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Wizard's Inception

A gang of thieves must infiltrate the core of a wizard's mind to plant the seed of an idea
that could change his entire life

by @artofkarthik
Wizard's Inception

nception is one of my favorite movies from director Foehammer’s Forge run by Ghelryn Foehammer, which
Christopher Nolan. Now imagine taking that premise sells good quality weapons and armor
and dropping it into the wild world of Dungeons & Talking Troll Inn run by Kaelen Sarssir, where the
Dragons and mixing in a little Freudian philosophy. adventurers are likely to first encounter Urlam
That's what this adveture is about. Stockspool.
Guard Tower where the Lord Protector of Tribiar-
Daratha Shrendel resides.
Boar's Rest the gated mansion where the wizard Hyuth
Introduction Kolstaag resides
Wizard's Inception was originally written as a side-quest to The Three Stages of the Mind where the adventurers
the Dungeons & Dragons campaign Storm King's Thunder, travel through the Wizard's Super-Ego, Ego and Id as they
expanding upon a little thread mentioned in the adventure journey to the center of his mind to plant the seed of an
about how a band of thieves tried to steal from the wizard idea
and were expelled violently from his mansion (but you can
customise it as a one-shot or as part of a campaign or town of
your choice). DM Tip
It is intended for four to six characters of 4th-6th level with For more information on Triboar and its residents,
a default encounter difficulty set for five characters of 5th refer to Pg53 of Storm King's Thunder. All special
level. Items and maps are further detailed towards the
This adventure takes place in the town of Triboar, where end of this document.
the adventurers are called upon by Urlam Stockspool, the
leader of the local Zhentarim agents, to perform the
clandestine task of infiltrating a local wizard's mansion and
his mind. Credit
Preparing for the Adventure Based on a D&D side-quest conducted by @artofkarthik
To run this adventure effectively, you should: Document designed with

Have a copy of the D&D 5e Basic Rules or the Player's

Handbook Quest Rewards randomly generated using
Read through this adventure and take notes of anything

specific you'd like to highlight or revise Triboar setting inspired by the insanely fun D&D
Adventure - Storm King's Thunder

Familiarize yourself with the NPCs and Monsters

Plan any resources you would like to use to help you run
this adventure, such as a DM screen, miniatures, battle
maps, item cards, etc.
Running the Adventure
As the Dungeon Master, you help build the narrative and
guide the story, helping to kindle the imagination of the
players. These are the only rules that matter:
Ensure that teh group has fun
The DM should always almost win :-)
Establish the framework of the narrative and let the
players fill it out with their creativity and imagination
When in doubt, go with the option that you feel would lead
to the most interesting outcome from a storytelling
Adventure Locations
Lion's Share A trading post run by Narth Tezrin where
the adventurers can buy basic weapons and supplies
Felaskur Apothecary run by Tarmock Felaskur which
sells potions and salves
Wainwright’s Wagons run by Tosker Wainwright in case
the adventurers are looking for a swift getaway vehicle at
the end of their adventure

1. The Frost-Touched Frog
Adventure Hook The Zhentarim leader informs the party that the Wizard's
Read or Paraphrase this to your players estate is well fortified and guarded by four Gargoyles
personally enchanted by the Wizard himself. The gargoyles
Our adventure begins with all of you receiving an invitation to
get activated any time someone gets too close to the estate
meet with Urlam Stockspool, the leader of the Zhentarim in walls and try to scare off any passers-by.
Triboar. However, his agents have started digging a hole from
You're aware that the Zhentarim respects knowledge, beneath the abandoned inn, 'The Frost-Touched Frog' next
creativity, skill and discreteness. You have been chosen for door, which should open up somewhere within the estate
your reputation or your past work with them. Whatever your compound. However, it's not finished and the last portion of
reason for answering the call, be it fear of ignoring them, or the dig would need to be performed by the adventuring party,
eagerness for a challenge, or the expectations of a great
since an open hole in the estate would likely be noticed.
Another problem the diggers ran into, is that there are
reward, or just your morbid curiosity of what they are upto,
three possible routs the tunnel could exit, but they're not sure
you find yourselves in the town of Triboar, located on the exactly where on the estate each would open up.
intersection of the Long Road and the Triboar Trade Road
along the Sword Coast of Faerun. 2. Tunnels
As you enter the Talking Troll Inn, you are greeted by a
The tunnel freshly dug out by the Zhentarim agents is 3 ft
frustrated Urlam Stockspool, "Aye, greetings and well met and wide and goes straight down 20 ft (with a rope climb down,
all of that rubbish. I'd rather not waste yer time or mine, so I'll and then a narrow horizontal 100 crawl. The pathway splits
get straight ta tha point." into three forks:
The straight fork opens up inside a well in the backyard of
Urlam Stockspool (Bandit Captain) presents the the estate, which has a live humanoid fish-creature
adventurers with the following facts: (Merfolk) trapped inside. He is very weak and is living off
A local wizard, Hyuth Kolstaag (Mage), has a past with a scraps that the wizard has been flushing through his
Zhentarim operative - Kella Darkhope (Bandit). But their kitchen to the well. It's not connected to any underwater
relationship went sour since she prioritized her future stream, it's just a pool of water that gets replenished when
with the Zhentarim over adventuring with the wizard. In it rains. A DC20 Investigation Check of all the rubbish at
retaliation, the wizard is screwing with Zhentarim the bottom of the well reveals a Surveyor's Rod. Exiting
the well requires climbing the slick walls with a DC15

operations all over Faerun.

The Zhentarim tried sending Kella away to some other Athletics Check (made with advantage with climbing gear
corner of the continent and even tried faking her death, or a rope with a grappling hook), upon failure of rolling <5
(total) leads to a 20ft fall taking 2d6 bludgeoning damage.

but the wizard seems hell bent on his path of vengeance.

As a last resort, The Zhentarim want to alter his final Upon successfully exiting the well, the nearest entrance to
the mansion is the Back Door.

memory of Kella to be something different, so that he

doesn't persecute the Zhentarim anymore. (A modify The left branch opens up inside the stables, where the
memory spell isn’t enough, since that only tampers with adventurers have to make a DC10 Dexterity check to
recent memories for upto 10 mins at its base level) avoid getting stepped on by a scared horse (Draft Horse)
If you ask him whether something like this has ever been or hit by the chariot the horse is tied to, upon failure
attempted before, he mutters something about it having taking 2d4+4 bludgeoning damage. The characters can
been done once before by a master thief. subsequently make a DC13 Animal Handlings check to
calm the poor frightened horse down so they dont make
"Your mission, should you choose to accept it:
any more noise. A DC15 Invetigation check reveals a
Whip of Grasping inside the chariot. The stables are
Infiltrate the wizard's manor
connected to the house via a Side Door.
Use this specially modified scroll to cast the Dream spell
The right branch opens up inside the Cellar of the
on him
mansion, where the adventurers must make a DC15
Enter his mindscape and travel to the core of his memories
Dexterity Check to avoid shattering a large glass vial of
Plant an idea in there that will change his mind, something
like, 'Kella Darkhope died trying to save me' or 'Kella
acid, upon failure taking 2d6 acid damage.
Darkhope joined the Lord's Alliance, so I should take out
my anger on them,' or something like that. Be creative.
Oh, and deal with any crazy things you happen to
encounter on your way in

"If you fail, make a run for it and don't come back. And if
anyone ever asks, we never saw each other.
"And whatever you do, don't kill him! He may be annoying,
but he has powerful wizard friends who would swarm Triboar
in the aftermath and make all of our lives miserable!"


3. Back Door & Dining Room 6. Study & Lounge
The back door is locked (DC12 Dex check with Thieves The Wizard's study is a cozy room lined completely with
Tools, DC17 Strength check to bust it open). bookshelves, a reading table and chair, and a lounging chair.
This door leads to a Dining room with a long table and 12 A ladder on wheels leans against one of the walls, used to
chairs. There are shelves along one wall filled with crockery reach the upper shelves. The shelves have a variety of books
and cutlery. On the opposite wall, there is a massive tapestry in them. The Study has a door to the East, leading to the
showing a titanic battle between Storm Giants and Blue Bedroom.
Dragons, amidst a fierce lightning storm (weighs 250 A DC10 Investigation check reveals some of the following
Pounds, costs 2000GP). mundane tomes:
There are two suits of Animated Armor in this room that The Khundu Shards: This set of engraved platinum plates
are activated by speaking the keyword, "Darkhope" but only is contained in a steel coffer set with pearl. It is locked by
in the wizard's voice. magic and starts to scream if opened directly. It can be
The Dining Room has one door to the South-leading to the opened only within magical Silence. Adventurers opening
Study, one door to the East-leading to the Kitchens, and one this book need to make a DC15 Dexterity check to try
door to the West-leading to a small wash room. closing the book before it makes too much noise and
wakes the Wizard.
4. Side Door & Coat Room Thratur's Scrolls: This large compendium is bound in
The side door from the stables leads East-to a coat room bronze plates.
which has racks to hold cloaks, robes, hats, walking sticks The Unearthly Apocrypha of Aton: This large
and boots. A DC12 Investigation check reveals the following compendium is written in black wax upon linen pages and
items stored here: bound in leather.
Anzin's Tome of Demons and Fiends: This rare
A wooden walking stick inlaid with geometric patterns in compendium is written upon silk pages and bound in
bronze pewter plates set with chrysoberyl. It is written in an
A wooden walking stick which conceals a stiletto dagger archaic form of Sylvan.
Robe of Eyelids, adorned with patterns of closed eyes A note on the wizard's reading desk that reads, "The
(refer Items page) password is: I will always love you, Kella Darkhope."
The Coat Room has a door on it's East-leading to the A DC15 Investigation check reveals some of the following
Wizard's Study. magical tomes:

5. Cellar Biosanios' Leaves: This obscure libram is bound in

leather. It is sealed by fell wards, and cannot be opened by
The cellar is a dark subterranean room, with shelves lining a good person. When used in arcane research, this tome

the walls filled with random assorted trinkets covered in provides a +1 bonus to checks using alchemist's supplies.
cobwebs: Cama's Articles: This compendium is written in luminous

A small book filled with sketches of strange cities script and bound in monstrous hide. Many of its pages are
An iron gauntlet torn from a clockwork suit of armor marked with seemingly unrelated notes. When used in
A set of small nesting dolls representing the various larceny, this tome provides a +1 bonus to checks using
arcane schools of magic thieves' tools.
A steel gauntlet which fits you perfectly The Atenus Tablets: This compendium is written in
A pewter figurine of a fox with nine tails luminous script and bound in steel plates and locked. It is
A winged spider preserved in amber locked by magic, and can be opened only in a mirror.
A brass ring engraved with the initials T.K. When used in arcane research, this tome provides a +1
A knot of goblin hair bonus to Intelligence (Arcana) checks.
A glass orb filled with filings of iridescent metal The Malevolent Leaves of Cate: This modest tome is
A loosely-bound folio filled with the accounts of an bound in stained glass plates. When used in research, this
unnamed merchant tome provides a +1 bonus to Intelligence (History) checks.
A small leather pouch of flat stones Tome of Cat Summoning: By opening this tome and
A single cloth glove with an arcane symbol in the palm reading it for one minute, you summon a normal cat. The
A hide gauntlet with a bronze lens fastened to the palm cat lays upon the tome and does nothing else, but departs
if removed from the tome or attacked.
The cellar has a staircase facing West, leading to a
trapdoor set in the floor of the Wizard's Study, just above.
How to use these tomes
These tomes can be used to expand upon the lore
How to use these trinkets of the world you are building for the players if this
Feel free to use any or all of the above listed is part of an existing campaign or if you are
trinkets as plot hooks for future quests. planning to continue playing with these characters.


7. Bedroom Once opened, the secret door reveals a hidden Laboratory,
The wizard Hyuth Kolstaag (Mage) is fast asleep here, tired filled with weird scents, strange apparatuses and alchemical
after a hard day of study and research. If the adventurers step substances. A thick greenish smoke hangs low from the
into this room, they need to make a Stealth check contested ceiling and has a foul odor. Bookshelves line the walls, filled
by the wizard's perception check. with all manner of arcane tomes. A teleportation circle is
If there is any noise in his room or any of the adjacent inscribed on one side of the room.
rooms, he makes a DC15 perception check made with
disadvantage for each noisy disturbance. Upon making a A DC 12 Investigation check reveals the following:
successful check, he wakes up and summons his battle
regalia via a Leomund's Secret Chest which contains: A tiny boat crafted from a mouse's skull
6x500GP gems A glass lens etched with alchemical symbols
Bracers of Defense (+2AC) A bracer crafted from strange green glass which is as
+1 Wand of War Magic strong and durable as steel
A small hourglass filled with fine grey ash
The adventurers are free to use the Modified Dream A jade cube engraved with demonic faces
Scroll whenever they wish (refer Items section for how it A bronze coin engraved with the face of a devil
works). A tiny squid-like creature preserved in quartz
A small box crafted from a quartz geode
8. Kitchen & Pantry An iron sphere with a strange keyhole
The door to the East from the Dining Area leads to a Kitchen A bronze ring crafted in the form of a cat wrapped around
which seems to run itself. your finger
A DC17 Investigation check reveals the following tomes
When you enter the Kitchen, you hear a faint scraping sound. stored in the bookshelves:
Directly in front of you, a magical brush is vigorously The Heavenly Grimoire of Acrimas: This set of scrolls is
scrubbing pots and pans in a basin of water. contained in a gold coffer. It is locked by magic, and can
be opened only by a Mage Hand spell. This spellbook
A towel is magically wiping plates and spoons dry, following
which the cutlery and crockery are floating off to their contains the spells Acid Splash, Chill Touch, and Dancing
respective places on the shelf. Lights.
The Desogaeon Incunabulum: This tome is a collection of

Interfering with either the brush or the towel sends the plates scrolls within an engraved gold coffer. Whenever it is
and pots crashing down to the ground respectively. opened, any other magic items worn by the reader cease
A DC10 Investigation check reveals the usual fruits, functioning. The tome contains the scrolls: False Life,

vegetables, dried meats and spices expected of a regular Grease, Ray of Sickness, Tasha's Hideous Laughter and
Kitchen & Pantry. Witch Bolt.

A DC15 Investigation check reveals the following exotic A DC20 Investigation check reveals the Wizard's
ingredients: Spellbook, which has the following spells inscribed in it:
A tulip bulb Cantrips: Light, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
Kidney of a dire shark 1st Level: Detect Magic, Mage Armor, Magic Missile,
A crab's eye-stalk Shield, Burning Hands
Minced Were-Rat claws 2nd Level: Misty Step, Suggestion
A Handful of pickled Belladona leaves 3rd Level: Fireball, Fly, Animate Dead
Dried Seaweed 4th Level: Greater Invisibility, Ice Storm, Dimension Door
Petals of a Rotten Bloodflower 5th Level: Cone of Cold, Teleportation Circle
A bottle of finely ground Pumice dust
A DC20 Investigation/Arcana check reveals one of the
large jugs sitting to dry is actually an Alchemical Jug.
9. Laboratory
There is a secret door to the North of the Coat Room which
can be discovered with a DC20 Investigation check. The door
is seemlessly built into the structure of the brick wall and a
keen inspection shows a small trail of dust in an arc,
indicating that a door-like structure has moved through this
area recently.
The door itself has no handle or keyhole and can only be
opened with a special password known only to the wizard
Hyuth Kolstaag (which he has absent-mindedly written down
and left on his reading desk), or using a Knock spell.


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