Economic Analysis of CO2 Injection in Mature Oil Fields

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SPE 94922

Economic Evaluation of Oil Production Project with EOR: CO2 Sequestration in

Depleted Oil Field
A.T.F.S. Gaspar, SPE, S.B. Suslick, SPE, D.F. Ferreira, and G.A.C. Lima, SPE, State U. of Campinas

Copyright 2005, Society of Petroleum Engineers

the pre-industrial Era, CO2 concentration was about 280 ppm.
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Presently, it reaches 370 ppm.
Engineering Conference held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 20 – 23 June 2005.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in a proposal submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
Although, there is much uncertainty regarding the
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to impacts of these GHG emissions, governmental authorities
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at and non-governmental organizations have discussed the
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
implementation of some approaches to minimize their build-
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is up in the atmosphere. One of the available methods for
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to a proposal of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The proposal must contain conspicuous minimizing CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is the
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
application of carbon sequestration techniques, which has the
advantage of maintaining the use of fossil fuels while reducing
the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere.
This paper presents an economic feasibility study for CO2 One of the challenges to be overcome in the
coupled with EOR in a small mature Brazilian oilfield. The implementation of a sound CO2 sequestration policy is the
present study considers two important and complementary high cost of the whole process, which comprises costs of
reasons: (1) EOR improvement - CO2 displaces residual oil capture, compression, transportation and storage. Costs for
left in place after primary production and secondary water CO2 sequestration are estimated between US$ 40 and US$ 60
flooding and has been successfully injected in mature fields per ton of CO2 avoided)1 depending on the methodology used
for forty years, in order to extend the oilfield life; (2) storing in the capture process, the amount of required compression,
this gas in the oil reservoir and, hence, a contribution to reduce the distance from the source to the storage site, as well as the
its emissions. The physical aspects of this project are site where CO2 is going to be injected.
described, and a breakdown cost methodology is proposed in
order to estimate the main financial determinants of the Possible sites and methods for CO2 storage include:
integrated EOR with CO2 sequestration (cost of capture,
compression, transportation and storage). Project evaluation is • depleted oil and gas reservoirs;
derived from a cash flow model, regarding reservoir
production profile, price and costs, capital expenditures • deep saline formations;
(CAPEX), operating expenditures (OPEX), carbon credits,
depreciation time, fiscal assumptions, etc. A sensitivity • aquifers;
analysis study was carried out in order to identify the most
critical variables. Results indicate that project NPV is around • oceans;
US$ 3.2 million, what is significant for a small mature field.
Additionally, it contributes by removing Green House Gases • forests;
(GHG) from the atmosphere by storing 0.73 million tons of
CO2 over a period of 20 years. Project feasibility, as expected, • enhanced oil recovery (EOR);
was found to be very sensitive to oil price, oil production, and
CAPEX. • enhanced coalbed methane production

There are several possibilities where CO2 could be stored.

1 - Introduction Nevertheless, the first requirement is to reduce the high costs
associated with the whole process in order to stimulate the
The ever-increasing intensity of carbon dioxide (CO2), as well adoption of CO2 sequestration procedures. The urgent need for
as other gases, in the atmosphere is caused by anthropogenic reducing current high costs (mainly costs of capture) depends
activities since the Industrial Revolution, mainly due to the on further research and development into CO2 sequestration,
increasing burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). In
2 SPE 94922

as well as, the incentive of mechanisms such as the ones This paper is divided into seven sections. In section 2,
offered by the Kyoto Protocol, which will create more the economics of CO2 sequestration is described in details,
opportunities for cost reduction. If the carbon credits are followed by the methodology for the economic analysis in
internalized, the costs of CO2 sequestration will be offset and section 3. The next section provides a case study of a mature
sequestration may become attractive. It may also be necessary oilfield. The energy requirements of the enhanced oil recovery
to implement a CO2 tax regime in order to generate incentives using CO2 are discussed in section 5 and results are analyzed
for the reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. If no in section 6.
incentives are provided, capture and disposal methods may
never be used2.

Currently, market prices for carbon are still uncertain. If 2 - Economics of the CO2 sequestration process
carbon price is greater than zero, capture and disposal methods
will become attractive and should be used. Additionally, on Total costs of CO2 sequestration can be divided into costs for
the basis of economic return alone, Enhanced Oil Recovery capture, compression, transport, and storage. As indicated by
(EOR) tends to be an attractive geologic disposal option for Gough and Shackley11, in many cases, cost estimates cannot
CO23. be directly compared because they involve different
assumptions about fuel prices, discount rates, and different
Storage of CO2 in reservoirs submitted to EOR operations elements of total costs. By convention, some organizations
is a direct consequence of CO2 utilization. The gas is used in like the IEA Greenhouse Gas R & D Programme incorporate
its supercritical form for extracting more oil out of mature the cost of compression into cost of capture12 impeding direct
reservoirs in the Enhanced Oil Recovery process. CO2 comparison with just capture or compression cost components.
displaces residual oil left in place after primary production and In this section, costs of each stage of CO2 sequestration
secondary recovery and has been successfully injected for process are briefly described.
forty years in mature fields in order to extend the life on
oilfields. Some of the CO2 injected will remain stored in the
reservoir. Currently there are about 84 projects of CO2
applications for EOR (commercial or research-level) 2.1 - Capture and Compression Costs
worldwide. About 71 of these projects are in USA. The
In the sequestration system, a great contribution to the total
amount of enhanced oil being produced from these CO2 –
cost formation comes from the capital and operation cost for
EOR projects averages approximately 206,000 bbl/day4.
the compression, associated cooling and dehydration
Approximately 20,000 tons of CO2 are daily delivered into oil
fields for EOR projects5. According to EPRI6 estimates, 3
million metric tons/year of CO2 are currently being For estimating compression costs, the amount of
sequestered (permanently stored) in depleted oil fields in the required compression and the unit costs of compression should
western United States; although, data concerning the specific be considered. However, these two elements can vary from
volumes and flow rates of CO2 injected into depleted oil fields project to project. In addition, compression costs are
for EOR are generally not publicly available. considerably higher for small flows9. Estimates for CO2
compression costs range from US$ 7.4 to 12.4/tonne9.
CO2 combined with EOR can be used to recover oil which
otherwise would not be produced. Then, the revenues from oil In addition to the compression costs, one issue which
selling could offset the costs of CO2 storage in many causes concern is the high cost of capture. Capture costs
instances7. CO2 sequestration with EOR is the most viable account for about 75% of total cost of sequestration (the
route for technology cost reductions in the near term, due to dominant parameter for the current technology) and has been
the high oil prices8. The possibility of reducing costs in other one of the key barriers to the introduction of CO2
CO2 sequestration options such as aquifers and depleted fields sequestration technology12. Capture costs depend on the
(without production of hydrocarbons) will probably be less amount of CO2 to be captured, CO2 concentration and pressure
than EOR9. Moreover, in agreement with Heddle10, CO2 in the stream of emissions source, and the nature of the
floods for EOR are also considered a very attractive option, capture process (chemical or physical absorption, chemical or
since most oil fields have already undergone primary and physical adsorption, membranes, cryogenic fractionation,
secondary recovery. Note that infrastructure is already present etc.). Nevertheless, some technologies are not suitable for
in the field (i.e. wells, pipelines) requiring just some capturing CO2 under some of the flue gas conditions,
adaptation for CO2 storage purposes. suggesting that another technique should be applied. For
instance, cryogenics is just appropriate for high CO2
The present study is focused on the utilization of CO2 in
concentration in the gas stream, whereas, gas-solid adsorption
active oil reservoirs through enhanced oil recovery. The
is practical at very low CO2 concentrations14.
objective of this paper is to analyze if anthropogenic carbon
dioxide utilization in enhanced oil recovery can impact the As suggested by van Bergen et al15, high capture costs
reduction of emissions to the atmosphere, as wells as are attributed to requirements involving the intensive use of
economic analysis for the process of CO2 sequestration in equipment to scrub CO2 from exhaust gas streams derived
depleted oil reservoirs. from power plants where CO2 is presented in low
SPE 94922 3

concentrations (8 –14% by volume). Nguyen and Allinson16 transportation costs can be reduced if there is an
states that CO2 capture is the area where additional R & D anthropogenic source near the oilfield, for example.
potentially holds the most promising mechanism for reducing
overall costs for curbing CO2 emissions. Research must be
focused on chemical absorption and membranes, due to their
large potential for reducing costs17. Moreover, further research 2.3 - Storage Cost
is also needed to the development of new solvents and
adsorbents as well as better understanding of those that have Cost components for CO2 injection into storage sites include
already been in use. mainly capital costs for drilling wells, and costs related to the
operation and maintenance of the system16. The composition
There are opportunities to capture CO2 at lower costs. of total storage cost includes the following parameters:
For instance, recovering CO2 from industrial processes usually location, injection costs, reservoir depth, average temperature,
provides higher concentrations and, therefore, requires less reservoir radius, environmental regulatory framework and
energy. In agreement with Lysen18, if CO2 is nearly pure, it flow rate.
can be captured at low cost, at best, only dehydration and
compression may be required before transportation. Farla et It should be kept in mind that, the costs vary for type of
al19 mentioned that so far, little attention has been given to reservoirs and from location to location, that is, costs are very
CO2 recovery from industrial processes, although large site specific. For example, Nguyen and Allison16 pointed out
amounts of CO2 are emitted at high concentration by few that in most CO2 storage cases in geological reservoir, costs
industries. Such industrial processes are ammonia range from below US$ 5 to above US$$ 20 per ton.
manufacturing, fermentation and hydrogen production (i.e., in
Onshore storage is generally less expensive than offshore
oil refining). Table 1 presents mitigation cost data for some
storage. In the latter option, platforms are required leading to a
cases involving CO2 capture and compression processes.
significant increase in costs. Surely, costs vary considerably
from project to project9.

2.2 - Transportation Cost In some cases (including the case study of this paper),
there are opportunities for storage at small cost or even net
The most common means of transport of CO2 is by pipeline. benefits, by means of improving oil or gas by injection of CO2
This option of transportation is recommended for large into the reservoir and, as result, generating some offsetting
quantities and long distances. Trucks can be used for reduced income. As mentioned earlier, a good option is to apply CO2
quantities and short distances. For large distances over sea, in EOR and ECBM. However, ECBM option is more
tanker transport might be the best option9. expensive since it requires a large number of wells9.

For estimating operation costs for transportation of CO2 Some issues should be carefully considered regarding
via pipeline, the following variables should be considered: CO2 storage costs. Smith et al13 states that the cost to
CO2 flow rate and distance from the source to the storage site. construct and operate injection wells contributes with only a
The costs for transportation are likely to be reduced when small portion of the total cost for the system. Moreover,
large scale of operation is deployed. Obviously, the closer the currently, operators must cover the costs of purchased CO2, as
oilfield to the CO2 plants, the lower the cost of the well as, other capital and operating costs, solely on the basis of
transportation. Moreover, larger flow size reduces cost. For sales of oil production, because operators receive no financial
capital costs, the following parameters should be considered: benefit for sequestering CO26.
pipeline geometry (internal diameter), terrain characteristics,
for example if it is a mountainous area, because it would lead
to higher construction costs. Population density should also be
3 – Methodology for economic analysis
considered, since higher safety is required for populated areas
(i.e., more valves required) which may increase costs9 This section presents the economic analysis used to
considerably. evaluate the feasibility of the CO2 sequestration with EOR.
Costs for each stage of the project including capture,
Considering these issues, transportation cost can vary
compression, transportation and storage are divided into
significantly for different projects. For instance, Hedle et al10
capital expenditures (CAPEX) and operating expenditures
quoted pipeline construction costs as around US$ 21/in/km,
(OPEX). Typically in carbon sequestration, the OPEX of the
that is, US$21 per inch of diameter per km of length, and
process include labor, materials, maintenance, and possibly
operational and maintenance (O&M) costs at US$ 3.1/km
seismic monitoring costs16. Moreover, the economic data that
(costs do not depend on pipeline diameter). Turkenburg20 cited
must be considered to calculate the costs of CO2 sequestration
that pipeline transportation costs of CO2 are US$ 3-12/t C per
are: market prices to equipment and services, operational life
100km (depending on the size and capacity of the pipeline).
of the project, fiscal regime, CO2 purchase, operating expenses
According to van Bergen et al15, transport costs can be with CO2 recycle, operating cost of the well, investments in
reduced by limiting the distance between CO2 point sources compressors, separation equipment, well conversions, drilling
and reservoir to 100Km (or less). Thus, whenever possible, costs, fuel cost, etc.
4 SPE 94922

The company net cash flow is estimated using the 4 – Case study: Feasibility of CO2 injection in a
following simplified relationship every year: depleted onshore reservoir

NCF=(R+CCO2– Roy–PIS–OPEX–IW– D)*(1–T)+D– CAPEX The present study is based on a mature standstone reservoir
(1) located within the Reconcavo Basin in Brazil. This is a small
basin where petroleum was discovered in the late thirties. It is
It was derived from the cash flow (Equation 1), the net assumed that light oil is produced. Data are derived based on
present value (NPV) indicator. The net present value is the information from the literature as well as from experts in CO2-
sum of all net cash flows over the life of the project. EOR. The main technical and economical characteristics of
the oilfield can be seen in Table 2.
The estimation of R (gross revenue) was carried out by
multiplying the oil production by its oil price, i.e., the inflows CO2 for this flood is supplied by a fertilizer plant. The
are generated by the oil production. selected technology to capture and isolate the CO2 from the
ammonia production is the conventional chemical absorption
The cash flow is found by deducting from the inflows based on hot potassium carbonate. After this, CO2 is
(gross revenue and the possible CO2 credits to be gain due to compressed to a supercritical state and transported via pipeline
the sequestration), the IW (investments costs)1*, OPEX, and (78 km) to the oilfield where it is injected through a single
taxation according to the Brazilian fiscal regime (royalties, well. CO2 flood extends over an area of 12 km2. CO2 is
PIS/PASEP, rental area, corporate tax and other taxes). Due to injected into the reservoir at a depth of about 1800m.
its linear character, with some pertinent adaptations, Equation Reservoir permeability averages 300 mD. Moreover, leakage
(1) could be applied to any R & D system, despite the of CO2 in the project is negligible here.
differences between the incidence of taxes and levies of
several fiscal systems. In this project, current expenditures on CO2
transportation are: 20 000 US$/Km/in, in a paved road, i.e.,
The choice of the correct discount rate is one of the key the simulation includes an adequate infrastructure for
predicaments in the model of valuation and decision-making. transportation of goods and services. The investments in
The discount rate for this EOR – CO2 sequestration project compression are approximately US$ 3 million for power
must reflect the following considerations: ranging from 2200 to 2400 HP.
¾ The opportunity cost of investing in this project In this study, it is assumed that the total oil production is
rather than, in other with the same risk and return attributed to the injection of CO2, i.e., oil cannot be produced
characteristics; without EOR. For simplicity, it is assumed a simple
production profile with a constant enhanced oil production
¾ The preference of the corporation for cash (liquidity); over the total lifetime. The amount of enhanced oil recovered
is calculated using a CO2 effectiveness factor of 0.40 ton of
¾ The social opportunity cost of not investing in this
CO2 injected per barrel of enhanced oil. Also, it is considered
project and, consequently, keeping on delivering CO2 to the
here that well costs are not accounted in the economics of this
project, since these are assumed to be present in the field. It is
The terms CAPEX and OPEX presented in the net cash also assumed that cost of CO2 storage include costs of
flow (Equation 1) are estimated as follow: separation, compression and recycling of CO2 produced along
with the oil besides costs of monitoring of CO2 sequestration.
The estimative of total CAPEX taking into account the Moreover, it is also assumed that 50% of the CO2 injected
investment in each step of a CO2 sequestration project is: remains stored in the reservoir. By the time the project is
completed, an estimated 3.65 MMbbl of oil will have been
recovered, as well as 0.73 million tons of CO2 will have been
CAPEXt=CAPEXcap+CAPEXcomp+CAPEXtransp+CAPEXstor (2)
Table 3 presents the fiscal and economical assumptions
used in this model. The cash flow of the CO2 sequestration
project in oil fields is estimated using the following
The total OPEX is estimating similarly to the CAPEX assumptions: revenues from selling oil, project costs like fixed
approach: operating costs, variable operating costs, capital costs such as
CO2 capture, compression, transportation, injection, taxes like
OPEXt=OPEXcap+OPEXcomp+OPEXtransp+OPEXstor (3) income tax, COFINS/PIS, Government Take such as
(royalties, rental area, etc). Possible CO2 credits are included
Finally, the next step is to apply this model to a mature
in the cash flow as project credits. There are no taxes imposed
oilfield in the Brazilian sedimentary basin. on CO2 injection.

A discount rate of 12% is assumed for the project. As

* Some costs such as drilling and completion expenditures, discussed earlier in the previous section, the discount rate
may be accounted as yearly cost in some fiscal regimes.
SPE 94922 5

reflects the opportunity cost of investing in this project, which Some venting of CO2 is inevitable at various stages in
depends on the macroeconomic setting, nature of the process, the life of an EOR project6. For example, in the EOR
oil field stage (marginal fields, etc.), among others. operation, CO2 is emitted because of the utilization of
Depreciation of facilities has started in the first year. In equipments on-site, besides the utilization of energy outside
addition, abandonment costs are depreciated from the fourth the boundaries of the field. By the other hand, for EOR, it is
year. utilized CO2 that otherwise would be vented to the
5 – Energy Requirements for Enhanced Oil Recovery In this project it is assumed a carbon dioxide emission
using CO2 factor of 51 kg-CO2/GJ, based on the fuel input in the
A very important factor to be considered is the energy electricity production in the region of the project. The carbon
required in the whole CO2 sequestration-EOR process. dioxide emission factor of 62 kg-CO2/GJ is assumed for
Substantial amounts of energy are also needed to compress the steam.
CO2 to a supercritical state for pipeline transportation to the The Stella® Software has been used in order to analyze
storage site. de dynamics of the whole process of CO2 sequestration in
Normally, in the total process of CO2 sequestration, there enhanced oil recovery, considering each step of the process
is a little amount of CO2 directly or indirectly emitted into the with its respective energy requirements. Stella® is a useful tool
atmosphere because of the intensive use of energy in the for dynamic modeling. It is also an excellent didactic tool to
capture, compression, transportation and storage of CO2 demonstrate changes in variables and their impact on the
combined with enhanced oil recovery stages. CO2 is project. This is only a preliminary stage in the development of
additionally generated in these stages resulting in CO2 the model. The preliminary results will need refinements.
emissions. Direct emissions result from the use of on-site Therefore, a simplified preliminary conceptual model
electricity generation while indirect emissions result from the using Stella® Research version for WindowsTM was developed.
use of off-site electricity generation. Emission factors and energy requirements of each step of the
In order to quantify these secondary emissions, it should project were used as inputs to analyze the net storage of CO2
be considered each step where energy was used. Firstly, in this in the active oil reservoir. Figure 5 shows a sample screen of
study, CO2 is a by-product of ammonia production and the the conceptual CO2 storage model located in the interface
stream source contains almost pure CO2 (approximately 98%). level of the model.
In view of this, no significant quantities of CO2 are emitted in This model can be applicable to any oil reservoir. Each
the capture process (no substantial amounts of energy to purify component that should be used to estimate the net storage of
the stream are required). However, some emissions occur CO2 is described in details in the mapping level of the
when CO2 is compressed, transported, and utilized in conceptual diagram illustrated in Figure 6.
enhanced oil recovery operations. EOR methods are highly
energy intensive. Electricity, as well as natural gas is an 6 - Results and Discussion
important power source for EOR operations6.
In this particular case, the external power source for each It is important to keep in mind that it was assumed that the
operation is based on natural gas. Steam is also utilized for costs of CO2 incorporated in the cash flow are in a CO2
drying CO2 in the compression stage. The energy requirement captured base, i.e., the gross amount of CO2 stored. To
for each stage of this CO2 EOR sequestration project, as well incorporate each component of sequestration cost in a CO2
as the emission factors from energy generation, was based on avoided base, it is necessary to take into account the CO2
published data. Emission factors depend on the composition of emissions generated associated with the energy use in each
the fuel type consumed. For example, burning coal will release stage of CO2 sequestration.
more CO2 than will burning natural gas (117.080lbs/106Btu).
According to Farla et al19, the carbon dioxide from The stand-alone NPV, i.e., the NPV before taxes is US$ 6.95
ammonia production in the fertilizer industry instead of be million (US$ 1.90/bbl), whereas the NPV including the CO2
vented may be compressed in a four-isentropic compression credits is US$ 9.67 million (US$ 2.65/bbl). The effective NPV
process. The compression energy amounts to 393 kJ/kg-CO2. considering the usual government take, i.e. the NPV after all
Most of the water will be removed in the first compression taxes was US$ 3.16 million (US$ 0.86/bbl). A comparative
stages. Additional drying consumes 8 kJ/kg-CO2 of heat, and analysis of NPV magnitude is depicted in Figures 1a and 1b.
cooling takes 8 kJ/kg-CO2 of electricity.
When CO2 is injected in EOR operations, it consumes Low values for effective NPV are attributable to the high
significantly more electric energy per barrel of oil produced value of CAPEX and the limited production from the small
than thermal EOR methods, for example. CO2-EOR methods field.
require about 5 hp per barrel of oil per day, while thermal
EOR methods use about 0.75 hp per barrel of oil per day. The The NPV is a result of future cash flows under a static
electric power for gas EOR is required for pumping fluids scenario. Since the future is always uncertain, the NPV may
from the wells, separating product from produced and break be considered as a random variable so that the confidence
through gases, compression for gas injection and re-injection, level in its mean value is not absolute. The influence of
and pumping product to market and produced water to parameters such as oil price, carbon credits, oil production,
treatment and re-injection6. CAPEX, and OPEX were further analyzed through a
sensitivity analysis. Graphs for each input variable were
6 SPE 94922

obtained in order to assess planning regarding CO2-EOR 90% that the true value will be lower than US$ 24 million.
economics optimization.
The maximum financial exposure was in the beginning
For the sensitivity analysis of NPV, the selected of the project, mostly because of high capital investments.
variables are submitted to a range of 50% of their original Nevertheless, the payback time occurred within six years,
input values, except the oil production value, which varied which is relatively early considering the lifetime of this
from minus 50% to 0 (because oil has been produced close to oilfield.
its limit). Table 4 shows the parameters accounted for the
In this work the net storage of the CO2 in the reservoir
sensitivity analysis. The range of the variables was based on per kg of oil recovered, was also analyzed (the storage of CO2
data from the literature. These uncertainties and variability considering the energy requirements and related CO2
reflect differences in assumptions and applications.
emissions of the whole process using Stella® software).
Figure 2a indicates the sensitivity of NPV in relation to It is assumed that 3.00 kg of CO2 are required for
oil price, oil production, CAPEX, and OPEX of capture, injection in order to produce 1 kg of oil. The injected amount
compression, transportation and storage, as well as CO2 depends on the characteristics of the reservoir. From this
required amount, 1.50 kg is supposed to remain in the ground,
credits. In this project, it can be noted that uncertainties in the
oil price and oil production, followed by CAPEX play an the rest of the CO2 is produced along with the oil. However,
important role in the total CO2 sequestration - EOR process the net amount of CO2 stored per kg of oil produced is about
1.32 kg oil, since CO2 is emitted from the use of energy (an
economics. However, in this hypothetical case, due to the
limited range of values considered (i.e., for the base case amount of approximately 0.18 kg of CO2 emitted per kg of oil
values assumed), the values of CO2 credits and OPEX of produced). It can be noticed that even so, it is still worthwhile
sequestering CO2 in active oil reservoirs because in each kg of
capture, compression, transportation, and storage are very
small resulting in NPV relatively less sensitive to changes in oil produced, 1.32 kg of CO2 remains stored in the ground,
that is 0.18 ton CO2 per barrel of oil. This result is in
these variables. Taking this into account, CO2 credits as well
as OPEX of capture, compression, transportation and storage agreement with the available literature. According to Wilson
were isolated and submitted to an additional sensitivity et al21, a net amount of about 0.15 ton of CO2 are stored per
barrel of oil, while Espie22 reports a value of 3.3 barrels of oil
analysis. From figure 2b, it can be noted that CO2 credits are a
significant parameter and an increase in its value results in an for each ton of CO2 stored in the Permian settings in the North
increase in the NPV. Sea area, or 0.3 ton of CO2 per barrel of oil. According to
Stalkup23, the net ratio in four field experiments varies
The sensitivity of NPV to these variables can be between 0.17 and 0.78 tons per barrel of oil, gross ratios are
exemplified as follows: increasing US$ 1.00 in the oil price roughly twice as high.
input can result in a NPV of about US$ 1.00 million higher
from the base case. While a reduction of US$ 1.00 million in
CAPEX would result in an increase of about US$ 860.000 in 7 - Conclusions
the NPV. An increase of US$ 1.00 in the value of CO2 credits
parameter would result in an increase of about US$ 187,000. Currently, the main obstacles for the implementation of CO2
sequestration are the high costs of the whole process.
A risk analysis was also applied to quantify the However, with an increasing level of knowledge and
uncertainty in the project NPV. The required input parameters contributions of new technologies in the field of CO2
for the risk analysis are: oil price, amount of injected CO2, sequestration as well as the increasing level of expertise will
discount rate, capture cost, compression cost, transportation probably further reduce these costs. Another constraint is the
cost, and storage cost besides storage ratio. The range of lack proactive taxes to reduce the level of emissions. A way to
variation of the respective uncertain inputs variables is minimize the high costs is combining CO2 sequestration with
presented in Table 5 via probabilistic distribution. For enhanced oil recovery. In this case, revenues from the extra oil
example, oil price and discount rate uncertainty are modeled recovered can help to offset the costs of the whole process of
using lognormal distribution, whereas the storage ratio is CO2 sequestration.
modeled using normal distribution. Triangular distribution
(min, median, max) were used for the OPEX of capture, Simulations results in this paper indicate that the
compression, transportation and storage and amount of CO2 injection of CO2 leads to the reactivation of this small
injected parameters. marginal project allowing enough profit to assist in the
reduction of injection costs, besides the contribution to
As a result of this simulation, a frequency of distribution mitigate the environmental impact caused by industrial
of the NPV was obtained as illustrated in Figure 4. From this sources of greenhouse gases. The NPV is around US$ 3.2
figure it can be seen that there is a risk of about 50% that the million (US$0.86/bbl). In addition the project will contribute
NPV will be lower than its expected value. In addition, it can to store CO2 that otherwise would be launched into the
also be seen, for example, that there is 10% of probability of atmosphere.
obtaining an effective NPV above US$ 24 million, or a risk of
SPE 94922 7

In addition, changes in oil price and oil production have IW = Investment accounted as costs
the greatest effect on NPV followed closely by changes in
CAPEX. It can be noted that higher oil prices can incentive MMbbl= Million of barrels
investments in CO2 sequestration combined with enhanced oil
recovery projects. In this simulation, the value of CO2 credits NCF = Net Cash Flow
can be considered small, not having a great effect on NPV.
However if the value of this variable increase substantially in OM =Operational and Maintenance
the future, it will strongly impact the economics of the project.
OPEX = Operational Expenditure
Oilfield operators can gain good returns sequestering CO2 in
the reservoirs if the values of credits increase substantially. PIS = Social tax, directly charged over gross revenue
Finally it must be considered that not all the CO2 injected R = Gross revenue, given by k * p * q (where p is the
remains stored in the reservoir. Some of this amount is price of Brent Dated oil and q is the number of
produced along with the oil and the rest remains stored in the barrels produced in the considered year. The
reservoir. From this amount we should consider the energy conversion factor k depends only on oil quality
used to carry out all the process from the capture in the (ºAPI, sulfur content, etc)
emissions source to the storage site.
Roy = Total amount paid in Royalties

scf = Standard cubic feet

T = Corporate tax rate
The authors like to thank CAPES, CNPq, CEPETRO, and
ANP for the financial support for this research. t = Metric tons


bbl = Barrel of Oil References

C = Carbon 1. Davison, J. E., Freund, P. Smith, A.. "Putting carbon back

in the ground", published by . IEA Greenhouse Gas R & D
CAPEX = Capital Expenditure (Sum of all investments, Programme, Cheltenham, U. K., ISBN1 89837328, 2001.
except IW, and is considered linearly depreciable in
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2. Eckaus, R. S., Jacoby, H. D., Ellerman, A. D., Leung, W-
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Ccomp = Compression Cost 3. Dahowski, R. T., Dooley, J., Brown, D. R., and Stephan,
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Geographic Information System"., 2001. available online:
Cstor = Storage Cost

CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

4. Moritis, G., “2004 Worldwide EOR Survey", Oil and Gas
DCF = Discounted Cash Flow Journal, 2004.

D = Total Depreciation 5. Moritis, G., “1998 Worldwide EOR Survey", Oil and Gas
Journal, 1998.
ECBM = Enhanced Coal Bed Methane Recovery

EOR = Enhanced Oil Recovery 6. EPRI – 1999, Enhanced Oil Recovery Scoping Study. Palo
Alto, CA: TR - 11386, 1999.
GHG = Green House Gases
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GtC = Gigaton of Carbon (billion tonnes of Carbon)
from Fossil Fuel Use", Encyclopedia of Energy, 2004, Vol.
GtCO2= Gigaton of Carbon Dioxide (billion tonnes of
Carbon Dioxide)
8 SPE 94922

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SPE 94922 9

Table 1: OPEX of capture and compression from several sources of CO2

Source of Emissions Costs of Capture and Recompression (US$/ ton CO2) Literature Source

Fertilizer Industry 8 19
Ethylene Oxide Production 9 19
Iron Steel Production 35 19
Power Plant 35-40 24
Petrochemical 46 19

Table 2: Reservoir Technical Characteristics

Proved Reserves (MMbbl) 3.97
API Gravity 35
Field Area (Km ) 12.00
CO2 Injected (ton/day) 200
Storage ratio (%) 50
Oil Production (bbl/year) 182,500
CO2 Injection versus Oil Production Ratio 0.398
Investments in capture (million US$) 6.00
Investment in compression (million US$) 3.00
Investment in transportation (million US$) 6.00
Investment in storage (million US$) 1.00
Costs of abandonment (million US$) 1.10
Capture cost (US$/ton) 3.00
Compression cost (US$/ton) 7.50
Transport cost (US$/ton) 8.00
Storage cost (US$/ton) 3.00
Operating costs (million US$/ year) 1.46

Table 3: Economic Model: Fiscal and Economic Assumptions

Useful Life of the project (years) 20
Oil Price (US$/ bbl) 25
Discount Rate 12%
Corporate Tax 25%
Other Corporate Taxes under Net Revenue (PIS/ PASEP + COFINS) 3.65%
Royalties (net production) 5%
Rental Area (US$/Km ) 300

Table 4: Economic Model: Parameters for Sensitivity Analysis

Parameter Assumed Value Range
Oil Price (US$/bbl) 25.00 12.50 – 37.50
Oil Production (bbl/year) 182,500.00 91,250.00 – 182,500.00
CAPEX (MMUS$/ton CO2) 16.00 8.00-24.00
Capture Cost (US$/ton CO2) 3.00 1.50 – 4.50
Compression Cost (US$/ton CO2) 7.50 3.75 – 11.25
Transportation Cost (US$/ ton CO2) 8.00 4.00 – 12.00
Storage Cost (US$/ton CO2) 3.00 1.50 – 4.50
Credits (US$/ ton CO2) 10 5.00 – 15.00

Table 5: Input Parameters of Risk Analysis

Uncertain Variables Selected Distribution Input Parameter Values
Oil Price (US$/bbl) lognormal mean = 25; standard deviation= 10
Amount of CO2 Injected triangular 150; 200; 250
Storage Ratio normal mean = 50%; standard deviation= 10%
Discount Rate lognormal mean = 12%; standard deviation = 4%
CO2 Credits lognormal mean=10; stand deviation= 5
Opex Transport triangular 6; 8; 10
Opex Compression triangular 6; 7,5; 9
Opex Storage triangular 1,5; 3; 4,5
Opex Capture triangular 1,5; 3; 4,5

The values of the parameters referring to the triangular distribution are the optimistic, most likely and pessimistic ones, respectively.
10 SPE 94922




MMUS$ 6,00



NPV Stand-alone Tax NPV + Carbon NPV effective


U S $/ bbl



Stand-alone Tax NPV + Carbon Effective NPV

NPV Credits

Figure 1: a) Net Present Value of CO2 Sequestration-EOR project; b) Net Present Value per oil barrel
SPE 94922 11


Oil Price
Oil Production
Net Present Value (MMUS$)


0 Compression
-60% -40% -20% 0% 20% 40% 60% Cost

Storage Cost

Capture Cost

CO2 Credits

4 Opex
Net Present Value (MMUS$)


3 Compress



CO2 Credits

-50% -40% -30% -20% -10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Figure 2: a) Sensitivity Analysis of CO2 Sequestration-EOR project considering all variables; b) considering OPEX and CO2 credits
12 SPE 94922

Cumulative Probability of NPV

-30 -10 10 30 50 70 90 110
effective NPV (US$ Million)

Figure 3: Distribution of Cumulative Probability of NPV

Cumulative Probability of NPV

0,6 OpexCompr

0,4 OpexTransport

0,2 OpexStorage

0 CO2Credits
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Figure 4: Results of Risk Analysis

SPE 94922 13

Figure 5: Interface level: Basic Conceptual Conditions of the CO2 Sequestration- EOR

Source of CO2 and ReÉ
Annual total tonnes É 24,333.33
inject production ratio 3.00 Annual Emission in toÉ 9,124.1
Gross CO2 Stored in É 1.50
Source of CO2
CO2 Emitted per Kg É 0.37
and Recycling
Net CO2 stored per É 1.13

Energy Oil Production

Energy per
Annual total
Energy per oil production tonnes of
Energy per pumping rate
Compressing oil produced

Energy per
Energy Requirement
Transportation inject production
in the Reservoir

Total Heat daily total oil

Total Energy produced

Emission Factors CO2 Emissions CO2 Storage

Net CO2 stored
CO2 Emitted per kg of
per Kg of oil oil produced
CO2 per Energy Gross CO2 Stored in
Unit derived from Total Daily reservoir per kg
Steam CO2
of oil
CO2 per Energy
stored rate
Unit derived from
GN Annual Emission
in tonnes of CO2

Figure 6: Mapping Level of CO2 Sequestration in EOR operation

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