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Cough Syrup Detail :

Prodactive Or Expectorant And Suppressant Or Dry Cough:

Def: The Cough Syrup Combination Of The Following Formula:
(1) Bronchodilater

(2) Antiallergic

(3) Expectorant
(4) Dry Cough

(1) Types Of Branchodilaters

(i) Aminophyline
(ii) Theophyline
(iii) Phenylephrine
(iv) Aceyfyline
(v) Sulbatamol
(vi) Doxofyline
(vii) Tulobuteral
(viii) Terbutaline
(2) Types Of Antiallergics:
(i) Chlorophenamine
(ii) Diphenhydramine
(iii) Promethazine
(3) Types Of Dry Cough Formula (Anti Tussive, Cough Suppressant):
(i) Pholcodine
(ii) Dextromethorphan
(4) Types Of Prodactive Cough Formula:
(i) Amonium Chloride
(ii) Ephedrine
(iii) Guaiphenesin
(iv) Ivy Leaf Extract (Natural Remedy)
(v) Terpin Hydrate Usp
………Suppressant Syrup (Dry Cough Syp)……..
No Brand Name Generic Name Note
Pholcodine Drug Choice For
01 Syp:Tyxilix Promethazine Hcl Children

02 Pholcodine Drug Choice For

Syp: Combinol Junior Promethazine Hcl Children

03 Syp: Baybnol Dextromethorphan Hcl Drug Choice For

Chloropheneramine Children
04 Syp: Corex D Dextromethorphan Hcl Dry and productive
Ephedrine cough
05 Syp: Hydrylin Dm Dextromethorphan Hcl Only for dry cough
Syp:Broxol Dm
06 Syp:Reltus Dm Dextromethorphan Hcl Only for dry cough
Chlorophenamine And nasal
Syp:Cosome Pseudoephedrine congestion
Def: Anti Tussive Are Medicines That Suppress Coughing Also Known As Cough

………Expectorant Syrup (Productive Cough Syp)……..

No Brand Name Generic Name Note
Aminophylline Only for
01 Syp Hydryllin.Cosome E Dipenhydramine productive cough
Ammonium Chloride
Syp:Adicos.Adalin.Broxol Menthol

02 Thepyline Only productive

Syp: Cofrest.Syp Sirolin Diphenhydramine cough
Ammonium Chloride
03 Syp: Rondac C Dextromethorphan Use for
Carbinoxamin Maleate Productive cough
Oseudoephedrine and dry cough
04 Syp: Acefyl Acefyline Durg of choice for
Piprazine children
Def: The Following Syrup Use For Productive Cough

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