Myeloma UK AL Amyloidosis Serum Free Light Chain Assay Infosheet

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Serum free light chain

This Infosheet explains what light chains are, what the Serum Free
Light Chain Assay is, and why it is used in AL amyloidosis.

In AL amyloidosis, abnormal plasma treatment.

cells in the bone marrow produce
proteins called light chains which are What are light chains?
released into the bloodstream and Light chains are part of
go on to form amyloid deposits in immunoglobulins (also called
the tissues and organs. antibodies). Immunoglobulins
(shortened to Ig) are produced by
What is the serum free plasma cells in the bone marrow
light chain assay? and are a normal part of the body’s
The serum free light chain assay immune system.
(SFLCA) is a blood test that There are several different types of
measures the levels of light chains immunoglobulin with each playing a
and can be used to determine AL specialised role in fighting infection.
amyloidosis activity and response to Each immunoglobulin molecule is

AL amyloidosis Treatments
Infosheet and tests
Infoline: 0800 980 3332 1
made up of four components: two What are free light chains?
‘heavy chains’ and two ‘light chains’ When plasma cells produce
(see Figure 1). immunoglobulin molecules, they
There are five different types of initially produce the heavy and light
heavy chain known as G, A, M, D chain components separately which
and E. An immunoglobulin molecule then assemble together before
will always have two identical heavy being released into the bloodstream.
chains and so can be identified as Once light chains are attached to
IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD or IgE. heavy chains, they are referred to
There are two different types of as ‘bound light chains’. However,
light chains known as kappa (κ) light chains do not always attach to
chains and lambda (λ) chains. Each heavy chains and they are referred
immunoglobulin molecule will have to as ‘free light chains’.
two identical light chains, either Plasma cells usually make slightly
kappa or lambda. more light chains than heavy
Therefore, each immunoglobulin chains. This means there are usually
molecule is named according to the some left over light chains that
type of heavy chain and light chain are secreted in the blood (serum)
it is made up of. For example, IgG without being bound to a heavy
kappa or IgG lambda etc. chain. These are known as ‘serum
free light chains’.
Normally, there are only very low
levels of free light chains in the
blood. However, in AL amyloidosis
the abnormal plasma cells make far
too many light chains. These light
chains are released into the blood as
free light chains. They also have an
abnormal structure which leads to
the formation of amyloid deposits in
the tissues and organs.
Serum free light chains can be
detected and measured in over 95%
CHAIN CHAIN of AL amyloidosis patients.
Figure 1. Immunoglobulin structure
The type of AL amyloidosis you

MUK02_Ig_structure-CMYK © design by
have is denoted by the type of level is high but the other is normal,
light chain your abnormal plasma the ratio will be abnormal and
cells produce – either kappa or indicates that the AL amyloidosis is
lambda AL amyloidosis. Lambda AL active.
amyloidosis is more common than A normal kappa/lambda ratio after
kappa AL amyloidosis. treatment can indicate a complete
Why is the SFLCA used?
The ratio is also important because
The measurement of free light it can be an indicator of poor kidney
chains in the blood is important in function. Kappa and lambda chains
both the diagnosis and monitoring are removed from the blood by
of AL amyloidosis. the kidneys. If the kidneys are not
The SFLCA (or Freelite® test) is working properly then the kappa and
a sensitive test that is able to lambda values may both be raised
detect even small changes in the but with a normal ratio between the
levels of free light chains. The test two. Raised levels but a normal ratio
helps doctors see how well a new generally indicates some degree of
treatment is working at an early kidney damage.
stage, as the amount of free light
chains in the blood falls quickly when Normal kappa/lambda values
treatment is working. The SFLCA The free light levels in serum vary
will be used regularly to monitor from person to person but the
your response to treatment, and to normal ranges are:
ensure any relapse is detected early.
„„Kappa free light chains:
Importance of the kappa/lambda 3.3 – 19.4mg per litre of serum
ratio „„Lambda free light chains:
The SFLCA measures the separate 5.71 – 26.3mg per litre of serum
kappa and lambda free light chain „„Normal kappa/lambda ratio:
values in your blood. The ratio 0.26 – 1.65
between these values shows the
proportion of each free light chain What is involved in the SFLCA?
relative to the other. The SFLCA involves taking a sample
Calculating the kappa/lambda of your blood from a vein in your arm
ratio is important in AL amyloidosis. or hand. You can usually have this
When either the kappa or lambda sample taken at the same time as

Infoline: 0800 980 3332 3

other routine blood tests. Other information available from
Myeloma UK
Summary Myeloma UK has a range of
The SFLCA is an important test in publications covering all aspects of
the diagnosis and monitoring of AL AL amyloidosis, its treatment and
amyloidosis. It measures the levels management. To download any
of kappa and lamda light chains of these publications go to www.
in your blood, from which the ratio
between them can be calculated To talk to one of our Information
and used to indicate whether the Specialists about any aspect of AL
AL amyloidosis is active or causing amyloidosis, call the Myeloma UK
kidney problems. Infoline on 0800 980 3332 or
1800 937 773 from Ireland.
About this Infosheet
The Infoline is open from Monday
The information in this Infosheet
to Friday, 9am to 5pm and is free to
is not meant to replace the advice
phone from anywhere in the UK and
of your medical team. They are the
people to ask if you have questions
about your individual situation. Information and support about AL
amyloidosis is also available around
For a list of references used to
the clock at
develop our resources, visit
To give feedback about this
publication, email


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Published by: Myeloma UK
Publication date: May 2009
Last updated: August 2018
Review date: August 2021

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Myeloma UK 22 Logie Mill, Beaverbank Business Park, Edinburgh EH7 4HG
T: 0131 557 3332   E:  Charity No: SC 026116

Myeloma Infoline: 0800 980 3332 or

1800 937 773 from Ireland

Myeloma Awareness Week 21 - 27 June

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