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NGO’s iIntervention ito ibring ichange iin ithe isociety i– iA icase istudy iof


Any iorganization, iwhether iNGO i(Non-Governmental iOrganization) ior
iGovernment, iinvolved iin ithe irural ior iurban idevelopment iis imaking iconcerted
iefforts iin idiverse iactivities. iSome iNGO’s iare iinvolved iin ihelping iweaker
isections iof ithe isociety isuch ias ismall iand imarginal ifarmers, iagricultural
ilaborer’s, ireservation icastes iunprivileged ipeople iand ichildren i, iwhile iothers
iengage iin, isetting iup ischools iand ihospitals iin ithe irural iareas, iprovision iof
ibetter inutrition ito ichildren, ihealth iintervention, ifamily iwelfare, iorganizing
ivocational itraining ito ienable iyouth iand ispecial iprograms iformulated ifor
isenior icitizens. iTaare iZamin iFoundation iis ione isuch iNGO iengaged iin i
iWelfare iactivities ifor ithe ipast iTen iyears. iThis iNGO iis iformed iunder ithe
iaegis iof i
Mr. iBishikesan iSaw, iwhich iis iwell iknown iin ithe ifield iof iquality ieducation
iservices, iand isponsored iover inineteen icolleges. iTaare iZamin iFoundation ihas
ia iteam iof iexperienced itrainers iand iresource ipersons iwho iwould ialways
iguide ithe irural idevelopment iactivities iin iDelhi iNCR iregion i. iWith ithe irich
iknowledge, iskills iand icontacts igained, iTaare iZamin iFoundation iorganized
ivarious iprogramme iand iprovides iopportunity ifor istudent iSocial iWorkers ito
ipractice itheir ifield ipracticum. iTaare izamin ifoundation iorganized inumber iof
icommunity ioutreach iprogrammes, imedical icamps, istreet iplays, iawareness
iprogrammes ietc. ifor ithe idisadvantaged isections iof ithe isociety. iThis istudy
iexplores ithe iintervention iactivities iand iits iimpact ion ithe isociety, ithrough ithe
icase istudy.
1. Introduction i: iThe iurge ifor iself imanagement iin idifferent isituations iis
ia ibasic idrive iof ihuman ibeings. iTechnology iis ithe icreative iexpression
iof ithis idrive. iIt iis iboth ia iliberating iinfluence iand ia iconstraint
idepending ion ithe ispecific isituation. iIndia ihas ia irich itradition iin
iVoluntary iservice. iBut ithe irole iof ithe iVoluntary iOrganization iin
iSocial iWelfare iand iSocial iDevelopment iis iyet ito ibe iunderstood ieven
iafter iseven idecades iof iplanning. iOn ithe iother ihand, ithe iquantified
igrowth iof ivoluntary iorganizations ihas ibeen irather ivery ifast. iThe
iestablishment iof iautonomous inational ibodies isuch ias ithe iCentral iSocial
iWelfare iBoard, iAssociation ifor ithe iVoluntary iAssociations iin iRural
iDevelopment ietc iopened imany inew iavenues ito ithis iVoluntary
iOrganization. iVoluntary iOrganizations ihave ibeen irendering iservices ito
iindividuals, igroups iand icommunities ito ia igreat iextent iin iIndia. iThe
iphysically ihandicapped, imentally iretarded, isocially imal-adjusted,
iunderprivileged iand iever iexploited igroups ihave ibeen ibenefited iby
ithese ivoluntary iorganizations ifor iwhich icharity iformed ithe ibasic
iphilosophy. iWith ithis iphilosophy ithe iphilanthropists ihave iturned itheir
idreams iinto ireality iby iway iof istarting ivoluntary isocial iorganizations
isuch ias ihospitals ifor ithe ipoor, iday-care icenters ifor ithe ineedy ichildren,
irehabilitation icenters ifor ithe ihandicapped ietc.
An iNGO's ilevel iof ioperation iindicates ithe iscale iat iwhich ian
iorganization iworks, isuch ias ilocal, iinternational ior inational. iProfessor
iPeter iWilletts, ifrom ithe iUniversity iof iLondon, iargues ithe idefinition iof
iNGOs ican ibe iinterpreted idifferently iby ivarious iorganizations
idepending ion ia isituation’s icontext. iHe idefines ian iNGO ias ian
iindependent ivoluntary iassociation iof ipeople iacting itogether ion ia
icontinuous ibasis ifor icommon ipurpose. iIn ithis iview, itwo imain itypes
iof iNGOs iare irecognized iaccording ito ithe iactivities ithey ipursue:
ioperational iNGOs ithat ideliver iservices iand icampaigning iNGOs. iThe
iultimate igoal iof iany iorganization iis ithe idevelopment iand ieconomic
igrowth. iIn ithis iregard ithe iobjectives iare ito iincrease ithe iavailability
iand iwiden ithe idistribution iof ibasic ilife isustaining igoods isuch ias ifood,
ishelter, ihealth iand iprotection; iTo iraise istandards iof iliving, iincluding
ihigher iincomes, imore ijobs, ibetter ieducation iand ia igreater iattention ito
icultural iand ihumanistic ivalues; iTo iexpand ithe irange iof ieconomic iand
isocial ichoices iavailable ito iindividuals iand inations iby ifreeing ithem
ifrom iservitude iand idependence.
2. Organization i: iMany iwriters ihave iattempted ito istate ithe inature,
icharacteristics iand iprinciples iof iorganizations iin itheir iway. iFor
iinstance, ito ithe isociologist, iorganizations imeans ia istudy iof ithe
iinteraction iof ithe ipeople, iclasses ior ithe ihierarchy iof ian ienterprise; ito
ithe ipsychologist, iorganization imeans ian iattempt ito iexplain, ipredict iand
iinfluence ibehavior iof iindividuals iin ian ienterprise, ito ia itop iexecutive,
iit imay imean ithe iweaving itogether iof ifunctional icomponents iin ithe
ibest ipossible icombination iso ithat ian ienterprise ican iactive iits igoals.
iOrganization iis ithe iestablishment iof ithe iformal iand/or iinformal
istructure iof iauthority ithrough iwhich ithe iwork iis isub-divided, iarranged,
idefined iand icoordinated ifor ithe idefined iobjective. iThe iformal iand/or
iinformal iorganization iare idesigned ito iachieve isocial iwelfare iobjectives
iby isystematically icoordinating ithe iwork iof inumerous ipersonnel,
iconsciously ior iunconsciously, icovertly ior iovertly idirected iby isome
itheoretical iframework iappropriate ito imeet ithe iwelfare ineeds iof ithe
itarget igroup. iAccording ito iDimock i& iDimock i(1964) i“Organization iis
ithe isystematic ibringing itogether iof iinterdependent iparts ito iform ia
iunified iwhole ithought iwhich iauthority icoordination iand icontrol imay
ibe iexercised ito iachieve ia igiven ipurpose…. iOrganization iis iboth
istructure iand ihuman irelations”. iThe iorganization ifollows ia isystem iof
icommunication ito ireach iall. iOrganizations iare inot ijust ia istructure, iit
iactually iaccepts ia istructure ifor ithe ihuman ibeings iwho idirects, iorganize
iand iwho iactually ido ithe iwork iin iorder ito iachieve ithe iobjectives iof
ithe iAgency. iFirstly, ithe iorganizational ivariables iare inumerical iand
itheir iinter-relationships iare icomplex. iHence ithe iselection iand
iconceptualization iof ikey ivariables ifor iempirical itesting ihas ibeen ia
ipersistent iproblem iin ithe ifield iof iorganizational iresearch. iSecondly,
ioften iorganizational iterminologies iare isubject ito ia ivariety iof
iinterpretations idepending ion ithe isetting iin iwhich ithe iresearch iis
iconducted. iThirdly, ithe iresults iof iorganizational iresearch ihave inot
iyielded iclearly idefined iconceptual iframe iwork iwhich ican iexplain
ieverything. iTherefore, ino isingle iapproach iis iuniversally iaccepted iby
iorganization iinvestigators. iThe igeneral icharacteristics iof ithe
iorganization iare ithe iDivision iof ilabor, ipower, iand icommunication
iresponsibilities ithat iis inot irandom ior itraditionally ipatterned, ibut
ideliberately iplanned ito ienhance ithe irealization iof ispecific igoals; iThe
ipresence iof ione ior imore ipower icenters ito icontrol ithe iconcerted iefforts
iof ithe iorganization iand idirect ithem itowards iits igoals, ias iwell ias ito
ireview icontinuously ithe iorganizations iperformance iand irepeater iits
istructure iwhere inecessary, ito iincrease iits iefficiency, iand; iSubstitution
iof ipersonnel ii.e., ithe iremoval iof iunsatisfied ipersons iand ithe
iassignment iof iother ito itheir itasks, ias iwell ias ithe irecombination iof
ipersonnel ithrough itransfer iand ipromotion.
3. Voluntary iOrganization i: iVoluntary iagencies iand inon-official
iorganizations iare itreated ias ione iand ithe isame. iThis imay inot ibe iso.
iAll inon-official iorganizations iare inot inecessarily ivoluntary. iVoluntary
iorganizations iare ispontaneous iin itheir iorigin iwhere ias inon-official
iagencies imay ialso ibe igovernment isponsored. iIt imay ibe iuseful ito idraw
ia idistinction ibetween ivoluntary iagencies iand inon-governmental
iagencies, iwhereas ivoluntary iorganizations iare ispontaneous iin itheir
iorigin, inon igovernmental iagencies imay ibe isponsored iby igovernment.
iAlthough iagencies ilike iAll iIndia iWomen’s iConference, iIndian iCouncil
iof iChild iWelfare, ietc. iare ivoluntary, iyet iproject iimplementing
icommittees iappointed iby ithe iCentral iSocial iWelfare iBoard ito irun
iwelfare iextension iprojects iand icommittees ifor irunning iaftercare ihomes
iappointed iby ithe istate igovernments, ithough iconstituted iprimary iof
ivoluntary iworkers iare inot ivoluntary iagencies ibut iare iknown ias inon-
official iagencies, isince itheses iagencies ido inot icome iinto iexistence
ivoluntarily ibut iare isponsored iand isubstantially ifunded iby ithe
igovernment i. iAccording ito iKothari i“Those iinitiatives ithat iare
istruggling ifor isocial iJustice ithrough icultural iand ipolitical imeans iand
ifor istructural icharge itowards ithat iend ientail iVoluntary iorganizations”.
iVoluntary iOrganizations ican ibe idefined ias igroups iworking iat ithe
imacro ilevels iin ilocalized isettings ifor iand iwith ithe ipoor, imarginalized
iand ithe iOppressed isection iof isociety, iwhether irural ior iurban. iThe
ivarious iobjectives iof iVoluntary iorganizations iare; iempower imental iof
ithe ipoor iand ioppressed; ithe ibuilding iand istrengthening iof ipeople’s
iorganization; ithe istrengthening iand ire-energizing iof isocial imovements
iand; ithe ipromotion iof idemocratic ipractices iand iprocess.
4. Voluntary iorganizations iin ipresent iSociety i: iAs iper ithe iproceedings iof
iNational iAssembly iof iVoluntary iorganizations, iis ito ipromote ia ibalance
iand istable idevelopment ia isustainable idevelopment iform ibelow; ito
iempower iwomen, iDalits iand itribal iand iurban ipoor. iStruggle iagainst
ifundamentalism iand icommunalism; ito ipromote iaccountability iand
itransparency iin iall ispheres iof iactivities iincluding ipolitical iactivity;
iwhile imaintaining ia iseparate iidentity, iwork iwith ithe igovernment; ito
ieducate, iorganize iand iagitate; ito istrength iagainst ieconomic
iglobalization; ito iform ivalue ibased ileadership; ito ipromote inetworking
iamong iVoluntary iorganizations iwith ia icommon ifocus; ito iempower ithe
ipeople ifrom ibelow iand itake ito iadvocacy ifrom iabove; ito iencourage
iself irule ifor ithe itribal iand ipanchayat iRaj isystem ifor iothers; ito itake
idevelopment iprograms iand ithe ipublic idistribution isystem ito ithe
ipeople; ito iintegrate ithe ieconomic iempowerment iprogramme iaround ithe
ipeople- iincome igenerating iagain ishould iensure ithat ithe iprofit igoes ito
ithe ipeople, itraining iof ipeople ietc.; ito icreate ia icommon iplatform iat
ithe iregional iand ilocal ilevels; iPromote iparticipatory istructures iwith iand
iview ito ienter iinto idialogue iwith ithe ipeople iand igovernment.
5. Methodology i: iAims iand iObjectives iof ithe istudy: iThe imain iaim iof
ithe istudy iis ito iknow iNGO’s iintervention ito ibring ichange iin ithe
isociety. iKeeping ithis ibroad iperspective iin imind ithe istudy iexplores ithe
iintervention iactivities iof i6. iMethodology i: iAims iand iObjectives iof ithe
istudy: iThe imain iaim iof ithe istudy iis ito iknow iNGO’s iintervention ito
ibring ichange iin ithe isociety. iKeeping ithis ibroad iperspective iin imind
ithe istudy iexplores ithe iintervention iactivities iof iTaare iZamin
iFoundation i, ia iNGO iand iits iinterventions iimpact ion ithe isociety. iA
iCase istudy imethod iwas iused., ia iNGO iand iits iinterventions iimpact ion
ithe isociety. iA iCase istudy imethod iwas iused.
Institution iProfile i: iBishikesan iSaw igraduated iwith ia iBSc ifrom iFakir
iMohan iUniversity, iOdisha iand isubsequently iearned ihis iMBA iin
iInternational iBusiness ifrom ithe iIndian iInstitute iof iEducation iand
iBusiness iManagement, iPune. iBishikesan ihas ihas i12 iyears iexperience
iin icorporate isector iwhere ihe ihas ideveloped iprogrammes iin iKnowledge
iManagement, iconceiving ithe iCulture iand iCompetence iInitiative iand iits
iLeadership iDevelopment iprogramme. iHe iis istrongly icommitted ito
ipositive iaction ifor isocial ichange iand iinspires ileaders iacross ithe
icommunity, ideveloping ia istrong isense iof icommon ipurpose iand
icultivating ia iculture iof ilearning iand ievaluation ifor iall iinitiatives iat ithe
iTare iZameen iFoundation.
The ioffice iis isituated iat iShanti iColony, iAmbedkar iColony, iMandi,
iNew iDelhi, iDelhi i110047
The ivision iis ito iimprove ithe istandard iof iliving iof ithe iunder iprivileged
iand ipromote itheir iempowerment. iAnd ithe imission iis ito ifacilitate
isustainable idevelopment ithrough iparticipatory icommunity idriven
iactivities. iThe imain iobjectives iof ithis iNGO iare: iTo ipromote iactive
iparticipation iof icommunity ifor ibetter iqualitative ihuman iresource
idevelopment; iTo iprovide iessential iservices iin ithe ifield iof ihealth,
ieducation, ieconomic idevelopment, isocial idevelopment iand ispiritual
iDevelopment; iTo ifacilitate ithe iempowerment iof ithe iunder iprivileged
iin ithe iprocess iof isocial idevelopment; iTo iundertake iresearch iwork iwith
iregard ito isocio-economic iissues; iCapacity ibuilding iof ipoor
icommunities ito ifacilitate ithem iin iimproving itheir iliving iconditions; iTo
iassist icommunities iin isustainable idevelopment iand imanagement iof
inatural iresources; iTo icreate iawareness iamong ithe imasses iabout ithe
iimportance iof ieducation, ihealth, igood isanitation ipractices iand
icommunal iharmony iand ito ihave iDialogue iand inetworking iwith
ilikeminded ivoluntary iorganizations.
6. Intervention iActivities i: iThe iactivities iwhich iare iundertaken iduring ithe
irecent iyear’s iare- iraised iwide ipropaganda iin iDelhi iNCR iregion
iCommunity iOutreach iprogram iand iAwareness igeneration iprogramme
iand ialso ilaunched iHealth icard iat idifferent ihospital i
• Free iMedical icamps iin iDelhi iand ithe itarget iarea: iFree iMedical
icamp iorganized iat ivarious iplaces, iSchools iand icommunity
iplaces. iHealth iawareness icampaign iwas iconducted iby ithe iagency
iwith ithe ihelp iof icollege istudents iEvery iSunday ion iregular ibasis,
icommunity ilevel imedical icamps iwere iorganized iwith ithe
icollaboration iof ipanchayat, iSchools, iAnganwadies, ilocal iclubs,
iRotary iand iLions iClub, iChurch iand iMosques iand iVolunteer iof
ithe ilocality. iPreference iwill ibe igiven ifor ithe icommunity
iinvolvement iin igiving ipublicity iin ithe ilocality, iprovision iof
iplace iand inecessary iarrangement ito iconduct ithe icamp
isuccessfully. iA iteam iof iDoctors ifrom iall ithe iDepartments iof ithe
iHospital ilike iPediatric, iOphthalmology, iGeneral iMedicine,
iGynecology, iSkin iand iSurgery iare iattending ithe icamps. iECG iis
itaken ion ithe ispot iin ithe icamp iand ireport iis ialso igiven
iimmediately. iFree iTransport, iPublicity iby ibanners iand iPamphlets,
iMedical icheck-up, iMedicine ietc iwas iprovided iduring ithe icamp.
iSimilarly ifollow-up icamp iat iHospital iwas iconducted ifor ifurther
itreatment iand ifree itransport iwas iprovided ito ithe ineedy ipatients.
iCamp ipatients ihave ispecial iconsideration iin ithe ihospital iwith
ispecial ideduction iin ithe isurgery, iMedicines iand iother imedical
• Health iInsurance: iHealth iinsurance iwas iprovided ito ithe ifamilies.
iFollow-up iof ithe iprogramme iwas idone iby ithe iHospital istaff iand
ithe iinsurance icompany. iTaare izamin ifoundation iintended ito
ireach i1000 iBPL ifamilies iin ithe inext iyear iand icover ithe ihealth
• Medical iClinic iwas istarted iat iNearby iGrama iPanchayat ion
iregular ibasis ion iEvery iFirst iWednesday iof ithe imonth. iThis iwill
ibenefit ifor ithe ipeople iof inearby ivillages iof idelhi i. iAlso
iplanning ito istart iclinics iat ifour iidentified iareas.
• Blood idonation icamp: iCampaign ion iblood igrouping ifor iits isister
iinstitutions iwas iconducted iregularly. iThe idata ibase iwas icollected
ifrom ieach istudent. iWhenever ithere iis ian iemergency, iHospital ias
iwell ias ineedy ipatient iparty ican iget iblood ifrom ithe ivolunteers
iand idonors. iVolunteers iwere igiven iawareness ion irequirement ifor
ithe idonors, iimportance iof iblood idonation ietc. i• iSchool ioutreach
iprogrammes: iThe iorganization iplanned iand iimplemented iregular
ischool ioutreach iprogrammes iespecially ifor iGovernment iand
iResidential ischools ifor idisadvantage isections iof ithe isociety,
ithrough ifree ihealth icheckups, ipersonality idevelopment, iimproving
ileadership iqualities, iLife iskills, iawareness iprograms, icelebration
iof inational ifestival, ichildren’s iday ietc., iabout i20 ischools iand
imore ithan i2000 istudents iwere ibenefited.
• Blood igrouping icamps ifor iGovernment iPrimary iSchool iand ithe
iresidential ischools ifor idisadvantage isections iof ithe isociety: iIt iis
inow imandatory ifor iall ithe ischools ito igive iID icard ifor ithe
ischool ichildren iin iwhich ithey ihave ito imention itheir iblood
igroup. iSo ithere iwas ia irequest ifrom ithe iHead iMasters/Mistresses
iof ivarious ischools ito iconduct ifree iblood igrouping icamps.
• Women’s iDay icelebration: iWorld iwomen’s iday iwas icelebrated
ion i8th iMarch ievery iyear imeaningfully iby iorganizing ithe
iprogramme. iOn ithis iday, iwomen’s iproblems iand isituation iwere
idiscussed iin idetail. iTheme iwill ibe itaken ibased ion ithe ipresent
iday’s ineed iand ithe isituation. iSpecial ilecture ion i‘Women iand
iMental iHealth’, i“Status iof iwomen” ichallenges ietc iwere
idiscussed. iAwareness iwas icreated iand iimportance iwill ibe igiven
ion iwomen iempowerment. i
• World iHealth iday iCelebration: ithe iworld ihealth iday iwas
icelebrated iregularly iunder iSIRRA iwith ithe icollaboration iof
iDistrict imedical isuperintendent, iHealth iDepartment iand iDHO.
iMedical iofficer idiscussed ithe itheme igiven iby iWorld iHealth
iOrganization i(WHO) ithe itheme ifor ithe iyear i2013 iwas ito
iprevent ithe iHypertension i(BP). iThe icauses iand ithe iconsequences
iof ithe ihypertension iwere idiscussed ielaborately iand ithe
iprevention imeasures.
• Street iPlay itraining iand ishows: iStreet iplay itraining iwas
iorganized ifor ithe istudent isocial iworkers iregularly ievery iyear.
iThis iwas ifollowed iby iputting iup iof ishows iin ivarious iplaces.
iAgency iis iorganizing ithese ishows ibased ion ithe ineed iof ipresent
isociety. iTheme iwill ibe itaken iup ion ithe iissues ilike ihealth,
iempowerment, iimportance iof iEducation, ievils iof ithe isociety,
ialcoholism, iempowerment iof ithe iwomen, iawareness ion
iHIV/AIDS iand icommunicable idiseases.
7. Impact ion iSociety i: iVarious iCommunity iintervention iprogrammes ihad
ibeen iconducted iin ithe icommunity ifor ithe ineedy ipeople iwhich ihas
ibrought itremendous ichange iin ithe iapproach iand iable ibuild irapport
iwith ithe icommunity ipeople. iCommunity iOrganizer iand ithe isocial
iworker ipay iregular ihome ivisit, iselected ineedy icases ifrom ithe
icommunity iand itried ito isolve icases, iconducted igroup iactivities ito
ichildren iand iteenagers ifrom inearing ischools, iparticipated iin iyouth iclub
iand iSelf iHelp iGroup imeetings, iand iregular icommunity iintervention
iprogrammes. iStudent’s isocial iworkers iare itrained iand ienabled ito
ibecome iprofessional isocial iworkers iat ithis icentre. iOpportunity iwas
iprovided ifor ithe istudent’s isocial iworkers ito iorganize icommunity
ioutreach iprogrammes iunder iTaree izamin iprogrammes. iPrograms- ilike
iFree ieye itest icamp, iBlood igrouping iand iblood idonation icamp, iChild
inutrition i& iCare, iAIDS iawareness icamp, iActivities iwith icollaboration
iwith iother iNGO’s iand iGovernment iOrganizations, iHealth iclinics iat
itwo iplaces, iGeneral ihealth icamps, iFree iMedicine iduring ithe icamp,
iFree iregistration ifor iCamp ipatients, iFree itreatment, iNo ibed icharges ior
iany icharges iand ifree ifood iat iGeneral iwards, iHealth iinsurance, iFree
itransport ifor ifollow-up icamp, iAmbulance ifacilities iat inominal irate ifor
igeneral ipublic, iEnvironment ifriendly iprogrammes, iFree ivehicle
ifacilities ifrom icommunity ito iHospital ifor ifew iidentified iareas, iSchool
ioutreach iprogramme iat iGovernment iresidential ischool iwere iconducted
iwith ithe icollaboration
8. Conclusion i
As ithe ibetter icommunity iwith ifull icooperation iby ithe ipeople iyields
igood iresults iand iextends iits iwings ito ifurther idevelopment. iCommunity
idevelopment irequires ihard iwork, istrong icommitment iself idetermination
iand ifocused imind. i. iIn ithis iregard iTaree izamin ifoundation ias idone
ispectacular iworks iin ithe ifield iof irural idevelopment isuch ias icommunity
ihealth, iadult ieducation, icommunity iorganization, isangamformation,
ipromotion iof iSelf iHelp iGroups, ischool ioutreach iprogrammes
ietc..Therefore ithis iNGOs ihas iplayed ia iremarkable irole iin ithe icontext
iof idevelopment.

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