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Science Grade VI - Page 1


Question 1: Fill in the blanks using the correct words. Each blank carries 0.5
mark. [Total: 10 marks]

1. The arrangement of living organisms in kingdoms is done on basis of

2. There are a total of _________ kingdoms.
3. Bacteria belongs to kingdom ______________.
4. Amoeba belongs to kingdom ________________.
5. Variety of life on Earth is called ____________________.
6. Most common germ that causes cold is called _________________.
7. We can control the spread of virus by __________________________.
8. Boiling of an egg is a _______________ change.
9. Freezing of water is _________________ change.
10.Iodine converts directly from solid to gas. This process is called
11.Cabon dioxide contains ____________ atom(s) of carbon.
12.Water is made from ________________ and ______________.
13.Chemical formula for methane is ____________.
14.Basic unit of electricity is called ________________.
15.The force between positive and negative charges is ________________.
16.______________ provides energy to all the parts of a circuit.
17.The two poles in a magnet are called __________ pole and _________ pole.
18.The most accurate instrument for measurement is called

Science Grade VI - Page 2

Question 2: Choose if the statement is True or False. Write “T” if statement is true and
“F” if statement is false
Each statement is 0.5 marks. [Total : 10]
No. Statement T or F
1. Microorganisms in Monera kingdom have no nucleus.
2. Mushroom is an example of fungi kingdom.
3. Virus is a living thing.
4. Humans are not damaging biodiversity at all.
5. If a change is not reversible it is a chemical change.
6. Carbon and oxygen make carbon dioxide. This is an example of a
physical change only.
7. When gas changes back to liquid the process is called deposition.
8. Meter rule has 100 centimeters.
9. Volume can be measured using a stop watch.
10. Analogue clock measures time in steps.
11. Animals having no spinal column are invertebrates.
12. Protozoa are unicellular
13. When petrol changes to gas it is called boiling.
14. Baking of a cake is example of a chemical change.
15. Chemical equations use symbols.
16. Static electricity means charges are at rest.
17. Material which do not conduct electricity are called insulators.
18. Magnetism is also a force.
19. Measurement unit for mass is meters.
20. We can use a ruler for measuring volume of irregular objects like
a rock.

Question 3: Encircle the correct option. Each question carries 0.5 marks. [Total: 10]

1. Camel belongs to kingdom:

a. Plantae
b. Protista
c. Animalia
d. Monera

2. Which one of the following is an example of kingdom fungi:

a. Bacteria
b. Flagella
c. Yeast
d. Sea weed

Science Grade VI - Page 3

3. Vertebrates have
a. Exoskeleton
b. Endoskeleton
c. No skeleton
d. Soft bones always

4. Worm is an example of:

a. Vertebrate
b. Invertebrate
c. Kingdom plantae
d. Kingdom protista

5. Type of vertebrate which live both on land and in water are called:
a. Reptiles
b. Amphibians
c. Fish
d. Mammals

6. Bacteria can have which shape?

a. Rod like
b. Spherical
c. Spiral
d. All of above

7. Harmfulness of a germ is called:

a. Virus
b. Virulence
c. Bacteria
d. Coughing

8. Malaria causing germ is:

a. Plasmodium
b. Rhinovirus
c. Bacteria
d. Not a germ

9. Process in which dead animals and plants are eaten away for decay is called:
a. Deposition
b. Decomposition
c. Desalination
d. Deformation

Science Grade VI - Page 4

10. Which of the following is a chemical change:
a. Making of orange juice.
b. Water converting to ice
c. Dissolving sugar in tea
d. Dissolving sand in water

11. Which of the following is example of physical change:

a. Growth of plant
b. Cutting of paper
c. Burning of paper
d. Making water from hydrogen and oxygen

12. Which of the following is a correct chemical reaction:

a. H2+ O -------> H2O
b. H2+ O4 -------> H2O
c. H2+ O3 -------> H2O
d. H2+ O2 -------> H2O

13. When charges move it is called:

a. Static electricity
b. Current electricity
c. Explosive electricity
d. Coulombs

14. The unit for measuring charge is:

a. Amperes
b. Coulombs
c. Seconds
d. Volts

15. Law of repulsion says:

a. Unlike charges repel
b. Unlike charges attract
c. Like charges repel
d. Like charges attract

16. Wood is a:
a. Conductor
b. Insulator
c. Magnet
d. ordinary metal

Science Grade VI - Page 5

17. A switch is used for :
a. Turning circuit on
b. Turning circuit off
c. Making bulbs glow
d. Both (a) and (b)

18. Volume can be found using which instrument?

a. Measuring cylinder
b. Meter rule
c. Screw gauge
d. Digital clock

19. Measurement unit for current is:

a. Coulomb
b. Ampere
c. Seconds
d. Kilograms

20. Digital clock measures:

a. Time continuously
b. Time in steps
c. Does not measure time
d. Time duration only

Science Grade VI - Page 6

2 Hrs.

(Total Marks : 50)

Question 1: Identify and write which of the following are vertebrates or invertebrates. Each label
carries 1 mark [Total: 4]

Starfish: ____________________________ Crab: ________________________

Spider: ________________________ Frog: ________________________

Question 2: Identify and name the following electrical symbols: Each label carries 1 mark. [Total: 4]

S.No. Symbol Name of symbol



Science Grade VI - Page 7

Question 3: If 6 Coulomb charge flows through a wire in in 2 seconds. Calculate the current. [5]









Question 4:
Define or explain the following. You may use your own words. Each definition/ explanation is for 1
mark. [Total: 8]

S.No. Word Definition/ Explanation


2 Monocot

3 Extinct or endangered

4 Virulence

5 Matter

6 Vaporization

7 Screw gauge

8 Accuracy

Science Grade VI - Page 8

Question 5: Write the three differences between physical and chemical changes. [Total: 6]

S.No. Physical Changes Chemical Changes


Question 6: Observe the following circuits and answer the questions for each circuit.
[Total 3 marks]

1. `

In above circuit will the bulb glow? (Yes or No). Circle.


a. In the above circuit, will bulbs glow or not? (Yes or No) Circle.
b. If one more bulb is added, what will be the change in brightness of bulb.




Science Grade VI - Page 9

Question 7: Use the following words in the list and complete the labelling of the diagram.

deposition, evaporation, melting, condensation, sublimation, freezing [Total: 6]



Question 8: Identify the following instruments: [Total: 4]

Label:__________________________ Label:__________________________

Label:__________________________ Label:__________________________

Question 9: Fill in the missing letters to complete the words: [Total: 3]

1. P_ o t o_ o a Hint(microorganism)
2. S p __ n a ___ C o __ u m __ Hint(means backbone)
3. P __ o __ i s __ a (Hint: Type of kingdom)

Science Grade VI - Page 10

Question 10: Write names of three kingdoms you have studied about. [Total: 3]

1. __________________________

2. __________________________

3. __________________________


Any 3 questions from following
Question 11: How can we protect biodiversity. Give 4 ways. [Total marks: 2]

Question 12: Draw the diagram of bacteria and label it. [Total marks: 2]

Question 13: Explain volume measurement using displacement can method. Also
draw a proper diagram. [Total marks: 2]

Question 14: Identify to which kingdom following belong to? [Total marks: 2]
Amoeba, yeast, camel, bacteria.

Question 15: Draw diagrams of any 2 vertebrates. [Total marks: 2]

Good Luck!

Science Grade VI - Page 11

Science Grade VI - Page 12

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