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monocots -number of vascular bundles is more and is closed

-Flower parts in multiples of three

-Major leaf veins parallel
- trimerous flowers
-Pollen with single furrow or pore
dicots -Flowers can be tetramerous or pentamerous
-Stem vascular bundles in a ring
-Major leaf veins reticulated
-Flower parts in multiples of four or five
-Pollen with three furrows or pores

Psilotopsida -Rootless body possessing a stem.

-Small herbaceous plants.
-Leaves often absent or if present, they are
spirally arranged scale like.
- Secondary growth is absent.
Pteropsida -Leaves are large
-Leaves are ex-stipulate while stipulate in some
other groups.
- The vascular cylinder varies from a protostele
to a complicated type of siphonostele.
- Sporangia arise from placenta.
Sphenopsida -The stem in majority of the forms is long, jointed
or articulated and is
-Leaves are thin, small, scaly brown.
- Branches also develop in whorls from the axil of
the scaly leaves.


Pteridophytes/ Pteridophyta
Lives around tropical areas

Various species differs in size, shape, and texture

-They are cryptogams, seedless and vascular
-Spores develop in sporangia

- Sex organs are multicellular

-show true alternation of generations


- All plants have flowers at some stage in their life

- The sporophyte is differentiated into stems, roots, and leaves
- Each microsporophyll has four microsporangia
- The flowers undergo double and triple fusion 

- The carpels enclose developing seeds that may turn into a fruit.

- flowers are so small

-  spiral attachment superior ovaries
-  indefinite number of parts in each floral whorl
- Early carpels were leaf‐like and seeds were borne on the edges.

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