Questions: Atick

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Test 39

Part í
Questions 1-7
There are seven questions in this part.
For each question, there are three pictures and a short recording.
Choose the correct picture and put atick ({) in the box below it.

Example: What will the boy take back to the shop?

A B c

1 Which band did the boy watch last night?

2 Where is the woman's new flat?

lTurn over
TtrŠT 6 LrsrENrNG PART 1 ffql
3 Where is the magazine? PET. Test 39

4 Which is the boy's teacher?

5 What did the man receive in the post?

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B c
6 What time is the flight from New York expected?

B c
7 What was the boy doing when the phone rang?


Patt 2 PET. Test 39
Questions 8-13
You will hear a woman talking to an evening class about carpentry.
For each question, put a tick (/ ) in the correct box.

I The speaker says that when she was at A were taught separately from boys. !
schoo|, gir|s B cou|d do carpentry iÍ they wanted to. !
C were not allowed to do carpentry. n

9 Making her chest oÍ drawers took A eighteen months. !

B six months. tr
C two months. tr

10 She first p|anned to put the chest oÍ drawers A in the sitting room. n
B in the bedroom. u
C in the hall. u

11 What advice does she give about electric tools? A They are useful for some people. !
B They are necessary for beginners. tr
C Only lazy people use them. tr

12 She suggests that the first job should be A small and simple. tr
something B Íorafriend. tr
C which practises many skills. tr

13 What does she suggest that the class should A choose who they will work with n
do first? B decide what they need for one job n
C discuss what thev should do tr

TEsr 5, LrsrENrNG PART 2 IEg

Part 3 PET. Test 39
Questions 14-19
You will hear someone talking on the radio about a fashion show.
For each question, fi|l in the missing inÍormation in the numbered space.

Fashion Show
Place: sports stadium

Date: (14) ... .. . ..

Time: 7.3o

Colour of clothes: grey or (15) .. ......

Talk: at 6.3o by a (16)

Clothes for sale: everything except (í7) ''..... ..

Prize for best design: (18) ...........

Buses: depart at 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. from outside (19) ........ .


Part 4 PET. Test 39
Questions 20-25
Look at the six sentences for this part.
You will hear a conversation between a boy, lan, and agirl,Zoe, about a holiday.
Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect.
|Í it is correct, put a tick ({ ) in the box under A for YES.
|Í it is not correct, put a tick (/ ) in the box under B for No'


20 lan is going to visit re|atives who Iive in AÍrica. tr!

21 Zoe believes Namibia is a good place to visit. trn
22 lan's parents insist he must go on holiday with them. trtr
23 Zoe's father is unemployed. trtr
24 Zoe's mother dislikes flying. trtr
25 lan suggests Zoe should visit Namibia with him. nn

rEsr s, LrsrENtNG PARr 4 ]lln

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