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Assessment Details

Subject NMDF211 Nutritional Biochemistry

Type Assessment II- Integrative Biochemical analysis

Due Date Sunday (11:59pm) following Week 12 Word Limit 1000+/- 10%
Weight 35% Total Marks 100


Investigate the major metabolic pathways of the given case and present detailed discussion on the role of
nutrient cofactors, substrates, hormones and enzymes in succeeding/failing to maintain normal metabolic
functions within the body. Explain integration among biochemical pathways and their correlation with client’s

The assignment should be structured as a report. The purpose of writing a report is to present information
which can be described or analysed. Your report can have headings and subheadings, can include tables,
graphs and diagrams; and information can be presented in dot point form where appropriate.

Case study
A client named Susan has sought your nutritional advise for alleviation from her symptoms. Susan is a 44-
year-old female who has gained 10 Kg over last two years. She enjoys wearing perfumes daily and
watches her favourite web series till late night. Her GP has diagnosed her with fatty liver (Non-alcoholic
fatty liver disease-NAFLD). Her biochemical report (see Table below) indicates elevated liver enzymes,
inflammation, insulin resistance and issues with hepatic clearance of metabolites (cholesterol, cortisol,
hepatic toxins, microbial by-products etc)
Susan experiences bloating and abdominal pain after she eats. She suffers from fatigue and is a stressed
person. She has a history of anxiety.
She doesn’t have time to plan meals or cook and often buys take away foods.
When stressed, she drinks beer. She does not like fruits/salads and has a food intolerance to shellfish.
As her nutritionist, you would like to investigate her liver dysfunction and gut-liver connection. You would then
prioritise to alleviate her symptoms through dietary and lifestyle interventions with the aim to support liver-gut
axis healing.

Family history:
Father: Liver cancer, Mother: Diabetes Type II,
Sister: Diabetes Type II, Brother: Hypertension
One day diet recall
She likes to eat egg and meat (particularly beef).
Breakfast: Oats with soymilk (one medium bowl), orange juice (packaged-one glass)
Mid-morning: Black tea (I mug) with cream biscuits (4)
Lunch: Beef curry (one large bowl) with rice (175g)
Evening tea/Dinner: Pepperoni Pizza (one large/frozen)
Water-1 L approx. a day
Medications: Susan is not currently on any medication but has a history of extensive antibiotic use; at age 1
to 4 years for tonsillitis, and aged 13-15 years for mild acne.

Physical and Biochemical Tests:

Test Result Reference Range

Blood pressure 145/92 mm of Hg Systolic: 110-120 mm/Hg

Diastolic: 70 – 80 mm/Hg
Heart rate 76 beats per minute 72-84 beats per minute
Waist Hip Ratio 1.4 <0.8
Temperature 37˚C 35.8 – 37.3˚C
Body mass index (BMI) 28 kg/m2 Normal 18.5-24.9 kg/m2
Blood glucose fasting 7.0 mmol/L Below 5.5mmol/L
Fasting insulin 16mU/L Fasting 2 - 12 mU/L
2hr post prandial 5 - 30 mU/L
Liver tests:
Albumin 37 g/L 34–48
Protein 72 g/L 65–85
Total bilirubin 13 µmol/L 2–24
GGT 68 U/L <60
ALP 112 U/L 30–110
ALT 57 U/L <55
AST 50U/L <45
Total Cholesterol 5.7mmol/L Below 4.0mmol/L
ALP: Serum alkaline phosphatase test measures the level of alkaline phosphatase (an enzyme) in the blood to assess liver functioning and to
find liver lesions.
ALT: Alanine transaminase test measures the level of alanine aminotransferase: an enzyme found mostly in the liver that is released into the
bloodstream after acute liver cell damage.
AST: Aspartate transaminase test measures the level of aspartate transaminase: an enzyme that is released into the bloodstream after acute liver
cell damage.
GGT: Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase test measures the level of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase: an enzyme that indicates liver function, and to
detect alcohol ingestion.


1. (a) Investigate functioning of liver phase I in Susan’s case. Present your clinical and nutritional
biochemical findings about reasons for suboptimal liver functioning while commenting on the
constituents, enzymes and, cofactors involved in the liver phase I. Your discussion will integrate the
significance/functioning of liver phase I, Kupffer cells and glutathione in relation to client’s signs,
symptoms, diet, family history and findings in the biochemical report.
(b) Discuss Gut-liver axis and its significance in NAFLD as relevant for the given case to demonstrate
your understanding of nutritional biochemical rationale underlying client’s gut/liver condition. Highlight
relevant pathways to rationalise her biochemical report, signs, symptoms while deducing facts from
investigation of her diet and family history through nutritional biochemistry perspectives. Overall while
answering Question 1 (a) and (b), you should explain at least four (4) relevant signs/symptoms (e.g.,
bloating, anxiety) and three (3) pertinent biochemical findings (e.g., liver enzymes, BMI and insulin).

2. Suggest one (1) dietary inclusion as an intervention (food or food based, can be a supplement or a
nutrient but NOT an herb) using scientific evidence (based on human research) that may benefit this
client with a rationale. Comment on dose, form of inclusion and its impact on the biochemical findings
in the given case.

3. Suggest one (1) lifestyle inclusion as an intervention using scientific evidence (based on human
research) that may benefit this client with a rationale. Comment on duration, type/form of inclusion
and its impact on the biochemical findings in the given case.

No conclusion is required

The following is a basic report structure which can be used to successfully complete this assessment task.

Headings Include following relevant points (as a guide only)

General Introduction Briefly give an overview of the case including significance of the client’s main symptoms, medical condition and
to the report biochemical report. Based on this overview present the aims of your report.
(approx. 10-15% of
word count)
Body/discussion Q1 (a) and (b)
n Discuss:
(55-65% of the (a) Liver detox phase I
word count) (b) Role of glutathione and Kupffer cells
(c) Integration of gut dysbiosis and liver detoxification
Access full articles below to start your research:
1.Modulation of Metabolic Detoxification Pathways Using Foods
Hodges, R. E., & Minich, D. M. (2015). Modulation of Metabolic Detoxification Pathways Using Foods and Food-Derived
Components: A Scientific Review with Clinical Application. Journal of nutrition and metabolism, 2015, 760689.
2. Liver Microbiome Axis in Health and disease
Adolph, T. E., Grander, C., Moschen, A. R., & Tilg, H. (2018). Liver-Microbiome Axis in Health and Disease. Trends in
immunology, 39(9), 712–723.
3. Nutritional aspects of detoxification
Cline, J. (2015). Nutritional aspects of detoxification in clinical practice. Alternative therapies in health and medicine, 21 3,
4.Fatty liver and microbiome
Campo, L., Eiseler, S., Apfel, T., & Pyrsopoulos, N. (2019). Fatty Liver Disease and Gut Microbiota: A Comprehensive
Update. Journal of clinical and translational hepatology, 7(1), 56–60.
5.NAFLD and insulin resistance
Kitade, H., Chen, G., Ni, Y., & Ota, T. (2017). Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Insulin Resistance: New Insights and
2 Potential New Treatments. Nutrients, 9(4), 387.
advice (10-15% of Suggest one nutrient or food that you would include in Susan’s diet to ensure optimal functioning of liver. Explain the
word rationale for your choice (biochemical pathways that are supported by inclusion of this food).
count) Suggested readings:
Kieffer, D. A., Martin, R.J., Adams, S.J. (2016). Impact of Dietary Fibres on Nutrient Management and Detoxification
Organs: Gut, Liver, and Kidneys. Advances in Nutrition, 7(6), 1111–1121. Access
Paolella, G., Mandato, C., Pierri, L., Poeta, M., Stasi, M.D., and Vajro, P. (2014). Gut-liver axis and probiotics: Their role
in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. World J Gastroenterol. 20(42):
15518–15531. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v20.i42.15518. Access Here
(you may use these references for your report)
Advice (10-15% of Suggest an appropriate lifestyle recommendation that may assist in alleviating client’s symptoms.
word count) Explain the rationale for your choice.
A suggested reading: Smart, N.A., King, N., McFarlane, J.R., Graham, PL., Dieberg, G. (2018). Effect of exercise training
on liver function in adults who are overweight or exhibit fatty liver disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis
British Journal of Sports Medicine, 52:834-843. Access Here
References followed Appendices need to be labelled and referenced, and each appendix should be on a separate page. Any table in the
by Appendix (if any) appendix should have dot points and only 10% of the total word count of the assessment. Excess
words/paragraphs/tables will not be assessed.
It should also adhere to the following format requirements:

• Title page (Subject code and name; Student name and number; Lecturer name; Type of assignment
(i.e. Report); Due date; and Word count)
• Your filename should contain the subject code, assignment name, your name and version.
Example filenames: NMDF211-report-JaneDoe-draft.pdf OR NMDF211-report-JaneDoe-final.pdf
• Word count to be clearly displayed on the cover sheet or title page
• The report should be typed using standard conservative fonts such as Times New Roman or Arial of
at least 12 point and double spaced.
• Fully referenced as per the American Psychological Association (APA) Referencing Guidelines,
available here:

Report due date is Sunday (11:59 pm) following Week 12.

Academic Writing and Student Integrity

Writing on all assessments is expected to be of an academic standard and presentation, and all non-original
work must be properly referenced.

For assistance in ensuring this academic standard, please refer to the Communication Skills Handbook, 4th
edition (2014) by Summers & Smith and the APA Referencing Guidelines.

For assistance with referencing, Mendeley citation software, and plagiarism please refer to links on the Library

The Library Research Skills Tutorial (located on the LMS drop down Library tab) covers these areas plus
other relevant skills through videos and quizzes.

Additional support can be found at the top of the LMS Main Page. The Study Skills tab contains a section on
Academic Writing.

Note that all forms of plagiarism and cheating are taken very seriously at Endeavour. Please ensure that you
are familiar with the Academic Integrity Policy - Higher Education and that you are mindful of avoiding the
use of any work that is not your own without proper attribution, as well as never allowing your work to be used
by another student.

Word Count
Word count must be clearly displayed on the title page or cover sheet. Words in excess of 10% beyond the
required word count will not be marked. Required word count includes in-text citations but excludes text
appearing in tables, graphs, figures, footnotes, captions and end-text references.
Tables, graphs, and figures can enhance assignment presentation if used in moderation to convey directly
relevant information. However, generally tables, graphs and figures should be included as Appendices at the
end of your assignment with an interpretation of these in text. Tables, graphs and figures should not be used
as tools to increase the amount of information that you are conveying whilst remaining within the required
word count, nor are they a substitute for your own synthesis or interpretation of the material. Thus, as a guide,
tables, graphs or figures presented should not consist of more than 10% of the total assignment word count,
whilst keeping in mind that any words so included are not part of the required word count.
Exemplary Proficient Developed Acquiring Underdeveloped Not developed

(5 marks) (4 marks) (3 marks) (2 marks) (1 mark) (0)

Introduction Extremely well-defined aims Few well-defined aims Few aims (n=1/2/3) are Few aims that are not well- Few irrelevant aims are The aim for the report is not
(10) (at least three) are presented (n=2/3) are presented for the presented for the report that defined are presented for the presented for the report that stated or presented in a non-
for the report that concisely report that concisely identify are not well-defined and report that do not exactly do not identify purpose and logical manner without
Aim identify purpose with purpose but omits enough somewhat identify purpose identify purpose and loosely do not align with the context. context.
appropriately detailed detailed context. but omits enough detailed align with the context.
context. context
(5 marks) (4 marks) (3 marks) (2 marks) (1 mark) (0)
Comprehensive and A concise overview of the An overview of the case is An incomplete overview of Overview of the case is Overview of the case is not
Case overview &
exhaustive overview of the case is presented along with presented in short along with the case is presented without presented as a single presented, or some non-
case is presented along with the relevance of the some relevance of the relevance of the symptoms sentence in the report or has logical relevance of the
the relevance of the symptoms and the findings in symptoms and few findings in and the findings in the major omissions in including symptoms and findings in the
symptoms and the findings in the biochemical report with the biochemical report with biochemical report with major the relevance of the biochemical report is
the biochemical report that minor omissions that minor omissions that omissions that demonstrates symptoms and the findings in presented that does not
demonstrates complete demonstrates some demonstrates limited limited understanding of the the biochemical report demonstrate any
understanding of the gut-liver understanding of the gut-liver understanding of the gut-liver gut-liver axis with NAFLD. thereby not demonstrating understanding of the gut-liver
axis with NAFLD. axis with NAFLD. axis with NAFLD. any understanding of the gut- axis with NAFLD.
liver axis with NAFLD.
Exemplary Proficient Developed Acquiring Underdeveloped Not developed
(5 marks) (4 marks) (3 marks) (2 marks) (1 mark) (0 mark)
Q1 (a) and (b)
Thorough clear, concise and Clear, concise and insightful Clear and concise discussion Some discussion that is Insufficient and incomplete No discussion presented to
Demonstration insightful discussion that discussion that demonstrates demonstrates understanding incomplete and does not discussion that does not demonstrate understanding
of demonstrates a superlative a good level of understanding of some of the constituents, demonstrates adequate demonstrate even basic of functions, importance and
understanding level of understanding of all of most of the constituents, enzymes, cofactors involved understanding of functions, understanding of functions, relevance of Liver detox
of status and the constituents, enzymes & enzymes, cofactors involved in Liver detox phase I and importance and relevance of importance and relevance of pathway I in the given case.
reasons for the cofactors involved in Liver in Liver detox phase I and its functions, importance and Liver detox pathway I in the Liver detox pathway I in the
suboptimal Liver detox phase I along with its its functions, importance and relevance leading to given case with major given case and is presented
detox I pathway functions, importance and relevance leading to nutritional biochemical omissions of the pertinent in a non-logical manner.
and liver-gut relevance leading to nutritional biochemical imbalances in the given case factors.
integration nutritional biochemical imbalances in the given case with omissions of the most
through imbalances in the given case. but with few omissions. pertinent factors.
investigation (5 marks) (4 marks) (3 marks) (2 marks) (1 mark) (0 mark)
and Thorough clear, concise and Clear, concise and insightful Clear discussion that Discussion has major Insufficient and non-logical No discussion presented to
interpretation of insightful discussion, discussion that demonstrates demonstrates understanding omissions in demonstrating discussion that demonstrates demonstrate any academic
client’s demonstrates a superlative a good level of understanding of few functions and understanding of functions, basic understanding of understanding of the
symptoms, level of understanding of all of functions, importance and importance of Kupffer cells importance and relevance of functions and importance of functions, importance and
biochemical the functions, importance and relevance of Kupffer cells in but omits relevance to the Kupffer cells in the given Kupffer cells, fails to include relevance of Kupffer cells in
report, family relevance of Kupffer cells in the given case with minor given case and discussion on case. relevance of Kupffer cells in the given case.
history, dietary the given case. omissions of pertinent the pertinent factors. the given case
and lifestyle factors.
habits and (5 marks) (4 marks) (3 marks) (2 marks) (1 mark) (0 mark)

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family history Thorough, concise and an A concise and insightful Clear and concise discussion A short, unclear discussion Insufficient discussion that No discussion presented to
(40). insightful discussion that discussion that demonstrates that demonstrates some presented that does not demonstrates basic demonstrate understanding
demonstrates a superlative a good understanding of understanding of demonstrate logical understanding of of constituents, cofactors,
level of understanding of constituents, cofactors, constituents, cofactors, understanding of constituents, cofactors, functions and significance of
constituents, cofactors, functions and significance of functions and significance of constituents, cofactors, functions and significance of glutathione in liver
functions and significance of glutathione in liver glutathione in liver functions and significance of glutathione in liver detoxification process. The
glutathione in liver detoxification process. But, detoxification process with glutathione in liver detoxification process as functioning of glutathione is
detoxification process. The the suboptimal functioning of minor omissions. The detoxification process. The major omissions are noted. not correlated with any
suboptimal functioning of glutathione is slightly suboptimal functioning of suboptimal functioning of The discussion omits symptoms/signs/findings in
glutathione is sighted and overlooked and not expertly glutathione is completely glutathione is completely correlation of suboptimal the biochemical report as
clinically correlated with the correlated with the relevant overlooked, and report lacks overlooked, and report fails to functioning of glutathione with evident in the given case.
relevant symptoms/signs/findings in short to cohesively correlate correlate it with the relevant the relevant
symptoms/signs/findings in the biochemical report as it with the relevant symptoms/signs/findings in symptoms/signs/findings in
the biochemical report as evident in the given case symptoms/signs/findings in the biochemical report as the biochemical report as
evident in the given case. the biochemical report as evident in the given case evident in the given case
evident in the given case
(5 marks) (4 marks) (3 marks) (2 marks) (1 mark) (0 mark)
Exemplary investigative Good investigative skills Some investigative skills Investigative skills are not Investigative skills are not Investigative skills are not
skills are demonstrated in are demonstrated in are demonstrated in clearly demonstrated in demonstrated in a non-logical demonstrated in the
discussion through discussion through discussion through discussion through discussion through discussion and report lacks
explanation of pertinent explanation of few important explanation of few irrelevant explanation of irrelevant explanation of just one explanation of any relevant
symptoms of suboptimal liver symptoms of suboptimal liver symptoms of suboptimal liver symptoms of suboptimal liver symptom of suboptimal liver symptoms of suboptimal liver
pathways pathways pathways pathways in a non-coherent pathways pathways (n<1))
(n≥4) (n=3/4) (n=3) manner (n<2)) (n=1)
(5 marks) (4 marks) (3 marks) (2 marks) (1 mark) (0 mark)
Superlative interpretative Good interpretative skills Fair display of interpretative Display of basic Interpretative skills are not Interpretative skills in the
skills are demonstrated in are demonstrated in skills in the discussion that interpretative skills in the demonstrated in the discussion are incongruent.
discussion that expertly discussion that expertly does not explain appropriate discussion that does not discussion that explains
explains rationale for the explains rationale for the rationale for the given explain rationale for the rationale for a biochemical
pertinent biochemical pertinent biochemical findings biochemical findings (n=3) in biochemical findings (n=2/3) finding (n=1) but not in the
findings in the context of liver (n=3/4) in the context of liver the context of liver in the context of liver context of liver detoxification
detoxification process (n≥3). detoxification process with detoxification process and detoxification process and process
omission of a major omission of a major omission of a major
symptom/finding. symptom/finding is evident. symptom/finding is evident.
(5 marks) (4 marks) (3 marks) (2 marks) (1 mark) (0 mark)
Relevance of liver pathways Relevance of liver pathways Relevance of liver pathways Relevance of liver pathways Relevance of liver pathways Relevance of liver pathways
is discussed expertly and in is discussed in detail in is discussed moderately in is discussed fairly in relation is not discussed in relation to is not discussed in relation to
detail in relation to all the relation to key factors in the relation to few factors in the to the client’s diet, lifestyle any of the client’s diet, any of the client’s diet,
factors in the client’s diet, client’s diet, lifestyle and client’s diet, lifestyle and and family history with lifestyle and family history lifestyle and family history
lifestyle and family history. family history. family history. some omissions. or is incoherent.
(5 marks) (4 marks) (3 marks) (2 marks) (1 mark) (0 mark)
Thorough clear, concise, in Demonstrates a good level of Demonstrates a basic level of Demonstrates a low level of Demonstrates no Discussion on the gut-liver
depth discussion that understanding of understanding of gut-liver understanding of gut-liver understanding of gut-liver axis is completely omitted or
demonstrates a high level of components of gut-liver axis with major omissions of axis with major omissions of axis with major omissions of presented in an unsound
understanding of axis with minor omissions of components, and imperative components, and imperative components, and imperative manner that is not relevant.
components of gut-liver imperative factors and factors/ metabolites factors/ metabolites factors/ metabolites.
axis including factors and metabolites
metabolites involved.
(5 marks) (4 marks) (3 marks) (2 marks) (1 mark) (0 mark)

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Exemplary and insightful A good discussion that A fair discussion that Few illogical sentences are Does not demonstrate No discussion is presented,
discussion that demonstrates demonstrates adequate demonstrates some presented that do not understanding of the or unscientific discussion is
a high level of understanding understanding of the understanding of the demonstrate understanding integration of gut-liver axis noted that does not
of the integration of gut- integration of gut-liver axis integration of gut-liver axis of the integration of gut- Major omissions with respect demonstrate understanding
liver axis while explaining while explaining dysregulated in an illogical manner. liver axis. Major omissions to dysregulated pathways, and relevance of the
dysregulated pathways pathways but few omissions Omissions with respect to with respect to dysregulated factors/metabolites integration of gut-liver axis
underlying client’s with respect to dysregulated pathways, pathways, factors/metabolites imperative to rationalise as per client’s
condition/symptoms/biochemi factors/metabolites factors/metabolites imperative to rationalise underlying client’s condition/symptoms/biochemi
cal findings imperative to rationalise imperative to rationalise underlying client’s condition/symptoms/biochemi cal findings.
underlying client’s underlying client’s condition/symptoms/biochemi cal findings are noted.
condition/symptoms/biochem condition/symptoms/biochemi cal findings are noted.
ical findings. cal findings are noted.
Exemplary Proficient Developed Acquiring Underdeveloped Not developed

Q2 and 3 (5 marks) (4 marks) (3 marks) (2 marks) (1 mark) (0 mark)

Dietary and
The selection of the The selection of The selection of The selection of The selection of No food/supplement is
food/supplement reflects food/supplement reflects food/supplement reflects food/supplement reflects food/supplement reflects presented as an intervention.
superlative understanding of adequate understanding of inadequate understanding of inadequate and insufficient inadequate and insufficient No discussion is evident or
using scientific
the liver/gut dysregulation the liver/gut dysregulation the liver/gut dysregulation understanding of the liver/gut understanding of the liver/gut illogical facts are presented
evidence (based
and discussion includes all and discussion includes a and discussion includes just dysregulation and discussion dysregulation. No discussion to indicate some
on human
the correct mechanism of few mechanisms of action one correct mechanism of does not include any is evident or illogical facts are mechanisms of action
research) that
actions of that food as of that food that seem correct action of that food that is mechanism of action of that presented to indicate some
may benefit this
pertinent to the client’s and are related to the client’s roughly related to the client’s food and is not related to the mechanisms of action of
client with a
symptoms and biochemical symptoms and biochemical symptoms and biochemical client’s symptoms and that food which are unrelated
findings findings findings biochemical findings to client’s symptoms and
Comment on
biochemical findings
type/form of (5 marks) (4 marks) (3 marks) (2 marks) (1 mark) (0 mark)
inclusion and its The dose, form, and The dose, form, and The dose, form, and The dose or form or The dose or form or The dose or form or
impact on duration of inclusion of duration of inclusion of duration of inclusion of duration of inclusion of duration of inclusion of duration of inclusion of
biochemical food/supplement is well food/supplement is justified food/supplement is justified food/supplement is not food/supplement is not food/supplement is not
findings in the justified in the discussion in the discussion with the in the discussion with the justified presented in the discussion presented in the discussion
given case in a superlative manner with support of pertinent evidence support of pertinent evidence in the discussion and lacks or lacks support of pertinent or some baseless anecdotal
Exclusion of a the support of appropriate by referring to clinical by referring to research- support of pertinent evidence evidence of research-based mentions are included
food or lifestyle evidence by referring to research among humans based articles that have not of research-based articles articles
will not be clinical research among with minor omissions. tested that food/supplement
marked (20). humans among humans
(5 marks) (4 marks) (3 marks) (2 marks) (1 mark) (0 mark)
The selection of the lifestyle The selection of the lifestyle The selection of the lifestyle The selection of the lifestyle The selection of the lifestyle No lifestyle inclusion is
inclusion reflects superlative inclusion reflects adequate inclusion reflects inadequate inclusion reflects inadequate inclusion reflects inadequate presented as an intervention.
understanding of the liver/gut understanding of the liver/gut understanding of the liver/gut and insufficient and insufficient
dysregulation and discussion dysregulation and discussion dysregulation and discussion understanding of the liver/gut understanding of the liver/gut
includes all the correct includes a few mechanisms includes just one correct dysregulation and discussion dysregulation. No discussion
mechanism of actions of that of action of that intervention mechanisms of action of that does not include any is evident or illogical facts are
intervention as pertinent to that seem correct and are intervention that is roughly mechanisms of action and is presented to indicate some
the client’s symptoms and related to the client’s related to the client’s not related to the client’s mechanisms of action which
biochemical findings symptoms and biochemical symptoms and biochemical symptoms and biochemical are unrelated to client’s
findings findings findings symptoms and biochemical

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(5 marks) (4 marks) (3 marks) (2 marks) (1 mark) (0 mark)
The dose, form, and The dose, form, and The dose, form, and The dose or form or The dose or form or The dose or form or
duration of inclusion of duration of inclusion of duration of inclusion of duration of inclusion of duration of inclusion of duration of inclusion of
lifestyle change is well lifestyle change is justified lifestyle change is justified lifestyle change is not lifestyle change is not lifestyle change is not
justified in the discussion in the discussion with the in the discussion with the justified presented in the discussion presented in the discussion
in a superlative manner with support of pertinent evidence support of pertinent evidence in the discussion and lacks or lacks support of pertinent or some baseless anecdotal
the support of appropriate by referring to clinical by referring to research- support of pertinent evidence evidence of research-based mentions are included
evidence by referring to research among humans based articles that have not of research-based articles articles
clinical research among with minor omissions. tested that activity among
humans. humans


Exemplary Proficient Developed Acquiring Underdeveloped Not
(5 marks) (4 marks) (3 marks) (2 marks) (1 mark) (0 mark)
Structure Exemplary display of Good display of academic Fair display of academic Some academic writing as Academic writing is not The discussion is not
organisation, academic writing as evident writing as evident by an writing as evident by an evident by incoherent writing robust as evident by academically presented.
style, format and by well-organized and organized and cohesive organized writing of concepts of concepts. Major mistakes incoherent writing of Personal comments are
written cohesive writing of concepts writing of concepts with minor but with major mistakes in in cohesive/summative concepts and incorrect included. Report fails to draw
expression and and expert inclusion of mistakes while interpreting cohesive/summative inscription are noted while interpretation of research- form the research facts.
word count (20) content page, subheadings, from research facts. Content inscription while drawing from drawing from research-based based facts. Major mistakes
tables, figures and page, subheadings, tables, research-based facts. facts. Content page, in cohesive/summative
appendices. figures and appendices are Content page, subheadings, subheadings, tables, figures inscription are noted and
included. tables, figures and and appendices are partially personal
appendices are partially included. comments/unacademic
included. language is included. No
inclusion of content page,
subheadings, tables, figures
and appendices.
(5 marks) (4 marks) (3 marks) (2 marks) (1 mark) (0 mark)
Excellent format and use of Good format and use of Clear format and use of Several grammatical, spelling Numerous errors of Major problems with
English language English language English language and/or punctuation errors grammatical, spelling and/or English construction is noted
displaying minor problems punctuation displaying major
with problems with
English construction English construction
(5 marks) (4 marks) (3 marks) (2 marks) (1 mark) (0 mark)
Demonstrates a high level of Demonstrate a good level of Demonstrate a fair level of Demonstrate low level of Poor display of Does not demonstrate
originality, critical thinking, originality, critical thinking, originality, critical thinking, originality, critical thinking, originality, critical thinking, originality, critical thinking,
evaluation and insight into evaluation and insight into the evaluation and insight into evaluation and insight into evaluation and insight into evaluation and insight into
the topic topic the topic the topic the topic the topic

(5 marks) (0 mark)
Absolute adherence to the Word count excessive by more than 10% and the extra content will not be marked.
word count (1000-1100


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Exemplary Proficient Developed Acquiring Underdeveloped Not developed
(5 marks) (4 marks) (3 marks) (2 marks) (1 mark) (0 mark)
Evidence of extensive Evidence of moderate Evidence of fair amount of Evidence of little reading on Evidence of limited reading Evidence of restricted
Source of reading on the topic as amount of reading on the reading on the topic as the topic as evidenced by a on the topic as evidenced by reading on the topic as
information and evidenced by a large variety topic as evidenced by a evidenced by a variety of few references that are null or <5 references that are evidenced by null or <5
references (10) of primary references, mainly considerable variety of references, including peer predominantly secondary inappropriate sources. Some references that are either
peer-reviewed articles, and references, including peer reviewed journal articles, sources mainly website blogs online/internet/web-based inappropriate sources or
government scientific reports reviewed articles, government reports, or sites ending with org., au, sites are included or a few personal anecdotes without
(>15). government scientific reports, textbooks, etc (5-9). Some edu, etc. A few research- scientific articles are noted. critique
textbooks, and government online/internet/web-based based articles are included.
websites (10-15). sites are included (<5)
(5 marks) (4 marks) (3 marks) (2 marks) (1 mark) (0 mark)
Demonstrate correct and Demonstrate good Demonstrate fair application Demonstrate some Demonstrate incorrect Demonstrate incorrect
accurate application of APA application of APA of APA referencing style with inaccurate application of APA application of APA application of APA
referencing style with no referencing style with few few mistakes in the referencing style with referencing style with various referencing style
mistakes in punctuations, in- mistakes in the punctuation punctuation, reference list numerous mistakes in the mistakes in the punctuation,
text-and the reference list and in in-text referencing and in in-text referencing punctuation, reference list reference list and in in-text
(n=2) (n=3/4) and in in-text referencing referencing (n>5)

© Endeavour College of Natural Health Assessment - Integrative Biochemical Analysis

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