Fixed Suppoits: Sectkmd.2 Application Of11Im4Tomem Equation 781

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2 Application of11im4tomem Equation 781

Fixed Suppoits
The three-moment equalions, as given by Eqs. (D.9) through ( D . l l ) , were
derived to satísfy íhe compatibility condition of síope continuity at the interior
supporís of continuous beams. These equations can, however, be used to satisfy
the compatibilit}' condition of zero slope at the fixed end supports of beams. This
can be achieved by replacing the fixcd support by an imaginary interior roller
support with an adjoining end span of zero length simply supported at its outer
end, as shown in Fig. D.2. The reaction moment at the actual fixcd support is
now treated as the redundant bending moment at the imaginary interior support,
and Ihe three-moment equation when appiied lo this imaginary support satis-
fies the compatibility condition of zero siope of the elastic curve al ihe actual
fixed support. When aiialyzing a beam for support setilements, botli imaginary
supports—thai is, the interior roUer support and the outer simple end support—
are considered to undergo the same settlement as the actual fixed support.

Acnial Beam with Fixed Supports

A' A B
c D Ü'
Equivalent Beam for Analysis
by Tluee-Moíneul Equation

Dete-fTnine the reactionív and draw the shear and bending mc^nent diagranis for the beam shown m Fig. l>.3(a> wáng ihe
three-moment equation.

150kN 100 kN

)—2 m—-í-—2 m—-\-—2 m—h—— 5m
2, .! ,

E = constant
(a) Indeterminate Beam

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SectionD.2 Application ofTIiree^tomemEqua^ 783

Redundant. The beam has one degree of hiderenninacy. The bending monteíít M¡,, at the hiteñor sopptwt ts d » redundant.
Thre«-M(H»ent Equation at Joint B. Comidering the su^gams. A, B, aiKi C its f. c, and r, re^ipeciively, and HUbf^iñming
L, =6m,L, =5mJ, =2/,y, =/,P,. = 150ítN,i:,, = l/B,/»,, =lOOIcN,i:,, =2/3,HV ^SOJcN/m,/», = H-, = A , = 4 =0",
imo Eq. (D.9). we (*tatn

21 *l2/ /./ / 2/ '

]ttO(6n2/3) 50t5r ^
2i 4/

Since A and C are simple end suj^ports. we have by ín^ípectk»)

Thu.<;, the tíiree-momení equation becoín^


frtMtt which we obtain theredundimtbending oHmient lo be

1#4 =-iS*)32kN m Ans.

Span End Shears and Reaclkois, The shears al íhe emJs of íhe spans AB and iíC oí the contimious. beam can now be ctefermined
by applying the equalions of eqxiüihrñiní to íhe frec botScs of Shc spans shows k Rg. 03{b). Note that the ncgaííve bending
moment M¡¡ is appiied at the ends B of spans AB and SC* SÍ> that tt causes, tenskm m Ihe upper íibers and compfe>«on in Ihe
lower íiben; of the beam. By considering ite «jmííhriam of span AB, we ohiaín
C I Ai a = Ü A^ m -i 150{4) i imií 189J 2 = O
>i^=iOi.8kNT Ans,
+ TX - o 101.8 - 150 - !00 + / í f - o
i j ; ^ - 148.2 kN T
Simiíarly. for span BC,
+ C XAÍ, -<{5>^18932^50(5^23) -O
B^ - 162-86 kxN t
t t £ F =0 162.86 - 5<H5) i C„ = 0
C, -87.f4kNT Ans.
By considering the equtijbrium oí joint S io the verticaí direcíion, wc cbtmn

fe- ^Bf + 1^ - Í4&-2^ 3n.06kN t AíK.

Thereactitmsare shown in Fig. D.3<c>.

Shear and Bending Moment Diagrams. SeeHg.DJtd). AflS.

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782 APPENOIXD Thrae-MomentEquation

]50kN KKf kN Í6186

ñ 18932^^89.32

ir^*= Í48.2 £ff^=í62ií6 CV= 87.14


(b) Span End Moments and Shears

150 kN 100 kN
I 50kN/m

A,=Q ir
>\^.= 101.8 kN
t 1
B, = 3il.06kN Q = 87.14 kN

(c) Suppt.»rt Reactions


Shear diagram (kN)



Bending moment diagram (kN-m)

(d) Shear and Bending Moment Diagram.s

nCIU (contd.)


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P R O B L E M A 7.4 Resolver ía viga de (a figura 7,25, sabiendo que eí apoyo B sufrió un asentamiento

de 12mm. Considerar I - 80.10'mm"^ y E - 20ÜkN/mm"

20kN/m 26kN/m


^ 3m ^ 3m ^ 4m
Fig. 7.25
Como A es un empotramiento, entonces adicionamos un tramo ficticio de longitud cero y de inercia
infinita (figura 7.26)

26kN/ni 60kN
i . 20kN/m
Ao I D
Too S 21 8A|=% s — r
Lo=0 „ 3m 3m '"ir 4m 3m
F»g 7 26

P¿\Qra, ana\^mos los tramos AÓAB, A B C y B C D , transformando ios datos del problema en un solo
ffpo de unidades.

E = 200kN/mn)'=2.10'kN/m"^

i - 8 0 . 1 0 ' W -S.lO-'m'

A-y 12iiim = 12 .iO /

3 \
20.6' 80.6
O f O 6 6(0) 24 ^ i6 62.10^(-12.10~')
M + 0+
loDJ 21, CE 21 6

Efectuando cálculos y reemplazando el valor del momento de inercia f , obtenemos:

2M^-fMe--1000 (a)


+ 6
16 ,
M, -f
{21 j .21 íj ^lí, 2i

6.2. Hf.! 2.10""

Efectuamos cákulos y reemplazamos ei valor del momento de inercia í , obteniendo;

3M^ + i 4M^ + 4M^. - 3304 (b)


6 (3 + 5)
/O' (K 24
24 j 6.5 , 6.2.l0'(-i2.i0~')
MJ^Í-2M, ^ ^

l 1 4

Efecíuanios cálcukss y reemplazando el valor del momento de inercia I . obtenemos;

2MB+9M. =-i936 (c)

Resolvemos las ecuaciones (a), (b) y (c), obteniendo;



M^, - ™323,532kN.m

AhcKa cfeterminamcs las reacciones en cada tramo de ia viga.

743,946kN.m 487,893kN.m

\ i
1 3m 3m
/ /
VAB=305,307kN VBA=105.307kN
Fig. 7 . 2 7

- V B ^ ( 6 ) - 20í 6X3) - 8«X3) + 487,893 + 743,946 - O


V A B - 80 - 20(6) -105,307 = O y,p^=305,307kNt

487.893kN.m 323,532kN.m

Ce : : : j t " : : : "
I r — í
VBc=150,856kN VcB=254,856kN
Rg. 7.28

V,.f,(4) - 26(4)(2) - 323,532 - 487,893 = O .-. V,,^ = 254,856kN t

254,856 - 26(4) - Vp^ = ^ \^c = ^ 50,856kN i


2m 3m

VcD=100,706kN VDc=40,706kN
Fig. 7 29

^ M.. =0 r:^ - (5) - 60( 2) + 323,532 = O .\ = 40,706kN i

^F^, = O r:> V,,„ -60-40,706 = O .'. V,,, = 100,706kN t

Graficamos los diagramas finales de fuerza cortante, momento flector y refuerzo.

A ii20kN/m 26kN/m
20kN/m I I I i I I

21 B^]i2mm (

r 3m ^ Srn 4m ) 2m , 3m ,
1 ^ ^
305.307kN 256,163kN 355.562kN 40,706kN


165.3071 1,307 100,706

t?-7P?, • •
l i l i ! TTTTn •
isolsJe^ m 254.856



81,975 (kN.m)



Fig. 7.30


Este m^í^ e s muy utilizado para e! cálculo de estructuras hiperestáticas, como vigas continuas,
pórteos, a.fmaduras y arcos.
Para eilo. se det>e iniciaímente determinar el grado de indeterminación del sistema estructural, a
través de las ecuaciones 7 1. 7 2 y 7.3, óepenúientes del tipo de estructu.fa a resolver
El grado de indeterminación nos indica el número de cofíexiones a eliminar, eligiendo el denominado
sistema principal, el cual es isostáílco.
Luego, se plantea el sistema de ecuaciones canónicas, que para una estructura con grado de
indeíerminactón " n " y sometido a cargas externas, tendrá la siguiente forma:
6,,x,+6,,x,+ - f 5 , , x , - O

Ó31X,+622X2 + + 52„x^+A2p=0 (7.7)

784 APPENDiXD Thrae-Momeiit Equation

Example D.2

Determine the reactions for tlie continuous beam shown in Rg. D.-f (a; due to the uníformfy dístríbuted foad and due lo the sui^)ort
scttJcmcnts of 10 mm al .4,50 mm at B. 20 mm at C, and 40 mm at D. üsc the thrcc-momtnt c<|uation.


lOm- íOm

El ~ caastaat

(a) Indetermmats Beam

7 I6Í..5 116.4 IJ52 ?95.t 4^12

M i t ( t 1) M) (TI t M i u M) u I t I ( i i

4., = 1.18.5 B,f^=lí6.4 í''f^»}g.l.6 Cf^* 195.1 104.9

(í>> .Sp*n Eflrf lífonsettí.* and .^esís

i. = o 1 i n 11i 1M I M t ( M 1 „
t t t t
4-,« 138.5 kN /?,. = 277.9 kN » 378.7 kN - 104.9 kN
f e> Siíf^mt ReaetioEis

Redtmdants. The bending moments M„ and Ai,,, at the interior supports B and C, respectively, are the rcdundants.
Three-Moinent Equation at Joint B. By considering the supports ,4, B, and C as /, r, and r, respectively, and
sobstítoting í.~IOm. E = 200GPa ^200(10')kN/m-, /-70000*)mm' = 700(10"*)m\, = w. = 30kN/m, A, = á,^ =
iOmm -OrOI m. A, - - 50mm -0.05m, A, X l^vam 0.02m and P. - P,. - 0. into Eq. (D.l í). we write

„ ^ , 4.M. , = 2|:(3<. . m '^^™',H,„ 2(í,,05, 0.021

Since .4 is a simple end support, = 0. The foregoing equation thus simpiifies to
4M„+M, - - 9 1 2 (í)
lliree>Moinent Iv^uatlon at Joint C. Sinnlaríy, by consideñíig Ihe .suppt>rts B, C\d D as i, c, mar, respeclively, and by
substituiing the appropnatc numencai vaíucs in Eq. {D. l i). we obtain

M, 4- 4M,- + - - ÍH1L(3(} 4 30} - ÉíZÍÍMEío.OS - 2(0.02) + 0.04]

4 {{0)=

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SectkmD.2 Application of Three-Moment Equation 785

SiiKe Dh& simple end support, M^y = 0. Thus. (he ft»egoing et{uafio« becomes

Sapport Bending Monients. SoJving Eqs. (f) and (2) simohaneousíy f<yr Mg and M¿-, we obtain
Af3 = -115.2 k N m Ans.
Mc=-~45J.2)fN m Ans.
Span End Shears and Reactions. With the redondants hK and M,. kiKmi;, the sp;m end shears and the .supp<in reactions can
be determined by cotisidering the etjwlibrium of tlie free bodíe^i. of ihe •*fSB» AB, BC, CD, aí«i joínis S and C, ais shtwn in
Fig. D.4<b). l'hc reactions are íihown m Fig. D.4<c>. AftS.

Determine the reactions for the cominuous beam siiawn m Fig. D.5(a) by the three-moment equation.

Since support .4 of the ixram is fixed. we ccplace it vatk an iunagínary interior roiier support with an adioining end ^aa of JKTO

length, as shown in Fig. D,5(b).

Redundante. From Fig. D.5(li), we can se& ihai the bending moment.«; «W^ and at the mf^xms A and B, respeciívely. are
the redundants.
Three-Moment Equation at Joint ^1. By using Eq. (D.IO) ím •iwppotís A', A, and B, we obtain

2M,(0+f>) + M^(6> 225t6>-0/2>[l--0/2>-]

Three-Moment Equation at Joint B, Stmiiariy., applying Eq. (D. 10} fe»- sx^jponK A, B, and C. we write

- -22m-o/Ti[í -(1/2)-]-oMmm'
The bending moment at end C of the cantife-wr ovwrhang CD k compoíed as
M,. = - .10(.1K 1.5} = -- í .15 kN • m Ans.
By substituiing M, — — 135 kN • m mto the foregoing Üiree-momenl equation and simpíífying, we d?lain
M,+5.W„--I215 (2)
Support Bending Moments. Solving Eqs. ( i ) and (2), we obtain

Af,146.25 kNm Afls.

.Wj, =-213,75 kN-m Ans.

Span End Shears and ResKrtions. See Fígüt. D.5(c) and (d). Ans.

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786 APPBIDIXD Three-Monwnt Equation

225 kN
30 kN/m
M I I » I I M•Mn f M

3 m—r— 3 m — r 9m- 4—3m—I

tl = consíant
(a) IndcEcnntnaic Beam

225 kN
30 kN/m
1 1 1 1 1 r i i111 M 1 1 1 1

.0~-^^3m—\—3m—4 9m— 3m
(b) Equivalent Beam to be Anaiyzed by Thtee-Moment Equation

146,25 225 kN . ¡ . ^ ^ ^ 123.75 143.75 213.75 135 Í26.25 90 í35

30 kN/m

213.75 A 213.75 135 A 135

101.25 123.75 '^^^•-'5 126.25 90
By = 2673 q- = 216.25
(cj Span End Moments and Shears

225 kN

146.25 kN • m 4 n Mm n MM MI

101.25 kN 267.5 kN 21425 kN

(d) .Support Reactions
Ra as

In thií» appemlix, we have considered a formulaíion oí the íorce (ílexibilily)
mefhíxi Í Í Í analysís oí staficaUy j^mieterminate «^írocíures, calfed the three-
míHífcfít cquaíNHi.
Ttte íhree-ífMífrténE equafif.m represirni.s, ¿n a getíeral iiytm, ííie cíHtifpáff-
bilíty coiidítioft thai the slopo of the cíastic curve be co»tinuo«ü at an inlerioí

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