Registering On The Alumni Portal

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FAQ: Registering on the Alumni Portal

● What is the Alumni Portal?

With the aim to knit together the fabric of our IIT (BHU) fraternity, an official
Alumni Registration Portal has been created under the Office of the Dean
(Resource & Alumni). Registering on the portal would keep you apprised of all
the latest developments in our Institute.

● Who can register on the alumni portal?

All alumni who have been part of this prestigious Institution can register on the
Alumni Registration Portal to be part of the centralised alumni database.

● How to register on the alumni portal and be part of this esteemed

Register in three simple steps:
1. Go to the link here (
2. Fill in the required details
3. Complete the registration by acknowledging the verification mail sent to
your registered email ID

The complete process, along with the screenshots, is given at the end of this

● What are the benefits of registering on the portal?

By registering on the alumni portal, you can avail the following benefits:
1. Connect back to college mates.
2. Be part of reunions and impactful initiatives around the world.
3. Get to know the monthly ongoings and advancements of the institute and
our alumni family.
● You previously registered yourself on the SAIC, AIBA, IBGAA and/or
any other site before. Do you need to register yourself again?
Yes, despite having registered on any other portal, the alumni will have to register
on the official alumni portal to be registered to the central alumni database.

● Will my data be shared with someone else?

The Alumni database is managed by the office of the Dean (Resource and
Alumni Affairs). It is highly secure and will be used only to share relevant
information about the developments, newsletter, events etc., with the alumni. It
will never reach any external parties or marketing agencies.

● This is a great step to bring the IIT BHU alumni community together.
How can I help?
You can contribute by spreading the message among your friends from college
who may not have registered on the portal yet and encouraging them for the

● I am not able to register, what should I do?

○ If you are not able to register, it might be possible that you have already
registered before. So, you should try and reset your password.
○ In case of server error (e.g. 500 error), you should try again after some
time as the website might be facing some issues due to overload.
○ In case of any other difficulties, you can contact us on the email address
given at the end of this email.
Registration Process

Step 1
Go to -

Step 2
Fill out the registration form, as given below
Step 3
Click on “I’m not a robot” and select the required images and click on “VERIFY”

Step 4
Fill out the optional details and click on “Register”
Step 5
You will receive an email with a link to verify your registration. Open your email and click
on the given link to verify your registration. After that, you will be successfully registered
in the alumni portal.


In case of any problems, question or suggestion, you can contact:

● Dean (Resource and Alumni) -
● Resource and Alumni Office -
● Student Alumni Interaction Cell -

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