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In Christ, for the Church and the World

the lutheran church—missouri s ynod

An introduction to our new

structure and refreshed branding

In July 2010, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Because of the historic and dramatic scope of
Synod adopted a number of resolutions that this reorganization, we have developed new ways
reorganized the structure and governance of to communicate, which we believe will simplify
our church body. Since that time, many and clarify our depiction of the LCMS and what
changes have taken place at the LCMS we do. The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod,
International Center. Offices and departments in marketing terminology, is refreshing its brand.
have been restructured, and our activities have Much of our brand image – the shape of
been unified. the LCMS cross, our church body’s name –
will remain unchanged. However, we will be
Under the leadership of LCMS President using new communications strategies to help
Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison and his executive draw members closer to our mission and to
team, we have worked prayerfully and diligently expand the kingdom of God.
to implement these changes. The underlying focus
of all our efforts has been to proclaim the Gospel
while being good stewards of our limited resources
and maintaining vital ministries.
As President Harrison pondered his new role
and the task of restructuring the national office,
he focused on the foundational principles that
A Message from define and direct the work of the church. Along
The Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison with the members of his leadership team, he
President conceived a new expression and visual representa-
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod tion of the concept of Witness, Mercy, Life Together,
which would guide the work of the ministries of
“ ‘When James and Cephas and John, the LCMS corporate entity headquartered at the
who seemed to be pillars, perceived the
LCMS International Center.
grace that was given to me, they gave
the right hand of fellowship [koinonía;
LIFE TOGETHER] to Barnabas and me,
that we should go to the Gentiles and they
to the circumcised [martyría; WITNESS].
Only, they asked us to remember the
poor, the very thing I was eager to do
[diakonía; MERCY]’ (Gal. 2:9-10).

“Here three things come together: The

apostles carefully resolved the doctrinal
and practical challenges that always result
from taking the Gospel to new peoples –
for the sake of WITNESS to Jesus (Acts 15).
The apostles were deeply concerned that
the church be a focus of MERCY to those
suffering physical need.
Emphasis for the Church
“This WITNESS and MERCY were part
and parcel of the church’s very life – yes, These phrases – Witness, Mercy, Life Together –
its LIFE TOGETHER. This is the threefold illustrate how the church lives and works together
key to the future of The Lutheran Church— to proclaim the Gospel and to provide for our
Missouri Synod.” brothers and sisters in Christ in our congregations,
communities and throughout the world. In all we
– The Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison do, Christ is at the center, leading us, sustaining
Witness, Mercy, Life Together Bible Study us, keeping us focused on our mission. This will
never change. However, the manner in which
this message is expressed is changing.

Witness, Mercy, Life Together From the Gospels, we see that Jesus’ work is to bear
witness, to show mercy and to share His divine life
together with His people. In a similar way, the
Church, as the Bride of Christ, engages in

– The Rev. Dr. Albert B. Collver III

Witness, Mercy, Life Together Bible Study

A s t r e a m l i n e d STRUCTURE

Today, our programmatic ministries are How does this affect districts,
organized under the Office of International circuits and congregations?
Mission and the Office of National Mission.
These ministries include global mission One important goal of reorganization has been
outreach, planting new churches, providing to bring the support, services and opportunities
theological education, supporting church for people to participate closer to congregations.
partners, global disaster response, caring The first step is to help pastors, congregational
for those in need, networking partners leaders, teachers and church workers understand
worldwide, upholding life, Christ-centered how the ministries and programs headquartered
worship, strengthening youth and families, at the LCMS International Center have been
providing Lutheran education, revitalizing reorganized – and how they can learn more.
congregations and equipping for godly
Programmatic ministries of the
Our Pastoral Education department
fosters the very best initial and continuing LCMS corporate entity
pastoral formation from pre-seminary to
post-seminary pastoral education. And
our Communications and Mission Office of International Mission
– Foreign missionary placement and support
Advancement departments support the
– International disaster response
work of all of these ministries. Also, and human care
departments such as Human Resources, – International schools establishment
Information Technology and other service and support
units support the employees of the LCMS – Liaison to LCMS seminaries,
International Center and the work they colleges and universities
do on behalf of the church. – Ministry to the Armed Forces
– Partner church support
and encouragement
We no longer operate with disparate boards
and disconnected operations. As such, former Office of National Mission
– Church planting and revitalization
ministry names such as LCMS World Mission – Domestic disaster response and human care
and LCMS World Relief and Human Care – Evangelism
eventually will no longer be used. But, be – School ministry and accreditation
assured: The mission-critical work of these – Stewardship
ministries will continue under the Office – Youth ministry
of International Mission and Office of Pastoral Education
National Mission. Communications
Mission Advancement
To connect to these offices and departments,
please call 888-THE LCMS (843-5267) or write

Our updated logo Can I continue to use the
logo cross in burgundy?
Over time the LCMS cross and nameplate
has gained widespread familiarity. It is used The answer is absolutely. Companies and
not only by the LCMS International Center organizations often review their brand marks to
ministry and service departments, but by evaluate their effectiveness in representing their
districts, congregations, schools and service mission, keep pace with communications strategies,
organizations across the country. and build stronger and more memorable images for
their audiences. By widening the color palette for
To more clearly communicate the the LCMS logo cross, but not changing the shape
Witness, Mercy, Life Together emphasis and or meaning of the design, we can meet the need for
the changes that have taken place among the more flexibility in international, national, district
ministries of the LCMS, and to provide more and congregational communications. Beginning
options for other programs of the church in spring 2012, as resources allow, the LCMS logo
to use a complementary cross logo in their cross in blue will begin replacing the burgundy
communications, new applications of the cross on official LCMS communications. External
LCMS cross and the church body’s signature, organizations that are licensed to use the LCMS
as well as an expanded color palette, are logo cross, such as member congregations, schools
being introduced in spring 2012. and certain LCMS agencies, may continue to
use the burgundy cross as long as they wish.

The Witness, Mercy, Life Together emphasis A fresh approach

developed as a way to focus the restructuring
of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Effective communications are clear, concise,
The work is taking place in such a way memorable and persuasive. Our approach
that the church at the LCMS International to branding for The Lutheran Church—Missouri
Center, in district offices, and in member Synod seeks to accomplish all of this. A review of
congregations and schools, engages in the existing communications materials and a survey of
work Christ has given us to do. To this end, leaders and members of congregations indicate
the Witness, Mercy, Life Together logo high levels of confusion and message gaps in
and theme will help organize and our communications. Over time, many ministries
communicate what we do. have created their own names and logos. Some
ministries duplicated efforts and promoted causes
independently, which resulted in further confusion.
Where the Holy Trinity is present and Our fresh approach unifies the LCMS national
received in faith, there cannot but be and international ministries under three banners:
witness (martyría), mercy (diakonía), and Witness, Mercy, Life Together. Surely, ministries have
life together (koinonía). These three reflect a vision and even specific goals that may reflect
God’s very being as Creator, Redeemer, more than one of these areas of emphasis. Still,
our new communications style will present
and Sanctifier and encompass His holy the ministries under the primary areas of
and gracious will for all in Christ Jesus. their mission focus.
– The Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison
Witness, Mercy, Life Together Bible Study

In Christ, for the Church and the World

Witness, Mercy, Life Together branding What about particular ministries?

When speaking specifically about Office of Branding should never homogenize

International Mission or Office of National communications to the point that everything
Mission ministries, activities or events, a red, looks the same. There should be a fresh look
purple or green color treatment may be used and individual personality in communications.
for the LCMS cross logo. When the cross Youth ministry should look young and energized;
takes on the color of a particular focus of the relief ministry efforts should feel compassionate
emphasis, the accompanying brand statement and personal; Armed Forces ministry should
and supporting graphics for the respective represent the honor and strength of the people
focus of the emphasis may be used. it serves. In short, there will continue to be a
variety of visual communications appropriate
to particular audiences and their mission.




To learn more, visit

w a l k i n g t o g e t h e r A d d i t i o n a l c o n t a c t s

In 2011, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Synodwide Entities

celebrated the bicentennial of the birth of the
Rev. Dr. C.F.W. Walther, a founding father and Concordia Historical Institute
the first president of the LCMS. As we reflect on 314-505-7900
the milestone anniversary of the birth of the man
known as the “father of the Missouri Synod,” and
as we strive to accomplish the goals of a historic Concordia Plan Services
restructuring of our beloved Synod, it is appropriate 888-927-7526
that we make every effort to support this work
with a stronger communication platform that
clarifies how we go about our witness and mercy Concordia Publishing House
work as we live out our life together as the body of 800-325-3040
Christ. Regardless of the names or images used to
describe this work, the church continues to carry
out mission and ministry in the name and with Concordia University System
the blessing of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 314-996-1252

LCMS Foundation

Lutheran Church Extension Fund


Synod Auxiliaries

International Lutheran Laymen’s League

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)

Lutheran Women’s Missionary League


See The Lutheran Annual for a listing

of other Synod agencies.
1333 S. Kirkwood Road
St. Louis, MO 63122-7295
888-THE LCMS (843-5267)

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