Implications and End Results of The High Level of Stress On The

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1. Employees
 Health
 Social life
 Work life
2. Clients
3. Employers

HEALTH – Stress in the finance sector as agreed is more complicated than other organizations might
experience it. The complexity of numbers dealt with and the need to be on top of every transaction to
avoid incorrect record keeping or misplaced transactions and or unbalanced financial sheets that would
have a ripple effect on the employee which eventually leads to psychological stress which is mostly
released through bad health habits like smoking, drinking, excessive eating that in turn leads to obesity,
high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes and other serious heart conditions. According to Owolabi et al
(2012) “the outcome of job stress exceeds productivity and quality of employees performance, its
psychological influence inverts into bad lifestyle habits like smoking, overeating, drinking alcohol and
leads to chronic diseases like hypertension and heart diseases.” Also, according Ehsan &Alli (2018) “it is
estimated that each health affected financial employee loses about 16 working days a year because of
stress, anxiety or depression.”

SOCIAL LIFE – Stress is basically an internal and external experienced factor; this means that every
aspect of an employee’s life is affected by stress. In the Nigerian banking industry for example, the usual
working hours for bankers is 7-8, this means there is less time to be spent at home with family, or out
blowing steam with friends but more and more time spent around the already dreadful figures and
working pattern which is the major stressor factor. An employee’s incapability of relieving himself from
the stress built up can most times lead to an emotional breakdown. Emotional breakdowns in the
workplace are challenging already as it involves increased frustrations which leads to tension in the
workplace, tensions lead to miscommunication which is unacceptable in the finance industry that deals
with intricacy of numbers. In the instance that there are mix-ups, slipups or errors, there will be panic
situations that will lead to conflicts. In the case that an employee has a flexible time accorded to building
his social life, this will reduce errors in the workplace that can be avoided. This goes to show that an
employees work hours directly affects the social life of an employee and is a major stressor factor.

WORK LIFE – It is empirical that the finance sector tackles the issue of stress as top priority because an
employee’s health and social life already affected by stress will have an adverse effect on such
employees work productivity. There will be so many factors which some of them are increased partial
absenteeism; that is when an employee resumes late and closes early, absenteeism altogether, bd
attitude to work etc. when an employee’s physical health, emotional health and psychological health is
affected, there will be increased errors in work, improper communication between employees and
employers; all tensions will lead to an employees decreased work productivity. According to Dua (1994)
“feedback is important to enable the bankers to evaluate their performance on the job and how they
are progressing in their effort towards task accomplishment”. Feedbacks are an important part for any
financial employee to ascertain their performance level and where they need to work more in
improving, however, due to the complexity of the job and its inflexible working hours and time
constraint, financial employees do not receive feedbacks when needed.
CLIENTS – In any financial organization where the stress level is high on its employees, it is already
established that it leads to anxiety, depression, emotional and psychological imbalance, breakdowns etc.
one or more of these effects is enough to cause a dwindling effect on the employees work efficiency and
commitment; what this means is that the clients are bound to suffer in the aspect of customer
relationship and service. A happy employee means a satisfied customer. There are higher instances of
mistakes when the reverse is the case. An example cited by Katherine Muniz (2021) “Roz was unhappy
with automatic payments appearing on the wrong dates, which caused TD bank to charge him fees.
When he contacted the customer service, they didn’t seem to know how to handle the problem”. This
example is a case of an employee making transactions on a later date owing to factors ranging around
excessive workloads. However, the clients get to suffer for this.

EMPLOYERS – According toa a study from Deloitte, the number one stressor factor is the fear of making
errors. Every employer in the financial sector is battling stress incurred from excessive workload with
insufficient time frame for execution; what this does to the employer is that the pressure to issue
queries or reprimand every faulting staff is heavily daunting. Not meeting targets means unbalanced
financial accounts both corporate and otherwise, pressure on not meeting with timeline on critical
projects. In the banking sector, there is a great deal of competition and as such the need to stand out is
a pressure on managers to achieve goals and company growth. According to a research by MetLife in an
online article by the financial brand, “more than two thirds (67%) of senior level decision makers at
financial institutions say they would consider quitting their jobs within the next year if stress levels do
not improve. In the same vein, “two out of five of every five banking executives describe their job as
extremely stressful’.

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