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Cấu trúc bài viết trong Writing task 2

1. Structure of an essay
- Each essay should have three parts, four to five paragraphs
Part 1: Introduction (paragraph 1)
Part 2: Body (paragraphs 2-4)
Part 3: Conclusion (paragraph 4/5)
- Body paragraphs play the most important role

2. How to write each part

a. How to write an introduction
2 sentences Introduce the topic (by paraphrase the question)
Answer the question

Example 1 (Opinion)
Question The government should make more efforts to promote nuclear
energy. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
How to Synonym
paraphrase - It is believed that government should encourage the use of
nuclear energy.
How to answer One-sided view (completely disagree)
- I completely disagree with this statement, as will be discussed
in the essay.
- I do not concur with this view because of its detrimental
impacts on the environment and human safety.
Introduction It is believed that government should encourage the use of nuclear
energy. I do not concur with this view because of its detrimental
impacts on the environment and human safety.
(30 words)

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Example 2 (Discussion with opinion)
Question Some people think that governments should pay the tuition fees
for students. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of free
education and give your opinion.
How to Synonyms and word form
paraphrase - There is a common belief that education should be free of
How to answer State both the advantages and disadvantages of free education and
give your opinion (there are more disadvantages than advantages)
- Although the education system that does not require students
to pay tuition fees has some benefits, I think there are more
- Although the education system that does not require students
to pay tuition fees gives them more study opportunities and
alleviates financial worries, these benefits are overshadowed
by its drawbacks to educational quality and government
Introduction There is a common belief that education should be free of charge.
Although the education system that does not require students to pay
tuition fees gives them more study opportunities and alleviate
financial worries, these benefits are overshadowed by its drawbacks
to educational quality and government budget.
(47 words)

Example 3: Problem and Solution

Question Many people believe that educational standards have declined in
recent times, particularly in the areas of literacy and numeracy.
Discuss the causes of this problem and offer some possible
solutions to it.
How to Synonyms and change voice
paraphrase - It is believed that educational quality is deteriorating recently.
- Educational quality is thought to become poorer in the recent
How to answer Write about both causes and solutions of this trend
- This trend stems from several causes and this essay will also
suggest some effective solutions
- This trend stems from the lack of discipline at school and
overwhelming school curriculum, and it can be addressed by

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enforcing stricter rules in classrooms and eliminating some
useless subjects.
Introduction Educational quality is thought to become poorer in the recent years.
This trend stems from the lack of discipline at school and
overwhelming school curriculum, and it can be addressed by
enforcing stricter rules in classrooms and eliminating some useless
(41 words)

Example 4: Two-part question

Question It is often thought that the increase in youth crime can be attributed
to violence in the media.
Do you agree that this is the main cause of youth crime?
What solutions can you offer to deal with this situation?
How to Synonyms + change voice + change word form
paraphrase - Some people think that the main reason for juvenile
delinquency is access to violence in the media.
How to answer Give the answer to the first question (Agree) and then the second
one (suggest some solutions)
- I agree with this view and will suggest some possible solutions
to address this situation in this essay.
- I concur with this view and think that stricter media censorship
and early education at school can be workable answers to this
Introduction Some people think that the main reason for juvenile delinquency is
access to violence in the media. I concur with this view and think that
stricter media censorship and early education at school can be
workable answers to this problem.
(40 words)

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b. How to write main body paragraphs
- Have two or three body paragraphs
- Support the position mentioned in the introduction by breaking it down into smaller
- Develop your main ideas with explanation and/or examples
- There are three body paragraph structures
Structure 1 1. Topic sentence
2. Supporting idea 1 + Explain and give an example (if possible)
3. Supporting idea 2 + Explain and give an example (if possible)
Structure 2 1. Topic sentence
2. Detail (Explanation and/or example)
3. Conclusion
Structure 3 1. Acknowledge the counter claim
- Stating the counter claim
- Giving a reason others support the counter claim
2. Disprove counter claim with rebuttal
- Say: no, you are wrong and here is why
- What this argument [overlooks/fails to consider/does not
take into account] is ...
- However, I believe this to be a very shortsighted/ illogical/
impractical ....view

- There are four main kinds of information in each body paragraph

1. Benefits
2. Drawbacks
3. Reasons
4. Solutions

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Example 1 (Opinion)
Question The government should make more efforts to promote nuclear energy. To
what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Introduction It is believed that government should encourage the use of nuclear energy.
I do not concur with this view because of its detrimental impacts on the
environment and human safety.
Body Structure 2
paragraph 1 (Topic sentence) One of the biggest issues of using nuclear power is
environmental impacts in relation to uranium and its waste. (Detail 1) Even
though burning nuclear energy does not emit any CO2 emission, mining
uranium, the main factor for nuclear power, is not a clean process. (Detail
2) Furthermore, during the production of nuclear power, highly radioactive
solid waste is created which remains deadly to living organisms for an
extremely long period. (Conclusion) As a result, if the government
encourage the use of nuclear energy, there will be more threats to the
Body Structure 2
paragraph 2 (Topic sentence) Another shortcoming of using nuclear energy is nuclear
radiation accidents, which pose great threats to human. Some serious
nuclear radiation accidents have occurred. (Detail 1) A catastrophic nuclear
accident occurring in 1986 is Chernobyl disaster which is believed to be the
most disastrous accident both in terms of cost and casualties. (Detail 2) In
addition, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster (2011) in Japan, though
there have been no fatalities linked to radiation due to the accident, has led
to a large number of cancer deaths in the years and decades ahead.
(Conclusion) Therefore, using nuclear energy is detrimental to human.

Example 2 (Discussion with opinion)

Question Some people think that governments should pay the tuition fees for
students. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of free education and
give your opinion.
Introduction There is a common belief that education should be free of charge. Although
the education system that does not require students to pay tuition fees
gives them more study opportunities and alleviate financial worries, these
benefits are overshadowed by its drawbacks to educational quality and
government budget.

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Body Structure 1
paragraph 1 (Topic sentence) There are many benefits where education is free of charge.
(Supporting idea 1) Firstly, countries with free education can provide more
study opportunities for children from all background. There are many cases
of bright students who are born in poor families and therefore cannot afford
to pay for tuition fees. If these children can be still educated, not only can
they gain the benefits for themselves, but they will also contribute back to
society, using their skills and talent. (Supporting idea 2) Secondly, if free
tuition is introduced, no students will have to take student loans ever again.
Free from debts upon graduation, they can then afford to buy houses or cars
Body Structure 1
paragraph 2 (Topic sentence) However, I think that education without tuition fee has
more adverse impacts. (Supporting idea 1) Firstly, it will decrease learners’
motivation and responsibility. Because they do not have to pay for their
study, they may neglect to pay attention in classes or be more likely to drop
out of school. Therefore, the educational quality is not increased when
students do not take any financial responsibility. (Supporting idea 2)
Secondly, this will lead to government budget deficit when too much
money is invested in constructing schools and employing teachers.
Consequently, they will lack money to upgrade other public services.

Example 3: Problem and Solution

Question Many people believe that educational standards have declined in recent
times, particularly in the areas of literacy and numeracy.
Discuss the causes of this problem and offer some possible solutions to
Introduction Educational quality is thought to become poorer in the recent years. This
trend stems from the lack of discipline at school and overwhelming school
curriculum, and it can be addressed by enforcing stricter rules in
classrooms and eliminating some useless subjects.
Body Structure 1
paragraph 1 There are many reasons for the decline of educational standard. One of
the most significant obstacles to learning in schools today is lack of
discipline. While the teachers of previous generations were able to
maintain order through the use of corporal punishment, such methods are
no longer permitted. The resultant misbehaviour and inattention on the
part of students seriously undermine the learning process. Another major

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contributing factor is the undue attention that many schools give to “soft”
subjects like music, art and drama. These subjects simply serve to distract
students from more important and practical subjects like mathematics and
English and reduce their academic performance.
Body Structure 1
paragraph 2 Some viable solutions can be done to deal with this situation. Firstly, it is
crucial that classroom discipline needs to be restored. Admittedly, there
are numerous alternatives to corporal punishment, which is frowned upon
by many these days. Nonetheless, I remain firmly convinced that physical
forms of punishment are often the most effective method of behaviour
management. Secondly, school curriculum should be adjusted by declining
the time for other less vital subjects. For instance, primary students should
only learn how to read and write rather than waste time to learn how to
draw and sing. If this change is done, students will pay full attention to
core subjects and therefore achieve higher results.

Example 4: Two-part question

Question It is often thought that the increase in youth crime can be attributed to
violence in the media.
Do you agree that this is the main cause of youth crime?
What solutions can you offer to deal with this situation?
Introduction Some people think that the main reason for juvenile delinquency is access
to violence in the media. I concur with this view and think that stricter
media censorship and early education at school can be workable answers
to this problem.
Body Structure 3
paragraph 1 Some people hold the view that violent content in social media is not the
reason for juvenile delinquency. Young people only watch this kind of
information for the purpose of entertaining themselves, and they surely
forget about it right after that. However, I believe this to be a very
shortsighted view. At the early age, children learn a new thing by observing
and imitating. The more time they spend watching TV or using social
networks, the more those sources affect the formation of their characters.
If watching an action movie with murdering or robbing scenes, teenagers
may try to copy what they have seen in the movie.
Body Structure 1
paragraph 2 Many effective measures can be taken to address the booming of youth
crime. The first workable solution is to cencor films or TV programmes that

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are designed for children. All offensive or immoral information should be
totally eliminated, and parents should pay attention to age limitation of
some kinds of movies to deter their access to unsuitable ones. Another
practical action is education at school. They should be taught to distinguish
right from wrong and be aware of the consequences of some common
crimes, and therefore, despite accessing a violent piece of news on the
Internet, they will not imitate.

c. How to write a conclusion

3 rules Never add anything new
Only one sentence
Paraphrase the answer and start with “In conclusion”

Example 1 (Opinion)
Question The government should make more efforts to promote nuclear energy. To
what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Introduction It is believed that government should encourage the use of nuclear energy.
I do not concur with this view because of its detrimental impacts on the
environment and human safety.
Conclusion In conclusion, I am not in favour of the opinion that the use of nuclear
energy should be promoted because it has adverse effects on the
environment and puts human life at risk.

Example 2 (Discussion with opinion)

Question Some people think that governments should pay the tuition fees for
students. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of free education
and give your opinion.
Introduction There is a common belief that education should be free of charge.
Although the education system that does not require students to pay
tuition fees gives them more study opportunities and alleviate financial
worries, these benefits are overshadowed by its drawbacks to educational
quality and government budget.
Conclusion In conclusion, albeit beneficial to certain extent, free education will exert
more harmful influences on educational standard and public financial

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Example 3: Problem and Solution
Question Many people believe that educational standards have declined in recent
times, particularly in the areas of literacy and numeracy.
Discuss the causes of this problem and offer some possible solutions to it.
Introduction Educational quality is thought to become poorer in the recent years. This
trend stems from the lack of discipline at school and overwhelming school
curriculum, which can be addressed by enforcing stricter rules in
classrooms and eliminating some useless subjects.
(40 words)
Conclusion In conclusion, the main reasons for declining educational standards are
poor discipline and unfocused learning program, which can be solved by
more severe enforcement of rules and non-essential subject elimination.

Example 4: Two-part question

Question It is often thought that the increase in youth crime can be attributed to
violence in the media.
Do you agree that this is the main cause of youth crime?
What solutions can you offer to deal with this situation?
Introduction Some people think that the main reason for juvenile delinquency is access
to violence in the media. I concur on this view and think that stricter media
censorship and early education at school can be workable answers to this
Conclusion In conclusion, I agree that the popularity of violent information in the
media leads to the increase in youth crime rate, so censoring or raising
children awareness of criminal activities’ consequences are of importance.

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