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The University of the Philippines is unique from other universities in our country;
unlike other universities who are separated from the community, UP is actually
integrated to its community. It is a proof of the university’s public image, that it
does not separate itself from the community or the nation. The community within
the university is an important factor to what UP is; for the everyday journey of
every Iskolar ng Bayan towards the road of excellence, there is Manong Ikot
driver to take him to his next class; of course, there is also Manang Manininda,
who provides the Iskolar ng Bayan cheap and accessible meals every day. It is
undeniably true that you cannot do away and separate UP from its community.

In the academe it always taught to us that we must always be one with the
masses; because trough them, we are putting into practice all the theories that
we have learned within the four-walls of the classroom. We can never be
considered academically excellent if we do not give out ourselves to the
community who provided for our education through their taxes.

Continuing repression within the UP community

The UP community, like any other community within the country, is currently
facing so many issues. Except for the National issues that the community and the
rest of the people are facing; like the increase of price in basic good due to the
increase of the price of Oil, there are other forms of repression that the UP
community faces; there is the admin’s plan that to build a Monorail within the
university which threatens the livelihood of the UP drivers; not only are they
facing high prices but they are also facing the threat of losing their livelihood.
Moreover, the maninindas are slowly being ejected from the university to be

replaced by commercial establishments. Another pressing issue is the successive

plans for demolition of different communities near the university. ; the most
recent is Baranggay Sito San Roque around Agham which is part of a huge project:
QCCBD or Quezon City Central Business District Project which aims to make
Agham a commercial and business district, this project has already started within
UP; the Ayala TechnoHub which houses call centers and commercial
establishments. The land of Sitio San Roque was bought by Ayala Corp.; the
community also face frequent break-outs of fire which is suspected to be arson.

These are only some of the pressing issues that the UP community faces, and as
Iskolars ng Bayan we must take charge in acting and addressing these pressing
issues; for it is threatening the democratic rights of the people within the UP
community. Most especially as student-leaders, we have a greater role of
mobilizing the studentry into fighting the cause of the community; it is within the
USC constitution that we must always unite with the community and that we
should always fight for their interest. Because of this, it is important that the USC
should have a committee that will address the rights of the community and be
able to bridge the community from the university. The Community Rights and
Welfare Committee plays an important role in achieving unity within the
studentry and the different sectors of the community in the continuous struggle
for democratic rights; for it is important that the UP students don’t limit
themselves on student’s issues only, but rather, directly act on issue of other
sectors within the university and the country. It is time to act! Serve the
community! Serve the people!

II. Committee Vision and Mission


A committee working together with the different sectors of the community in

continuing the struggle for democratic rights, and an involved studentry that is
vigilant and dedicated in protecting the interest of the masses.

A committee that engages the studentry in various activities that promote the
welfare of the community and the nation in general, to help the students realize
their stake in serving the people.


The committee’s mission is to generate campaigns, advocacies, and programs in

support of the continuous struggle of the community to uphold their interests as
part of the university of the people.

Instill among students the spirit of vigilance and service to the rights and welfare
of the community at large.

III. Committee Structure

1. Committee Head

shall convene the committee meetings

 create and supervise activities in line with the objectives of the committee
 represent the committee in meetings inside and outside the council.
 assure the participation among his/her committee members and volunteer
 establish good relationship among its committee members and volunteer
corps, and shall strive to be a good example to them.

2. Secretary

 will take down the official minutes of the committee meetings which will be
given to the Secretariat Committee (in case he/she needs to). He/ She will also
be in charge of keeping committee documents. The secretary will also handle the

3. Sectoral liaisons

 will be the ones to coordinate per sector. They will accompany/ substitute for
the committee head in union/sectoral meeting that he/she is assigned.

A. Jeepney Drivers- in charge of coordinating with the different driver’s

association around campus.

B. Maninindas- in charge of maninindas’ union


C. Community- in charge of baranggays including UP staff and faculty.

4. Communication and Substance

shall be in charge of disseminating information within the committee and will

coordinate with the Mass-media Committee. He/ She will also be in charge of
logistical matters if needed.

5. Legal-aid

 will be the legal-aid of the committee which will also work in close
coordination with SLAAC.

6. EdRes

 will be the research arm of the committee, will also work in close coordination
with the Ed Res committee especially in pertinent issues of the community.

7. VolCor

 will serve as manpower for events and perform other tasks set by the
committee head.


Secret Sectoral Sectoral Sectoral Communica Legal-aid Ed Res

Liaison- Liaison- Liaison- tion and
ary Drivers Manininda Communit Substance

Vol Cor


R-Represent and struggle against anti-people issues

For RAIL? - A review of proposed Monorail project within the

academic oval (coordinate with Envi Comm)

Demolished dreams- a forum on community demolitions

Life is so unFare- a forum on the Oil price and fare hikes

Ano na ba ruta? – forum that aims to unite the drivers union

regarding jeepney route issue (In coordination with STRAW and

Seguridad!- a forum of the recent crimes that is rampant within the

university and the community. (coordinate with UPDP)

I-Increase student involvement in community issues

What is it like to be you? - Proposed CWTS/ Community Service

for maninindas/ drivers

Anyare na ba sa inyo?- Basic Masses Integration with nearby

communities to further understand their situation. (preferably San
Roque, coordinate with other MOs)

Marketing of CNS Library- To enable students to know more

about Nationalist studies and its importance in our community.

Tugtugan sa Commu!- awareness gig (in cooperation with cultural


S- Strengthening Multi-sectoral alliance

Kapihan at usapan- meeting with different sectors on pressing


Multi-sectoral Alliances Congress

Support All-UP Worker’s union and All-UP Academic Union

E- Engender good relationship with the community

Community SportsFest!- launch a friendly sportsfest for the

different sectors within UP to develop harmonious relationship and
unity with one another. (coordinate with SpoFi)

Community X-mas party!- to show X-Mas spirit among the


A Community affair!- 2nd semester community fair to provide

alternative sources of income to the community.

Isumbong mo kay Isko! - para-legal training (coordinate NUPL)

Bantay Sunog! - Fire prevention seminars

Tag-tipid! - budgeting tips


-livelihood seminars

Med Missions- coordinate with orgs like Red Cross Youth.

Knowledge is Power! – Establishing/ rehabilitation of community

information centers

BookDrivers! – A bookdrive event for children of drivers, or children

within a specific community in UP (in cooperation with Ed
Res/Orgs/Frats and Soro )


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