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Job redesign refers to the perfectly balanced fit between employees and their job descriptions.

perfectly balanced fit refers to actions that will better increase the experience, satisfaction and
productivity of any  employees work. This can include changing the description of an employees
work or assigning  extra responsibilities that will grow such employees work experience.
1. JOB ROTATION - this is simply the process whereby managers assign employees to different job
training to ensure that they have hands on experience and knowledge on a wide range of tasks.
however this also has its negatives as this means that managers will spend more time doing
2. JOB ENRICHMENT - This is the process whereby managers ensure that employees have the
optimal responsibility of planning their work, executing it and evaluating it also. 
3. JOB ENLARGEMENT - This is the process whereby employers add additional tasks  and
responsibilities to an employers already stated job descriptions.

Expectancy theory suggests that people are inclined to get involved in tasks and duties that have
certain rewards that are favorable to them and also attainable by their self utilized effort. this mans
that employees will most certainly shy away from responsibilities or work tasks that they believe to
be unachievable by them and end up causing bad names for them. this also implies that rewards are
a big motivation to employees involving in tasks, so in the absence of rewards, they are less inclined
to want to engage in such tasks even if they can handle it because there is simply nothing to expect
at the completion of the task.

Bounded rationality refers to the constraints decision makers face when making decisions. it results
in errors or inconclusive reports because they are limited to the information present in the process
of decision making. even in the presence of complete information required to assess a situation,
decision makers still face time constraints needed to decipher the entire complexity of an
information, hence they tend to make rough basis based on what the situation and time afforded
them. due to this limitations, it is impossible to capture or understand the entirety of a situation
which results in decision making errors. also, some problems do not just have very practical
solutions , therefore such problems are generalized and inaccurate solutions are brought out due to
the need to procure solutions to perceived problems.

1. MACHIAVELLIANISM - This personality trait is harmful to relationships in an organisation because

individuals with this type of personality tend to deal with things in a way that is sensible and realistic
to themselves alone rather than the theoretical way or scientifically proven way of doin things. they
are less inclined to form emotional attachements in the workplace and have the misplaced theory
that the end usually justifies the means. this implies that individuals with this personality traits do
not mind using unlawful or unpractical ways to achieve goals as long as the result in the end is what
is required.
2. NARCISSISM - An individual with a narcissistic personality often believes that they are right even
when they are wrong. they are bound to be arrogant and hostile towards colleagues especially when
they believe they can decipher a situation better, in this instance, they are always almost wrong. in
the instance that they achieve certain tasks, they require praises to be showered on them and want
the  spotlight to be placed on them solely. this set of people do not believe in team work and have an
over exaggerated sense of entitlement especially when they do not even deserve it.
3. PSYCHOPATHY - These set of people i believe to be most dangerous to work with because they
lack concern for others. they are more concerned with competitions and being the best regardless of
whatever harm it may cause to other employees. they are willing to do whatever it takes to be the
best even if it entails harming others in the process and have no sense of responsibility in that

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