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Founded 1928 SCORE:

Recognized by the Government
Candelaria, Quezon


Name:__________________________ Teacher:______________________
Section:_________________________ Date:________________________

DIRECTIONS: Read the following statement carefully. Blackened the circle of the correct answer.

1. 6. 11 16. 21. 26.
2. 7. 12. 17. 22. 27.
3. 8. 13. 18. 23. 28.
4. 9. 14. 19. 24. 29.
5. 10. 15. 20. 25. 30.

1. Complete the analogy.

Sunscreen: Sunburn :: ____________ : _____________
A. Carelessness : accident B. . Dream : Sleep C. Hope : Tornado D . Vaccination : Disease
2. Complete the analogy.
Klutz : Clumsy :: ____________ : _____________
A. Car : Broken B. Cold : Contagious C. Priest : evil D. Vegetable : Green
3. Complete the analogy.
Cowardly : Brave :: ____________ : _____________
A. Anxious : Nervous B. awful : Dreadful C. Foolish : Wise D. Numerous : Many
4. Complete the analogy
Rectangle : Shape :: ____________ : _____________
A. Assault : Crime B. Dealer : Employer C. Deer : Antelope D. Telephone : Call
5. Choose the correct connector logical connectors to complete the sentence.
Stand still _____________ I can brush your hair. (so, so that, in order to)
A. in order B. in order to C. so D. so that
6. Choose the correct connector logical connectors to complete the sentence.
_____________ people take exercise, they become fat and stiff.
A. as B. as long as C. if D. unless
7. I shall enjoy the race, _____________ if I don’t win it.
A. although B. even C. then D. though
8. ____________ we don’t know the way, we should look at the map.
A. due to B. if C. in case D. since
9. Complete the sentence by filling out the missing word.
Scientists ___________ with Crime Watch program to keep our neighborhood safe.
A. is searching B. search C. searching D. searches
10. Complete the sentence by filling out the missing word.
The committee members __________ these questions carefully.
A. debate B. debated C. debates D. debating
11. Complete the sentence by filling out the missing word.
The movie including all the previews, __________ about two hours to watch.
A. take B. taken C. takes D. taking
12. Complete the sentence by filling out the missing word.
Many Filipinos __________ for abroad many years ago.
A. leave B. Leaves C. Left D. living
13. Complete the sentence by filling out the missing word.
They ___________ Philippine culture and the desire for the things Filipino.
A. are spread B. spread C. spreading D. spreads
14. Which sentence uses the passive voice?
A. By pure coincidence, she came into the store when I happened to be there.
B. Dentists are assisted by dental hygienists.
C. The committee assured me that no follow-up was necessary at the moment.
D. The director studied the file and gave her comments.
15. Which sentence is in active voice?
A. We were bitten by mosquitoes at the cottage! B. My wallet was found on the street.
C. The argument was rejected. D. The director studied the file and gave her comments.

Parent’s Signature
Founded 1928 SCORE:
Recognized by the Government
Candelaria, Quezon


Name:__________________________ Teacher:______________________
Section:_________________________ Date:________________________

16. Which sentence uses the passive voice?

A. Dad is going to take us to the movies.
B. The film was going to be shown at the campus theater.
C. The sun is totally eclipsed by the moon.
D. Rico's mother was once the president of the neighborhood association.
17. Change direct speech to reported speech.
Jim said, “I work here every day.”
A. Jim said that he worked here yesterday. B. Jim said that he worked there every day.
C. Jim said that he worked here every day. D. Jim said that he worked every day.
18. Change direct speech to reported speech.
Jane said, “I have finished my homework.”
A. Jane said that she had finished her homework. B. Jane said that she had finished my homework.
C. Jane said that she has finished her homework. D. Jane said that she has finished my homework.
19. Change direct speech to reported speech.
She said to me, “I can sleep alone.”
A. She said to me that she can sleep alone. B. She told to me that she can sleep alone.
C. She said to me that she could sleep alone. D. She told to me that she could sleep alone.
20. Shows that are highly informational like documentary. Some use demonstrations, such as shows how to
perform an experiment.
A. Drama B. Educational C. Fantasy D. Variety show
21. This shows are used to inform the public about latest updates around the world.
A. Animated B. Horror C. News D. Variety show
22. This shows are used to entertain the audience through dances, songs, and games.
A. Drama B. Educational C. News D. Variety show
23. This shows are the cartoons on television. Their themes vary, as well as their target age group like toddlers
and kids, while some are for teenagers.
A. Animated B. Comedy C. Horror D. Variety show
24. This shows are almost always educational. They may or may not be animated.
A. Animated B. Children C. Drama D. Fantasy
25. This shows are intended to scare audiences by employing supernatural natural beings.
A. Animated B. Drama C. Horror D. Variety show
26. When some people think about Texas, they think of cowboys on the open range-herding cattle up a dusty
trail. However, Texas has much more than open prairie with large herds of cows. There are the mountains of
West Texas, the piney hills of east Texas, and the emerald waters off the coast of Padre Island. Texas also
has large coastal harbors with numerous sailboats, powerboats, inland lakes, rivers, swamps of southeast
Texas with alligators and other exotic wildlife.
The Summary of this passage is:
A. Texas is one of the biggest states in the United States.
B. There are a lot of cows in Texas.
C. There are many different, varied parts of Texas
D. There are alligators in the swampland of southeast Texas.
27. For the walls, Jenny thought she would use a bright yellow paint. She would pick a border that had mostly
bright red and green colors, and maybe a little bit of blue. She already had found some curtains that were
sky blue with streaks of red, blue and yellow that she thought would go great with the walls. And finally, she
had picked a carpet that was mostly blue with specks of red and yellow. Jenny couldn't wait till she was done
decorating her room. It was really going to look awesome.
The Summary of this passage is:
A. Jenny likes bright colors.
B. Jenny was picking out colors and materials to decorate her room.
C. Jenny was going to paint her room.
D. Yellow is a good color to paint your walls.

Parent’s Signature
Founded 1928 SCORE:
Recognized by the Government
Candelaria, Quezon


Name:__________________________ Teacher:______________________
Section:_________________________ Date:________________________

28. It started when they got to the bears. Peter felt tired and his stomach hurt. He dragged himself over to see
the elephants, which were eating from a stack of hay. Normally, the elephants were his favorite. Without
much interest, Peter followed his classmates to the camels, which were busy swatting flies with their tails. Peter
knew he should be having fun at the zoo, but he just felt terrible and all he wanted to do was lie down and
rest. Even the lions and tigers did not interest him now.
The Summary of this passage is:
A. It was really hot at the zoo. B. Peter didn't enjoy the zoo because he felt really bad.
C. Peter's favorite animals were the elephants. D. The camels were swatting flies with their tails.
29. Tomorrow is Jill's birthday. She is excited because she gets to pick where she will eat dinner. Will it be
Mexican food at the Big Enchilada House? Or will it be fried chicken at the Chicken Shack, or a big
cheeseburger at Al's Hamburger Palace. She just couldn't decide. Then there was always the Pizza Shop with
that great pepperoni pizza. How would she ever decide? Maybe she would just flip a coin.
The Summary of this passage is:
A. Jill has many restaurants to choose from for her birthday.
B. Jill will choose a place by flipping a coin.
C. Jill loves Mexican food
D. The Pizza Shop has the best pizza in town.
30. Julie watched the ants as they carried small crumbs down the trail to the anthill. She thinks ants are very hard
working and industrious little creatures. They always seemed busy, and you never saw an ant just laying
around doing nothing. They were carrying food, building tunnels, or defending the anthill. One thing you
could say about ants is that they sure aren't lazy.
The Summary of this passage is:
A. Ants carry many things. B. Ants are hard workers.
C. Some ants may bite you. D. Some ants help take care of the queen.

Prepared by:
Ms. Judy Ann C. Bandoja

Parent’s Signature

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