more efficiently by

looking at the picture. Furthermore, a definition was provided about picture by

accurate and reliable dictionary:

 The art of painting

 A representation of anything (as a person, a landscape, a building)

upon, paper, or other surface, produce by mean of painting, drawing

or photography.

 An image or resemblance, a representation, to the eye or to the mind,

by its likeness to something else in the mind.

 To draw or paint a resemblance; or presenting an idea likeness.

 Graphic art involving of an artistic composition made by applying

paints to a surface.

 A visual representation produced on a surface.

 A clear mental image.

 A graphic or vivid verbal description. (Accurate and Reliable

Dictionary, 2004-2010)

2.3.2 Types of Pictures

Bowen (1973) classifies pictures into the following types:

 Wall Charts

They portray a phase of a subject. Wall chart could be a product of

photograph, artist’s drawing, symbols, graph and text.

 Wall Picture

Simply, this sort of pictures is a large description of scene or event or

set of both, generally it is used with the full class. Wall picture could

take place of something for instance the sky, the sun, the cloud, the

sea and others. They are unreasonable to bring into classroom.

 Flash Card

Word flashcard is a card with printed word; they are very effective to

the teacher, because they illustrate the exact required objectives.

Picture flashcard is beneficial in the case of representing single

concept, for example: an object or an action.

 Words Cards

They involve visual cards such as text magazine picture, drawing,

maps, and diagrams. Thus, teacher should be aware about all the

source of pictures and understand well which picture to be used in the

EFL classes.

2.3.3 Criteria of a Good Picture

Using picture to teach vocabulary helps students to remember every new

word and understand the material easily. Because, picture which could portray

things that cannot be explained by simple words. To make the teaching learning

process going well, teachers should know criteria of good pictures that been

used.According to Wright (1989), there are some criteria for selecting good

pictures for the learners, for instance:

 Pictures should be easy to prepare by teacher.

 Picture should be organized by the teacher.

 Pictures should be interesting.

 Pictures should be meaningful and authentic to help learners to

acquire a language and used it effectively.

 Pictures should have a sufficient amount of language.

From the explanation before, clearly that the criteria of a good picture is required

to be organized, meaningful and interesting to make students enjoy the learning

process and got the point of the material.

2.4 The Advantages of Using Pictures in Teaching English

There are advantages of pictures according to Gerlach and Elly (1980):

 Pictures are not expensive and generally available.

 They deliver common experiences for the whole group.

 The visual detail makes it possible to study which would otherwise be


 Pictures can help to prevent and correct misconception.

 Pictures offer stimulus to further study, reading and research. Visual

evidence is a powerful tool.

 They help to focus attention and to develop critical judgment.

As shown above, pictures are stimulating and can help misconception of

students. It is really helps students to learn English as a foreign language well.

Also helps student to increase their English vocabulary.

2.5 The Disadvantages of Using Pictures in Teaching English

However, there is always a downside of picture used. Aljafari (2014:3)

stated that “it can be quite consuming to find the right pictures for a specific type

of activity for a beginning teacher who lacks his or her own collection.

Furthermore, when the collection of pictures is once made, it can save for a long

time”.Furthermore, he argued that disadvantages of picture used in teaching and

learning process, are as follows:

 Students pay attention on the picture more than on learn material.

 It takes time and costs much to provide attractive picture.

 Small and unclear picture may arouse problem in the teaching

learning process.

 Pictures also need to be visible especially if they are being shown to

the whole class they need to be big enough for everyone to see.

To overcome the disadvantages, researcher did the following things:

 The researcher read the words and asked students to repeat one by


 The researcher made the material in a paper and gave it to the

students one material one student. So that, the students could see the

pictures and the words clearly.

2.6 Using Pictures in Teaching Vocabulary

Teaching vocabulary to students in order to make them mastering all the

English skill is not an easy task for teachers. Teachers have to provide many

kinds of techniques in order to make students enjoy the learning process. Pictures

are one technique that can be used to teach vocabulary in the class. Picture will

help students to understand the meaning of the words by looking at the picture.

Harmer (2001) states, “teachers have always used pictures or graphics

whether drawn, taken from books, newspaper or magazines, or photographs- to

facilitate learning”. Philips (1993) writes, “vocabulary is best learned when the

meaning of word (s) is illustrated for example by a picture, an action or a real

object”. In other words pictures can be a best mean for presenting of

vocabulary.Harmer (2001) states that one of the most appropriate uses for

pictures is for the presenting and checking of meaning of the word airplane, for

example, is to have a picture of one. This means, the picture is very useful in

showing and reviewing the meaning of certain words.

2.7 Previous Studies

Rina (2017) on her researcher entitled “The Use of Picture to Improve

Student’s Vocabulary of Seventh Grade at MTS TPI Sawit Seberang” This research

was aimed to find out the use of picture to improve student vocabulary. It was

showed from the mean of pre-test which was 46.3, after directed pictures was

applied in the first cycle, there was an improvement of the result of the students

mean which was 65.3 and for the second cycle after reflection on the first cycle

there was an improvement of students mean which was 83.1.

Liza (2011) investigated “The Effectiveness of Picture in Teaching

Vocabulary” and find out that using picture is effective and quite success and run

well in the class situation. By using pictures, students feel more interesting and

enjoy doing activities in the class; it also can give the students the opportunities

to be active in learning English vocabulary.

Rima (2016) obtained result of the investigation about the use of picture

in teaching vocabulary have confirmed the hypothesis and it revealed that the

incorporation of pictures in teaching English can create a pleasant atmosphere

that help learners to ameliorate their lexical knowledge appropriate. In other

words, pictures are useful aids for teacher in increasing pupils’ motivation

towards the learning process.

This research is “Increasing Students’ Vocabulary through Picture at SMP

KatolikBintangLautTobelo”. The researcher conducted this research at the second

grade of junior high school at SMP BintangLautTobelo. The researcher focused on

her research in increasing students’ vocabulary using picture. The similarity with

the previous ones is that the researcher tried to increase students’ vocabulary

using picture and the difference is that at the school especially the subject that

the researcher did the research was never taught using picture before in adding

their vocabulary.



3.1 Research Design

The research problem to be answered in this study was: Does using

picture effectively increasing students’ knowledge of vocabulary? In terms of the

research problem, this research is experimental in nature, because it aims at

describing a cause-effect relationship (see Gay, et al., 2012: 250-251) between

the independent variable, using picturesand the dependent variable, students’

knowledge of vocabulary. In other words, the research manipulated the

independent variable by selecting and usingpictures and observed its effect on

students’ knowledge of vocabulary. The relationship between the two variables

can be displayed as this:

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

students’ knowledgeof

Figure 1. Relationship between Independent-dependent Variables

Since the research involved only one group, the research design used was

one group pretest-posttest design. The design is visually presented as this:

Pretest (O) Posttest (O)
treatment (X)

Figure 2. One Group Pretest-Posttest Design

The data in this research were numerical in nature, because they were in

the form of test scores representing students’ knowledge of vocabulary. In

addition, the quantitative data were statistically analyzed; therefore, this study

could be classified as quantitative research.

It has been widely admitted that a pre-experimental research with one

group pretest-posttest design is weak in controlling extraneous variables which

may affect result of the experiment. That is why, since the same test was used in

both pretest and posttest, it was important to minimize pretesting effect. In this

research, pretesting effect was minimized by rearranging the test items so that

the order of the items in the posttest is different from that in the pretest. In

addition, since the length of an experiment may cause boredom, stress, anxiety

on the part of those involved in the experiment, the researcher decides to do her

research in only five meetings.

3.2 Subject of the Study

The researcher involvedeighth grade students of SMP Bintang Laut Tobelo

as the population of research. The grade consisted of twoclasses. A class

consisted of 21students was selected as the subject of this study.

3.3 Data Collection

As stated before, this research is a quantitative in nature. To obtain the

data which represent students’ ability in identifying main ideas, a fill-in test

wasused. The test consisted of 20 pictures in which the subjects were to write

down the names of the profession denoted by the picture in the empty space

provided. The test was developed based on vocabularythat had been introduced

the subjects. (seethetest enclosed in the appendix 3).

The test used must be valid. To ensure that it was valid in terms of its

construct and content, the test was validated by a team of experts. The team

consisted of two teachers in the school with minimally 5 years teaching

experience and hold S1 degree majoring in English.

The test used should also be reliable. In the present study, test reliability

was determined using split-half reliability technique. Result of the tryout was

separately scored on the basis of odd and even number, and resulted in two

groups of scores. These groups of scores were then statistically analyzed using

Pearson Product Moment for half test, and Spearman Brown for full test reliability.

Result of the analysis indicated that half-test is r xr = 0.1736 and full-test

reliability, r2 = 0.2906. It means that the test is reliable (see appendix 1). In

terms of items facility or item difficulty and discrimination power, the test is good in that

only items categorized as ideal and very good are included in the test (see appendix 2


3.4 Data Analysis

Since they are in the form of test scores, the data collected were analyzed

statistically using descriptive statistics. Thus, to answer the research question,

frequency distribution, the mean and standard deviation of both pre- and posttest

were computed and later on compared to determine the effectiveness of the

application of small group discussion technique.

Frequency distribution of scores was calculated using this formula:

Total number of students got a given score

Score % = -----------------------------------------------------
Total number of students

The mean of pretest and posttest scores, symbolized X and Y

respectively, was calculated using this formula:


X (Y ¿= the mean
∑χ (∑Y) = the sum scores of subjects X/Y
n = the total number of subjects

Standard deviation, symbolized as s, was computed using the following

Raw Score Method (Moore, 1983:251).

∑ x2
√ N
−¿( X ¿)¿ ¿2

s = standard deviation
X = mean
N = number of subjects



4.1 Presentation of Data

It has been mentioned before that the data in this research were collected

using fill-in test. The test consisted of 20 items, and the correct answer was

scored 1, and incorrect o. Results of the scoring is presented in Table 1.

Table 1: Pretest & Posttest Scores

No. Pretest Scores (X) Posttest Scores (Y)

1 8 11
2 12 14
3 11 12
4 6 10
5 7 13
6 10 15
7 5 9
8 10 11
9 7 8
10 10 13
11 6 10
12 8 8
13 9 12
14 11 10
15 13 16
16 10 13
17 6 14
18 7 8
19 10 9
20 7 8
21 9 10

For ease of statistical analysis, the above mentioned scores were then

converted into 1 – 10 range, and the converted version which is used for

statistical analysis is depicted in Table 2.

Table 2. Converted scores

No. Pretest Scores (X) Posttest Scores (Y)

1 4 6
2 6 7
3 6 6
4 3 5
5 4 7
6 5 8
7 3 5
8 5 6
9 4 8
10 5 7
11 3 5
12 4 4
13 5 6
14 6 5
15 7 6
16 5 7
17 3 7
18 4 4
19 5 6
20 4 6
21 5 5

These converted scores were then analyzed statistically using descriptive


4.2 Statistical Analysis of the Data

In analyzing the data using descriptive statistics, it is necessary for the

researcher to calculate frequency distribution, the mean, and the standard

deviation of the pretest and posttest scores.

4.2.1 Frequency Distribution of pretest and Posttest data

Frequency distribution of the two groups of data (pretest and posttest

scores) was done using the statistic mentioned in 3.4. Result of the calculation

using the statistic is presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Frequency Distribution of Pretest Data (scores)(X)

Scores Tally Frequency Freq. % Cum. Freq. Cum. %

7 I 1 5% 21 100%
6 IIII 4 19% 20 95%
5 IIIII II 7 33% 16 76%
4 IIIII I 6 29% 9 43%
3 III 3 14% 3 14%

As shown in Table 3, one (or 5%) subject got a seven, four (or 19%) got a six,

seven (33%) got a five, six (or 29%) got a four, and three (or 14%) got a three.

The highest score in the pretest was 7, and the lowest was 3. The results are

presented visually below.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 1. Frequency distribution of pretest data

As with the pretest data, the posttest data were calculated in the same

way using the same statistic. The results are presented in Table 4.

Table 4. Frequency Distribution of Posttest Data (scores) (Y)

Scores Tally Frequency Freq. % Cum. Freq. Cum. %

8 II 2 10% 21 100%
7 IIIII 5 24% 19 90%
6 IIIII II 7 33% 14 66%
5 IIIII 5 24% 7 33%
4 II 2 10% 2 10%

As shown in Table 4, in the posttest, two (or 10%) got an eight, five (or 24%)

got a seven, seven (or 33%) got a six, five (24%) got a five, and two (or 10%)

got a four. The highest score is 8, and the lowest is 4. Visually, the frequency

distribution of posttest scores is shown in Figure 2.

5 Freq-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 2. Frequency distribution of posttest data

4.2.2 The Mean and Standard Deviation of Pretest-Posttest Data

In order to calculate the mean and standard deviation, it was important to

firstly compute the sums and sum square of pretest (X) and posttest data

(scores) (Y). Based on the data in Table 1, the followings are obtained:

Table 4.Computation of sums and sums Square of X & Y

Pretest Posttest
No. Scores (X) X2 Scores (Y) Y2
1 4 16 6 36
2 6 36 7 49
3 6 36 6 36
4 3 9 5 25
5 4 16 7 49
6 5 25 8 64
7 3 9 5 25
8 5 25 6 36
9 4 16 8 64
10 5 25 7 49
11 3 9 5 25
12 4 16 4 16
13 5 25 6 36
14 6 36 5 25
15 7 49 6 36
16 5 25 7 49
17 3 9 7 49
18 4 16 4 16
19 5 25 6 36
20 4 16 6 36
21 5 25 5 25
2 2
N = 21 ∑X= 96 ∑X = 464 ∑Y = 126 ∑Y = 782

Pretest mean, symbolized as X , and posttest mean, symbolized as Y ,

were calculated and the results are as these:

X= = 4.6

Y= = 6

Standard deviations of the pretestand posttestdata symbolized as (s x) (sy)

were calculated using raw score formula, and the results are:

sx =
√ 21
−¿ (4.6) ¿2 = √ 22.1−21.2 = √ 09 = 0.9

sy =
√ 21
−¿ (6)¿ 2 = √ 37.2−36 = √ 1.2 = 1.1.

4.3 Finding and Discussion of the Finding

The statistical analysis of pretest and posttest data indicate that (1) in the

pretest, one (or 5%) subject got a seven, four (or 19%) got a six, seven (33%)

got a five, six (or 29%) got a four, and three (or 14%) got a three. The highest

score in the pretest was 7, and the lowest was 3.In the posttest, two (or 10%)

got an eight, five (or 24%) got a seven, seven (or 33%) got a six, five (24%) got

a five, and two (or 10%) got a four, the highest score is 8, and the lowest is 4,

(2) The mean of pretest is 4.6, while the posttest 6, and (3) The standard

deviations of pretest and posttest data were 0.9 and 1.1 respectively. It can then

be concluded that after being exposed to the treatment, the use of pictures, there

is an increase in students’ vocabulary. In addition, before the treatment, the

spread of students’ vocabulary knowledge is closer to the mean; it spreads a bit

wider from the mean after the treatment. This can be concluded that the use of

picture effectively increases students’ vocabulary. This increase is due to the use

of pictures.



5.1 Conclusion

The purpose of the present study is to answer the research question: Does

the use of picture effectively increase students’ vocabulary learning? The

statistical analysis indicates that: (1) In the posttest, the highest score is 8, and

the lowest is 4 whereas in the pretest, the highest score in the pretest was 7, and

the lowest was 3. (2) The mean of the posttest 6, whereas that of the pretest is

4.6. (3) The standard deviations of posttest data and pretest are 1.1 and 0.9

respectively. It can then be concluded that after being exposed to the treatment,

the use of pictures, there is an increase in students’ vocabulary. In addition,

before the treatment, the spread of students’ vocabulary knowledge is closer to

the mean, it spreads a bit wider from the mean after the treatment. This can be

concluded that the use of picture effectively increases students’ vocabulary. This

increase is due to the use of pictures.

5.2 Suggestion

Based on the conclusion, the researcher’s suggestions are English teacher

are expected to choose, use the good technique in English teaching and learning

process. Because the use good technique can make students interested and have

motivation to study English.


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Appendix 1. Analysis of Test Reliability

Half-test reliability using Pearson Product Moment formula:

N ( ∑ XY )− ( ∑ X ) ( ∑Y )
r xr =
√¿ ¿ ¿ ¿

Table 1: Test Tryout Data

No Odd (X) Even (Y) X2 Y2 XY
1 4 4 16 16 16
2 5 3 25 9 15
3 4 5 16 25 20
4 6 5 36 25 30
5 4 3 16 9 15
6 5 6 25 36 30
7 4 5 16 25 20
8 6 3 36 9 18
9 4 5 16 25 20
10 3 5 9 25 15
11 6 5 36 25 30
12 5 4 25 16 20
13 4 4 16 16 16
n =13 60 57 288 261 265

Analysis of Half-test Reliability using Pearson Product Moment:

N ( ∑ XY )− ( ∑ X ) ( ∑Y )
r xr =
√¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
r xr =
√¿ ¿¿ ¿
r xr =
√( 3744−3600 ) (3393−3249)
r xr =
√( 144 )(144)
r xr =
√ 20736
r xr =
r xr =.1736

Full test reliability using Spearman Brown:

r2 = ------------
1 + 0.17

r2 = -------

r2 = 0.2906

Appendix 2. Item facility and Item discrimination analysis
Item Facility/Difficulty Analysis

Table 1. Criteria for Evaluation of Item facility/Item difficulty

Item Facility/difficulty Index (p) Item Evaluation
Above 0.85 Very easy item
0.21 - 0.84 Ideal Item
Below 0.20 Very difficult Item

Result of Item Facility Analysis

Item Facility
Item Number Item Evaluation
Index (p)
Above 0.85 - Very easy item

0.21 - 0.84 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, Ideal Item

16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, & 25

Below 0.20 15 Very difficult Item

Item Discrimination Power Index

Table 3. Evaluation of Item discrimination

Index of discrimination Item Evaluation
.040 and above Very good items; accept
0.30 - 0.39 Reasonably good but subject to improvement
0.20 - 0.29 Marginal item usually subject to improvement
Below 0.19 Poor items to be rejected/improved by revision
Source: Ebel (1972) in Ovwigho (2013)

Result Item Discrimination Analysis

Index of discrimination Item Number Item Evaluation

.040 and above 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Very good items; accept
11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19,
21, 23, & 25
0.30 - 0.39 - Reasonably good but subject
to improvement
0.20 - 0.29 14, 20, Marginal item usually subject
to improvement
Below 0.19 4, 22, 24, Poor items to be
rejected/improved by revision

Appendix 3. Data Collecting Instrument

Test Vocabulary (Pretest)

Petunjuk: Write down the name of the job based on the picture in the
empty space provided (Tuliskannamapekerjanberdasarkangambar di
kolom yang sudahdisediakan)

1. What is her job? _________

2. She is a ________

3. What is the name of the job based on the picture? __________

4. She is a ___________

5. What is his job? ____________

6. He is a __________

7. Write down the name of the job based on the picture! __________

8. He is a ____________

9. The picture shows that the woman is a____________

10. What is her job? ___________

11. My neighbor is work at the law firm. My neighbor is a ___________

12. He is a _______________

13. What is his job? ______________

14. He is a _____________

15. What is the name of the job based on the picture? ____________

16. What is his job? ______________

17. What is the name of the job based on the picture? _____________

18. He is a ____________

19. What is his job? _____________

20. He is a ____________

Data Collecting Instrument

Test Vocabulary (Posttest)

Petunjuk: Write down the name of the job based on the picture in the
empty space provided (Tuliskannamapekerjanberdasarkangambar di
kolom yang sudahdisediakan)

1. What is her job? _________

2. She is a ________

3. What is the name of the job based on the picture? __________

4. She is a ___________

5. What is his job? ____________

6. He is a __________

7. Write down the name of the job based on the picture! __________

8. He is a ____________

9. The picture shows that the woman is a____________

10. What is her job? ___________

11. My neighbor is work at the TV Station. My neighbor is a ___________

12. He is a _______________

13. What is his job? ______________

14. He is a _____________

15. What is the name of the job based on the picture? ____________

16. What is his job? ______________

17. What is the name of the job based on the picture? _____________

18. He is a ____________

19. What is his job? _____________

20. He is a ____________

Appendix 4.Instructional Materials













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