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Universitatea din Bucureşti

Facultatea de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine

Centrul de limbi străine Ariel

Strada Pitar Moş, Nr. 7 – 13, Bucureşti
Telefon: +40 21 318 15 86
Fax: +40 21 318 15 85


Student’s name (please capitalize):

Mark awarded:

I. Grammatical and lexical exercises.

1. Fill in the blank space in each of the sentences below with an appropriate modal:

1. Patrick has a yacht and a helicopter. He …should………….. be extremely rich.

2. We waited for over an hour for you. You really …might…………. have telephoned to say you were not
3. Why didn’t you do it? You promised you …………….., for certain.
4. Mother is awfully lonely now. We …should…………… spend more time with her.
5. They left only an hour ago. They …………… hardly have arrived yet.
6. There’s a chance that he’ll arrive in time for supper, but he ………………. be a lot later.
7. Neil ate all the food so hungrily and quickly that he ……………. have been a wolf.
8. We should all wash our hands before putting them in our mouths, but dentists absolutely …………..
9. Eat whatever you ………….. We’ll put the rest in the fridge and have it for lunch tomorrow.
10. We……………… meet there every Sunday, until they closed the place down.
11. Have you heard about all the things that happened? It can’t have been a very pleasant holiday for them,
…………… it?
12. I can’t see my umbrella anywhere. I …………….. have left it in the office.
13. You can hear so much of what is going on in the next rooms that the walls of that hotel ………….. be made
of cardboard.
14. I’m so sleepy that I …………can…. scarcely keep my eyes open.

2. The word in capital letters at the end of each of these sentences can be changed in such a way that it
forms a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank space in this way.
Example: The bloodstain on her dress was very ……………… NOTICE
The bloodstain on her dress was very noticeable.

1. Nobody wanted to live in the …industrial………………… part of the city. INDUSTRY

2. The police asked him to give a …………description…….. of the suitcase he had lost. DESCRIBE
3. He had no ………suspition…… that he was being watched. SUSPECT
4. This is Jane, my personal assistant…………………. ASSIST
5. Although some of my work-mates quickly found new jobs after the factory closed down, my brother and I
were ………unemployed…………….. for several months. EMPLOY
6. Although I was positive that the girl had stolen my ring, I could not find any …proof……….. PROVE
7. There’s a ………reception……………. at the British Embassy tonight. RECEIVE
8. The next-door neighbours are so …friendly………………… that we have stopped trying to talk to them.
9. Yes, I can speak a little Spanish because I spent some of my …boyhood………………… in Spain. BOY
10. Penelope has ……………unfortunately…………. failed her driving test again. FORTUNE

3. Fill in the missing prepositions.

1. The headmaster accused the boy ……of……. stealing.

Lumea e mult mai aproape
Universitatea din Bucureşti
Facultatea de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine

Centrul de limbi străine Ariel

Strada Pitar Moş, Nr. 7 – 13, Bucureşti
Telefon: +40 21 318 15 86
Fax: +40 21 318 15 85

2. I must apologize for……….. not replying sooner, but I’m afraid I’ve been rather busy lately.
3. My parents don’t approve …of…….. smoking.
4. Do you believe ………in… life after death?
5. I’m looking forward ……to….. seeing you again.
6. Now then, John, remember that I’m relying ……on……. you to see that there’s no trouble at the party on
7. The piece of paper burst ……into……. flames.
8. Can you think …………of… a synonym for “stubborn”?
9. It amazes me how some women cope …with………… both a job and a family.
10. Although I’ve tried many times, I’ve never once succeeded ……in…… giving up smoking for more than a
few days.

4. Complete each sentence with a suitable word or phrase:

1. It’s time all of us …………… in bed.

2. I’d rather you …………….. slowly and more carefully.
3. ………………………… may, I will always be on your side!
4. I wish you ……………………….. the lecture, instead of Professor Brown!
5. Don’t rush your decision. I’d rather you ……………………….. over.
6. The authorities …………………………………. the money be paid at once.
7. I wish I could ………………………….. your party, but I was busy I’m afraid.
8. Mary sometimes acts as if she …………………………………… either way what happened.
9. It’s time I ………………………………….. my way.
10. What …………………………………. did about the problem we discussed?

5. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same:

1. It’s not necessary for you to wear a uniform. You…………………………..

2. Paul smashed a window and damaged the television too. Not only…had he smashed a window but also

damaged a tv

3. I remembered I had forgotten to buy any eggs after I arrived home. Only……………..

4. Public opinion was so strong that the Prime Minister had to resign. Such ………………..

5. We didn’t realise how serious the situation was. Little………………………….

6. I wouldn’t wake her up now, if I were you. You’d………………………..

7. By law, all rear-seat passengers are obliged to wear seat-belts. By law, seat-belts…………..

8. It’s possible that Mary and Helen have not heard from the bank yet. Mary and Helen……………

9. It’s impossible that we stayed at the same hotel, in that case. We………………………..

10. If someone had called the fire-brigade immediately, the tragedy might have been avoided. If


6. Choose the most suitable word or phrase. Write only the appropriate letter in the blanks.

Lumea e mult mai aproape
Universitatea din Bucureşti
Facultatea de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine

Centrul de limbi străine Ariel

Strada Pitar Moş, Nr. 7 – 13, Bucureşti
Telefon: +40 21 318 15 86
Fax: +40 21 318 15 85

1. My friends gave me a surprise party, ……… was good of them.

A) that B) this C) which D) what
2. The inspector ……….. to say whether there were any suspects.
A) refused B) avoided C) stopped D) denied

3. I …….. to say that your application has been unsuccessful.

A) like B) happen C) regret D) hope
4. Several people, ………. voices could be clearly heard, were waiting outside.
A) whose B) their C) of which D) of whom
5. I …….. you’d like another cat, would you?
A) reckon B) suspect C) don’t know D) don’t suppose
6. The manager ………. that all the customers should be searched.
A) predicted B) insisted C) obliged D) told
7. ……… you should do now is take a long holiday.
A) That B) How C) What D) As
8. ……….. happens, I shall stand by you!
A) Whatever B) What C) Which D) That
9. Sarah congratulated ………. passing my driving test.
A) me B) for C) me on D) me for
10. I left at 5.30, …………. they were still arguing
A) at the time B) all the time C) just in time D) at which time

7. Translate the following sentences:

1. Dacă nu era el, nu am fi reuşit niciodată să terminăm la timp.
2. Gătesc eu, dacă speli tu vasele.
3. Dacă va ploua mâine, stăm acasă.
4. Anunţă-mă, te rog, când termini de redactat textul.
5. Accidentul nu s-ar fi petrecut, dacă şoferii ar fi fost atenţi.
6. Nu aş sta cu voi, dacă nu mi-ar face plăcere compania voastră.

II. Read the text, then answer the questions:

Men – A Rare Breed

There will be a surge, early in the next century, of affluent working women, reports The Independent. The return
of the smartly-dressed executive woman may help boost the economy, but a survey reveals that men available
for marriage to these successful career types will be few and far between after the year 2000. Mihir Warty, an
economist at the Center for Economics and Business Research, the independent consultancy that produced the
report, predicts there will be a drop in the male-female ratio in the main marriage age (18-29 for women, 20-31
for men). That may be a boon for males seeking partners, as the report concludes that women will have to make
themselves more economically attractive to the smaller number of potential husbands two years older than

1. What consequences will be brought about by the women’s economic emancipation?

2. Can you detect any changes in the traditional acceptation of “male” and “female”, respectively? What are
these changes?

III. Translate into Romanian:

She was a healthy, well-grown child, without a trace of her mother’s beauty. She was not ugly; she had simply a
plain, dull, gentle countenance. The most that had ever been said for her was that she had a “nice” face; and,
though she was an heiress, no one had ever thought of regarding her as a belle. Her father’s opinion of her moral

Lumea e mult mai aproape
Universitatea din Bucureşti
Facultatea de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine

Centrul de limbi străine Ariel

Strada Pitar Moş, Nr. 7 – 13, Bucureşti
Telefon: +40 21 318 15 86
Fax: +40 21 318 15 85

purity was abundantly justified; she was excellently, imperturbably good; affectionate, docile, obedient, and
much addicted to speaking the truth… Catherine was decidedly not clever; she was not quick with her book,
nor, indeed, with anything else. She was not abnormally deficient, and she mustered learning enough to acquit
herself respectably in conversation with her contemporaries – among whom it must be avowed, however, that
she occupied a secondary place… Catherine, who was extremely modest, had no desire to shine, and on most
social occasions, as they are called, you would have found her lurking in the background.

Era un copil sanatos, bine-crescut , fara vreo urma a frumusetii mamei sale.
IV. Translate into English:

Nu vreau să fiu interesantă, spun ce simt. Aş iubi un intelectual, chiar mediocru, dacă l-aş vedea îndârjit în
ţelurile lui, suferind pentru ele. Femeia în general nu-şi să seama dacă un ideal e bun sau nu, n-are spirit critic,
ea admiră efortul, atâta tot. Nu cred că există femeie pe lume care să afirme că bărbatul pe care-l iubeşte e ratat.
Pentru noi un ratat e un om pe care nu-l stimăm. Ca să vin la întrebarea pe care mi-ai pus-o. E adevărat,
Gavrilcea e mai puţin cultivat decât alţii, în schimb are o viaţă mai intensă, trăieşte adânc şi puternic ceea ce
citeşte, îl simţi tare, gata să te apere dacă te primeşte în apropierea lui. Când intră Gavrilcea în odaie, aşa
modest cum e, întunecă pe alţi zece, mult mai rafinaţi în limbaj. Pentru el cuvintele nu sunt jucării; când el zice
“Pornim”, înseamnă într-adevăr că porneşte undeva.

I have no intention to be interesting, i’m just saying what i think. I’d love an intellectual , even a , if i saw him determined
in his goals, suffering from them. The woman , generally , doesn’t realise/isn’t aware of the fact if an ideal is positive or
not, doesn’t have a critical spirit, she usually admires the effort, that’s all. I don’t believe that in this world it exists a
woman stating that the man she loves is a jirk. For us a jirk is a being we don’t estimate at all. Coming back to the question
you’ve adressed to me. It’s true, G is less intelligent that the others, however he leads a more intense life, living deeply
what he reads, you feel him powerful , ready to protect if he allows you in his sourrounding/under his wing. When G enters
the room, so simple as he is ,he’s shading ten others , more in vocabulary. For him , the words aren’t toys; when he says
„ here we come” , that means he’s truly going for sth.

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