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The Philippines’ Part in the Economic Integration in Asia

(Words: 344)

The Philippines continues to contribute to the integration of Asian countries in the

region. Some of its citizens and outside observers may see it as somewhat behind in

economic participation. The Philippines' strengths vary from the abundance of

resources to vast business opportunities. The Philippines has made strides in economic

development and integration, with the expectation for improvement in the following


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The first economic strength of the Philippines is its abundance of resources and

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workforce. A large percent of the population can work and is equipped with the skills to
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obtain professional jobs outside its borders. Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) are

citizens of the Philippines who have received proper training, including literacy in
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different languages but mostly English and work in a foreign land. The bountiful natural
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resources found in the Philippines, like minerals, land, and coastal resources,

significantly increase the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth. The
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Philippines and other Asian countries forge alliances that include contracts on the

transferring of goods and services.


The second economic strength of the Philippines is its location. The Philippines

has an advantageous location in the fastest-growing region of Asia. Businesses make


use of the Philippines as an entry point to the Asian region. Western corporations often

expand their offices and manufacturing in the Philippines to reach the most consumers.

The spread of international companies in Asia persuades consumers to take an interest

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in the region. International expansions benefit not only Western businesses but also the

countries in Asia, who are the employees. There is also a cultural exchange among

Asian countries through the variety of products exported and imported from the


To conclude, the Philippines is considered a significant contributor to the

economic integration among Asian countries and not only a beneficiary. The country

serves as the venue for international and regional transactions of goods and services. It

also produces quality resources and a proficient workforce that different countries can

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utilize. For the Philippines to maintain or even increase its participation on the regional

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scale, it must take care of its internal facilities first.

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