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F rom technological development
to growing competitive pressures
vital that post facilities are able to prevent
leaks and ensure that assets are only
and the increasing need for speed, post made available to the right people —
production facilities are facing a per- which is made more complicated when
fect storm of trends that’s driving them assets are spread across multiple and
towards operational change. different systems and storage platforms.
For example, the post industry is In high-value asset scenarios it be-
quickly moving away from traditional comes especially important to understand
workflows where assets were physically who has access to which assets, meaning Post is moving from
delivered to the various stakeholders organizations need to be able to see the traditional workflows.
BY JAY involved. New media formats are now identities of those involved throughout
MIGLIACCIO completely digital, with all the processing the entire production process. And this
SENIOR PRODUCT and distribution taking place through applies both internally and externally. As
MANAGER software and services. content is frequently moved between
IBM ASPERA Linked to this is the growing pressure organizations, security solutions have to
WWW.IBM.COM/ post houses are under to be more agile support these sophisticated and complex
PRODUCTS/ASPERA and use resources efficiently. Not having requirements, which is made all the more
to process and manage physical assets difficult given that content now lives in
increases agility by freeing up assets. multiple cloud platforms. Hybrid cloud can
Arguably even more prominent is The truth is that many of the tools be- become complicated.
the importance of speed in a crowded ing used today simply aren’t able to cope
NAVIGATING industry. Post houses need to increase with the complexity involved in hybrid
their efficiency and deliver content more cloud workflows — which is hindering
THROUGH A quickly than ever, particularly given that collaboration at a time when that isn’t an
media assets are now produced and option for post facilities and other media
PERFECT STORM distributed globally. organizations.
With all this in mind, the adoption So, what’s the solution? How can post
of hybrid cloud workflows that use a houses facilitate internal and external
combination of public cloud, private cloud collaboration in a hybrid cloud world?
Studios need a content
and on-premises storage and compute re-
movement strategy.
sources is becoming increasingly popular. OVERCOMING THE COLLABORATION
However, it’s not all plain sailing, as these CONUNDRUM
new production and distribution work- With post facilities needing to create place, activities can be monitored, and
flows come with challenges of their own. more high-value assets in increasing- users can be confident that assets can
ly shorter turnaround times, enabling be securely shared and exchanged with
HYBRID CLOUD COMES secure intercompany and intracompany collaborators located anywhere around
WITH COMPLICATIONS collaboration is more critical than ever. the world.
Although modern hybrid cloud environ- Facilities need to be able to quickly, As hybrid workflows continue to
ments can deliver many operational and easily and securely exchange and deliver take hold, post houses need to move
financial benefits — including helping to assets of any size, over any distance, beyond just sharing files. They need to
reduce IT costs, streamline administration and between end users across different think about developing a cloud content
and speed up media production — col- organizations, combining multiple cloud movement strategy that covers not just
laborating on assets and moving content platforms as well as on-premises storage. the delivery of an asset that has been
across the infrastructure have both As such, they need access to modern produced, but also the delivery and pro-
become much more challenging. cloud-based services that can eliminate cessing of assets as they come to life.
Accessing and sharing content is now the complexities of asset sharing and Solutions that overcome the file
more complicated than ever, as files that collaboration in hybrid environments. transfer challenges of hybrid cloud by
need to be exchanged are often stored in For example, having one user interface enabling the fast, secure and reliable
multiple clouds and on-premises systems. for accessing files stored in the cloud or movement of assets across different
Not only that, different teams that need on-premises would enable users to easily cloud and storage environments will have
access to assets are likely to be geograph- transfer assets between environments, all vital roles to play in the future of the
ically dispersed, while traditional transfer protected by access controls that provide industry. Only with those in place, will
technologies bridging these different access in a secure and sensible manner. post houses be able to transfer assets
environments are slow and unreliable. The key is realtime visibility and con- around the world in a way that truly
Then there’s the issue of security. It’s trol over the whole storage. With this in facilitates collaboration.



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