In This Project We Will Design A Treatment Station, So We: - Pond Classification

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 Introduction:

in this project we will design a treatment station, so we

must know the deferent kinds of these stations and how it
work , after that we decide which kind we will use in this
 Waste stabilization ponds and aerated lagoons.
 First: waste stabilization ponds
The form “Waste Stabilization Pond” (WSP) describes
any shallow, man made basin utilizing natural physical,
chemical and biological processes for the removal of solids
and organic matter and the destruction of pathogenic
organisms in wastewater. The term’s sewage lagoons and
.oxidation ponds can also be used
Pond classification -
:Systems can be classified based on one of the following
1. Biological reaction
a) Aerobic ponds.
b) Anaerobic ponds.
c) Facultative ponds.

Duration and frequency of discharge .2

a) Complete retention
b) Controlled discharge
c) Continuous discharge Extent of treatment

Extent of treatment .3
A) Storage
b) Primary sedimentation
c) Secondary treatment

Arrangement among cells (if more than one cell used) .4

a) Series and/or parallel

 Second: Aerated lagoons
Pond system in which oxygen is supplied through mechanical
or diffused air aeration, rather than photosynthesis and surface
re-aeration, are termed aerated lagoons. It is generally 2 to 6 m
in depth with HRT of 3 to 10 days

 Type of aerated lagoons:

1) Aerobic Aerated lagoons
2) Facultative Aerated lagoons

Table 1.1. Design parameter for Aerobic lagoons & Facultative lagoons:

Parameter Aerobic lagoons Facultative lagoons

Loading range ~2.0 30 – 100
Kg BOD5 / kg MLSS.d kg BOD5 / ha /d
HRT (day) 1 - 10 7 - 20
Lagoon (m) 2.5 – 5.5 2.5 – 5.5
Effluent SS (mg/l) 260 - 300 110 - 340
BOD5 removal (%) 80 - 90

We choose aerated lagoons to be used in this project, and

we will design it for the given data as in the table.
 Given data:

Pop. 327431
Growth rate 3.1
Temp. 21
ss mg/l 581
Ts mg/l 986
BOD mg/l 494
COD mg/l 853
TKN mg/l 99
F.C/100 ml 19254908
Effluent J

Effluent is given as in the following table:

Quality Productivity
parameters trees almond
BOD 45
COD 150
DO 50.5
TDS 1500
TSS 40
PH 6-9
Color (pcu) Free
Phenol 0.002
No3-n 50
NH4-N -
O.KJ-N 50
Po4 30
Cl 400
So4 500
Na 200
Mg 60

 Supplying oxygen to aerated lagoons:

There are two ways to supply O2 to the system:
1) surface aerators: which we use it in our project, and it
have the following typical data:
 diameter of aerators 0.4-3.6m
 oxygen transfer 1-18 kg O2/hr
 motors 1-120 KW
 Aeration efficiency 1.5-2.3 kgO2/kwh


These are open impeller surface aerators with high oxygen
transfer efficiency.
The high circulation capacity assures an excellent mixing of the
liquid mass.
And it has power up to 55 kw

2) Air diffusers: it can also supply oxygen to the mixed liquor by

pumping air under pressure into the aeration tank and releasing a
stream of air bubbles. The finer the bubbles the larger the air-
liquid interface and the higher the oxygen transfer rate into the
mixed liquor. The diffusers can be made of porous keramic
materials or plastic membrane. In general their oxygen transfer
efficiency is slightly higher: 2 -2.5 kg O2/kwh.

 Design equations:
1) Complete mixing

a) ( Li – Le ) / (Xv,a  = K Le

Li = Soluble BOD of the influent, mg/l

Le= Soluble BOD of the effluent, mg/l
K = Reaction rate constant, day.l/mg

= V/Q = HRT, day.

Xv,a= MLSS in the reactor, mg/l
V= Volume of reactor, m3
Q = flow rate, m3/d.

b) KTw = K20  T-20


KTw = BOD removal at temperature Tw

K20 = BOD removal rate at 20 0

= Temperature coefficient

= 1.056 (20-30 Co)

= 1.135(4-20 Co)

2) Oxygen requirement for aerated lagoons:

a) Kg.O2 / day = a ( Li – Le ) Q
Where: 0.9 < a < 1.4

 Assumption for all Aerated Lagoons:-

K20 = 1.44 d-1
Y = 0.5 Kg VSS/Kg BOD
Kd = 0.06 d-1
.a = 0.9 Kg O2/KgBOD
T =1.056

 Calculations for lagoons (1 & 2&3&4):-

1) Calculate Qmax.
We design for 30 years.
Pop. After 30 years = pop. (1+growth rate )n
Where n is number of years
a) Population*(1+ 0.31)30 = 818238 capita
b) Average daily consumption = 120 L /c.d
c) Qmax = 818238*120*0.8/1000 = 87550 m3/d
Li = BOD5 + 0.5 COD5 = 494 + 0.5 * 853= 920.5 mg/L
VSS =Xv,o = 390 mg/L , (assumed).
T=21 Co.

2) Design steps for Aerated Lagoon (1 & 2&3&4):-

a) Estimate K at T=21 Co:

KT = K20 T - 20 K21 = 1.44 (1.056)21 – 20

K21= 1.52064 day-1.
b) Calculate RT
 We assume volume as the same that is equal to 80000 m3
V 80000
 Assume depth of Lagoon=2.5 m, surface area    32000 m2 .
D 2.5

Here, we can use 4 aerated lagoons connected parallel and each one has
volume = 20000 m3 and area = 8000 m2.
Q (for each lagoon) = 78550/ 4 = 19637.5 m3/day
V 20000
( HRT )    1.018 day.
Q 19637.5

Length 3
 Assume  A =3 W2 W=52 m, L=156 m.
width 1

L = 156 m
W= 52 m
D = 2.5 m

c) Calculate Le (soluble effluent BoD5) :

le 

1.2  920.5  372.016
1  k    1  1.52064  1.018 mg/l

 Note: the factor (1.2) in the equation is due take in the account BOD

d) Calculate MLVSS concentration:

Xv, a 
 Xv, o  Y  li  le   390  .5   920.5  372.0165  616.35 mg/L.
1  Kd   1  .06  1.018

e) Calculate total BoD5 for effluent :

Sludge age = (Xv,a/(Xv,a-Xv,o))* = 616.35 /(616.35-390)*1.018 = 2.72

From figure 6.20  =0.49,

Estimate VSS contribution to effluent BOD5:

Xv,a = 0.49 * 616.35=302.01 mg /L.

Total = soluble BoD5+BoD5 due to VSS = 372.016 + 302.01 = 674.026
mg /L.
 Efficiency for lagoons (1&2&2&4) = (920.5 – 674.026) / 920.5 =
 This efficiency is very low so we need more of aerated lagoons to achive
high efficiency.
f) Calculate the required oxygen :

Kg (O 2) / day  a   li  le  Q  0.9   920.5  372.0165  78550  38775.4 Kg

 assume 3 Kg oxygen is transferred per Kw,
 the power of surface aerator = 55 kw
 the power we need it to transfer oxygen required per day =
(38775.4/3)=12925 kw
 The power needed in 1 hr = 12925/24 = 538.54 kW.
 # of aerators needed for lagoons = 538.54 / 55 = 9.7, use 10 aerators.

 Calculations for Aerated Lagoon (5&6&7&8):-.

1)Qmax. = 87550 m3/day
Li = 372.01mg/L
VSS =Xv,o = 616.35 mg/L ,
T=21 Co.

2) Design steps for Aerated Lagoon (5&6&7&8):-

A) Estimate BoD removal rate & K at T=21 Co:
KT = K20 T - 20 K21 = 1.44 (1.056)21 – 20
K21 = 1.52064 day-1.
b)Calculate RT
Assume volume as the same that is equal to 80000m3
V 80000
( HRT )    1.018 day.
Q 78550

V 80000
Assume depth of Lagoon=2.5 m, surface area    32000 m2 .
D 2.5

Length 3
Assume  A =3 W2 W= 52 m , L=156m.
width 1

L = 156 m
W = 52 m
D = 2.5 m

c) Calculate Le (soluble effluent BoD5):

le 

1.2  372.01  132.74
1  k    1  1.52064  1.018 mg/l

d)Calculate MLVSS concentration:

Xv, a 
 Xv, o  Y  li  le    616.35  .5   372.016  132.74  673.2 mg/L.
1  Kd   1  .06  1.018

g) Calculate total BoD5 for effluent :

Sludge age =Xv,a/(Xv,a-Xv,o)* = 673.2 /(673.2-616.35)*1.018 = 11.85


From figure 6.20  =0.29,

Estimate VSS contribution to effluent BOD5:

Xv,a = 0.29 * 673.2 = 195.228 mg /L.

Total = soluble BoD5+BoD5 due to VSS = 132.74 + 195.228 =
327.968 mg /L.
 Efficiency for lagoons (5&6&7&8) = (920.5 – 327.968) / 9250.5 =
 this efficiency is also very low so we need more of aerated lagoons to
achive high efficiency.

h) Calculate the required oxygen :

Kg (O 2) / day  a   li  le   Q  0.9   372  132.74  78550   17000 Kg

 assume 3 Kg oxygen is transferred per Kw,
 the power of surface aerator = 55 kw
 the power we need it to transfer oxygen required per day = (17000/3)=
5666.7 kw
 the power needed in 1 hr = 5666.6/24 = 236.1kw.
 # of aerators needed for lagoons = 236.1 / 55 = 4.3 use 5 aerators
 Facultative Ponds:
ㄱ Design equation (Mara, 1976)
Assume that the are completely mixed and BOD5 removal follows first
order kinetics:

 = [(Li – Le) – 1](1/K)

k( T ) = k20 (1.06)T-20

= V/Q

Li = Soluble BOD of the influent, mg/l

Le= Soluble BOD of the effluent, mg/l
= V/Q = HRT, day.
V= Volume of reactor, m3
Q = flow rate, m3/d.
K20 = 0.3/day

 Design of Facultative pond (9):-

 Main calculations :

1) Qmax =78550 m3/d , Li=BOD in=175.2 mg/L.

Li/Le-1)*1/K ,V/Q.
3) K t=K20(1.06)T-20 ,K20 = 0.3
4 ) K20 =(0.3)* (1.06)21-20 = 0.318
5) Assume volume= 600000m3 , =V/Qmax. = 600000/78550=7.6 days
6) 7.6 = ((132.74/Le)-1)/0.318 = 38.85 mg/L.
7) Total efficiency = (Li-Le/Li)*100%=(920.5-38.85/920.5)*100% = 95.7 %.
this efficiency achieve the condition to remove most of BOD at this stage.
8) Assume depth=3.5 m , area=V/d=600000/3.5=171429 m2.
9) Assume L=3W ,A=3W2 ,w=239m ,L=717m.
Pond dimensions

L = 717m
W= 239 m
D = 3.5 m
 Maturation Ponds:
ㄴ Definition:
- These are tertiary treatment schemes used to produce a high quality
- Maturation ponds are primary aerobic ponds and used as a secondary
stage to facultative ponds.

ㄷ Design equation:
1) A first order equation:

Ne / No = 1/(1 + kb )
No = # of F.C /100 ml influents.
Ne = # of F.C /100 ml effluents.
kb( T ) = k20 (1.19)T-20

= V/Q

And hence for n lagoon in series Ne / No = 1/(1 + kb )n

 Design of pond (10) For maturation:

1) Qmax=78550 m3/d
2) K b(21) =2.6*(1.19)21-20 = 3.094d-1 ,
3) assume efficiency = 99%
4) Nt / No = 1 / (1 + *kb)
5 Nt /19254908 = (100-99)/100
 Nt= 192549 F.C/100 ml
6) Nt / No = 192549 / 19254908 = 0.01
7) 0.01= 1 / (1 + 3.094*)
 = 32 days
8) V = Q* = 78550*32 = 2513600 m3
9) Assume the depth = 1.5 m
 Area = V/D = 1675733 m

10) Assume L= 3W ,A=3W2 ,W =748m ,L=2243 m.

L = 2243m
W= 748 m
D = 1.5 m

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