4 Klases Testas SKAICIAI

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Cardinal numbers

Name: ____________________________________________________ Class: _____________________

Date: _____________________________________________________ Points: 32 / ___________

Select the correct word for the numbers.

13 49 86 640 963 1000

thirteen forty-two seventy-five two hundred and forty six hundred and ninety-three one million
sixteen fifty-nine eighty-six six hundred and forty nine hundred and sixty-three one thousand
three forty-nine twenty-eight nine hundred and forty four hundred and fifty-two one
Match the numbers to the words.

568 Four hundred and fifty-seven

932 Seventy-six
116 One hundred and nine
23 Thirty-three
33 Twenty-three
45 Fourty-five
68 Eighty-nine
76 Sixty-eight
89 Nine hundred and thirty-two
109 Five hundred and sixty-eight
457 One hundred and sixteen

Write the correct number. Follow the example.

5 Five Seventy-nine Fifteen

Thirty-two Twenty-eight Nine hundred

Eighty-seven Thirty-one Twelve

Two hundred and
One hundred Two hundred and one

Write the correct word for the number. Follow the example.





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