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DO IT YOURSELF – Activity 3 (Week 26)

Competence: Escribe diversos tipos de textos de ingles en lengua extranjera.
Capacidad: Organiza y desarrolla las ideas de forma coherente y cohesionada
Exercise 1: Classify the activities. (clasifica las actividades)

1) Usually, I get up at 6 in the morning. 4) I unplug the telephone when I finish.

2) I wear recycled clothing. 5) I attend my online classes in the morning.
3) Generally, I have a plant-based breakfast. 6) Generally, I watch TV at night.

5 6 3 4
Exercise 2: Write sentences about your daily routine use the actions in box and specificate the time. (Escribe
oraciones acerca de tu rutina diaria, usa las acciones del recuadro y específica el tiempo)
Example: I wake up at 7 o`clock in the morning.

a) I get up at 7 o`clook in the morning _ __

b) I take a shower at 7:10 o`clock in the morning
c) I have breakfast at 8 o`clock in the morning _ _
d) I wash the dishes at 8:40 o`clock in the morning
_ _
e) I have lunch at 12:20 o`clock in the afternoon_ _
f) I attend my online clases at 1 o`clock in the afternoon
_ _
g) I chat with my friends at 6:30 o`clock in the afternoon
_ _
h) I watch tv at 7:30 o`clock in the afternoon _ _
i) I have dinner at 9 o`clock in the evening _ _
j) I go to bed at 11 o`clock in the evening

Exercise 3: Circle the correct answer. (Encierra la respuesta correcta)

1. What type of toothbrush do you use? 3. What type of breakfast do you eat?

2. What type of shampoo do you use? 4. What type of clothing do you wear?

5. What type of daily routine is your routine?

Exercise 4: Complete the e-mail to your friend. (Completo un correo dirigido a tu amigo o amiga, describiendo
tus rutinas diarias)

Hi Fernanda !

How are you? I think protecting the environment is important. This is my daily routine.

Generally, I get up at 7 o`clook in the morning, brush my teeth and make my bed at 8:40 in the morning I do my
homework…. at 11:00 in the morning I cook and every afternoon I go to classes until 6:00 in the afternoon then I
have dinner and brush my teeth and go to sleep
Finally, I think it's a very tiring day_.

I think my daily routine is_ very good Let’s go green!

Bye- bye!

Exercise 5: Choose and write the correct answer. (Escoge y escribe la respuesta correcta)

Note: Fecha de entrega de la actividad sábado 18 de setiembre, se les recuerda que a fines de
setiembre se estara evaluando el tercer bimestre, por eso debes estar al día en tus actividades.

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