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1: What do you think Walter Landor, a branding pioneer, is trying to convey?

"Products are made in the factory, but brands are made in the mind?"
( 1: Bạn nghĩ Walter Landor, một nhà tiên phong xây dựng thương hiệu, đang
muốn truyền đạt điều gì? "Sản phẩm được làm trong nhà máy, nhưng
thương hiệu được làm bằng tâm?"(
_  According to me, that sentence(sen từn s) means(min s) that the product is
created(quy ây tựt) by the company, but the brand of that company is due to
the customer's perception(pơ sép sừn) of whether the product is satisfied(sa
đơ s pai) or not. In other words, the brand of a product is created by the

2:What are the qualities of a strong brand?

(2: Những phẩm chất của một thương hiệu mạnh là gì?)
Strong brand is brand that meet fully 5 factors:
-Have authentic personalities(pơ sừn na li ty)
-Consistent(cừn sít s tựt”) with goals 
-Focus(phô cướt S) on their Niche(nít s)
-Reflect(ruy phờ lách) the communities(com miu ni ty) they serve(sơ)
-Create(ki ết) Excellent(ách xồ lừn) products and services

3:What do you think Tomasi Lampedusa, an Italian writer, is trying to

convey? " If you want things to stay as they are, things will have to change."
(3: Bạn nghĩ Tomasi Lampedusa, một nhà văn người Ý, đang muốn truyền tải
điều gì? "Nếu bạn muốn mọi thứ giữ nguyên như hiện tại, mọi thứ sẽ phải
thay đổi.")
Change is inevitable(in e vi lơ bồ) in this life, Today you succeed, tomorrow you
may fail(phêu), what you have today, tomorrow may not. So, in order for them
not to get worse(guốc s), we need to change. We have to constantly change to
adapt(ơ đạp) to the times, with life, things won't get bad(bát tựt)

4: Lao Tzu once said that: “Life is a series of natural and spontaneous
changes. Don’t resist them – that only creates sorrow. Let’s reality be reality.
Let’s things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.”
(4: Lão Tử đã từng nói rằng: “Cuộc sống là một chuỗi những thay đổi tự nhiên
và tự phát. Đừng chống lại chúng - điều đó chỉ tạo ra nỗi buồn. Hãy để thực tế
trở thành hiện thực. Hãy để mọi thứ trôi chảy tự nhiên theo bất kỳ cách nào họ
thích. ")
We cannot avoid(ơ voi ) unexpected(ăn ích x pắt tựt) events((i ven) in life,
because it is these events that challenge us and force(pho s) us to step out of
our comfort(căm phợt) zone. If we ignore(x no) or avoid(ơ voi) the challenge of
change, we are denying(đi lai inh) ourselves(ao seo) and avoiding opportunities
to learn and grow.

5:What questions you should ask yourself before taking a change?

(5: Bạn nên tự hỏi bản thân những câu hỏi nào trước khi thay đổi?)
Before changing I should ask myself:
_ What should I change?(trên )
_ How should I change to be successful?
_how do I measure that change?
_Is the change good?

7: What makes a good business organization? Give one example of a specific

company with a good organizational structure.
(7: Điều gì tạo nên một tổ chức kinh doanh tốt? Cho một ví dụ về một công ty
cụ thể có cơ cấu tổ chức tốt.)
a good business organization focuses(phâu cướt) on:
-Determine(đờ tơ mừn) the strengths and common weaknesses of employees
-Set the contact between what you have and what you want
-Find and adjust(ơ dớt s) shortcomings
-Analysis(ơ ne lơ xít S) and screening(s quên inh) Vingroup corporation(cóp pô
ruây sừn) is a specific(s pơ s vịch) company with a good organizational
structure(s chắc chờ).

8 What do you know about Google?

(8 Bạn biết gì về Google?)
Google LLC is an American multinational technology company that specializes(s
pét sồ lai xịt) in Internet-related(re lây tựt) services and products, which
include(in cu) online advertising(át vơ thai dinh) technologies, a search
engine(en dừn), cloud computing, software, and hardware.

9 would you like to work for a company like Google? Expain why / why not
(bạn có muốn làm việc cho một công ty như Google không? Giải thích tại sao /)
• Google offering(óp phờ ruyên) one of the best work environments.
• Google treats(truýt S) people with respect(ruýt s péc ) and supports.
• Work with amazing employees and intelligent(in theo lơ dy) thinkers.

1. Successful and unsuccessful brand stretching in VN and in the world.

(1. Trải dài thương hiệu thành công và không thành công tại VN và trên thế
- Successful brand stretching in Vietnam: Viettel - Viettel has demonstrated(đe
mưn chuây tựt) its expertise(ách pơ ti) by succeeding their subsidiaries(sập sơ
duy e đi) in seizing(si dinh) the lead in their domestic(đơ me s tịch) telecom
markets, for example, Metfone(mẹ phon) in Cambodia, Telemor in Timor(ti
mo)-Leste(lét tê) or Movitel(vô vi theo) in Mozambique(mô dem bi). Viettel
Global is a major(mây dờ) contributor(con chi biu tờ) to its telecoms market.

- Unsuccessful brand stretching in Vietnam: Bphone (BKAV) - The product

quality is not as high as any other brand. The consumer can't afford(ơ phót)
the high cost of the goods. Especially(i péc sồ ly), the product is not as
advertised(át vô thai).

- Successful brand stretching in the world: Walt(guốc) Disney(đít ly) - Disney is

the brand stretch(s choét) poster-child. They were(gua) a pure(piu ơ) film
business from its foundation(phan đây sừn) in the 1920s until(in theo) 1955. In
1955, in California(ca lờ pho ly a) the first Disneyland(đít ly len) was opened.
The business then stretched(S choét) and stuck again. You may nearly(niu lỳ)
live a "Disney Life" now.

- Unsuccessful brand stretching in the world: Harley-Davidson(đa vít sừn)

perfume(pơ piu) - A seldom(Seo đừm) mistake from a fantastic(phen ta tíc s)
firm(phơm) to extend(x ten) its brand—would you wear(goe) the Harley-
Davidson(đa vít sừn) perfume(pơ piu)

2. What are the qualities of a strong brand? Give an example.

(2. Những phẩm chất của một thương hiệu mạnh là gì? Cho một ví dụ.)

The qualities of a strong brand are: popularity(po pu lây lơ tuy, differentiation,

customer focus, dependability(đe pen đờ pi ly ti), creativity, dependability(đe
pen đờ bi ly ti), easily(y dồ ly) identifiable(ai đen ờ phai le bồ) by logo, color(co
lờ)., the brand's product quality is worth(guốc ) the money that customers
spend, and the price(pây s) is suitable for the audience(o đi ân) that the brand

With over 4.500 shops countrywide(can truy goai), Mobile World Investment
Corporation(cóc vô ruây sừn) (MWG) is the No. 1 Retailer(ruy theo lơ) in
Vietnam in terms(tơm S) of revenue(re vừn niu) and net profit(pro phịt) after
tax. MWG(em đáp lưu di) operates(o pồ ruy s) the following retail(ruy theo)
concepts(con sẹt s): "thegioididong" mobile phone retail(ruy theo) chain, "Dien
May Xanh" consumer electronics(i nếc chon nịch) retail chains, and "Bach Hoa
Xanh" supermarket retail chain. In addition(a đi sừn), MWG has extended(x tên
địt s) into regional(duy dừn nồ) markets by investing in the An Khang
pharmacy(po mơ sy) chain and the phones and consumer electronics(e lếch tro
nịch) retail chain in Cambodia. A new high-tech agriculture(a guy cao tơ)
project has just been created(cờ ri ây tựt) by the firm.

3. What are some common departments found in a typical business

organization? and What is the main function of each department?

(3. Một số bộ phận chung được tìm thấy trong một tổ chức kinh doanh điển
hình là gì? và Chức năng chính của từng bộ phận là gì?)

Production:a production function relates physical(phít si cồ) output of a

production process to physical inputs or factors of production. It is a
mathematical(ma thơ na ti cồ) function that relates the maximum(mắc si măm)
amount(ơ mao ) of output that can be obtained(óp tên) from a given(gips vừn)
number of inputs – generally(den lơ lồ ly) capital and labor(lây bờ)

Research and Development: manager(men lơ dờ) performs a number of highly

important roles(râu s) with in an organization. They are responsible for
research, planning, and implementing(im pi men tinh) new programs(pro gờ
dem) and protocols(pro tô cồ) into their company or organization and
overseeing the development of new products.

Marketing: are distribution, market research, setting prices(pây sịt s),

finance(phai nen s), product management(men ne gơ mừn), promotional(pờ
mâu sừn nồ) channels and matching products to consumers.

Human Resource(ruy sột) Management(men nơ s mừn): are planning,

controlling(cưn trô linh), directing(đai roecs tinh) and organizing company
activities, utilization(diu ly ty dây sừn) of workforce(guốc pho), recruitment(re
quýt mừn) and staffing(s ta pinh)

Accounting(ơ cao tinh) and Finance(phai nèn s): are to keep an accurate(a kiu
rớt) record of financial(phai nen sồ) transactions, to create(cờ ruy ệt s) a
journal(du nồ) of expenditure(x pen đít chờ), and to prepare(pơ phe) this
information for statements(s tếp mừn) that are often(óp phừn) required by

4. What makes a good business organization? Give one example of a specific

company with a good organizational structure.

(4. Điều gì tạo nên một tổ chức kinh doanh tốt? Cho một ví dụ về một công ty
cụ thể có cơ cấu tổ chức tốt.)

A good business organization:

1. A Well Conceived(cưn si) Plan

2. Strong and Positive Leadership

3. Stay(s tây) Focused on Strengths (s choeng s)

4. Willing to Take Risks(ruýt s)

5. Inspire(im s pai ờ) a Positive Corporate(co pơ ruêtj) Culture(câu chờ)

6. Encourage(in cướt s) a Healthy Work Environment

7. Provide(pro vai) Assessment(ơ sét mừn) and Feedback

8. Effective(e phách tịp) Use of Technology

9. Develop Social Awareness(a goe nịt s)

According to our team, the company with a good organizational structure( s

trắc chờ) is Samsung

- The company used technology effectively Samsung has successfully

leveraged(le vợt s) the evolution(e vờ lu sừn) of technology, websites, media
and website updates to successfully promote(pro mâu) their products. This
makes Samsung gradually(ga dùa ly) become a company with great(guêts )
influence(im phu s) in the world.

- Strong and positive leadership Besides(bi sai), Samsung also has a good staff
from leaders to employees(im poi). The company's leaders had strategic(s tri
dịch) visions to help the company grow. They know how to build strong
relationships and communicate openly with their employees. They
motivate(mâu đơ vì) their team and hold(hô) everyone to high standards(sen
đờ) of accountability(ơ cào ờ bơ ly ti) .

6. What are reasons for advertising? What are some methods of advertising?
To you, what is the most effective advertising way to attract the attention of
the young or the old customers?

(6. Lý do quảng cáo là gì? Một số phương pháp quảng cáo là gì? Theo bạn,
cách quảng cáo hiệu quả nhất để thu hút sự chú ý của khách hàng trẻ hay lớn
tuổi là gì?)

The reasons for advertising(át vơ thai dinh):

- Advertising(át vơ thai dinh): generates(gen nơ ruyết) revenue(re ven niu) for

your business

- Advertising keeps your customers infor

- Advertising boosts(bứt s) business traffic

- Advertising improves your brand image(i mic)

- Advertising attracts new customers

- Advertising allows(ơ lao s) your company to compete(com py)

- Advertising generates(gen nơ ruyết) ongoing business

Some methods of advertising: (át vơ thai dinh)

Online, direct(đe roecs) mail or catalogues(ca tơ lóc), outdoor and transit, TV,
radio, magazine(ma gơ di), newspaper, cellphone, public transport,

The most effective(ơ phéc tịp) advertising(át vơ thai dinh) way to attract the
attention of the young:

- Advertising (át vơ thai dinh): in Internet

- Make interesting content.;

7. What are viral campaigns? Find and present one successful and one
unsucessful viral campaign or advertisement.
( 7. Chiến dịch lan truyền là gì? Tìm và trình bày một chiến dịch hoặc quảng
cáo lan truyền thành công và không thành công.)

i.Viral(vai rồ) marketing is a business strategy that uses existing(x dít tinh)
social networks to promote(pro mâu) a product mainly(mên li) on various(ve
ruy ớt s) social media platforms. Its name refers to how consumers spread(s
poét s) information about a product with other people, much in the same way
that a virus spreads(s poét s) from one person to another(ơ no dờ). It can be
delivered(đi li vơ) by word of mouth(mao), or enhanced(in he) by the network
effects of the Internet and mobile networks.

ii. Dien May Xanh's advertising(át vơ thai dinh) campaign(kem pên) has
"stormed" for a long time on most media (from traditional to social media
channels). According to statistics(sơ s tít tích) from Buzzmetrics(bớt me trích),
the page that generates(den nô duỵt) the most interactions(in tở rác sừn) has
14,304 comments, 167,464 likes, and 15,068 shares within just 9 days of its
launch. At the same time, Dien May Xanh's promotional video entered the 2nd
place in the top 10 most viewed videos in Asia. These are impressive(im pa sịp)
numbers that all marketers want to achieve.The reason behind the success of
the advertisement( a vẻ thai mừn) can be broken down into two main
elements: shocking images and short,. Though the level of success does not
remain, the newer advertisements(a vẻ thai mừn) play a big role(rô) in keeping
the image of the brand consistent inside consumers’ minds.

iii. Drug(đờ roắc) advertising strategy on youtube "nhà tôi ba đời chữa khỏi...."

With a dense(đen s) frequency(phi quen si) of appearance(áp pia rừn), videos

with content such as "nhà tôi ba đời chữa khỏi...", "nhà tôi ba đời bán
thuốc..."to advertise(áp vơ thai) traditional medicines(me đơ sừn) and
functional(phăn sừn nồ) foods Features(phít trờ) of unknown origin(o gơ din)
and origin(o ri din) are gradually "overwhelming" the usual advertising content
on the YouTube social network.

This is a prime(pai) example of a failed(peo) advertising campaign(kem pên)

8. How to create a publicity stunt? Think of one product or service you want
to sell/provide, brainstorm and present ideas for live advertisement or
publicity stunt for your product or service.
8). Làm thế nào để tạo ra một đóng thế công khai? Hãy nghĩ về một sản
phẩm hoặc dịch vụ bạn muốn bán / cung cấp, động não và trình bày ý tưởng
cho quảng cáo trực tiếp hoặc đóng thế công khai cho sản phẩm hoặc dịch vụ
của bạn.

HORECA(hu re ca) Chili(chi li) Sauce(xọt s) (2.1kg) is made from

garlic(ga li), pure(pia) chili(chi li), has a particularly(pơ ti cu la ruy)
delicious(đi li sớt) taste(tây s), eye(ai)-catching color(co lờ), perfect
quality. Excellent(x xồ lừn) spices(s pai xịt ) for dried(đ roai) seafood(si
phút) dishes(đis xịt), instant(in sừn) noodles, pho, special(s pét sồ)
fried(pai) vegetables(vét s tơ bồ), very safe(sết) products, committed not
to use artificial(a ti phi sồ) spicy(s pai di) taste. The product uses dots
directly(đơ reocs ly) or marinated(ma ri nây tựt) food, which adds
flavor(phây vờ) to the dish(địt s), stimulating(sim mi li) you to eat more
palatable. The natural(na trô) red color(co lờ) is smooth(s múp), the
aroma(a rô mà) is unique(iu nít)and the spicy(s pây di) taste(tệt s) is
extremely(x trim ly) attractive, absolutely(áp sâu lu ly) do not use
artificial(a ti phi sồ) spicy(s pai di) taste..

9. What steps do you think job-seeks should take before a job-interview? You
should refer to the information mentioned in the listening.)

9. Bạn nghĩ người tìm việc nên thực hiện những bước nào trước một cuộc
phỏng vấn việc làm? Bạn nên tham khảo thông tin được đề cập trong bài

1. Choose your outfit:

What you wear(goe) to your interview is a critical component(ăm pô nừn) of

how to prepare(pơ pe) for a job interview.

2. Study your resume(ruy siu) and know everything about it:

Any job experience or abilities stated(s tếp ) on your CV are fair(phe) game to
discuss during the interview.

3. Practice your responses to the most often asked(át s) interview questions:

You should prepare(pơ phe) your responses and rehearse(ruy hơ) them. You
should always be able to answer the questions "Tell me about yourself" and
"Why do you suppose you'd be a good fit for this job?"

4. Research the company and the job position you are applying for:

Make a list(lis) of any questions you have about either so you may ask them
during the interview. If there is a job criterion(cai ti ria ần) that you are unclear
about, you should absolutely(áp sâu lu ly) inquire about it during the interview.

5. Print(p ruyn) out the directions to the interview and be on time:

Allow ample time to arrive(A roai) and account for traffic. It's fine to arrive(a
roai) up to 10 minutes early(ơ ly), but no more.

10. Across the globe, only 24% of senior leadership positions are held by
women. What are the career barriers for women in management? What
measures do you think a company should take to advance women leaders in
the workplace? Analyze female leadership at work in Vietnam.

10. Trên toàn cầu, chỉ 24% vị trí lãnh đạo cấp cao do phụ nữ nắm giữ. Rào cản
nghề nghiệp đối với phụ nữ làm công việc quản lý là gì? Bạn nghĩ một công ty
nên thực hiện những biện pháp nào để thăng tiến các lãnh đạo nữ tại nơi
làm việc? Phân tích lãnh đạo nữ làm việc tại Việt Nam.

Career(cơ ria a) barriers(be rìa ợt) for women in management(me ne gơ mừn)

positions are:

- How to assess the capacity of female workers : In addition to the maternity

leave required by labor law, a woman will most likely: Take more leave to take
care of a sick child

- Concerned about the interruption of female employees' dedication time : it is

more likely that women will spend more time taking care of their sick children
or taking sick leave due to poor health after giving birth, even if their health is
normal. women are not as good as men, take leave because no one takes care
of children, decide to choose a family after a period of consideration. All will
make the business take a lot of time and effort to find a replacement
candidate, right? job transfer, waste of time for new candidates to take over…
-Women get tough when negotiating : Women talk more, are more emotional,
argue more fiercely… are real, and this makes it difficult for business managers
to reconcile their views when working together.

-Not being evaluated fairly: "Trying to respect men and despise women" has
formed the idea of underestimating women's capacity, not only in the East but
also in the West.

- Limitations in building business relationships : Signing contracts at the

banquet table, receiving customers all night, drinking alcohol every day... is a
very familiar thing in the business world, but this is an advantage for men and
a disadvantage for women.

Across the globe, only 24% of senior leadership positions are held by women.
The career barriers for women in management because some reasons below:

- Economic Barriers

- Corporate Stereotype

- Psychological Barriers

- Prejudices and stereotypes

- Inner Barriers and Social Boundaries

- Limits of Competence

Besides, According to his research, the famous English sociologist E. Oakley

identifies the following barriers in women's careers:

- lack of management experience;

- unequal career growth opportunities;

- differences in communication styles and socialization;

- gender stereotypes;

- closed social networks of men in the top management;

3. At the highest echelons of management, the status of women holding a low
percentage of management roles is becoming more prevalent. This is
characterized as a "leaky pipeline," and it is widespread throughout Asia-Pacific
and the rest of the world. While women are increasingly taking up middle and
senior management jobs, males continue to dominate the top executive
positions. Women have a lower chance of being appointed or promoted to
these roles.

Although both men and women hold middle and senior management roles, the
nature of these positions differs. We frequently see women in supportive
management positions such as human resources, finance, and administrative
managers. Men are more likely than women to have roles in strategic
management, such as profit and loss management and research and
development. As a result, males are frequently elevated to positions of power
and decision-making authority. This is referred to as "glass walls." The fact that
the majority of women primarily work in support roles has restricted women's
career advancement as well as companies' capacity to locate actual talent to
fill open positions. roles of executive and senior leadership

The proportion of women in senior management and top executive roles is

lower than in supervisory and middle management positions. Even though 80
percent of firms in Vietnam employ more than 30 percent of women, this
remains true.

The proportion of enterprises divided by the percentage of women at

supervisory, middle, senior and top management levels.

11. What are the possible advantages and disadvantages of international


(11. Những thuận lợi và khó khăn có thể có của thị trường quốc tế là gì?)

Advantages:(ơ van tích xịt)

_ Overcome discrimination(đít s ri mi nây sừn) in international trade(chuyết s).
_ Promote(pro mâu) trade(chuyết s) and relations of countries around the
_ Improve competitiveness(com pe ti vi nịt s) and efficiency(ơ phân sừn sịp) in
the economy, and create(cia ết) a fair(phe) competitive environment
_ improved dispute(đít piu) settlement(sét lờ mừn) system when dealing with
major(mê dờ) trading powers
Disadvantages(đít xịt ven ne xịt)
_ Competition becomes more fierce(phia s), causing no small pressure
_ the process of reproduction(ruy pô đắc sừn) of goods and services involves(in
vo) many risks, including social risks.
12. How much do you know about what your country imports and exports?

12. Bạn biết bao nhiêu về những gì đất nước bạn nhập khẩu và xuất khẩu?

Give examples.

-Import: Vietnam main imports are computers, electrical products and parts
(18 percent(pơ sen) of total imports) and machine, instruments and
accessories(x sát sô ruy) (16 percent). Others include(in cu): telephones,
mobile phones and parts thereof(re reo) (8 percent);

-Export: Rice, Seafood, Fruits(f ru), Wood(cút), coffee


1. Computers, electronic products

3. Telephone


1. Rice

2. Seafood

3. Fruits (f rút s)

China is still(s theo) Vietnam's largest(lo dịt s) import market. The United
States is Vietnam's largest export market

13. Why do some countries, even developed ones, protest free trade? What
might they do to stop people from trading freely?

13. Tại sao một số nước, ngay cả những nước phát triển, lại phản đối tự do
thương mại? Họ có thể làm gì để ngăn mọi người tự do giao dịch?
Free trade(truyết S) is a popular policy(po sịc) among politicians(po li tíc sừn),
businessmen and economists(e con no mít s)g. Experts(x pơ) believe(bờ líp)
that free trade is a viable(vai ơ bồ) solution for developing countries.
However(hau e vờ), the effects of free trade(truyết S) on emerging economies
are not always positive.

- high competitiveness(com pe ti vi nịt s): Trade liberalization(líp bơ ly zây sừn)

means(min s) that a country's economy is subject to more competition from
the market, so domestic(đơ me s tích) companies must learn to adjust

- reduces(ruy điu xịt ) revenue(re vơ niu): Due(điu) to the high level of

competition fueled(phiu ồ) by unrestricted(ăn roẹt trách tịp) free trade, the
businesses involved(in vo) end up experiencing(x pia rừn sinh) a reduction(ruy
đắc sừn) in revenue.

- permit(pơ mịt) poor(po) working conditions:, governments in developing

countries rarely have laws to regulate and ensure safe and fair working

To prevent(pơ phe v) people from trading freely, countries should introduce

stricter trade policies(po si), enact(e lạc) tax laws and have penalties(Pen nô ti)
for violators(vai ơ lây tờ).

14. Think of some industries that Vietnamese government is protecting.

What are they? Why do the government need to protect them?

14. Hãy nghĩ về một số ngành công nghiệp mà chính phủ Việt Nam đang bảo

Họ là ai? Tại sao chính phủ cần bảo vệ họ?

Agriculture: (e guy cao trơ)

The government has laid(lết tựt) out plans to continue reorganizing(ruy ô o gơ

lai dinh) the agricultural sector in order to achieve sustainable agricultural
development, as well as to improve the quality, added value, and
competitiveness of international agricultural goods. Tax incentives are giving
the greatest incentives for the agricultural sector, lowering the mobilization of
taxes and fees from this area to the lowest level possible, therefore
contributing to the industry's attraction and development.

=> Increase income for people in rural areas; ensure food security and national
defense security.


The government issued a series of tax and car-related fee policies that will
have a change to apply in 2021, which will have a great impact on the domestic
auto market.

- Plans to amend the excise tax policy (special consumption tax calculation
price) for automobile products to encourage the automobile manufacturing
and assembling industry to increase the added value created in the country.

15. Who is the leader in your family? Do you think she/he is a good leader?
Why? What are the main qualities of a good leader?

15. Ai là người đứng đầu trong gia đình bạn? Bạn có nghĩ rằng cô ấy / anh ấy
là một nhà lãnh đạo giỏi? Tại sao? Những phẩm chất chính của một nhà lãnh
đạo giỏi là gì?

 I think my father is the leader of my family. He is a really good leader.

He taught us to be a good person, decisive in all our actions. Always be
the one to resolve all conflicts in the family

The main qualities of a good leader are:
_ Honesty and ethical behavior
_ Committed results
_ Passion, energy and enthusiasm
_ The ability to encourage and support others
_ Responsible
_ They focus on developing others
_ They encourage strategic thinking, innovation and action
_ Acknowledge the efforts and achievements of others
_ Mastering communication behavior
_ A good leader is empathetic

I think a great leader is made because the first step to true leadership is
self-awareness. Knowing your own strengths and weaknesses as an
individual will help you develop into the leader you aspire to be. So,
whether you were born with leadership qualities or not, if you want to be
a leader, you need to work, develop, and perfect the traits of a great
16. Do you know any female leader who is the CEO of a popular organization
or a country? What are the differences between a male and female leader?

16. Bạn có biết nữ lãnh đạo nào là CEO của một tổ chức nổi tiếng hay một
quốc gia không? Sự khác biệt giữa một nhà lãnh đạo nam và nữ là gì?

1. Hilary Clinton

Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton is an American politician, diplomat, lawyer,

author, and public speaker who served as the 67th United States Secretary of
State from 2009 to 2013, as a United States Senator from New York from 2001
to 2009, and as the wife of President Bill Clinton from 1993 to 2001.

She was the Democratic Party's nominee for president in the 2016 presidential
election, making her the first woman to receive a presidential nomination from
a major U.S. political party. Clinton was the first woman to win the popular
vote in an election. She did not, however, win the Electoral College.

In Bill’s 1992 presidential campaign, Hillary played a crucial role by greeting

voters, giving speeches, and serving as one of her husband’s chief advisers. Her
appearance with him on the television news program 60 Minutes in January
1992 made her name a household word.

2. The differences between a male and female leader

When asked if you'd rather work with a man or a woman, 53% of respondents
said that the gender of the person they work with doesn't really matter to

Only 27% say they work easily with a male boss, 20% of employees feel
comfortable working with a female boss.

The reality is that there is hardly any difference between men and women in
leadership roles. Leadership qualities honesty, intelligence, organizational skills
and quick decision-making are the essential elements of a leader.

Although both men and women hold middle and senior management roles, the
nature of these positions differs. We frequently see women in supportive
management positions such as human resources, finance, and administrative
managers. Men are more likely than women to have roles in strategic
management, such as profit and loss management and research and

As a result, males are frequently elevated to positions of power and decision-

making authority. This is referred to as "glass walls." The fact that the majority
of women primarily work in support roles has restricted women's career
advancement as well as companies' capacity to locate actual talent to fill open
positions roles of executive and senior leadership

17. Do you think great leader are born or made? Why? Imagine that you
would be a leader in five years' time, make a five-year plan to acquire the
important leadership skills.

17. Bạn nghĩ nhà lãnh đạo vĩ đại được sinh ra hay tạo ra? Tại sao? Hãy tưởng
tượng rằng bạn sẽ là một nhà lãnh đạo trong thời gian 5 năm, hãy lập kế
hoạch 5 năm để có được những kỹ năng lãnh đạo quan trọng.

17. Do you think great leader are born or made? Why? Imagine that you would
be a leader in five years' time, make a five-year plan to acquire the important
leadership skills. - Psychologists'(sai co lơ rít) research(ruy sợt s) has shown
that, in general(ren nơ rồ), leaders are “mostly created”(mốt li c ruy ây tựt).
According(ơ câu đinh) to the best study estimates(ét ti mớt), leadership is one-
third(one-thớt) born and two-thirds(tu-thớt) made. The capacity(cơ be sơ ti) to
successfully(sếch sét phun li) lead, motivate(mâu ti vết), and guide(gai s) a
group of people – whether in business(bi di lít), athletics(át le tít), or politics(po
li tít) – necessitates(li se si tết) a fairly(pheo li) complicated(com pi lây tựt) set
of abilities(ơ bưu lơ ti), most of which are learned(ơ lơn s) via experiences(x
bưu li ơn xi), self-development(seo- đi vơ lớp mừn), and access(ác sét) to
further(phơ rờ) training. - The idea(I đê) that leadership is mainly
manufactured(me lưu phác trơ) is excellent(ét sơ lân) news for those of us
interested(in trớt tựt) in leadership development(đi ve lớp mừn) because it
means(min s) that leaders can be developed(đi ve lớp). However – and this is
the one-third(one- thớt) point(boi) — great leaders have certain(xơ từn)
inborn(in bon) traits that they employ(im loi) to their advantage(ớt van tít).
Understanding(ăn đơ sen đinh) yourself(dơ seo) and where you stand
professionally(phơ phét sìn lồ) is the first step in mapping(máp pinh) your
leadership growth. Taking stock of your strengths(treng s), shortcomings(sót
căm inh) , and workplace inclinations(in cơ lây sừn) may help you discover(đít
ca vờ) areas for development(đi vơ lớp mừn) and foresee(pho si) potential(phơ
ten sồ) pitfalls(phít sâu) on your path to becoming a more effective(ơ phát tờ)
leader. Leadership training may help you at any level of your career. Aside
from the chance to study and practice the skills required to inspire workers
and influence others, you are exposed to teachers and peers on whom you
may depend for support and develop and grow.

18. What kind of business do you want to do? Imagine you are a leader of
your own business. What major problems do you have to deal with?

18. Bạn muốn kinh doanh loại hình kinh doanh nào? Hãy tưởng tượng bạn là
một nhà lãnh đạo của doanh nghiệp của riêng bạn. Bạn phải đối phó với
những vấn đề lớn nào

Kind of business I want to do is food production.

_ Major problems that I have to deal with:

Hiring the right people, building a brand, developing a customer base.

Lack of Funds, lack of Time.

Trouble Finding Good Employees.

Difficulties Balancing Growth and Quality.

The Ability to Transition to a Digital-First World

Lack of In-Person Networking Events

Forward-Planning is Difficult

Increased Shipping Costs

Lacking Creativity

Pressure to Perform

high-end fashion business. The problem that I have is that there are some
employees who have a hard time working in groups, they are very rigid and
conservative. I have to report some bad news and especially may have to
consider firing someone. I must always focus and maintain the energy of my
employees. solve all the troubles

19. Imagine you own a business and there's a leader who works for you. One
day he comes to your office and hands in the resignation. He's recently
received some criticism for her leadership. Why does the leader receive the

19. Hãy tưởng tượng bạn sở hữu một doanh nghiệp và có một nhà lãnh đạo
làm việc cho bạn. Một ngày nọ, anh ta đến văn phòng của bạn và nộp đơn từ
chức. Gần đây anh ấy đã nhận được một số lời chỉ trích vì khả năng lãnh đạo
của cô ấy. Tại sao người lãnh đạo nhận được lời phê bình?

1. Self-Centered

Besides(bi sai s) being miserable(mê rùa ờ bồ) to be around(ơ giao s), self-
centered people make poor leaders. If a leader is self-centered, they will take
credit(khoe đựt) for the successes(sếch sát sựt s) and place blame(p lem s) for
the failures(phe li ợt s). Eventually(i ven tu ơ lì), this leads to staff( sờ táp)
becoming demoralized(đi mô ơ lai s) and the business(bê nệt s) failing.4. Know-

Good leaders know just how much they don’t know. They have no desire(đi rai
ờ s) to be right or even( i ven) be the smartest(sờ mo đệt s) person(pe sừn) in
the room. Good leaders know who and when to ask for advice.

Know-it-alls, on the other hand, rarely take advice or even input(in pợt) from
anyone(e li one) other than a superior(sơ phiu rì ợt) . They do not take
advantage(ớt ven tựt s) of the huge amount( ơ mao s) of knowledge(nao s ựt)
and talent(thao lừn s) that’s available(ơ veo lờ bồ) to them.

2. Not Focused(phâu cợt s) on the Customer(căn tô mờ s)

A leader must keep the consumer(căn siu mờ s) in mind(mai s). They must
understand( ăn đơ sen) who they are servicing(sơ vờ sình), what their
requirements(quy quai ờ mìn) are, and how the firm may strive( s troai) to
better(be đờ) meet those demands(đê men s) than the competitors(com be đờ
đờ s). If your organization's(ô gan la dây sìn s) CEO isn't focused( phâu cợt) on
the customer(căn tô mờ s), you can be certain(sơ đừn s) that a
competitor's(com pe đờ đờ s) leader is.

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