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Journal of Life Sciences & Biomedicine, vol. 3(76), No 2, p.

24-32 (2021)

Geobotanical features of alpine and subalpine vegetation of summer pastures

in the East Zangazur economic region and its signifıcance
E.M. Gurbanov

Baku State University, 23 Academician Z.Khalilov Str., Baku AZ1148, Azerbaijan

*For correspondence:

Received: September 30, 2021; Received in revised form: October 11, 2021; Accepted: October 21, 2021

The article gives data on the geobotanical investigation of summer pastures in the Kalbajar and
Lachin regions of the East Zangazur Economic Region, as well as phytocenological features of sub-
alpine and alpine vegetation based on pre-occupation research. In the wake of the research, phyto-
cenological features, the composition of species, structure, productivity and pasture capacity of alpine
and subalpine vegetation of the region were determined. Scientific and practical recommendations
were given for the effective utilization of the summer pastures of the liberated from occupation Kal-
bajar and Lachin districts of the Eastern Zangazur economic region and their improvement.

Keywords: Phytocenosis, formation, association, dominant, pasture, productivity, pasture capacity, sub-
dominant, endemic

INTRODUCTION ing their future development, creation of the neces-

sary infrastructure and returning of the population to
The division of economic regions indicated in their native lands. In this regard, the research of ge-
the State Program has a major significance for the obotanical features of alpine and subalpine mead-
purposes of implementation of the “State Program ows spread in Kalbajar and Lachin regions in the ef-
of socio-economic development of the regions of ficient utilization of natural resources of the East
the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2019-2023” ap- Zangazur economic region, as well as summer pas-
proved by the Decree of the President of the Re- tures, where it allows economic assessment of sub-
public of Azerbaijan No. 500 dated January 29, soil pasture lands (Mammadov, 2003).
2019. Therefore, one of the economic regions men- For this reason, the following research is
tioned in the Decree of the President of the Repub- planned to be carried out in the summer pastures of
lic of Azerbaijan dated July 7, 2021 "On the new Kalbajar and Lachin regions, which are surrounded
division of economic regions in the Republic of by the Zangazur mountain range and are located on
Azerbaijan" is the East Zangazur economic region. the border with Armenia:
This economic region includes Jabrayil, Kalbajar, - characterization of the composition of spe-
Gubadli, Lachin and Zangilan districts (Decree of cies and structure of vegetation of alpine
the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 2001; and subalpine meadow at the level of
Map of Azerbaijan Republic (Zangazur county), types, formations and associations;
1918-1920). - development of the classification of phyto-
Purposeful reforms and large-scale measures cenoses according to the principles of
implemented in Azerbaijan have further strength- dominance;
ened the economic and military-defense power of - determination of pasture productivity,
our country and laid the groundwork for achieving quality of forage and capacity;
a glorious victory in the 44-day Patriotic War. - giving recommendations with scientific
From this point of view, at present, measures and practical substantiation for measures
are being carried out for the restoration of the liber- of the effective utilization and improve-
ated territories, including summer pastures, ensur- ment of pastures.

Available online 30 December 2021
Geobotanical features of alpine and subalpine vegetation of summer pastures in the East Zangazur economic region

MATERIALS AND METHODS Natural Forage Areas of Azerbaijan until 2005”

(General Scheme on efficient use of natural fodder
Information on species composition, struc- areas of the Republic of Azerbaijan until 2005
ture, productivity, forage quality and grazing of (2005)).
Narduseta, Poaeta-Carexetum belonging to alpine The total area of natural forage areas (summer
meadow, as well as Festuceta-Amoriaetum and pastures, rural pastures and hayfields) located in
Festuceta-Alchemilletum formations which are the territory of Kalbajar region was 77148.0 hec-
characteristic of subalpine vegetation is given. tares (according to 1949 data) (Map of the types of
These formations which spread over the widest natural forage lands of summer pastures of the
natural habitat in the summer pastures, which are State fond of nearvillage pastures and haymakings
considered to be a rich natural forage base (kept in of Kalbajar region of Azerbaijan SSR, 1949). How-
state ownership) for livestock breeding, as well as ever, the summer pastures of this region are shown
nomadic sheep breeding in the highland areas of in the “General Scheme” at 74,840 hectares.
Kalbajar and Lachin regions that located in the According to the land balance of the region,
north-western part of the Lesser Caucasus Moun- the total area of pastures located in Kalbajar admin-
tains in the Kalbajar-Lachin economic-geograph- istrative district is 93,354 hectares. The pastures in
ical region of the East Zangazur economic region the territory of this district have been used for
(General Scheme on efficient use of natural fodder flocks of sheep or goats (ovine) in 17 administra-
areas of the Republic of Azerbaijan until 2005 tive districts during the grazing season (summer
(2005); Aghaguluyev, 2011; Hajiyev et al., 1995; season) before the Armenian occupation. Cur-
Gurbanov et al., 2017; Prilipko, 1970). rently, more than 9-10 thousand sheep can be fed
During the research, the systematic taxa and in the summer pastures of the Kalbajar region.
natural habitat of plant species spread in alpine and The climate of the highlands in the Kalbajar
subalpine vegetation in Kalbajar and Lachin area region is characterized by cold, harsh, dry and hu-
were clarified according to “Flora of Azerbaijan” mid winters, and frequent fogging of pastures is
(Flora of Azerbaijan, 1950-1961), as “Mountain typical (Hajıyev et al., 1977; Mammadov, 2003).
vegetation of the Lesser Caucasus” (Gurbanov, Such conditions have a positive effect on the graz-
2017), the names of species also was given accord- ing of small horned cattle in summer pastures.
ing to S.K.Cherepanov (Cherepanov, 1995), Here, it is purposeful the grazing of the flocks of
V.J.Hajiyev and T.E.Gasimova (Hajıyev et al., sheep in alpine and subalpine meadows during
2008). Besides this, references were made to the June 15 - October 15 due to the influence of cli-
map of vegetation cover of summer pastures of matic factors.
both districts, including maps authored by Here, alpine vegetation formed on the unde-
Y.M.Isayev (1949), V.J.Hajiyev (2007) and veloped fragile grassy mountain-meadow and
G.S.Mammadov et al. (Vegetation map of Azerbai- dense grassy mountain-steppe soils of the alpine
jan, 2007; Hajıyev et al., 1990). and subalpine zone is spread at 2600-3200 meters
Phytocenological or geobotanical features of and above sea level but subalpine vegetation is
the Lesser Caucasus Mountains located within the spread at an altitude of 1800-2500 meters
territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan have been (Aghaguluyev, 2011; Gurbanov et al., 2017; Map of
studied for various purposes by L.I.Prilipko the types of natural forage lands of summer pas-
(Prilipko, 1970), V.J.Hajiyev (Hajıyev, 2004; tures of the State fond of nearvillage pastures and
Hajıyev et al., 1977; Gurbanov et al., 2017; haymakings of Kalbajar region of Azerbaijan SSR,
Mammadov, 2003), E.M.Gurbanov (Gurbanov et 1949).
al., 2017) and other botanists. The relief of the area is mainly high mountain-
Indicators related to the classification, ous, as well as the economic-geographical region
productivity, quality of forage and pasture capacity of Kalbajar-Lachin occupies the East Goycha in
of the area of summer pastures located in the area the north-west, Murovdagh in the north, and the
of Karabakh volcanic plateau of Kalbajar and Karabakh plateau in the east. The Mikhtoken range
Lachin district were noted in accordance with the stretches in the central part. The highest tops are
“General Scheme on the effective utilization of Gamish (3724 m), Dalidagh (3616 m), Gizilbogaz

E.M. Gurbanov

(3562 m) And Boyuk Ishigli (3552 m), As well as with Armenia are available. The total area of sum-
the Omar Pass (3200 m). mer pastures located in the region is 70,156 ha
Cretaceous, Paleogene, Neogene and Anthro- (General Scheme on efficient use of natural fodder
pogenic sediments located in this area are wide- areas of the Republic of Azerbaijan until 2005,
spread. The main rivers are the Tartar (which flows 2005) and the usable pasture area is 53,334 hec-
into the Sarsang Reservoir) and the Lev River, the tares.
Tutgunchay and the Bazarchay which are its tribu- Garagol is located on the border of Lachin re-
taries; There are small and large Alagol lakes and gion of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Gorus re-
Zalkha lakes (Gurbanov et al., 2017). The headwa- gion of Armenia (considered as Eastern Zangazur)
ter of Tartar River begins in the Lesser Caucasus (Map of Azerbaijan Republic (Zangazur county),
from an altitude of 3120 meters and has 31 tribu- 1918-1920). This lake is surrounded by the terri-
taries. Areas of summer pastures are rich in springs tory of the Karabakh reserve; Herds of sheep graz-
(Jeyran spring, Yuz spring, Kirkhbulag, Aygir ing in summer pastures and the pastures around this
spring, etc.). Herds of cattle grazing in the summer lake are provided with water from the lake.
pastures are supplied with water through the water Ishigli Garagol State Nature Reserve was es-
of these rivers and springs. tablished on October 17, 1987 by the decision of
The alpine and subalpine meadows of the the directive bodies. The reserve is located in the
summer pastures of the Kalbajar district, located in southern part of the Karabakh volcanic plateau on
the Eastern Zangazur economic region, are not the slope of Mount Ishigli (3552 m) at an altitude
fully developed, and are spread on peaty mountain of 2650-2700 m (Aliyev et al., 1993). Here (in
meadow and dense grassy mountain meadow- Lachin region) the cold climate type with dry win-
steppe soils (Vegetation map of Azerbaijan, 2007; ters prevails (Hajıyev et al., 1977); the average an-
General Scheme on efficient use of natural fodder nual temperature is 5°C and the amount of annual
areas of the Republic of Azerbaijan until 2005, precipitation is 700 mm.
2005; Gurbanov et al., 2017; Hajıyev et al., 1990). The dry area of the reserve that surrounds the
However, alpine carpets and tall grass meadows lake consists of typical alpine meadows of the
are found here in a small area. Alpine carpets are highland belt. There are more than 100 species be-
found in the form of spots on bare rocks, boulders longing to 27 families and 68 genera in the wild
and primitive soils at an altitude of 3200 m above flora of this place (Aliyev et al., 1993).
sea level, especially in the high mountains of the
area (Gurbanov et al., 2017). In this meaning, Ko-
eleriaeta albovi, Alchmilleta sericata, Narduseta RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
stricta, Taraxacumeta Stevenii, Zernaeta varie-
gata, Plantago lanceolata, Sibboldia parviflora The most widespread alpine and subalpine
and others. species are considered major edifica- vegetation in the summer pastures of the Kalbajar
tors to various herbaceous low statured alpine car- region (General Scheme on efficient use of natural
pets (Aghaguluyev, 2011). fodder areas of the Republic of Azerbaijan until
The territory of Lachin region is 1840 km2. 2005, 2005) includes the following associations:
The relief is mostly highland. The southeastern 1. Narduseta stricta; 2. Poaeta badensis –
slopes of the Karabakh plateau are located in the Amorietum ambigum; 3.Festuceta ovina – Trifo-
east of the region, and the Mikhtoken range is lo- lietum ambigum; 4. Agrostiseta planifolia; 5.
cated in the north; It is calculated that the highest Zernaeta variegata; 6. Koeleriaeta albovi (with
top is Gizilbogaz Mountain (3594 m). The main thing stem) – Alchmilleta sericata; 7. Phleumeta
rivers of this region are Hakari, Shelva and Pir- alpinum; 8.Taraxacumeta Stevenii – Poaetum
janis. The Hakari River is formed at the confluence pratense.
of the Shalva and Hochazsu rivers, which flow at The following formations and associations
an altitude of 950 m above sea level. It is calculated can be noted in alpine and subalpine vegetation
that the source of the Shelvachay is the Mikhtoken happen to meet in a wide natural habitat in summer
range (3411 m). Garagols in the territory of sum- pastures located in the highland zone of the Lachin
mer pastures and Alagols located on the border region:

Geobotanical features of alpine and subalpine vegetation of summer pastures in the East Zangazur economic region

1. Agrosieta tenuis – Koelerietum albovii; 2. Festuceta - Amoriaetum formation group.

Trifolieta medium – Festucetum pratensis; 3. Dac- Festuceta pratensis – Amoriaetum ambigua
tyliseta glomerata – Festucetum pratensis; 4. association.
Festuceta ovina – Alchemilletum sericata; 5. Vvarious herbs - Hordeum brevisubulatum-
Hordeumeta violaceum – Trifolietum pratense; 6. Herboseto) formation class
Poaeta badensis – Carexetum tristis. Festuceta – Alchemilletum formation group.
According to V.J.Hajiyev (Hajıyev, 2004), the (Festuceta ovina (Sheep’s fescue) – Alchemil-
floristic composition of summer pastures vegeta- letum sericata association.
tion in the ecosystem of highland vegetation of Research shows that 21 species are found in
Azerbaijan consists of 250 species. More than 350 the species composition of the Narduseta stricta
types of fodder plants, 200 species of essential oil (matgrass) association of the Narduseta formation,
plants, 800 species of medicinal plants, more than in the summer pastures of Kalbajar region (in the
100 species which contain tannins, 300 species of direction of the source of the Ayrim river and Goy-
melliferous plants etc. are spread in these pastures. cha range) at an altitude of 2845 m above sea level,
In particular, according to the author’s note, alpine in the alpine vegetation.
and subalpine phytocenoses are represented in 9 2 species (9.5%) belong to shrubs, 1 species
formations (Gurbanov et al., 2017) in the mountain- (4.8%) to semi-shrubs and 18 species (85.7%) to
ous belt of the Lesser Caucasus. perennial grasses according to the life forms (Haji-
The study shows that subalpine and alpine yev et al., 1995; Gurbanov et al., 2017; Prilipko,
meadows are spread at an altitude of 1800-2200- 1970) or biomorphological analysis of the species
3000 m above sea level in the high mountain composition of the association; 8 species (38.1%)
ranges of the Greater and Lesser Caucasus of Azer- represented by mesophytes, 2 species (9.5%) by
baijan, in the high mountains of Talysh and Na- mesoxerophytes and 11 species (52.4%) by xreo-
khchivan AR; Alpine meadow vegetation is found phytes from the same amount of species according
at an altitude of 2400-3200 m. The edificators of to the analysis of plants on ecological groupings.
subalpine meadows were recorded with highgrass The abundance of phytocenosis monodomi-
vegetation, in contrast the dominant and subdomi- nant Nardus stricta L. (matgrass) is estimated at 4-
nants of alpine meadows were recorded with short 5 points. The vegetation has 2 floors according to
stature plants (Gurbanov et al., 2017). the structure or structure of the association. The to-
The phytocenological classification of alpine tal project coverage is 70-90%.
and subalpine vegetation in summer pastures (Veg- The names of the species of Rosa tuschetica
etation map of Azerbaijan, 2007; Hajıyev, 2004; Boiss., Thymus grossheimii Ronn., and Delphinum
Gurbanov et al., 2017; Hajıyev, et al., 1990; Map speciosum Bieb. which from the endemics (Gur-
of the types of natural forage lands of summer pas- banov et al., 2017) of the Caucasian natural habitat
tures of the State fond of nearvillage pastures and mentioned in the species composition of the Nar-
haymakings of Kalbajar region of Azerbaijan SSR, duseta formation are included in the “Red Book of
1949) in the territory of Kalbajar and Lachin dis- Azerbaijan” (2003) (Red Book of the Republic of
tricts of East Zangazur economic region is given Azerbaijan, 2013). Therefore, based on the geobo-
below: tanical characteristics of alpine vegetation in the
I.Alpine vegetation type. area, it is recommended to implement measures for
Grain grass Hordeum brevisubulatum for- the efficient utilization of summer pastures in Kal-
mation class: bajar region (General Scheme on efficient use of
1. Narduseta formation group. natural fodder areas of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Narduseta stricta (matgrass) association/ until 2005, 2005; Aghaguluyev, 2011; Hajıyev,
Carex tristis formation class 2004; Gurbanov et al., 2017).
Poaeta – Carexetum formation group. 29 species occur in species composition of as-
Poaeta badensis – Carexetum tristis association. sociation of Festuceta pratensis- Amoriaetum am-
II. Subalpine vegetation type. bigua of the subalpine vegetation spread in the
Graingrass – legume grass formation class summer pastures of Kalbajar region, in the "Su-
(Fabaceae) Astragalus captiosus suslug plateau" at an altitude of 2415 m above sea

E.M. Gurbanov

level, in dense grassy mountain meadows - steppe- The dominant type of phytocenosis is Carex
type soils. tristis Bieb. İts abundance is 3-4 points and sub-
4 species (13.8%) shrubs, 2 species (6.9%) dominant is Alpine Poa badensis Haenke and
shrubs and 23 species (79.3%) perennial grasses abundance is 2-3 points. Due to its structure, the
participate in the composition of species based on vegetation of the formation three-storeyed. The to-
biomorphological analysis of land plants (embry- tal project coverage varies between 60-85%.
ophytes); 14 species (48.3%) are represented by Subalpine meadows spread on dense grassy
mesophytes, 4 species (13.8%) by mesoxero- highland-meadow-steppe soils, at the foot of "Par-
phytes, 10 species (34.4%) by xerophytes and 1 machitepe" at an altitude of 2328 m above sea
species (3.5%) by hydrophytes from the same level, Festuceta-Alchemilletum formation,
amount of species according to the ecological Festuceta ovina - Alchemilletum sericata associa-
analysis. tion are represented in summer pastures areas that
İt is considered that the dominant of the for- spread in the north-east of Garagol reserve in the
mation is Amoria ambigua Bieb. Sojak., and its territory of the Lachin district.
abundance is 3-4 points and subdominant is Fes- 2 species (6.5%) are shrubs, 1 species (3.1%)
tica pratensis Huds., its abundance is estimated by are semi-shrubs and 28 species (90.3%) are peren-
2-3 points.Vegetation consists of a three-storey nial grasses according to the biomorphological
structure. The total project coverage is 60-80%. analysis of 31 species of higher flowering plants
The species of Thymus transcaucasica Ronn., registered in the species composition of the associ-
and Phleum pratense L. are endemic plants of Cau- ation;18 species (58.1%) belong to mesophytes, 5
casian natural habitat which occur in the species species (16.1%) to mesoxerophytes, 6 species
composition of vegetation (Yaroshenko, 1961). (19.3%) to xerophytes and 2 species (6.5%) to hy-
Therefore, it is expedient to protect the relevant drophytes from the same number of species ac-
plants during the improvement of summer pastures cording to ecological analysis.
of the Kalbajar region. The abundance of Alchemilla sericata Reich-
Research has shown that natural phytocenoses enb. ex Bus. of the dominant phytocenosis is esti-
spreading in summer pastures of the Lachin region, mated at 4-5 points and abundance of Festuca
located in the mountainous area of the Lesser Cau- ovina L. of subdominant is 2-3 points. Vegetation
casus, including indicators on subalpine meadows is three-tiered. The total project coverage varies be-
have higher species composition, abundance, as tween 60-80%.
well as formation productivity and grazing capac- The species of Thymus collinus Bieb., Tarax-
ity compared to alpine meadows (General Scheme acum confusum Schischk., and Rosa sachokiana
on efficient use of natural fodder areas of the Re- P.Jarosch. are endemic plants of Caucasian natural
public of Azerbaijan until 2005, 2005; Gurbanov et habitat which occur in the species composition of
al., 2017). vegetation (Gurbanov et al., 2017; Yaroshenko,
The Poaeta badensis-Carexetum tristis asso- 1961). Therefore, it is recommended to protect
ciation is represented in the Poaeta-Carexetux for- these plant species by improvement measures of
mation of alpine vegetation on the grassy moun- the summer pastures.
tain-meadow soils on the high slope (at an altitude A number of geobotanical sources provide in-
of 3171 m above sea level) between Alagol and formation on the productivity, forage quality and
Garagol located in the summer pastures of the re- capacity of alpine and subalpine vegetation spread
gion.19 species of land plants (embryophyta) in within the territory of the Lesser Caucasus of Azer-
the species composition of this association are baijan (General Scheme on efficient use of natural
found; of which 4 species (21.1%) belong to shrubs fodder areas of the Republic of Azerbaijan until
and 15 species (78.9%) belong to perennial 2005, 2005; Hajıyev, 2004, 2008; Hajıyev, et al.,
grasses; 7 species (36.8%) are characterized by xe- 1990).
rophytes, 2 species (10.5%) by mesoxerophytes, 9 Productivity, forage quality and capacity of
species (47.4%) by mesophytes and 1 species alpine and subalpine vegetation located in summer
(5.3%) by hydrophytes from the same amount of pastures in the territory of Kalbajar and Lachin dis-
plants. tricts were determined.

Geobotanical features of alpine and subalpine vegetation of summer pastures in the East Zangazur economic region

The following are the indicators of the Azerbaijan until 2005, 2005). In particular, the av-
productivity of the Narduseta formation of alpine erage productivity of this formation is 21.2 cent-
meadow vegetation on botanical grass groups ner/ha (grain grass 7.1 centner/ha ha, legume grass
spread insummer pastures in the territory of the dis- 4.5 centner/ha, various herbs and stubbles 9.6 cent-
trict. The average yield of the formation is calcu- ner/ha) due to the wet biomass which is eaten.
lated according to the wet mass which is consumed Feed unit (54.8 kg in 100 kg of dry grass),
as 19.2 centner/ha (Poaceae 8.4 centner/ha, leg- grazing period in pastures 90 days) were deter-
ume grass 4.6 centner/ha, various herbs 6.2 cent- mined in the phytocenosis of Poaeta - Carexetum
ner/ha) and in dry mass is 9.6 centner/ha (Poaceae (4981 ha) which spread in the widest natural habi-
4.2 centner/ha, legume grass 2.3 centner/ha, vari- tat of summer pastures. The weight on 1 hectare of
ous herbs 3.1 centner/ha). pasture was calculated as 4,5 head of cattle and the
Here, the productivity of alpine vegetation in capacity is 22415 heads, providing that 1.3 feed
the Narduseta formation (921 ha) that is spread in units are accepted as daily feed norm for small
the summer pasture, was calculated 9.6 cents / ha, horned cattle (General Scheme on efficient use of
forage unit 52.7 kg per 100 kg of dry grass. The natural fodder areas of the Republic of Azerbaijan
weight on 1 hectare of pasture was calculated as until 2005, 2005).
4.3 head of cattle and the capacity is 3960 heads, The productivity of the subalpine meadow
providing that 1.3 feed units are accepted as daily Festuceta - Alchemilletum formation that wide-
feed norm for small horned cattle. spread in summer pastures of this region was found
Subalpine meadow plant Festuceta - the in botanical grass groups. The productivity of the
productivity of the formation of Amoriaetum is formation is higher than that of the Poaeta-Carex-
higher than that of the alpine meadow Narduseta etum formation.
phytocenosis, and also plays an important role in Formation of Formuceta-Alchemilletum
the forage reserves of summer pastures. which is spread summer pastures in the highland
Average yield in wet mass according to the areas of the region was determined as 2469 ha,
botanical grass groups of this formation is 35.1 yield productivity in dry mass as 17.2 centner/ha,
centner/ha (grains 11.8 centner/ha, legumes 15.6 forage unit as (62.2 kg per 100 kg of dry grass),
centner/ha, various herbs 7.7 centner/ha) and 35.1 grazing period of vegetation as 120 days. The
centner/ha (grain grass 11.8 centner/ha, legumes weight on 1 hectare of pasture was calculated as
15.6 centner/ha, various herbs 7.7 centner/ha) and 6.7 cattles and the capacity is 16542 heads, provid-
in dry mass it is 16.7 centner/ha (grain grass 5.6 ing that 1.3 feed units are accepted as daily feed
centner/ha, legume grass centner/ha and various norm for small horned cattle (General Scheme on
varieties 3.6 centner/ha). efficient use of natural fodder areas of the Republic
Formation of Festuceta - Amoriaetum which of Azerbaijan until 2005, 2005).
occurs in the widest natural habitat of summer pas- 163510 hectares of summer pastures (93354
tures of the region were determined as 6292 ha, ha in the territory of Kalbajar district and 70156 ha
productivity in dry mass as (16.7 centner/ha), feed in the territory of Lachin district) assigned to the
unit as (57.9 kg in 100 kg of dry grass), grazing administrative regions of the country are used as a
period in pastures as (120 days). The weight on 1 natural fodder source by legal entities and individ-
hectare of pasture was calculated as 6,4 head of cat- uals for the development of sheep breeding in the
tle and the capacity is 40268 heads, providing that summer pastures of Kalbajar and Lachin districts
1.3 feed units are accepted as daily feed norm for located in the territory (In the economic-geograph-
small horned cattle (General Scheme on efficient ical region of Kalbajar-Lachin) of East Zangazur
use of natural fodder areas of the Republic of Azer- economic region.
baijan until 2005, 2005). In the territory of the Kalbajar region, 93,354
Productivity of Poaeta-Carexetum formation hectares of summer pastures were assigned to 17
on botanical grass groups was calculated in the regions (Beylagan, Agjabadi, Barda, Tartar, Sam-
most widespread alpine meadow in summer pas- ukh and other regions) (General Scheme on effi-
tures in Lachin region (General Scheme on effi- cient use of natural fodder areas of the Republic of
cient use of natural fodder areas of the Republic of Azerbaijan until 2005, 2005). The capacity of

E.M. Gurbanov

93,354 hectares of summer pastures in the Kalbajar CONCLUSIONS

region contains 4.0 cattles. The total grazing capac-
ity of summer pastures in this region is calculated 1. 21 species of land plants are found in the spe-
as 375,226 head of cattle. cies composition of Narduseta formation of al-
Summer pastures in the territory of Lachin pine vegetation, and 2 of them are shrubs, 1 is
district are assigned to 8 regions (Jabrayil, Fuzuli, semi-shrub, 18 are perennial grasses; there are
Agdam, Imishli and other regions). Grazing of 8 types of mesophytes, 2 types of mesoxero-
275156 heads (average 4 heads per hectare) small phytes and 11 types of xerophytes. The species
horned cattle on 70,156 hectares in the territory of of Poaeta - Carexetum formation includes 19
this region is calculated. species, including 4 species of shrubs, 15 spe-
Over the past 30 years, the summer pastures cies of perennial grasses;7 types of xerophytes,
2 types of mesoxerophytes, 9 types of meso-
of both regions have been severely affected by pas-
phytes and 1 type of hydrophytes are recorded.
ture erosion and the "ecocide process". Therefore,
2. The species composition of the formation of
the effective utilization and improvement of alpine
Subalpine plant Festuceta - Amoriaetum con-
and subalpine vegetation based on the previously sists of 29 species. There are 4 types of shrubs,
mentioned geobotanical features to prevent soil 2 species of semi-shrubs, 23 species of peren-
and vegetation degradation in the summer pastures nial grasses; It is characterized by 14 species of
of these regions is of great economic and environ- mesophytes, 4 species of mesoxerophytes, 10
mental importance. (Aghaguluyev, 2011; Hajıyev, species of xerophytes and 1 species of hydro-
2004; Gurbanov et al., 2017). phytes. There are 31 species of land plants in
The degradation of land vegetation continues the species of the composition of Festuceta-Al-
as a result of the violation of the ecological balance chemilletum formation. 2 species are shrubs, 1
due to the negative impact of anthropogenic and species is semi-shrub, 28 species are perennial
natural factors in the summer pastures of the Kal- grasses; There are 18 species of mesophytes, 5
bajar and Lachin districts. For that reason, the in- species of mesoxerophytes, 6 species of xero-
tensification of such negative effects creates diffi- phytes and 2 species of hydrophytes.
culties protection of fodder, medicine, endemic 3. Studies show that the average productivity of
and species included in the "Red Book of Azerbai- Narduseta and Poaeta-Carexetum formations
jan" growing there, as well as safeguard. In this re- of alpine vegetation formed in summer pastures
gard, it is recommended to implement the follow- in the territory of Kalbajar and Lachin regions
ing measures on a scientific and practical basis for is defined 9.6 and 10.6 centner/ha, as well as
the restoration of soil fertility and vegetation (bio- 16.7-17.2 centner/ha for the formation of
diversity) in the summer pastures of the East Festuceta-Amoriaetum and Festuceta-Al-
Zangazur economic region: chemilletum of subalpine vegetation.
- grazing of cattle with the application of pas- 4. As a result of calculations, it was found that the
forage unit of 100 kg of dry grass of Narduseta
ture rotation
formation of the alpine plant is 52.7 kg, the for-
- surface improvement on eroded slopes, as
age unit of Poaeta-Carexetum formation is 54.8
well as the destruction of harmful and poi-
kg per 100 kg of dry grass mass. There are also
sonous plants in some pastures; 57.9 kg of forage unit per 100 kg of Festuceta -
- application of sowing and fertilization of Amoriaetum formation of the subalpine vegeta-
perennial forage crops that form grass ac- tion and Festuceta-Alchemiletum have 62.2 kg
cording to agronomic rules; of forage unit per 100 kg of dry grass.
- effective utilization of alpine and subalpine 5. According to the pasture capacity, it was deter-
meadows in summer pastures after vegeta- mined that it is possible to graze 4.3-4.5 head of
tion restoration. small horned cattle in the alpine vegetation of
the East Zangazur economic region, and 6.4-6.7
heads of small horned cattle in subalpine vege-

Geobotanical features of alpine and subalpine vegetation of summer pastures in the East Zangazur economic region

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Şərqi Zəngəzur iqtisadi rayonu ərazisində yay otlaqlarının alp və subalp bitkiliyinin
geobotaniki xüsusiyyətləri

E.M. Qurbanov

Bakı Dövlət Universiteti, Bakı, Azərbaycan

Məqalədə Kəlbəcər və Laçın rayonlarının yay otlaqlarının alp və subalp bitkiliyinin geobotaniki xüsusiy-
yətlərinin tədqiqinin nəticələri öz əksini tapmışdır. Alp və subalp bitkiliyə aid olan otlaqların fitosenoloji
xüsusiyyətləri (növ tərkibi, quruluşu və formasiyaların məhsuldarlığı) və otlaq tutumu tərəfimizdən öyrə-
nilmişdir. Tədqiq olunan regionun yay otlaqlarının səmərəli istifadəsi yolları və yaxşılaşdırılması tədbirləri
barədə tövsiyyələr verilmişdir.

Açar sözlər: Fitosenoz, formasiya, assosiasiya, dominant, otlaq, otlaq tutumu, məhsuldarlıq, subdominant,

E.M. Gurbanov

Геоботанические особенности альпийской и субальпийской растительности летних пастбищ

Восточно-Зангезурского экономического района

Э.М. Гурбанов

Бакинский государственный университет, Баку, Азербайджан

В статье излагаются результаты исследований геоботанических особенностей альпийской и субаль-

пийской растительности летних пастбищ Кельбаджарского и Лачынского районов, которые исполь-
зуются для отгонного овцеводства. Нами изучены фитоценотические особенности (видовой состав,
структура и урожайность формаций) и емкость пастбищ, относящихся к альпийской и субальпиской
растительности. Рекомендованы мероприятия, направленные на рациональное использование и
улучшение летних пастбищ данного региона.

Ключевые слова: Фитоценоз, формация, ассоциация, доминанта, пастбище, емкость пастбища,

продуктивность, субдоминанта, эндемик


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