Taxonomic Revision of The South American Lizard Kentropyx

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‘son. Hin aon Ann egy) Bs et SHAE Cwm acme apie A Ac Ma San Gp etl 4 Ate Ao Mae Soc 951 Pa Rg Fon Rom Lae Toman 0 Ante Foe ap Sen ae Toa reac Vt 1'Lyopoducts to aunceae Comboage es ‘an Sam 2 Ema moi ie pat Sra ode ie Bt Aetna oa Dom md Foi ata ut on DC) Aa et ee bee es Danie Stephen Gatiaourn* = James Ray Daan Taxonomic Revision of the South American Lizard Genus Kentropys Spix (Sauria: Teiidae) ‘reconcile Kempe pK an sana tockana ran pnts pe a sc ws) ‘Sorina oe pant of aspcap raon mao pemae ‘Si'Edaecinoalenterecesppae die cea ‘Begro nnontie erp e anuesdeSrt of eno fo {ino Ceonpons ice = pepe nmap he aon ey ‘finan acm pour mys we ss epa pecton “Te lzard genus Kenroy was described by Spx (825) the type species ‘eins Kens clearan pu specimen lst fide Hoogmaed and Gruber, 13a Proto 2, ards belonging to Kenopx were asiged ithe enc [aera Lacera sta Dani, 102; Lacon vita Shing, 62) Species of europe hae abo been tefered io the gonera Pradeamaiva (tang, 120, Praca (Washer 183, Tens (Gray, I), Cenrgyx Wiegmann, 1130), Acnthona Gray, 14), Monopbes (Guth, 189) and Gasopho- ls De Gas, 929. Nncicen fom sa of Kenroy are known: sna (Dandi, 2) tana (Shi, 82), calaaaSp 125), urea (ray, "R31, dora (tnthr, 189, dco (Cope, B82), pebiceps (Cope, 1), Doren (ete, 16), rear (eter, 186), altamaconea (Cope, 70, ‘opi (Garman 37 paulenss (eta 193) vindee Boulener. 193, tmenens (De Gry, 26), milamson (Ruthven, 192), agra (Gala, |Bet, satiate and aati Hoogmoed, 973) andar Cal lagher an Dison, 198, = Rope Dre roi, Te AM Une, cai Se, ee A maori ofthe avalible nares ue placed as junior synonyms within the serie accounts We were abe to eaxmine most bolopes wih some noteworthy exceptions (K:efeara, K;podenss nd Kea) But ven Forthose peies for which ye materia mat not nel and we made n= ‘ere effort to oct al ype materia Weare confide that thes names hae boon ape coe, because the peisenes athe rg deseaions fc cise allowed specie dentition. The peli of proposed sya0ny- ‘is wl be fOund inthe renurks section ofthe species accounts “The South Aman genus Kens dsb east ofthe Andes and southward to approximately 25°souh aad Isa welrdcinedexonomie Uni, Bins the nly eid genus wit pyllid Keele venta sates (Fe. Honever, especies limes are poorly understood Pees Donos> Bars (197d alow relay for ther kay ote species of Kenroy 00 ingihelack of adequate citer for species recognition Vanzoin nd Valen- £8196) examined macroteh eatonehpe, ut recgniingthe tao nomi problems within Kenopr hey ino api specie nares rope Seotatve usa: Vata (979) saad “The systema of Kemropr the ‘Amazon scons Several mamesarecutentyaezepted, bu none of hem hive ben suited focal analy. The station athe opn formations not beer in fact it worse. We have therefore examined al avaable ‘Specimens duting ths study nan effet to clay spose Hounds Mernons np sens This tsonomic revisions based onthe examination of Léspeimens fom 175 locates, The characters included in he species accounts sion ae Sooutvent length (SV); tal length; head length, tbe distance measured ‘edly fom the tip ofthe snout tothe poster urine poxparital ‘Eales: eat width thepentest ditnce ars the praca rom he t= {most margins ofthe spears sales around midbod counted mid- ay between anil and pron, excluding the vent plats; ses long mid Sora ine, counted fom the postal seals othe supra eal at tral granu cls ofthe lt and right side, counted midway between xl {nd groin fom the veal late to where the enlarged dorsal series bee (onl for K sri and Koran): subdigtl lamellae, counted on th Fourth oc ofthe let ps longitudinal Yet sales, counted the midbody ling rns he ostmesopjchl rate totheclonalopenng venta eles ‘ross mdbody, counted midway between alaand gro fom he granular Seales ofthe ef side othe wanula scales ofthe igh ie ema pores, ould or theight nd et se; cola sels, total umber thes (poe. terion) mat prominent ow ofthe gular reson (Satomi opr sve am he ns oe. ‘These ofeach specimen was determined the resense ofa spas male ofall ize usesposes anal sprs wheres eles ack the anal sp "The means and standard devations of custo sharactes included in each spss account wre generated bythe use fhe Saisie Anal 69s" tem(GAS) designed and plemented by Barr and Goodnight Serie, 972) "The following instutons povided specimens for examination (aro ym used in the specimens examined secon ar dedi patentbese) “American Museum of Natural History, New York (AMINED, Academy of ‘Natural cences of Piadephia ANSP) Betish Museum (Natural Histo), {ondon (BM); Clforia Academy of Sclnees, SanFrancaco(CAS);Carne™ ‘Be Museum, Pitsburph (CM); Tnsuto de Zoos, Fundacion Miguel ito, Tucuman, (PML: Feld Museum of Natal Histor. ‘Cheapo (PMN: Los Angeles County Museum (LACM): Museum of Zoo}oy, Louistra Stte University, Baton Rough (LSUMZ}: Maseum o Zooey, Univesiy of Kanss, Lawrence (KU): Museum of Comparative Zoolosy, Harvard Universi, Cambrigde (MCZ): Museum distore Naturelle, Geneve (MHNG); Mustum Natonal Histol Naturelle, Pars (MNP) tut Royal det Sconces Naurles de Beigiaue, rsnees (MRHN “Museo Civico i Stora Nature ei Genova (MSNG): Museo ed Instituto d Zoologia Sisematia, Universit Torino (MZUT},Sualches Museum fu ‘Teerkunde, Dresden (TKD): Museum of Verbrate, Univers of CatforiyBerely (MVZ}; Miseo de Zoologia da Univer de $80 Paulo MZUSP):Nauristorista Museet Goteborg (NHMG): Riasmuseum ‘an Naturjke Hise, Lice (RAINE; Suatiches Maseum fr Nau kuinde Stuart, Ladwigsbur (SMNS) Texas Cooperative Wide Calle: tio, Ter AM University College Station (TCWC), University of Ar 20m, Department of Zoology, Tees (UAZ]: Fld Sate Muscum Un ‘ers of Farce Ganesile (UF), Univers of Mehigan Museum of 200 Jog), Ann Arbor (UMMZ} National Museum of Naural isto, Smithson {an fstittion, Washingon (USNM, University ofTexasa lingo, Cl ection of Vertebrates (UTA): Zooloishes Museum furNaturkunde Bern (MB); Zoclosches lst und Zoaiogsches Musou, Universi Har bung ZMH); Universes Zoologise Museum, Kobenbavn (ZMUC) ‘SYSTEMATIC ACCOUNTS enzo Sis 1825, All Kenropre poses keled venta scutes (Spi, 129), a characteristic found inno other Tetdae genus, Keeling ofthe Venal scutes was wea, but etcabe i hteling, and was most distinc in adult specimens. Al the {eid spsimens ncadod in thi ty posed held vents ‘The characters ofeach ao that were found o be ofntagenric axo- ‘omic inpotance as determined by seogapic and nongeographicanalses (Galagher, 199; Galagher, Dion and Stil, 196) are in the species ‘Ssooons Al quanaive characters rsenedfor he species which showed ‘Shomal dirbotion ar folowed by the meas value or he species,» Ope ‘Kanda Sevition, andthe obveed rang, ee ony the ange a aes (ualiative characters reed to siping patem snd dora setetton rosso inthe fobowing ke, bonus nse characters are the most Sel for species idetiiexion of india mpesment. Quanttaive carters enor ae les uefl beau arto ranges en to overap However, the member of femoral pores and dorsal sales around ody canbe val tic secondary characte because over values for these quantile ‘hractes ae vare ot nonexistent for many species of Keno a tp tad ne rain ce ee [Britt etm ime Seanenccmeanbven ca 2 Fem es ts ity nn es fa oe 2% Fema pons ey gi ont eal i 3 ‘ie iin en ec an pac fem pos oa Bm. ere researc oS eee ee ec ey een een! Sse = Septem cinta apie nema tee ee eee Senet = i eaop altamazsaica Cope He? Holotype. Academy of Natural Science Piadlpia 110 Type locality. Mopabanbs, Per, Diagnosis. Distinguished fom the species orekonaand srt by ar nla oe leat midbod) rater than ple hte drs and gran ate ‘ns; tinged fom the secesirdtnpelessand vnc y one oF {vo dorsal it stripes per sid, nthe an thee oie pe snd by ‘ales ofthe rump distinctly swale rather than compas zs the Supracaudalsdsnghished rom calcrtay igh ater stp that extends "Hom the nape, behind the peau 1 therm, and avy one fom {he lower yet the ron rater tani the ramp and occasional fm ‘hebaseofthearto the goa distngushed rom pics alight mo Salstripe that maintains constant with hor hen a undlating dora ‘ie that guns in width fom anterior to poste Distribution. See mup (Fe 3, Description. (48 indiviusy) A medium-sized tod; male greatest, souvent egth mm, femnle IS mn nl reson al anthem, female 206mm: male greatest hea length 28 mm emale 225 mm ale tgeatst head with 1mm fer 18 am Sclsfte Goreme, {adualy increasing in sz rom te ventral sees to the middor ine ad from the nape to the lage Keke supacaudals: scales ofthe rump dtnly a> fe? Prog oi toa. Pg of pci ‘Seta etenan eymun ses orca es smaller tan supracaudals, Sales round midbody 1066 91, 8.44; ales ‘ong middoral ine M66 162, 1210 ongtudinal venrleaee al S2 2, 53645: femoral pores 527 = 28 2440 fourth oe malas 27.121 2-39: ‘olla sales 164s 17,1223; of sales round midbod odors sales ‘ong middorsl ine 8 4 = 006, 046084 Veil cls across midbody ‘ange fom 1616 Color and pattera in life. The folowing description s by Diaon sand Soin (97) “Theresa gh green mun spe begsnningon the pee Fontlsandextendingto the anterior dd of te dorm where fades ito ‘ay sf brown stipsexendingto the romp. Inadion these sretwotght ‘been to yellowish gran ltr stipes onthe body. The upper one bens bore the eye and extends to the rump, fading Somewhat posers The Tower sep bins bein the eye, putes over the eur and extend igh bejondiheseulder, whereitbecomessseresof shot datherand spo The ‘entre round coor ofthe dosum and ier vas rom so row fo how) stebrown. Theventerisgreenishyellow o aity wate. The lower stipe dap. {sas at about 0 mm SY but heater sie persia sds Aer] ‘brownish stripe yingbetween the two green tpesixpresentin lage groupe and frequently contains ses of irene large black spots within the sens Color and pattern in alcohol. A taht middorsl stripe extends fom the snout to the rump. The rp infrequently aes on awa of Und Inn appearance the later ido is length, With ntesng SV the median Stipe fides from the snout poster an fom the ump anere' Inmost ingancesitextends fom tnenape to neat midbody, bt itray best compe {ch-A light dorsolateral stipe ctends rom he oape, ores th suprase- Jan, tothe rump. In hatchlings, this dosolteral sig is ocstnal ier ‘pic tthe nape ora -2 em dtane before continuing the ump knew. than § percent of the specimens examined, thi tral ripe continues ‘eto and abrupt dropsto a pont below the eye. A second ler spe ‘rgnats below the ee pases oer the ear and extends to the grown Ths Sipe tends ode poster wih increasing SV, often becoming tie of Adashesat the forslimb, ot may be absent The ground color ofthe dors ‘ang shadesof brown ogy. A dr brown to black eral stp extends fom the ej othe goin. Occasionally ths iter ark stipe rake ito 2 ‘erie of dark near spots. The dorsum betwea the lea ark tne of the et and gt side, in mos insances i notceably her than the aera ‘fice. The seta surfie i white to diy white, Ecology, behavior and natural history. Dison and Soni (1975) studied thi species inthe gutos Regio of Pea weet occupies open fre ‘mations witha the forest The species was found in forest cdg stustios ca tatod eds earings open nvr beaches, sparse and dem secondary srowths yards, oadways and seasonally Hooded ilands, but notin closed fanopy fore. ‘Daring the any season ths species becomes sem-rboresl snd sem quite, When lowhod plant growths become Neoded (46 months of te ‘Yea this species reeats rom the ing waters Wert rater than oe ont Iles amng the canopies of sal rs and subs tat rain ‘ove mater. The iar keep malt the horzonal branches, but ecas nally ae sen climbing verte sures, When pursued, Ward may clin ‘erally to avd cayure or may cv othe water and smo the nearest Sand of veeaton. This species is knowa trun acrosthe water suace in the sume fshion as Bassas (Dion and Soin, 173). Remarks. Based on the examination ofthe holotype and original de ton fr toh specie ts erigent that K,wiiomson Rutan (929) a jonor synonym of Kaamazonea Cope (36) Etymology. Derived fromthe Latin wor ats meaning high and com bined with Amazon: inference tothe type loa the upper Arion, Kenroy barckans Peters fee pois mene De Gn 25 Lectotype, Zoologches Museum der Humboldt-Univestit2uBedn wr Type locality. Guiana Diagnosis. Distinguished fm the species calrat pers lame ona sg, paula sans enlarged midbody Sosa sees and smallate gnats tha demonstateadistint size diference lon one af ontc, rather than exlsely smal seas at midbody that gradually ‘ners in ize fom the ventral 0 the midds ne; atngushed fom ‘iy 22 or ore fmorl pore rathe than 6 oes and bp 2 ¢ mare Tone! ows of pete dor scales at midbody ater than 7 ores Distribution. See map Fie 3. Description, (102 individual) A medium-size pathenoform ted: tpeatest snout ven eng 0m; reates tal length 248 im: retest head (Begin 22 rm, greatest head wid 1m, Later sale a ib) ‘ult, conser smaller than the rg dors sons, producing «dtc ‘ie demarestion along ine of cone beeween the dorsal ad the eras: esto he nape granula, bat the donals gradually increasing in size ‘eathing mabody: sels othe ramp eomparblen sae tote supracaals ‘Seale stound midbody 786 41, 90 ranula aera sales t midbody 529.224, 454, tye dre scale at midbody 25.7 20,222; ales alone Imiddorstine 12 $4 97-D8;ventalseesongadial 7-11, 3840 Femoral pres 255-= 14,232, fou toe malas 271s 10,240 coll Seales 172215, 162: rato of sales around midbody io dona sels slong ional inc 9 DY, 0.5.07. Venta es rox body rang ‘Color and pattern in life. The following desrition is based on 8 series of 1 adult nds colt une, 197 in Georgetown, Gaya ‘Tho goundeolarolthedorolstral aace dark own, Thesdesareadi tine eher shade of brown ntermste wih ada brown dors surface ‘oduce a sera appearance x pont of contac. A ight ndstnet ido Sine extends from the nape dec bebind the postparetal o «poston ‘fen wih the forelimb. ight eorolteral stipe extends pstexo fom the pe, dct behind te supraoculas, bedking up io a ees ht ‘brown of dirty whe bat intmixed wih dark har. The dorsum appests Striped anterior and related or burved poster othe foeimbs. Adis- tine ight dorsolteral stipe extends rom the tower eyelid sing the eel ofthe rump and borders the realatedareaof the dorsum A sine ptt. ‘also, wen ene, extends rom the sof he earo he pon but most ‘ten ths stipeisbroken anterior into aseies of Sots or dashes o maybe licking entirely The head and nape poses a greenish cnt intermixed with ‘own, ping telah stipes green colorionantroyandight own

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