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Introduction ................................................................................. 3

Sam ple lesson p la n .....................................................................5

C o rrectin g the com position .......................................................7

U nit 1 ...........................................................................................10

U nit 2 ...........................................................................................13

U nit 3 .......................................................................................... 15

U nit 4 ...........................................................................................18

U nit 5 .......................................................................................... 20

U n it 6 .......................................................................................... 23

U nit 7 .......................................................................................... 25

U nit 8 .......................................................................................... 28

U nit 9 .......................................................................................... 30

U nit 10.........................................................................................34

U nit 11........................................................................................ 36

U nit 12.........................................................................................39

U nit 13.........................................................................................41

U n it 1 4 .........................................................................................44

U nit 15........................................................................................ 46

E x a m s .........................................................................................53
Aims of the
Tho purpose of the Power up series is to focus on the skills needed for writing, speaking
and listening in English. Teachers are often given all too little help to develop their
students' skills and may also have to facc a belief among students that such skills can not
be acquired, since they are the "gift" of a "talented few\ W e firmly believe that all students
can build their skills with confidence when given systematic guidance. Accordingly. Power
Up has been carefully designed to give precisely that vital "step-by-step" approach which
will help teachers to give students all the necessary support and encouragement to
develop these skills.

Po w er Up 4 consists of:
•* a Student's Book
a Teacher's Book
■* a W riter's Portfolio (free with every Student's Book)
■* Cassettes.'CD for the listening tests

Structure of the Student’s Book

The book is divided into 15 units, each containing a writing section, a speaking
section and two listening tests. Each unit has its own theme, which is fully
developed in the writing part before being worked on in the speaking section.
Teachers may choose to do the speaking section after the writing section, so that
students are familiar with the relevant vocabulary and expressions. Or. if they wish,
they can start with the speaking section.

N o t e s o n t h e W ritin g T a s k s in P o w e r U p 4
■* Eight transactional letters have been included in Power Up 4 because these
constitute tho most common task type in many E F L exams. Four of these tasks are
informal, and require the ‘ormat and register of non-formal writing. The other four
are formal and require a formal format and a formal/neutral register. Teachers
should explain that transactional letters are those that have a short text (or texts)
and. often, notes, maps or diagrams as well as the rubric.

- Two different lay-outs have been used for letters in the Presentation section. The first
type, with indented paragraphs, has been used for informal letters. The second, with
non-indcntcd paragraphs, has been used for more formal letters. With increased use
of computers, the latter layout is becoming increasingly common. Both layouts are
correct; what is important is that students should use either one or the othe' when
writing their own letter compositions. If they use the second lay-out. it is essential
that they leave a space between paragraphs, otherwise the organisation of the letter
will be obscured.

* In Power Up 4 wo have presented full addresses in only one formal etter (unit 5). It
is useful for students to see how these addresses are laid out, but students should
be aware that they are not required to do this them selves in E F L writing exams at
this level.
«» M any students are not familiar with report writing, even in Language 1. The first
report is the sam e type as in Pow er Up 3: it deals with only one subject The second
report deals with three categories of magazines, and requires grouping. It is
essential that teachers help students understand the difference between writing a
report and writing a description: (he plan, register and language patterns required
are not the same.

U n it S t r u c t u r e
Wr i ti ng
Each writing section has the same structure:

W arm up is an essential introduction to the topic.

Presentation includes a rubric and a model composition. This gives students useful
expressions and vocabulary, and a^so enables students to see what sort of work they
are expected to produce in their own writing.
Planning and organisation shows students how to organise their writing and
understand the purpose of each paragraph. In Power Up most compositions are
divided into three paragraphs. Having a consistent number of paragraphs makes the
overall “shape" of compositions mere familiar, and helps students get into the habit of
following a plan. The two discursive compositions are based on a four-paragraph plan,
since this is easier for students to follow. In the second report task (unit 12). we have
added an introduction and conclusion, but it should be noted that these arc not essential
Language and vo cab ulary focuses on appropriate phrases and vocabulary and any
grammatical points of specific relevance to a particular piece of writing.
Pre-writing activities guide students in writing each part of the composition correctly.
W riting activity asks students to write a composition on a similar topic to the one
given in the presentation.
Things to watch out for asks students questions about paragraphing, content,
language, etc for the specific writing task. Teachers should reinforce the importance of
these questions, and regard them as a revision of tho writing section.
After the writing activity has been checked and corrcctcd by the teacher, students are
expected to write a good copy in their W rite r’s Portfolio.


Each speaking section contains photographs, pair work, group work, questions for
general discussion, arid useful words and expressions. The pair work questions arc
based on the photographs, but questions which lead to a wider discussion of issues
raised by the photos are included in many units. In the group work, two students have to
elicit information from a third student, and then make a decision. This activity provides
practicc in: asking and answering questions, asking for and expressing opinions,
agreeing and disagreeing, and problem solving. These functions are essential ■not just
for E F L oral exams, but for practical everyday communication.

^ Listening

Power Up 4 contains thirty-three listening tests, which provide a variety of task

typos: multiple choice, note taking, multiple m atching. True/False, picture
identification, etc. They cover the task types required for the FC E, PET, E C C E and
PA LSO listening exams. Teachers should make :t clear to students that, at this level,
it is rarely ncccssary (or possible) to understand each individual word of what they
hear. Instead, they should focus on key words and general meaning.

I'g f f s v m
The Teacher's Book consists of the following:
«* Introduction
The W riter's Portfolio
Sam ple lesson plan
- Correcting the composition
■* Keys and transcripts
■* Exams

There is one photocopiable composition exam for every five units. There are two
versions of cach exam: one with som e guidance and one without. The teacher will be
able to decide whether each student has the confidence to write without guidance or
would feel unduly penalized without any. There are three parts to the Final Exam, so
that students can choose the task they prefer.

The w riter's portfolio

Tho final stage, after the composition has beer corrected, is fc ' students to write a good
copy of their corrected compositions >n the Writer's Portfolio. This will give students the
satisfaction of achievement and ;et them see that they are making progress and are
capable of writing good compositions. Students might also wish to see their work
displayed at the end of each term. Finally, the Writer's Portfolio can be a useful a’d to
tcachcrs when discussing students' work and progress with parents or guardians if
Power up * is used for younger students.


Pow er Up 4 is a thirty-hour course and can be used according to the needs and
priorities of each class or individual student Due to the consistent structure of each
unit, the sam e lesson plan can bo used for cach unit.

* Writing

The W arm up is a crucial part of the lesson and gives the students an opportunity to
participate from the very beginning. If students show an interest in expressing
them selves on the topic, the teacher may ask som e additional questions.

The Presentation may be read aloud by one or two students. After the first exercise
(Task 1) has been completed, students should identify any unknown words or
phrases. The model compositions were written with the aim of providing appropriate
language (expressions, vocabulary, linking words etc). Any vocabulary problems
should be dealt with at this stage.

Moving on to Planning and organisation, it would be easy to give the students all the
information, but students should have the information elicited from them through
appropriate questions. This helps them think about the composition more clearly and
lets them participate actively in the lesson.

W hen introducing the Language and vocabulary section, the teacher should focus
carefully on the patterns being dealt with, making sure that the students understand their
importance for the particular type of composition. By this stage, students will have seen
how to plan and organise the composition. They now need to learn the vocabulary,

linking devices and grammatical features required to construct the particular type of
composition. Appropriate vocabulary and structures arc. together with understanding the
rubric and knowing how to organise the composition, the basic assessment criteria in
E F L writing exams. The teacher may choose to have the students work together on the
tasks in this section and then report back to the class.

The tasks involved in Presentation. Planning and organization as well as Language and
Vocabulary could sometimes be done in pairs to allow for interaction and sharing of
knowledge among the students: it should also serve the purpose of variety in the procedure.

W ie n useful 'expressions’’ are given n Language and Vocabulary, teachers may

sometimes wish to write a variety of situations on the board and ask students to match
the expressions to those situations. Students could also be asked if they can think of
any other similar expressions.

Like ail the other sections. Pre-writing activities is a vital step towards producing the
finished product. Accordingly, it must not be omitted or done too quickly. At this level,
it is essential that students have the tools and step-by-step guidance which will enable
them to produce a good composition for the W riting activity.

It is suggested that teachers alternate between setting the Pre-writing activities and
the W riting activity for homework; whichever is assigned for homework, the other
Should be done in class (the following lesson in the case of the W riting activity). In
any event, it is recommended that the W riting activity should be done in class at least
every four or five weeks. Since the preliminary (asks provide good preparation for the
writing activity, no more than half an hour should be spent on the writing activity.

** S p e a k in g

Time limits of five minutes should be set for pair work and group work. The teacher
can move around the class, listening in to help with any difficulties. It is a good idea
for both teacher and students lo keep a note of mistakes to be corrected later, rather
lhan interrupting the speaking work. At the end of the allotted time, pairs or groups
should be asked to report back to the whole class. Make sure that the students don't
always work with the sam e partner.

Teachers could appoint one or two different studcnt(s) each time to record mistakes
as a group presents to class and at the end of the presentation. The recorded
mistakes can be reported to class and discussed. The rest of the class should also be
attentive as to mistakes in order to help in this discussion.

With respect to the General discussion part of this section. teachers could sometimes
allow groups of 2-3 to work out ideas before the actual class discussion starts. The
teacher m ay help cach group with prompts such as arc found in the teacher's book.
This should improve students’ readiness for a class discussion.


A few of the more difficult words used have been written at the start of each listening
test. Teachers will have their own opinions about whether any explanations should be
given before a listening test. Other key words not listed arc usually in the questions
themselves, and the teacher might like to deal with any questions about those before
playing the cassette. If time permits, students might sometimes appreciate hearing Ihe
tape for a third lime in order to check their answers.

W hen students report back answers, teachcrs should ask for the verbal clues that
helped them decide upon their answers - i.e. a word / phrase they heard.
Try not to dishearten students with too much red ink. You may find som e common
mistakes in the class, especially those arising from first-language interference. It
would be worth drawing these mistakes to tho attention of the whole class. Students
can also learn through checking each other's compositions for mistakes; this helps
them to bo more aware of the common ones. W hen students understand their
mistakes, they should write a corrected copy of the* composition in their W riter’s
Portfolio. The teacher should collect these and check them every four or five weeks.
Finally, students should make a note of any mistakes that they keep repeating in order
to eliminate such mistakes from their work.

With regard to marking, we would recommend an A-B-C-D system similar to that used
in the Cambridge F C E and other exams. This gives students a good idea of their level
without showing a mark which they might com pare unfavourably to their marks at
school. (Equn/alents arc shown in the table below.)

W hore a student’s work falls below a pass mark (about 60%). it is clear that the student
needs dxtra guidance or explanation as to what is required. This should therefore be
given, so that the student can try writing the composition again before a mark is given.

W hile correcting compositions, teachers could underline or otherwise point out the
wrong / missing word or phrase and use the corresponding symbol to help the
student understand how it could be corrected. Give the students a list of your symbols
and what they mean at the start of the year. The following are some of the symbols
teachers can use: teachers may add to them if they find it necessary as they go along:
Sp - spelling
T - tense
Pr = preposition (wrong or missing)
W O = word order
V - vocabulary
P - punctuation

It teachers think that these sym bols will confuse students, it would be best not to use
them. Instead, the mistakes can simply be underlined. It is a good idea to have a
composition correction session, where ten to fifteen minutes of class time can be
spent helping students to correct the mistakes that the teacher has identified. In
order to avoid repetition, teachcrs may use various w ays of doing this with the class:

(a) Teacher gives out compositions randomly so that no-one gets his/her own
composition and, while students try to correct and evaluate, the teacher circulates to
help them.
(b) Students receive their own composition and tn/ to correct their mistakes with
tho help of the symbols and the teacher, who again circulates.
(c) The teacher shows transparencies (1 or 2) with the most common or otherwise
important mistakes he/she has found in the compositions and encourages class
to help correct them. In selecting their sam ple mistakes, teachers Should try to
draw from all the compositions collected the most important and basic mistakes.
It is necessary to add some complete phrases which were wrong either with
regard to the logic of the English language or in terms of level of sophistication.
This method should be used as often as possible, because it helps students
identify mistakes.

It is important to offer students a technique through which to check their own work,
make thoir own assessment and thereby improve their writing before they submit it for
the teacher's assessment. So. when the writing activity is set for homework, students
should be asked to draw a chart at the end of their compositions with the assessment
criteria and as they go over their writing to tick {✓ ) those criteria they have fulfilled and/or
correct / improve those parts in the r work that do not seem appropriate according to
the criteria and the things to watch out for. Those criteria which the student feels
uncertain about, can be marked with a ?.

Teachers should draw the chart on the blackboard or make a copy for each student
to stick in their notebooks for reference.

Student's Assessm ent Chart

• content
• organisation
• range of structures and vocabulary
° register and format
• target reader

It is believed that the chart will help make the assessm ent criteria more meaningful to
the students as they will be referred to frequently and will becom e an essential part cf
tho students' writing. Hopefully, the chart will also allow the students to feel more
responsible anc that they have more control over their own work and its improvement.

Marking Schem e

A I = 95 -100% = 19 - 20 "I
A = 90 - 95% - 1 8 - 1 9 \•very good
A - - 35 - 90% = 17- 18 J

B + = 80 - 85% = 16- 17 ’I
B = 75 - 80% - 1 5 - 1 6 >■good
B - 70 - 75% = 14 15 J

C + = 65 - 70% = 13 - 14 \
C - 60 - 65% - 12 - 13 J pass

D - - 55 - 60% = 1 1 -12 } near pass

W hen giving marks for their students’ writing, teachers should have the following
assessm ent criteria in mind:

«* content Has the student understood what he/she has to include? Correct
interpretation of the rubric is essential. Without this, even a well-written composition
cannot get a pass mark. Interpretation of the task :s even more difficult with transactional
letters. For this reason. Task 2 of the writing section focuses students' attention on what
cach individual task requires.

><organisation H as the student used organised paragraphs? Clear, easy-to-follow

plans are given for each piece of writing, and there are tasks which help students
realise the content of each paragraph.

range of structures and vocab ulary Has the student used complex sentences
with linking words, and adequate vocabulary? Students are given help with
appropriate language, such as passive voice and descriptive vocabulary. The use of
linking words and expressions is em phasised and revised.
register and form at H as the student used the appropriate register and format?
The difference between formal and informal language is clarified, and students are
helped to identify register. Help is given with the opening and closing of letters. The
format of fo rm a iin fo rm a l letters and of reports is presented clearly throughout the
writing sections.

■* target reader Has the reader got a good overall impression? In ever/ unit, students
are asked to think about who they are writing to; and why.

Teachers should talk to their students about these assessm ent criteria and explain
how Power Up will help them produce good pieces of writing. They should also bear
in mind that inaccuratc spelling and ounctuation should not be over-emphasised: in
terms of assessm ent, they are important only when they obscure communication.

If teachers take care to give marks for each of the criteria and make sure that students
know exactly what they are gaining and losing marks for. teachers and students will
notice the following benefits:

1 - Students will get marks and praise for their achievem ents as well as being
penalized for mistakes.
2 - Teachers will be able to explain to students more clearly both the strengths
and weaknesses of their compositions.
3 - Students will know where they must do better, as they will understand their
weaknesses more clearly.

If your students do w ell, don’t be mean with praise.

If yo u r students are w eak, don’t bo mean with help and encouragem ent.

I have been doing lots of interesting things

lately. You see. I joined a theatre group last
Task 1 month. As you know. I have always been
interested in acting. Now I have the chance to
You see... :eam from professional actors. Regarding my
As you know...
hobby / hobbies. I usually play the guitar in my
I think I may...
free time. I must say it feels great to play a
musical instrument. You ought to try it! I have
I must say that... also been collecting stamps since I was nine
years old. Do you have a collection of something
Task 2 valuable or interesting?
1 letter, appropriate style, telling friend, That's all my news. irm looking forward to
hobbies, new activities hearing from you scon.
2 a letter
3 a friend T ask 7 (suggested answers)
4 informal I like looking at insects through my
5 to give information about my free time microscope.
6 hobbies, a new activity My hobby is photographing butterflies.
I collect giass ornaments.
Task 3 I like making wooden toys.
My hobby is growing beautiful fiowers.
para. 1: C para. 2: B. E para. 3: A, D
I love coliecting/playing with puppets.

Task 4
1 binoculars 2 collecting
3 challenging 4 cultural Group work (suggested questions)
5 backgammon 6 community W hich day of the week does the {bird
watching) C ass meet on?
T askS Do we need to got a (cam era) or any other
equipment to do (photography)?
1E 2A 3D 4F 5B 60
W hat time does the (pottery) class start and
how long does it last?
Task 6
How much does it cost to join the
It would be a good idea to do this task in class. (photography) class?
Teachers should allow groups of 2-3 a few
minutes to prepare. Then each group presents G eneral d iscussio n (suggestions)
their work to the class one sentence at a time • reading (books or magazines), watching my
and the teacher writes each sentence on the favourite TV programme, playing musical
board. The class then works together to create instruments, playing in a team, model
the best possible version. Students copy the making, collecting stamps, playing gam es
final version as the task proceeds. The initial like chess
group work is important as it helps to avoid • relaxing, you can learn things, you can do it on
diffusion of responsibility - quits common in your own. helps you make friends, keeps you fit
whole class activities - because everyone will • musical skills, computer skills, patience
have to concentrate on the task to offer input. • (karate) might be too energetc for retired people
• a hobby that takes me out of the city, is
(suggested an svet)
challenging, can be co ne in m any different
It w as great to hear from you. I'm sorry that places
you're net well. I hope you will be bettor soon.

10 t 'M T I
LISTENING •TEST 1 Question 4
You hear a boy and a girl talking. Why is (he
Transcript boy surprised?
You'll hear people talking in eight different A Cynthia is usually a very shy person.
situations. For questions 1 to 8. choose the best B Cynthia doesn't know how to act.
answer. A. B or C. C Cynthia hadn't told him about tho play.

Question 1 Girl: I ran into Cynthia yesterday afternoon. Did

you know she's faking part in the school play?
You hear som eone speaking on the phone.
Boy: Really? Now that’s something I'd love to see!
What is (he caller's problem ?
Cynthia feels so uncomfortable in front of a
A The phone doesn’t work.
crowd, especially if they're watching her.
B The cailcr doesn't know the country code.
She was loo embarrassed to speak in front
C The call can't be made at this time.
of the class the other day when Ihe teacher
asked her to read aloud. I wonder what gave
uh, hello, operator? I'm trying to place a call to
her Ihe courage to do this?
Canada but 1keep being cut o ff.... Yeah, I dialled the
country codo. ... You'll try to put me through? (ireat!
... Yes, I can told on a minute.... You can'l? Why Question 5
n o t?... All the lines are busy? I'll try again later then. You w ill hear a young woman talking about her
holiday. How does she fee! about it?
Question 2 A upset
B disappointed
You hear two friends talking. What is Angela s C satisfied
com plaint about her date with Ja c k ?
A Ja c k has asked her out ten limes. Yes, I'm back, li wasn't brilliant. It rained a tot, and
B Ja c k drives her crazy. well, I was hoping lo ineel a handsome young
C Jo e y talks too much. man. You know, a little romance! But I suppose it
just wasn't meant to be a dream holiday this time.
Friend: Hi Angela! How- was your date with Sam? I don’t think travelling alone is such a good idea
Angela: Jack's his name for the tenth time! after all. I got a bit lonely.
Everything would've been perfet ( if his
little brother, loey, hadn't come along. He Question 6
drives me crazy - he talks non-stop! Oh,
maybe I'm just no g<xxi with children, .is This man is talking about a projecf h e’s been
I've been told a hundred times. I’m t<x» working on. What is his jo b ?
impatient. A a builder
B an architect
C an artist
Question 3

You hear hvo friends talking. H ow does Ja n e t Finally. I've almost finished! The drawings look a
feel about her jo b ? long time to complete. And then I had to make sure
A Sh e doesn't like selling furniture. that the people hadn't <iecided lo add any more
B Sh e should have kept her old job. rooms before the builders begin working — they've
C She works a lot more hours, but it's worth it. already made me change the plans twice. You
know how people are, they change their minds
Eric: I lello Janet! Where have you beenhiding? every five minutes, and all I want to do is design a
Janet: Hi Crk. Oh. I've been working night and lovely house for them to live in!
day. I've changed jobs. Now I work more
hours for less money and I don't get on Question 7
with my new Ih jss al all. I should have
kept my old job selling lurniture. I didn't Listen to this woman on the phone. Why is she
appreciate a good thing when I had it! callin g ?
A to make an appointment with her hairdresser
B to make an appointment with the doctor
C to make a dinner date with a friend
U N IT 1 11
... No. that's not possible for me. Can you moke it that's not too expensive.
a bit later? I work until o'clock. ... 6:30? Yes, Phillip: Calm down. Daphne. Ruth isn't Iwing
that'll he fine.... Next week? But I can’l wail (ivat mean, she just has a tot of bills lo pay
long! W hal if it's something serious? I've been right now. Don't forge!, she's the one
leeling ill for several days n o w .... Oh thank you so who !en! you the money to buy a car.
much! I'll I h ; there at exactly 6:30 tomorrow, Anyway, no cruise is cheap.
i hanks again. Daphne: YVhat do you think of gelling them a
puppy? You know. Mum and Dad are
Question 3 lonely now Ihat we've left home.
Ruth: Oh, lhal's a silly idea. Daphne. You
You hear a report on the nows. What has know what’ll happen. Dud will complain
happened? about the dog making a mess and Mum
A There's been an earthquake. will have lo spend alt her lime cleaning
B There’s been a fire. up after it. You know how puppies are,
C There’s been a flood. you have to have a lot of energy to care
for one. If Ihey wanted a dog/ they'd
...Yes, Mic had, tho situation here in Newtown is have goI one themselves.
terrible. There's water everywhm;, you know, Daphne: W ell, since all of my ideas are stupid,
broken pipes .lii over the place. And, of course, lols you two can Ihink of something.
of people panicked and ran onto the streets when Phillip: I don't Ihink your ideas are stupid,
the buildings started shaking. ...No, Mic had, this Daphne - 1just think we can come up
o i k ; wasn't as strong as the one several years ago,
with something hetler. I know! How
only five on the Richter stale, but it's bad enough.. about a painting by that locai artist
they're both so crazy about? 1 te's really
Key lalentcd, and that's something they'll
never buy for themselves.
1C 2C 3B 4A 5B 6B 7B 8 A
Ruth: That’s an rx<ellonl idea! Maybe we could
even get the artist to come round and meet
LISTENING •TEST 2 them, come over for dinner or something.
Daphne: Oh, I don't think he'd do that, Ruth. You
Transcript know how most artists are, they like; lo be;
by themselves. Hut we could ask.
You w ill hear a conversation betu'ccn hvo
Phillip: l think you two should approach him
sisters and their brother. Fo r questions 1 to 7.
together. I low can he say "n o " to two
d ecide who expresses cach ides and mark P
charming young women?
tor Phillip, D for Daphne and R for Ruth.
Daphne: OK. I'll go if Rulh agrees.
Phillip:Now don’t forget, we've got to get a
Ruth: Yes. I Ihiilk it's a great idea!
present for Mum and Dad. It’s their
wedding anniversary this weekend.
Daphne: I hadn't forgotten. I've even come up with a Key
few ideas. How about paying for them to go
IP 2D 3 R 4D 5 P 6 D 7R
on a cruise?
Ruth: No, I don't think that's a good idea,
Daphne. I mean, it’s awfully expensive.
Daphne: Oh, coox- on Ruth! Don’t be so mean! You
can afford il. Besides, I've found a ship

12 I N IT 1
5 were standing 6 didn't recognise
WRITING-KEY 7 finally arrived 8 had turned
T ask 1
T ask 7
As At that moment
Then Later People Place s
While As soon as excited steep
A few minutes later In the end miserable peaceful
depressed crowded
T ask 2 cheerful rocky
left past simple disappointed
w as boarding past continuous Accept any correct sentences.
began past simple
announced past simple SPEAKING
discovered past simple
had brought past perfect simple Group work (suggested questions)
w as planning past continuous How much does it cost to go to Lisbon by
stole past simple (cruise ship)?
w as getting past continuous How long dees it take to get to Lisbon by (train)?
was left past simple (passive) Are there any tickets available for next
arrived past simple Saturday's (flight) to Lisbon?
sat past simple
started past simple G eneral d iscu ssio n (suggestions)
felt past simple
• -car: freedom to go where you want
cam e past simple
- plane: excitement and speed, quick
asked past simple
- train: can have a meal in the buffet car / look
didn't speak past simple
at the scenery
seemed past simple
• a cruise round the world on a luxury cruise ship
was past simple
• bus broke down on mountain road
took past simple
past simple airport closed because of fog
tram crivers on strike
Task 3
1 a stop/ LISTENING •TEST 3
2 School Daze Magazine (competition)
3 a journey Transcript
4 the most adventurous one in my life you w ill hear a m other and daughter talking on
the pho.’te. For questions 1 to 10. com plete the
T ask 4 information. You w ill need to write a word or
short phrase.
1B 2E 3 A 4 C 5 F 6D
Mother: Hello? Ingrid, is that you?
Task 5 Ingrid: Yeah, hi Mum. What's up?
i guard 2 platform Mother: W ell. I wanted to let you know when I’ll
3 carriages 4 compartment be arriving.
5 announce 6 board Ingrid: W hal* Could you speak up .4 t»il, I tan
hardly hear you.
Task 6 Mother: I said I'm coming lo visit. Don't you
rememix-r? 11 ailed you on Tuesday. Now,
1 was 2 was raining listen carefully. I missed the morning plane,
3 had arranged 4 arrived so I'll be arriving in New York at ten tonight

t ■N IT I 13
instead of three' in ihe aftemexxi. But I’m
planning to lake the train down to Soho and
spend ihr night at Martha’s - 1haven't seen 1 Tuesday
your sister for ages. So, con you pick me up 2 the morning plane/her plane
on Saturday afternoon, at about five? 3 Sunday
Ingrid: But I told you last week that i work Oil 4 midnight
Saturdays until midnight! You'll just have 5 September,'she left for university
to stay at Martha's until Sunday. 6 chocolate cake
Mother: Couldn't you get the night off? I haven't 7 15th May
seen you since you left (or university in 8 W ednesday
September. You've known for weeks that 9 two hours
I'd be here this weekend, and I can only 10 7.30 am/7.30 in the morning
slay a few days.
Ingrid: I know. I'm sorry, but I couldn't get the
night off, and I don't want to lose my job.
Mother: I know, love, you work so lurd. W ell, I
can't wail to sec you on Sunday! I've got a
present (or you from your father, and You w ill hoar five students talking about their
Alison has sent you a chocolate cake. m others' jobs. For Speakers 7 to 5. choose
tn^rid: 'Great! I'll make us a nice dinner, and we'll from the list A to F what they describe. There is
have the whole evening to talk. W e'll have one extra letter which you do not need to use.
plenty of lime together while you Ye here,
because I haven't got any classes on Speaker One:
Monday and Tuesday. M y mother says she has the most interesting job in
Mother: W ell maybe we could go off to Ihe bcach Ihe; world. She; says you have to understand people
or something. You could proSwbly do with really well, like a psychiatrist, you know, otherwise
a liitle holiday. W e could leave on Sunday you won'I be able lo please them. People's homes
and come back on Tuesday evening. I have should make them (cc-l good, she says. my mother
a reservation to leave for London on 15th Starts by getting to know her clients re-ally well, and

May, so that'll lx: (inc. then she starts work, turning their house into a lovely
Ingrid: That's a good idea. W e can stay luesday Itomr. That's how she explains her job to me.
night as well, and catch the morning bus,
because my Wednesday classes arc in the* Speaker Two:
evening. Where; shall we go, then? Mother says she always wanted to help the down-and-
Mother: I've always wanted to go to Crystal outs. A lot of people depend on her, especially other
Bcach, and it only lakes two hours to get mothers who have nowhere to go with their children.
there; by bus. Mother's responsibk- for making surer everybixly has a
Ingrid: That's a good idea. It's supposed lo be a place lo sleep and food to eat. She doesn't get paid
beautiful beach, and the main thing is that muc h though, and Father says slv? works too hard.
we haven't got time lo go very far.
Mother: Okay, it's settled then. W e’ll meet at Martha’s Speaker Three:
on Sunday morning and leave straight away. Mum's never at home! She g<x:s lo the paper at four
I'll find onl what time the bus leaves. in Ihe momirig, conies back at eight and then goes
Ingrid: Oh, 1can tell you Ihat! There's one at 7:30 in out again at eleven for a couple of hours, and again in
Ihe morning, one at 2 o'clock, and the last the evening from five 'til eight. Sloe's always tired and
one leaves at 7:30 in ilx- evening. I o catch grumpy, but she; says she loves finding out what's
the first one we'll have; lo get up <sl about b happening in the world and there's nothing more
o'clock! exciting than telling ihe; world about current events.
Mother: Well that sounds best sinc e we only have It's just Ihe hours, you know, running to the; paper
three days. You won'I be too tired will you? Hire*: times a day! And we hardly ever go on holiday.
Ingrid: No. Don’t worry about me-! So, I'll see you
on Sunday. I lave a safe trip. Speaker Four:
Well, yeah, I suppose six; has a good job. I mean, she
says it's rewarding, but she's always bringing work
home; with lier, you know, marking tests, correcting

14 UNIT 2
compositions. I wcxjkin'l wan! lo do what she cJc_>es-1 have to study a lot, learn about the weather, how- all
mean, site works so hard and Ihey don'l appr<* iale (lie controls operate, how to make an emergency
Her. Nobody pays attention, and sometimes they play landing. Mum had to do that onoe when one of ifx*
jokes on h(*r. Birt Mum has a lot of patience. engines stopped working. It's a big responsibility •all
those passengers depending on you.
S|K-jkcr l ive:
M y mother hits the best job! I bet there aren’t very
many wfwnen lhal do what she does, but when 1 grow'
up I'm going lo fo llc A v in her fcxitslcps. O f ( oi:rsc, I II 1C 2F 3B 4 E 5A

4 I was wondering if the centre has facilities
WRITING-KEY for squash.
Task 1 5 It would be great if members were allowed to
bring guests free of charge.
I'd like to ask...
T ask 5 (suggested ansv/eZsj
I was wondering if...
do you know whether... 2 As to the equipment, how much does it cost?
Do you know if... 3 Regarding trainers, what sort should I buy?
It would be great if you could tell me... 4 To begin with, do l need a tracksuit?
if... that would be useful to know
T ask 6 (suggested ansvets)
Task 2
It was great to got your letter. Thanks for
1 a letter sending me the leaflet about your billiards club.
2 a friend I am interested in joining.
3 informal I hope you will be able to tell me what I want
4 to ask for more information about the sports to know. I'm looking forward to hearing from
centre you soon,
5 Is it open on Saturdays and Sundays?
Are golf and handball available?
Task 7 (suggested answers)
Is there a swimming pool?
How much does membership cost? Regarding the billiards club. I’d like to ask a
few more things about it. To begin with, I don’t
Task 3 know where the club is and I was wondering if
you could give me the address. As to
1E 2C 3F 4B 50 6A
membership, could you tell me exactly how
much it costs? It would be great to got lessons
T ask 4 {suggested an s«ets) from a professional, but do you know if these are
1 Please let mo know how much it costs to be free for members? Finally, the leaflet slates that
a member of the sports centre. the club is open from Monday to Saturday, but it
2 I'd like to know how late the sports centre is doesn't mention any times. I'd appreciate it if you
open each day. could let me know the hours it is open.
3 l‘d like to find out whether you have to be a
member in order to use the swimming pool.

U N IT .> 15
Question 2
You hear a policem an shouting. What has
Group w ork (suggested questions) happened?
W hich clays of the week is the (golf) club open? A Som ebody broke all the windows ;n the
Do w c need to get any equipment of our own building.
for the (archery) club? B Som ebody started a fire in the building.
How much docs it cost to join the (chess) club? C Som ebody broke into the building.

G eneral d iscussio n (suggestions) Watch your step! There's broken glass everywhere,
• -take part to enjoy the team spirit and and some of the ashes .ire si ill pretty hot - a flame
friendship could burst out again any minute. I can hardly see
-watch others play in order to see the skills of in all this smoke. W ho in the world would do such
star players and teams, enjoy being with a thing? I just can't believe it! Look at this mess!
Other supporters What's the world coming to? Hey!! O I 11IOSE
• play volleyball in a team that meets twicc a KIDS OUT OH HI-KL NO W !
week after school, take part ir. competitions
against other teams. In summer we play at Question 3
the beach every weekend.
This little boy is talking about his favourite
9 I feel disappointed because I know that they
colour. VJhich is it?
have the skill to win.
A red
• motorcycle racing - there is alw ays pressure
B green
to go faster - then accidents happen
C yellow
0 skiing, so I can get some exercise in the
fresh air in winter instead of staying at home
M y favourite colour is a very happy one. Lots of link'
flowers are this colour, but,- urn, I can't, um,
LISTENING •TEST 5 remember what they're called. Lots of roses art; this
colour. I know 'cause my mum loves il when Dad
Transcript brings them home on tier birthday. So is the sun, oh
yeah, and lemons and butter loo. Grapes and figs and
You'll hear people talking in eight different
lettuc e aren't this colour, though.
situations. For questions 1 to Q. choose Ihe bost
answ er. A S or C.
Question 4
Question 1 You hear a student talking to a friend. What is he
trying to d o?
This young woman is talking about a book she has
A get some information from his friend
been reading. How does she fee! about the bc-ok?
B persuade his friend to go somewhere
A It's the best book sh e's ever read.
C help his friend with a problem
B The characters are true to life.
C It's interesting and exciting. No, it isn't tin: way you think il is. You've never biT-n to
one of the school dances, so how would you know?
1didn't sleep at all last night because I couldn't put Ycxj'II have a great lime, you'll see. Kesicks, everyone's
down this book I’m reading. I've never redd going to be there'- You wouldn't want to miss out on all
anything by this author before, but I quite like him. the fun would you? And you said you wanted lo make
I mean, the characters aren't very realistic, but you
more friends. Well, now’s your chance!
know how much I like a good adventure, and the
writer really keeps you guessing. You never know
Question 5
what's going to happen next. I>o you want to
borrow it when I've read it? You hear a young woman talking on the phone.
W hy is she callin g ?
A to apologise
8 to make arrangements
C to cancel a date

16 l N IT 3
No, tliat's not it. Look, I didn’t want Ifwit to happen. I no! enough trees. And the beach is hours away.
mean 1 was jusl running a bit late you know, and
Ihen Dad plx>ned and kept me talking for almost an
hour. I tried to gel off the phone, but he was ups<rt 1C 2 B 30 4 B 5A 6 B 7C 8 B
about something, and I jusl couldn't cut him off. It
won'l happen again, though, I promise.
Question 6 Transcript
You hear a father talking to his daughter. What is You w ill hoar a sales assistant talking to a customer
he giving? who is interested in buying a bicycle. For questions
A instructions 1 to 7. decide whether the idea was stated or not
B advice and mark Y tor Yes, or N for No.
C information
Assistant: Good morning! I've got jusl the bicycle
Hie ijest thing to do in a situation like this, low, is just
ignore them. I know, I went through the sanx: thing at for you! Come right this way, please.
school, children making fun of me because I was fat. Customer: Well, I'd like to, um, tell you what I'm
Next time they say something to yew, jusl pretend you looking for first. I want something llwl can
don't hear them. Thai's what I'd do if l were you. be ridden in town, as I'll Ik -using it every
They'll leave you alone eventually. day to gel lo my <lasses at the university.
Assistant: I've got a fasl. lightweight racing bicycle.
Customer: I told on! I'm ix>t interested in a racing bike.
Question 7
The tyres are too thin, and I'd keep getting
Listen to Ihese business partners talking. Why is flat tyres, yxxi know, running over glass and
the woman going to P a ris? things. No, I need something with good,
A for a cooking class strong tyres that can handle rough roads as
B for some important business well. You see, I live out in tlx; country, and
C for a holiday the roads near my lx>use aren't paved.
Assistant: I low about a mountain bike? W e've got
Man: Well aren't you lucky! Wish I was going
a great one right over ...
to Paris!
Customer: Just a minute. I don't want a bicyde that's
woman: lielieve me, luck had nothing to do with il.
loo heavy. I have to ride up and down a lot
I've been working really hard for this
of hills, so I need something fairly
cxxnpany, and I've saved lots of rnorxy. It's
about time I did something for myself. I'm lightweight
Assistant: Now don't you worry about those bills.
planning to enjoy every minute of it, you can
Our bicycles all have gears, so you can get
be sure of that! There are so many plac es 1
up steep bills easily. I'd be happy to show
want to see. Mayiie I'll even learn how to
<<x>k some of that fantastic ftxxl ihe rrench you if you’ll just follow me. |PAUi>HJ You
are so famous for. It’s all been business, six: here, this little lever allow* you lo
business, business torso long, I think I've change the gears, jusl like; a car. so you
forgotten how lo relax. can make it easier or harder to pedal,
depending on whether you're going uphill
Question S cx-downhill.
Customer: Oh, I see. But how expensive is a
Listen to this student talking about his home bicycle like Ibis? I don't have a lot of
town. How does he feel about it?
money, you know.
A He wishes ho had never left. Assistant: Don'I worry about that. W e have a
B He doesn't think there's anything good
payment plan. You need lo make a small
about it.
payment tcxlay, and ihe rest you can pay
C It has a good collcgo.
off slowly, over the next year. I low does
I couldn't wait to go lo university! Of course, my that sound?
mother was hoping I'd go to the local college, but I Customer: W ell, that sounds pretty good! And I ran
wantix! lo get as far away as possible. I never felt at take the bike home today?
home there. Ihe people are just loo, oh, I don't Assistant: That's right. So, shall I show you which
know', lifeless. And it's not very pretty either. I lal. bicycles we have that meet your

I M l .> 17
requirements? Customer: You know, I think I'll look around a bit
Customer: W ell, actually, I like the one you just more before I make a decision. I may be
showed me. Is it terribly expensive? back later.
Assistant: No, not at all. O f course, we do have Assistant: Wait, I'll talk to the manager and six:
some cheaper models, but this one what 1can do. I PAUSE)
would probably suit your needs best. I'll Well, it's all .settled. The bicycle will be
get one out of the Storage room tor you delivered tomorrow afternoon free of
and we'll take it out to your car. charge.
Customer: But I haven't got a car! That's why I'm Customer: Oh, thank you w muc li!
buying a bicycle!
Assistant: W ell, then, we can have it delivered to
your house tomorrow, but there'll be an Key
extra charge. 1N 2N 3Y 4 N 5N 6 N 7Y
Customer: How mui h?
Assistant: £20.

T askS
1 fantastic sandy beach
Task 1
2 wide brown river
typical Greek delightful old 3 steep rec ciiffs
stone beautiful sandy 4 fertile green fields
popular different same 5 fiery orange sun
ordinary special exciting
wonderful Task 6 (suggested ansv/ets)
1 It was worth seeing the delightful sandy beaches.
Task 2 2 Everybody enjoyed swimming in the crystal
1 an article clear water.
2 an international student magazine 3 There w as a beautiful tropical rainforest near
3 eco-tourism the spectacular coast.
4 where people can enjoy a holiday 4 W e walked among the tall green leafy trees
how people can help the environment for hours.
5 W e helped collect litter from the endless quiet
Task 3 paths.
6 W e saved a lovely dolphin washed up on the
1 e 2 d 3c a a 5 b remote rocky shore.

para. 1 : 1 para. 2: 3. 4 para. 3: 2 ,5

Task 4 Group work (suggested questions)
1 bustling 2 remote 3 fertile How long does the (sailing) holiday Iasi?
4 typical 5 unique 6 barren W here will we sleep if we go (hiking in Peru )?
W hat sort of activities will we take part in if we
go (to the ranch)?

18 U N IT \
G eneral d iscussio n (suggestions) we are doing a project on the Sunset
Spare t-xploralion Company, and the
• in a small seaside town - to be by the sea
teac her was pleased when I told her you
and to avoid the noise and dirt of Ihe city
used to work there. fcveryone wanted me
• I'd like to have grass, trees and flowers in the
to join their group! I didn't mention that
town square, which is a big concrete area.
you used to Ur the Research Director.
• I go to a lake in the mountains where it is
Father: Never mind. But I have an idea. I'm no
cool and I can go swimming and fishing.
longer the Research Director, but I could
• M y favourite place is a small village by the
still take your class on a trip lo see the
sea. which is very quiet except for Ju ly and
new spaceship.
August. There are lots of fields and trees
Caroline: W ow ! That would be great! Thanks l>ad.
around the village and all the houses are
traditional stone cottages.
• I would like to go to Egypt to see the Key
pyramids and other ancient sights and to
1 half an hour 2 Mathematics
enjoy riding a camel.
3 sports shoes 4 boring
5 talk to 6 History
LISTENING •TEST 7 7 nice 8 French
9 project 1 0 a trip
ypcj w ill hear Caroline talking to her father about LISTENING •TEST 8
her first day at her new school. For questions
I to 10. com plete the inform ation. You w ill need Transcript
to write a word or short phrase.
You w ill hear five people talking about their
hobbies. For speakers 1 to 5. choose from (he
Father: So, how was your first day at Bellfield
list A to F what oach speaker says. There is one
High School. Caroline?
extra letter which you do not need to use.
Caroline: Well, it didn't get off to a good Start. I
thought I'd arrived nice and early at 8.30, Speaker One:
only to be told that I was half an hour Oh, me. well, piTsonally, I like to collect stones.
late tor the first lesson. That was Sounds silly, doesn't it? But you know, there arc:
mathematics, <ind by the time I got there, lots of beautiful stones on the beac hes here. You
the boll was ringing for the- next lesson, find all kinds of colours if you look round a bit.
fortunately, the class didn't mow, Natural beauty, tbal's whal I like. There's nothin"
because they had a double lesson there. lovelier than nature itself! And it s very relaxing lo
Our next lesson after that was gym, and walk along the beach ...
the gym teacher was annoyed because I
didn't have any sports shoes with me. Speaker Two:
Then we had a break, whic h was boring, I'm learning to play the guitar. You know, just for
because all the- other children know each myself, I don't want to lie a professional or
other. I just sat by myself. anything. You see, I've always had this dream of
Father: You'll need to make an effort lo smile going round the wor ld, playing my guitar in
and talk to your classmates. How else different cities, you know. I'm not very good yet,
are you going lo make any friends? though. Just got to keep practising I suppose!
Caroline: Yes, I know. Luckily, we had I lislory after
Speaker Three:
the break. Mr Martin is a really nice
I'm going to be famous one day. M y dad laught
teacher! I le askc\5 the class to introduce me how to paint, and he says I'll be a success one
themselves to me. and that took up all the day, lots of money. I jusl love using all the
lesson. Our next lesson was I rench. The different colour s and mixing the paints until I gel
girl next to rue, Julia, lold me sl>e was glad exactly the colour I want. I like to paint from my
I was beside her, because my French is so imagination. Painling nature is so boring. Dad says
good! That cheered me up a lot. I'm an "abstract" arlist. I'm not sure what Ihat
Father: Was that the highlight of your day. then? means, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
Caroline: No, the best is yet to come. In Geography,

I N IT 4 19
Speaker Four: Speaker Five:
Yes, I've Ixxm carving little statues out of wood for I enjoy writing poetry in my free lim e.... No, I've
years. M y wife complains, (bough. Says I'm always never thought of publishing any of it. I already have a
making a mess in ihe kitchen. But I tHI l>er it's belter good job that I’m happy enough with, anti I just don't
to have a mess ll>an an unhappy husband. It relaxes think I'd he able to write if I had to worry about
me, you know. I get lost in my own little world for a pleasing other piople. No, this is just something I do
few hours and forget about our problems, you know, for myself. Il helps to dear my head.
like how we're going to pay the rent this month.
Don’t know how I'd inan^p without my little hobby!
1D * 2C 3E 4A 5 F


WRITING-KEY Task 6 (suggested answeis)

1 First of all, although you advertised 5 0 % off

T ask 1
everything, nothing was on sate at reduced
but Firstly However prices.
In addition but, when Finally 2 In addition, you claim lhat big sizes are
available, but there was nothing over a size 10
Task 2 3 Finally, the only colours were pink and blue,
so there w as not a "'n ice range" as slated in
1 a letter
your advertisement.
2 the manager of Big Top Superm arket
3 formal
4 to complain about the supermarket SPEAKING
5 bread expensive, stale
cashier rude Group work (suggested questions)
parking area too small, full W hat sort of (books) do you have that might
interest our grandmother?
T ask 3 How much do (classical CDs) co sl?

Top quality products!

G eneral d iscussio n (suggestions)
M anager alw ays on duty!
« a grocer's, a baker’s and a chem ist's
Free gift-wrapping for all customers!
• a large supermarket (for variety and good prices)
• ask to see the manager and explain why I’m
T ask 4
not satisfied, ask for a refund
1B 2C 3D 4 E 5A • some do -they aren't careful when buying, so
they buy things they don't realty want c-r need
para. 1:4. 5 para. 3 :1 ,2 , 3

T ask 5

1B 2B 3A 4C

20 I NIT 5
the little English girl was fantastic. The photography
LISTENING •TEST 9 was really great, too. It's worth seeing the film just
for the- sc ones of ihe African coast. What a beautiful
Transcript part of the world that is!
You'll hear people talking in eight different
situations. For questions 1 to 8. choosc the best Question 4
answer, A. B or C.
You hear a man telling a friend about his wife.
Marilyn. Where did he first meet her?
Question 1
A at university
You hear two people talking on a bus. What B at a party
does the boy offer to do for the elderly wom an? C at work
A cover her window
B exchange seats Meeting Marilyn was like a dream. I'll never forget
C help her sit down the first time I saw her. hintastic! She was all dressed
up for Bizi's birthday celebration. W e slared at each
Elderly woman: I've got such a headache! The sun other all night ai>d just before she went home. I
is hitting me right in the face and fcxind Ihe courage lo ask for her phone number. W e
this window doesn't have a blind were both university students at that time and later
lo [Mill down. Ohhh, I II n w r we worked together. It was a summer job, and I had
make it through Ihis trip. lo leave because I couldn't concentrate on my work
Boy: You can si I here if you like. It's with her in ll>e room!
much cooler here. The sun's not
coming in at all. I ll take your seal Question 5
and cover Ihe window wilh this
While eating at a restaurant, you hear a woman
extra T-shirt I've got in my bag.
com plaining about (he food. W rit's wrong with it?
A It's too expensive.
Question 2 B It isn't fresh.
You hear the new s on the radio. Why did Ja k e C It’S cold.
Sm ithers go to prison?
A for stealing from people's homes I've never had such bad food in my life. They should
B for robbing local businesses at night be ashamed of themselves, calling this a reslauranl.
C for destroying people’s housos I lie vegetables are older than I am, and I bet this
meat was in the freezer for months. It's so tough I
Good evening everybody. Well, it certainly wasn’t a can't c hew il. 111! give me a headac he-! There's no
good day for Jake Smithers. After a three-month trial, way I’m paying for Ihis, especially not at ihesc prices!
llx- man we've all coine lo know as ‘the midnight
burglar' has finally been brought to justice. Tint's Question 6
right, the man that has been breaking into our homes You am listening to the weather report on the radio.
while we sleep is, right now, on his way to prison,
When is the snowstorm expected (0 end?
when* he'll be slaying for a long lime...
A this evening
B tomorrow afternoon
Question 3 C during the night
A friend is telling you about a film she saw last
night. What was it about? W dl, it looks like: this storm is going lo continue for
A life on the African coast a while yet. Schools have been closed since
B an English girl growing up in Africa yesterday, and they're nol going to open tomorrow
C an African growing up in England either. W e're expecting less snow to fall this evening,
and by early tomorrow morning the storm will lie
Excellent film! Brilliant! You've got lo see il! I'd over, bul driving conditions will slill be dangerous
never really thought about what it must be like to until the-)' get tlw roads cleared up, which will
grow up in a foreign country, l-ven if you know' the probably happen sometime tomorrow afterncxm.
language and understand Ihe customs, you always
feel different. The actress who played the part of

U N IT 5 21
Question 7 paintings and poems?
Russell: l.Jh, well, I don't think so. Don't fee!
You hear & woman talking on the phone. What
comfortable w ith that idea yet. No,
does she want to d o ? the only person thai reads m y poetry
A pay the phone bill at a later date is m y wife.
B disconnect the telephone Interviewer: I ell us about you r wife. I've read lhal
C pay the phone bill over a period of time
she's a ballerina, is that (rue?
Russell: Yes, Kate dances in a ballet company.
\o, I don't want you to cut it off! I need the phone She studied in Paris, which is where we
for my job -! work from home. I just can't pay the met fifteen years ago. I was studying a!
whole bill at the moment, isn’t there some way I an art academy outside Kiris at the lime.
could pay it off slow ly?... Yes, uhuh, I understand. Interviewer: How romantic! Now, (el! us, would
... Yes, I see. Thai would be great- I hank you SO
Kate agree with your critics' They say
much. Just tell me when to send the first payment... lhal your paintings have a lot of
sadness in them. Are you a sad person?
Question 8 Russell: Well, I'd say that most artislic people are
You hear a man talking about his son. Why is ho a bit sad. Bui I don't think my critics
proud of his so n ? know what they’re talking alxxil. I moan,
A He has been offered a job at a gcod law firm. ihcy spend less than <i minulo looking at
B He graduated from law school with a painting it's taken ir>e a month to
excellent marks. create, and Ihey think they know what it
C H e has been offered a promotion by his means! Some of my paintings do trxprcss
employer. sadness. But others express peace, and
others joy. I'm jusi a person like
Yes. we're very proud of Robby. Imagine, becoming a everyone else. 1 imagine my paintings
partner in one of the best law firms in the lounlry! express most human emotions.
And so soon! Hc-’s only been working there for a Interviewer: Hm... I must admit. I'd never thought of
year, since he graduated from law school. Oh, he it that way. I've been to three of your us proud then, t<x>, graduating ot the top of his exhibitions, and I think I'd agree with
class, I k iI this is something special. It usually takes you. I was stnick by tin* hopelessness in
years lor a law firm to offer one of ils employees a one or two of your works, but I also
partnership. remember one painting, oh, what was it
called? You know, the one with the sun
singing among dancing clouds?
Key Russell: "M usic in the Sky".
1B * 2A 3B 48 5 B 6C 7C 80 Interviewer: Yes, that's il! Now, there certainly
weren’t any negative ('motions in that
one! Very happy and childlike, that
LISTENING-TEST 10 one. So, when's your next exhibition?
Russell: Il's coming up soon. The fiflh of
Transcript October is opening rug!it, and the show-
You w ill hear par: of a radio interview with Jo h n wili run for three weeks. I've done a
Russell, a famous artist. For questions 1 to 7, new series this lime, entitled "Melting
d ccide whether (he statem ents are true or false. into ihc Waves". The central theme is
Mark T for True, or F for False. tlx; sea, and each painting explores a
Interviewer: YVelconx: back to the second pari of different aspect of the sea -for example
our show, where I’ve just been talking its power, ils mystery, the calming
to the great artist John Russell. Before effect il has on us.
our commercial break, you were telling Interviewer: Interesting. I ll be sure to go. Well,
us that you also write poetry, isn't Ihat listeners, that's all we Iwve time for
right, John' today. Don't miss John Russell at the
Russell: Yes, that's right. I started writing Modern Art (Jallerv.
aixnjt two years ago.
Interviewer: So does that mean that your next
exhibition will be a combination of Key
22 I N IT 6
facilitate class discussion on the presented
WRITING KEY paragraphs the teacher could give each group a
Task 1 blank transparency Sheet and marker to write
their paragraph on and. when they are ail ready,
1 There are many good things about Humbolt show cach transparency. The class Then
Library. discusses its content with the paragraph in view
2 On the other hand, despite the overall quality throughout. Corrections and improvements may
of Humbolt Library, there are som e problems. be made on the transparency and students can
3 In my opinion, these problems can be solved. copy them into their notebooks. The use of the
transparency is feasible for many pre-writing
Task 2 activities in this book, especially those where
group work is suggested.
1 a report
2 the Head Librarian
(suggested answers)
3 Humbolt Library
The school has many positive points. To begin
4 - the strengths
with, the teachers are very enthusiastic and
(variety of reading material etc)
students can study both classical and modern
- the weaknesses
drama. Furthermore, the cafe offers a wide variety
* (not enough lights etc)
of food that is not only healthy, but also cheap.
- recommendations
On the other hand, there are some problems. For
Task 3 one thing, although the school building is quite
new. the rooms are very small. W hat is more,
A college / school para. 2
students have to provide all their own equipment,
B clothes shop para. 1
which can be expensive. Finally, there are no
C restaurant para. 3
para. 2 sculpture lessons available at the school.
D museum
E cam p site para. 1
F library / reading room para. 3 Task 6
Accept any relevant and suitable answers.
Task 4
1 collection 2 admission 3 virtual SPEAKING
4 traditional 5 latest
G roup work (suggested questions)
Can we get to the (Archaeological Museum)
Task 5
by (bus)?
enthusiastic teachers ✓ How much does it cost to visit the (Museum of
small rooms * New Technology)?
have to provide own equipment - expensive X W hen does the (National Library) open and
study both classical and modern drama what time does it close?
cafe - cheap healthy food ✓
no sculpture lessons *

This task, along with task 6 below, can be

worked out in groups of 3-4 as follows: the
positive and negative points can be discussed by
the class as a whole and then the teacher can
assign one paragraph to each group to prepare.
Depending on the number of students there may
be two groups working on the same paragraph,
which may make the presentation and class
discussion regarding it more interesting. To
UNIT 6 23
G eneral d iscu ssio n (suggestions) you fancy going on the lake, lo give Ihe place a
• - study trip abroad - to see and experience little excitement, a dance is held once a week, as
everything that I read about well as a fancy-dress parly every Saturday night. I'm
- finding out about local history from my sure your wife would enjoy a holiday at the Falls,
grandmother and you'll certainly get home from your holiday
• group work/projects where students find out with a fuller pocket!
information for themselves outside the
<» good quality computers sc students could
experience and Icarn to use computers 1 island 2 collecting
instead of just reading about then 3 some exorcise 4 Mexico
o schools will still be important for tasking about 5 natural 6 £80
what we learn and learning social skills - 7 mountains 8 lake
children might not use paper and notebooks 9 canoes 10 Saturday night
so much if they can write on computers
Transcript You w ill hear five people talking about the way
You w ill hoar a travel agent tolling a custom er they fell after a particular event. For questions
about three holiday resorts. For questions J to 1 lo 5. choose from the list A to F the word that
10. com plete the notes. You w ill need to write a describes how they felt. U se the letters only
word or a short phrase. once. There is one extra letter which you do not
need to use.
Well, sir, we've got sever,ii package holidays that
might interest you. Your wife would probably enjoy Speaker One
the Palace Hold. Il's a beautiful resort near the Oil, it was awful! I just wanted to disappear!
beach on <» lovely little Caribbean island. Great I hope I never sen; those people again. They just
place for swimming and shell collecting. You tan wouldn't slop laughing at me. I could feel my face
oven rent diving gear and explore the coral reefs - going red. Luckily, none ol my classmates were
they're incredible colours! Yes, sir. the Palace Hotel there. Imagine! I'd never be able to show my face
is perfee 1 for you, since you said your wife needed at school again!
a peaceful holiday where she can get some
Speaker Two
exercise. No loud discotheques and bars there!
What gets me is that he didn't even ask me if he
Now, if you want something a little more exciting.
could use the car. Just drove ofl. Now how am I
Dreamland Resort is the place lo be. It's in Mexico,
supjjosed to get to the dentist's? I've got an
and it's got a little hit of everything. 1 low docs
appointment in half an hour! I'm really going to tell
horseback riding along a sandy beat h sound? How
him off when he gets back. W ho does he think he
about cooling off in a pool of crystal clear water at
is, anyway?
the bottom of a natural waterfall? I'm sure you'd
find that romantic! Dreamland isn't vour usual Speaker Three
resort. Instead of a large hotel building, guests are I know now Ihat I shouldn't have done it. I hurt a
given a private cabin, a se|wrale little home of their lot of tx:ople that didn't deserve it. I wish I could
own, I like to say. I here's only one thing wrong lake away their pain, but of course il's loo late for
with Dreamland - the price! It's pretty expensive - that. I apologised to everyone, but nobody's
£80 a night. phoned me in weeks, so I suppose the)' haven’t
So if you're worried aboul the hole this is going lo forgiven me. I'll have to live with this for the rest
put in your pocket, 11 an suggest a less expensive of my life, won't I?
resort. Ihe falls is a lovely little getaway, up in the
mountains. It's only a lhrcx:-hour drive from here,
but when you get there, you'll think you're in
another country. I he resort is almost surrounded by
a lake and rests in the heart of Ihe forest. There are
several trails for hiking and canoes are available if
24 U N IT 6
Speaker Four Speaker Five
It was terrible! I had nightmares all night. Big, hairy Yes, I remember. That was the worst day of my life,
monsters were trying to eat me! I kept running and losing my dog like that. <>h, I loved tliat little dog.
running, and then I fell over and the monster Six: was my best friend, always wagging her fluffy
almost caught me! M y mother finally heard me Mil when ! got home. Such a playful litlle thing, she
st reaming in my sleep and woke me up. I slept in was. And ever so smart! I slid miss her after all these
my parents' room for ihe resl ol the night. I know years. I raised her from ,i puppy, you know. Iried lo
that's a silly thing for u twelve-year-old to do, I give her a ,n<xxl life. And then one d ay,... oh. I can't,
mean, I feel < >bit embarrassed telling you that, but I just ran'I talk about it.
oh, il was terrible, so frightening...
1D / 2F 3E 4 C 5 B

Task 4
1 personal qualities 2 qualifications
Task 1 3 qualifications 4 qualifications
Q ualifications 5 personal qualities 6 personal qualities
5 years’ English/fluent 7 qualifications
3 yoars of secondary school
computer skills T ask 5
1 consider 2 with 3 in
Perso n al Q ualities 4 part-time 5 on 6 spending
reliable punctual/on time
friendly patient T ask 6 (suggested answ & )

I am 13 years old and I am interested in finding

Task 2
a summer job to help me save for my studies
1 a letter next year. Regarding my qualifications. I have a
2 the Personnel Manager Certificate in English and am quite fluent in the
3 formal language. Furthermore, I have a Certificate in
4 to apply for a job Computer Studies, so I feel that I would easily
5 qualifications (fluent English etc} be able to leam how to use cash registers and
personal qualities (polite etc) any other electronic equipment in the shop. I
also have a motorbike licence, which may be
Task 3 useful for any delivery work. As regards
personal qualities. I am aware of how important
1 E para. 1 2 C para. 2 3 B para. 2
it is for shop assistants to bo honest. Also. I
4 D para. 3 5 A para. 3
understand the importance of being good at
dealing with people anc I feel that I would be
able to sen/e customers in a helpful way.

U N IT 7 25
... I'm very worried! I realise that Tommy's marks
are betler (his year - he’s really been concentrating
Group work (suggested questions) on his studies lately - and he's gol a nice group of
How many hours per week .$ the (nursing) class? friends who seem lo be serious about school. But
How many students will there be in the how's he going lo gel into a good university with
(computer studies) class? the marks he got last year and the year before? I'm
W hat are the fees for the (m echanics) cJass? afraid his choices are going lo be quite limited.

General d iscu ssio n (suggestions) Question 3

• I would like to be a park ranger caring for the You hear a man talking to himself. How is he
trees and animals in a national park. feeling?
• my parents •I should be really interested in A happy
the job and enjoy doing it B embarrassed
• yes - they need to know what jobs are really C upset
like - perhaps by getting som e experience
before they have to decide There was nothing 1 could do. What do I know
• - yes - but he/she only seem s to be about those Ihings? But (hat doctor! Now why
interested in certain careers and show s no didn’l he do anything? It is his job after all -
enthusiasm for any others doctors are supposed to see if (here are any
- no - 1wish it did. W e need one. survivors and give them proper medical attention,
what's the world coming to? It seems as it nobody
cares aboul anybody else these days. It's
unbelievable how selfish people have become!

Transcript Question 4
You'll hear people talking in eight different
situations. Fo r questions 1 to 8. choose the You hear a wom an talking on the phone. What
best answer. A, 8 or C. doos she have to do first?
A get Mindy from school
Question 1 B take Mindy to the doctor
C go to the baker's
You'll hear an advertisem ent for a forthcom ing
film. What kind of film is it?
Oh, no I can't come round lodav! I’ve got a million
A a mystery
B a com edy things to do! Al four o'clock I've got to pick up
Mindy front school, then I've got to take her lo Ihe
C a romance
doctor's - we've got a five o'clock appointment.
Then I've got to be home by hair past six to get
Don't miss Antlv Kyan in 'No Clean Business',
dinner ready. Oh, I nearly forgot! I've alsogol loget
coming ihis I'rioVjy to your local cinema. In whal
ihe cake from the baker's on my way lo get Mindy.
criik s are calling his best role ever, Ryan plays a
successful businessman who falls in love with a The bakery closes at half pasi three.
dancer, Penny, together they must find the person
responsible for stealing Penny's car. It takes them Question 5
a long time to finally solve the crime, and the You hoar hvo people talking at the bus stop. Why
ending is a real surprise! did the woman get a different new spaper?
A This one is more informative.
Question 2 B This one is choaper.
C This one has better pictures.
You overhear a woman talking to her husband
on the bus about their son, Tommy. What is she
Man: I haven't read that paper before. Is it any
w orried about?
A Tom m y's performance at school this year
Woman: Oh, yes, much better lhan "The Daily
B Tom m y's future
Chat". Cheaper, i<x>! Bui ihe best thing
C Tom m y's friends at school
is thal ihe journalists gather a lot of
information, you know, they tell you all

26 U N IT 7
the facts, not just their opinions, so you blue living room, a soft shade of blue. I don't want
get the whole story. anything loo dark. Now. the rest of the house is
Man: W ell, from what I can see, (he white. I think I’ll leave it as it is for now, because it
photographs Ihoy use arc better as well - was painted just last year.
much higher quality, and ...

Question 6
1A 2B 30 4C 5A 66 7A 8 B
You hear two people talking while waiting in the
queue at the supermarket. What does the man
com plain about? LISTENING-TEST 14
A the service
B the quality of the products Transcript
C the prices You w ill hear a fortune toller being interviewed
on a radio program me. For questions 1 to 7
Woman: This is what I hate about shopping! choose the best answer, A. B or C.
Waiting in Ihe queue!
Man: li's awfully boring, isn't il? And I'm really Interviewer: ( lood afternoon, Madame Crystal,
tired of spending my hard-earned money- and welcome to Tea Time Chat.
on food that'? hardly worth eating. The Marjorie: Good afternoon, and thank you for
vegetables aren't fresh, and Ihe meal, inviting me. Hut please, call rise
well. I'm sure I'd gel sick if I ate it. Marjorie. I must admit I'm not too
Woman: W ell, hopefully the new supermarket keen on being called Madame Crystal.
opening up next month w ill he heller. Interviewer: I see. Could you explain that to us
please, Marjorie?
Question 7 Marjorie: Certainly. When I was younger,
some friends of mine decided I
You hear t.vo people talking about a friend. Casey.
needed publicity, and made up that
What is Casey's jo b ?
name. O f course, I should have
A a poet
stopped I hem, but I was rather shy
B a journalist
in those days.
C a sales representative
Interviewer: So, didn't you actually wan I lo
become a fortune teller?
Male: I saw Casey the other day. She's really
Marjorie: Oh, good gracious me, no! I’d much
moving up in Ihe world!
rather be a busy farmer's wife, bui
Female: Oh, I know. She's quite lucky really,
that didn't happen.
being offered her own regular page in
Interviewer: Can you tell us about your early life?
the newspaper. Hut Casey's such a
Marjorie: W ell, as long ago as I can rememl>er.
talented poet, I can see why. She's
I've been sensitive lo people and
probably brought them a lot of readers.
even I s. I seem to have some
Male: W ell, I don’t know. Not too many
understanding of what is happening
people I know lake the lime lo read
in their lives and how they feel. <)n
poetry these days. Everyone's too busy
some occasions, i can even sec in
Irving to make a living.
my mind some future event.
Interviewer: Can you describe such an event?
Question 8
Marjorie: Indeed. When I was ilhout six, I told
W hile waiting for your turn in a paint shop, you my older brother not to go cycling
hear a woman talking to the salesperson. What invar the river, because he’d be
colour paint does she need the m ost o f? chased in by a tiger. O f course, he
A white laughed at me, but that Saturday In-
B blue met a circus lorry with a liger in the
C pink back. The tiger couldn’t get out of
the lorry, but my poor brother got
W ell, let's see now. I'm going lo pairil the such a surprise he cycled righl inlo
Iwlhroom pink, and I've always wanted to have a the river. Luckily, he didn't gel hurt.

IJN 1 1 7 27
Interviewer: W hat (Jo you say to people now Marjorie: Oh yes! They give me real pleasure.
when you m x : something bad? One of the best was last year. My
Marjorie: Thai's a difficult situation. I avoid giving neighbour, who is forly-live, had lost
details and I tiy to make suggestions all inieresl in life because she
that will make (ha! person's life couldn't have any children. I asked
kippirr. For example, a woman once her to be patient, to wail for
came to me who was very unliappy al happiness for a litile longer, and that
work. I knew that she was going lo Chri.slmas she had lovely healthy
lost* her job, and I pressured her to try twins! It really changed her. She's
r<><illy hard lo be checrful because of like a happy tweniy-year-old now.
her children. I thought that, if llwy saw Interviewer: I'm sure you know I've got lots more
their mother miserabk\ they would be questions lo ask blit we'll take a
unlwppy iix). In Ihe end. she thanked break while we listen lo a record...
me for my advice because she found
another job, better than the one she
had before, and her children never
knew she luni been unemployed. IB 2A 3B 4B 5 C 6 C 7 A
interviewer: And whal about happy events'

The first sentence in each paragraph
Task 1

On the one hand Furthermore Task 6

In addition also
1 exlinct 2 habitat 3 imprisoned
4 wild 5 species
Task 2
1 a composition Task 7 (suggested ansvseks)
2 four 1 Those who agree with Ihe statement claim
3 zoos that the anim als can escape and get hurt. (2 )
4 ♦ zoos are cruel 2 On the other hand, some people believe that we
• animals need freedom to be happy can leam a lot from keeping wild animals. (3)
• other ways to educate people about animals 3 Biologists agree that it is bad to keep them in
5 • zoos are necessan/ isolation. (2 )
• to es educate people and let them see animals 4 Most people agree that keeping wild animals
• might be the only safe place for hunted animate can be dangerous. (2 )
• can help protect endangered species 5 Those in favour of keeping wild animals claim
that children love playing with exotic
Task 3 creatures. (3)
A para. 2 B para. 3 C para. 1 6 Som e people argue that it is cruel and
D para. 4 E para. 2 F para. 4 unnatural to keep them away from their
natural habitat. (2 )
Task 4 7 Those who disagree with the statement claim
that wild animals are more interesting and
1 d 2e 3 c 4a
entertaining than cats or dogs. (3)

28 U N IT 8
break on a Caribbean island. W e all
love swimming, and the Caribbean
Group work (suggested questions) Sea is beautiful.
W here could we keep a (pet dog) in a flat? Interviewer: That's really smart. I think a lot of
W hat do you need to provide a (guinea pig) with? singing groups work so hard, going from
How much does it cost to feed a (cat)? one city to the nexl, performing night
alter nighl, without I.iking a break.
Jody: Yes, you're quite right about that. W e ll
G eneral d iscu ssio n (suggestions)
be taking breaks throughout the tour. I
• Grandm other's parrot - in cage and loose in
don't see the point of making the band
living room - repeats her phrases (good perform when they aren't at Iheir liesl.
morning my dear, etc.) - sleeps with cloth
So. we never put on more than four
over cage - is 54 years old
concerts before saying "time out". W e
• pony - have pet of my own - learn to ride it rest for a few days, then Continue the
and take care of it - be friends with a kind (Our. It's worth il, because we all feel
and clever animal
much more relaxed and enthusiastic, so
• farmer, zoo keeper, vet
we give a better performance.
• vet - doing something useful when heiping
Interviewer: And now for the question our listeners
sick animals
have been waiting for me to ask.
• no - the cages seemed too small and animals According to a rumour that has been
bored would rather see a good documentary
going around, the Cats will be offering
of them in the wild, where they belong two free tickets lo Ihe band's firsl
performance in the tour, along with
LISTENING ■TEST 15 free transport and accommodation. Is
that true?
Transcript Jody: It most certainly is! And I would like you
to do tlx; hoixwrs. 1 think it would be a
You will hear pan of a radio interview with Jo d y,
nice idea to give this package to the third
lead singer of the Cuts, a famous rock group. For
<alkv. ( an we aruKXinc e a phone
questions 1 to 10. com plete the information. You
number so that people can call in at Ihe
will need to write a word or short phrase.
end of the show?
Interviewer: W e cerlainly tan. Ihe number to ring
interviewer; I understand that your band will be
is 740 And now,...
going on a world tour this year.
Where's your firsl stop going lo be?
Jody: W e're nol sure yet. Our lour won't Key
start for about six months. W e'll 1 six months 2 Europe
definitely begin the tour in Hurope, 3 4 Africa
probably Paris or Rorue. 5 different countries 6 swimming
interviewer: After Europe, where will ihe band go 7 four 8 relaxed
next? 9 free tickets 1 0 740 3329
Jody: Well, none of us have ever been to Asia,
so we're planning lo work our way east,
stopping in India, China and japan, LISTENING. TEST 16
interviewer: I hat's a big trip you've got ahead of
you! Transcript
Jody: And Ihat's only Ihe beginning, from You w ill hear five people talking about how they
lapan we'll be moving on to Africa, spend their free time. For speakers 1 to o.
where we've got ten concerts choose from the list A to F tho activity they
scheduled in eight different countries. describe. U se each letter only once. There is
After that, we'll be flying to Brazil. one extra letter which you do not need to use.
W e'd like to work our way up through
South America and return to the Speaker One
United States through Mexico. Thill W h o m e? I can't play a tune! I tried to learn when I
way the band will get to take a little was about six years old, but I w as hopeless. Either

I N IT 8 29
you have a lakmt or you don’t. What I really like is lo Speaker Four
hear.) good piano performance. It makes me fcel Sure, I enjoy watching the lolly now and then. I! t an
really peaceful, I suppose. M y friistds ihink I'm 1)P quile relaxing, but I get a bit bored silling tor too
Strange, 'cause they ail listen lo rave and techno. long. I'm an active person. I like lo create things in
my tree time. 1ike last wcx:kend, I spent Saturday in
Speaker Two the kitchen and made a real feast. I h(>dosserl was
Well, the truth is (hat I hale studying! M y parents are the best port. Chocolate cheesecake! I'd never made
always yelling at me, Idling me lo do my homework. I one before, but it was excellent, if I say so myself!
jusi pul a book I'm enjoying inside my<x»ur.solxx>k, so
when llicy come into my r<K>m.. lluTy'll Ihink I'm Speaker Five
studying. I'd much rather read a good adventure story I might try to get something publislied when I’m
than try to k-arn all lhal history'! older, but right now 1just do il for myself. I've never
shown mv work lo anyone. I'd be too embarrassed.
Speaker Three I mean, whal if somebody laughs or something? Or
I'm a cook. I spend all day in tho kitchen and ail whal if they, uh, recognise themselves in one of the
evening reading new recipes. Can't say that l characters and get angry with me?
particularly enjoy reading either. It jusl goes with
the job. W hat I do like is playing my guitar when I
have a chance. It's Ihe only thing that relaxes me. Key
All my troubles seem to disappear for a lit He while, 1F 2 B 3E 4A 5D
you know?

Task 3
1 B para. 3 2 A para. 2
Task 1
3 D para. 1 4 C para. 2
1 ... you really should make an appointment
with the school counsellor. Task 4
2 ... if I were you, I would join an after-school 1 will 2 must 3 mightn’t 4 can 5 will
3 ... I think the best thing would be to arrange T a sk 5
a meeting with your maths teacher,
a ...To begin with, 1f 2 g 3d 4b 5C 6e 7a
b ...Also.
c ...Finally, {regarding your studies.) Task 6

1 play truant 2 Let me know

Task 2 3 in the meantime 4 Regarding your problem
1 letter, friend, giving advice, cope with, problem 5 in the long run
2 a letter
3 a friend
Task 7 (suggested answez)
4 to give advice
5 appointment with school counsellor To begin with, you should make a list o? the
join after-school activity (art clu’o) clothes you want, sc you don’t buy something
meeting with maths teacher (ask for student you don’t really need. Another thing you could
tutor?) do is find out which shops are having sales.

30 I JIMIT 9
Thai could save money! If I were you, I would
buy clothes that QO with on© another, so that
you can wear them more often. Finally. I suggest
that you take a frienc with you to advise you Transcript
when you try dothes on. In that w ay you will be You'll hear people talking in eight different
certain that what you buy is rich* for you. situations. For questions 1 to 8. choose the best
an$wor, A. 3 or C.

Task 8 (suggested answezs)

Question 1
II was lovely to get your letter, though I'm
You hear a girl talking in the corridor at school.
j sorn/ to hear you're having such difficulty in
What is she planning lo d o?
getting new clothes. I know how it -fools trying
A throw a surprise birthday parly
to buy clothes with oniy a little money. B buy a special birthday gift
C make a birthday cake
Onos again, I know how hard shopping on a
tght budget can be. but you'll manage. Write back Shh... I don't want the leac her lo hoar us! That'!!
soon and let me know how your shopping goes. spoil Ihe surprise! Now, v w 'v c gol lo do is
go to the shop and buy all the ingredients we
SPEAKING need... flour, eggs and chocolate, I Ihink. Then we
can go to my Ikhjsc and make it. I know ihe
Group w ork (possible pieces c$ advice) teacher is usually worried about her weight, but
1 • ask friend to think about why he/she does this I'm sure she’ll make an exception for her birthday!
and what would happen if he/she were caught
• do parents pay enough attentior to him/her? Question 2
• get help from a psychologist? You hear part o f an advertisem ent on the radio.
2 • be sure to get some exercise every day What is being so ld ?
• don't work too late A cars
• eat healthy food B motorcycles
• d o n ’t drink too m uch coffee or too m a n y C bicycles
fizzy drinks
• do something relaxing (like listening to ... That's right, everyone, wo're having our annual
music) end-ol-year sale! .And for those mothers out Ihere
3 • don’t put pressure on parents - you'll make who are worried alioul their children's safety, well
them unhappy this is tlx; place to be unlay. W e're giving away a free
• get part-time job - washing cars or windows, child seal with the first twelve puretwses today. So
delivering newspapers, walking dogs, come on, and gel one for each member of your
baby-sitting family! Go cycling together, and keep tit. without
harming the environment. Ihe faster you pedal, the
General d iscu ssio n (suggestions) fitter vexi gcH!

• (according to circum stances)

• - advantages - have all of parents' attention. Question 3
don't have lo share room: clothes or toys A young man is telling his sister about a job he
- disadvantages - lonely at times, need applied for and didn 't get. What does he think
friends near house, no-one of similar age to the reason is ?
share problems with A He has no work experience.
• have more time than parents do to find out B There were a lot of other applicants.
) how you feel, give advice, discuss things, C He didn't do well in Ihe interview.
help you learn how to get on with people
• nice to have a place of your own . but need Yes, it's a pit)' about the job - I was really hoping
com pany a lot of the time - good to be with I'd gel il. But I'm not really suprised. Ihe interview
others, have good relationships - support was okay, though I ielt really nervous and I know I
and help one another said a couple of silly things. Bui there were at least
fifty other applicants and most of them had
previous ex[>erioiuo. So why should someone
who's just left school be successful?
l!N IT *) 31
Question 4 Question 7

You are listening to a person talking on a public W hile waiting in a queue at the bank, you hear
phone- How is the caller feeling? five men talking. When they leave the hank,
A happy what w ill they do first?
B disappointed A make some photocopies
C dreamy B go to the hospital
C pay the phone bill
... O li, I jusl i k -v i t expected il lo fie like (his. I had
suc.h high hopes, you know, and. now, oh, I jusl First man: As soon as we finish here, we've gol
can't get over it! I'd been planning and well, to go to the hospital to visit Sue.
d raining about this for so long, and ali for Second man: i know, but we can't do that until
nothing. All for nothing. Things just never turn out after we've paid the phone bill. The
the way we expect, do they? I shouldn't have office closes in about an hour.
bothered in the first place. First man: C)h, you're right. W e'd Ix'tter hurry
then, because I've just remembered
Question 5 that I've also got to make some
plmUxopies. W e could do that tin our
You hear a mother talking to her son. What is way to the hospital.
she angry about right now ?
A her son’s marks at school Question 8
B the fact that her son lied to her
C her son's failure to do his homework You hear a tcach cr talking about her job. What
does she like m ost about it?
Now look, Christopher! W e both know that you're A the money she earns
capable of getting belter marks than that. And B the com pany of young people
you're usually responsible enough to get your C being educated by her students
homework done, even though you didn't do it this
time. But you should've been honest with me!! ... Yes, it's very rewarding. I really enjoy being around
Don't you know thal you can talk to rne about young |>eop!e. They're so full of hope, and I always try
anything? I just don't undwstund how you could do lo help llx-m turn their dreams into reality. But Ihe
such a thing! Next time, please tell me the truth! truth is tliat I teach for one reason: because I like
learning. Sometimes I Ihink my sludenls leach me
iw e than I teach them! Of course, tlx; money's not
Question 6
fantastic, but you can't have everything. I suppose.
You hear about a contest on the radio. What prize
w ill the winner o ( third place receive?
A a camera Key
B a free holiday 1C ; 2C 3A 4 B 5B 6C 7C 8C
C a bicycle
... So come and join us on Saturday night for our
fifth annual dance contest. The winner will receive
an all-cxpenses-|>aid Irip lo Jamaica! But that's riot
all we’re giving away. W e also have second, third Listen to an interview with a chef who has
.lnd fourth plat e prizes. Setoiul plate wins a new recently retired. For questions I to 7 choose the
stereo, third place gets a mountain bike, and the best answer. A, B or C.
last five couples to remain on the dance floor will
cach be given a new camera. Now doesn't that interviewer: So, Monsieur de Gaulle, you've just
sound like a night you won't want to miss? retired after thirty years as a chef. I
hour you’re writing an autobiography. I
hope there'll be plenty of recipes in it.
Chef: Well no, actually, lots of people would
lie inlenviled, but lllis isn't going lo be a
i ookcry book. M y rwipes are secret,
and I want them to stay that way.

32 CNIT 9
Interviewer: So what are von going lo put in the Interviewer: I'm glad you mentioned that. I
book? wanted to ask you about the price of
Chef: I'm goinj’ lo describe some of Ihe meals in world-class restaurants.
experiences I had working in the Don't you think it's a bit silly lo pay
world's top restaurants. People are so much for food?
always more interesting than food, Chef: Yes. 1 do as a mailer of fact. When my
and some of Ihe people I met were wife and I go out to eat, we always go
very unusual. to small, cheap places. It's Irue thai
Interviewer: Tell us about some of them. there's nol much variety, but the
Chef: My favourite is probably Ms Wiley. She food’s always healthy and tasty.
should have been a chef herself; she Interviewer: Speakin" of health, how imjx)rtant is
knew every ingredienl of a dish just by food il we want to stay well?
tasting il. she used to say lhal my Chef: It's very important. I'm almost
cookiiig was a work of art, and lhat Ihe vegetarian; I only eat meat about
only difference Ix'iwfen my cooking and twice a year. Fresh fruit and
a famous painting was llwi ihe painting vegetables are what I like best, nol
would slill be there the nexl day. this modern take-away stuff like
Interviewer: Anc whal about the places you hamburgers, which are full of
worked in? chemicals. I must admit 1 have a
Chef: Ah... I he best was probably the passion lor sweel things. I cat them
•Windsor", it was also the most evety day, but I have to taste my
expensive. People expected everything own desserts, don't I?
to be perfect and il usually was. We Interviewer: What advice would you give lo
grew our own fruit and vegetables, and people who want to become chefs?
the lish came out of a nearby riviT. And Chef: They should only do il if Ihey really
nothing was kepi in the fridge overnight. want to. ( ihefs get paid much less
Anything left over was thrown away, or than people think, and the working
given lo tl-.e staff to take home. hours are bad. You never finish before
Interviewer: So, overall, you enjoyed your career' midnight and weekends are always
Chef: It's true that I wouldn't have been busy, but il's great when people
happy doing anything dse. But it's a appreciate whal you've prepared.
stressful job, you know. A bit too much Interviewer: I'm sure it is. Many (hanks for talking
lemon juice in a sauce, not enough lo us.
terbs in a salad, ami your reputation
Miners And you hove to work fast.
I lungiy [>eople hate waiting csjxh ially Key
when they kr<ow how much their meal 1C 2 C 3 B 4A 5C 6 C 7B
is going to cost.
WRITING-KEY Task 7 (suggested ansv/ez)

T ask 1 Water was swirling around the shops and down

into the basements and people were trying to
As soon as Moments later sweep the water away. M y sister and I had just
For a second Then started going down in the lift when the electricity
Later within moments went off. After a moment of shock we started
shouting for heip. but v;e had to stay in the lift for
Task 2 ages before the fire brigade finally arrived. When
1 a short story we were safely back upstairs, all we could do
2 for a competition was look cut at the residents' cars floating down
3 the past the street.
4 "I had just got ready for bed. when..." at the
beginning of the stop/ SPEAKING
Group work
Task 3
Accept any sensible answers using the words
1E 2 B 3C 40 5 A
G eneral discussion (suggestions)
T ask 4 o see list in Task 6 on page 66 • aiso, drought,
1 had phoned 2 had been trying epidem ic
3 had escaped 4 had seen * describe damage, dangers, fear, worries,
5 were still searching people's reactions
• free answer
Task 5 * car accidents, fires
animals becoming extinct
1 disasters 2 fire 3 panic Speed, carelessness, thoughtlessness
4 flames 5 blazing 6 collapsed • people lose lives, cities get destroyed, areas
becom e polluted
Test 6

flood sinking, drowning, swirling water, LISTENING •TEST 19

ruined buildings
tornado wild wind, furniture flying through Transcript
tho air, like a gigantic funnel,
You hear a couple that is looking for a house
ruined buildings
talking to an estate agent. For questions 1 to 10
avalanche freezing, pure white, moving wall
fill in the estate agent's form. You w ill need to
of snow, warning rumble, ruined
write a word or short phrase.
buildings, sniffer dogs
earthquake warning rumble, ruined buildings,
Wife: I know you were thinking of Cornwall,
sniffer dogs
but l’<i really like to live in South
forest fire raging flames, blackened
London. You know how important it is
branches, ruined buildings
for me to close to my family.
shipwreck freezing, wild wind, sinking,
Husband: O f course, dear. I don’t mind. South
drowning, empty sea, swirling water
London's fine. The important ihinj; is
snowstorm freezing, wild wind, pure white
that we want something fairly
economical. W e simply can't afford
anything over £310,000. W ill that be

34 U N IT 10
Estate agent: W ell, that'll depend on what you're Speaker One
looking for. Tor example, are you I never liked the idea of learning a second
interested in a town house? language. M y parents could never get me to study.
Wife: ( )h, I could never live in one of those! I failed Spanish when I was at high school. And
No! a town house! W e definitely want now here I am, at the age of 45, trying to learn a
a bungalow, don't we, dear? whole new way of communicating! I don't want to
Husband: Whatever you say, sweetheart. You're lose my job. And let me tell you, at my age it's
the boss. The thing is, we're in a bit awfully hard lo rcmemlxT all this stuff. Hut I'll have
of a hurry. I'rn starting a new job to try - a lot of the customers don't speak English.
after Christmas so we'd like to move
in at the end of November. I just Speaker Two
can't fac e a new job if w ere Still in I'm jus! doing this for myself. I enjoy it, to tell you
the process of moving in! the: truth. I studied literature* a! university, and there
Wife: Now. we need a house that has a are a lot of fantastic poets that I've never been able
master bedroom and two other to read in the original language. O f course. I've read
bedrcx>m$ for the children. And we translations, but it's not the same, you know. That's
must have two Ixathrooms. It’s also the main reason. Besides, it's fun doing something
important for the kitchen to be quite challenging • it keeps my brain working.
large because we spend quite a lot of
lime in there. And the children like to Speaker Three
do their homework al the (able while I hate all this studying! And it's not fair that I have to
I'm cooking. sit in my room even,' day tor two hours this summer
Husband: And there has to be a fireplace. Two while my friends go lo tile: pool. But my father's in
if possible! the army and I've got to go to school in France next
Wife: Oh yes. I'd love that! year. Dad says I can't go to the school on the army
Estate agent: I ll see what I can do. Is there base- because I won't get a "quality education". But i
anything else you want the house to don't see how I'm going to learn anything when the
have*? A garage, perhaps? teacher's going to be talking really fast and using
Husband: Oh, yes. I d forgotten. Yes, a garage' words I don't know. I've been studying for two
big enough for two cars - the children months nowand I still can'l understand wfial they
will soon be old enough to drive. say on those tapes Mum makes me listen to.
Wife: And we'd like* a garden. Not loo small,
Speaker Four
you know - big enough to plant trees
W e've been living abroad for almost six months and I
in. Oh, its going to be lovely!
can’t understand anything! I mean, I can go shopping
and ask for basic things like bread and milk, and I can
Key count to ten now, but I want to make some friends.
There aren't many English-speaking people around
1 South London 2 £310.000
Iw e, I mean except for adults, and they're: so boring!
3 bungalow 4 the end of
All they ever talk about is business, or they ask you
5 three 6 two
stupid questions all the time, like "What are you
7 large 8 two
doing at school this year, I erry?" and "1 lave you
9 two cars 10 trees (in)
made any friends yet?"

LISTENING ■TEST 20 Speaker Five

I'm studying international law at a university in Madrid.
Transcript I already speak Spanish, but they won't let me
continue with the* course* unless I learn another
Listen to fi'/e different people talking about why
language. Professor Lorca says that it will help me: with
(hey s/e learning a foreign language. For speakers
my studies, being able to read more legal books in the
1 to 5, choose from the list A (o F ihe reason each
original language. And, of course, when I graduate I II
person gives. Use the letters only once. There is
be dealing with clients from all over Ihe world.
one extra letter which you do not need to use.

1D ' 2F 3B 4 C 5E
t M l 10 35
r UNIT 11
WRITING KEY Task 7 (suggested ans*ezs)

Task 1 I would love it if you cam e to my party. I have

invited over fifty people and there will be lots of
we could eat at... dancing. W e could Spend the day shopping for
I thought we might sec... clothes. Then we might have dinner at a
we could look round... Chinese restaurant before the party starts. I also
M aybe we could buy... thought that we could bake a cake for the parly.
w e can finish off with...
Task 8
Task 2
Accept any suitable correct answers.
1 a complex of eight cinemas
2 a music shop
3 a cafe SPEAKING
4 three fast food restaurants
Group work (suggested questions)

It has even/thing - food, films, a music shop How much does it cost to go to the (disco)?
and cafe... What time are films shown at The cinem a?
or W hat time do films start?
... one of the fast food restaurants.
... at the cinem a complex. Where is the (theatre) and how would we get there?
... the music shop...
There's even a cafe inside the shop... G eneral d iscu ssio n (suggestions)
• cafe, leisure centre, take part in sporting
Task 3 activities
• free answers
1 a letter (of invitation) • watching TV. playing team sports, computer
2 a friend gam es
3 informal • live music concert - different from listening to CD,
4 to give details and to invite your friend see the performers, enjoy the atmosphere
5 see film
buy CDs
have juice at cafe LISTENING ■TEST 21
have meal at fast food restaurant
meet at 6 pm Transcript
You'll hear people talking in eight different
Task 4 situations. For questions 1 to 8. choose the best
answer, A, B or C.
t para. 3 2 para. 3 3 para. 1
4 para. 2 5 para. 2
Question 1
T a sk 5 Listen to this woman talking to a friend on the
1 a at 2 a at 3 a al 4 a on 5 a in phone. Why didn't she go to the party they'd
been invited to?
b on b in b in b in b at
NB: 3a “in" the church contrasts with "outside" the A Sh e had a previous engagement.
B Sh e didn't want to go.
church, but the event takes pJace "at" the church.
C Sh e wasn't feeling well.
Task 6
I’m glad you had a good lime. I wish I could have
1 finished off 2 in any case b elli there. I was supposed to have dinner with
3 make it 4 kept in touch my boss lhal night to discuss a business trip I've
5 to browse/browsing 6 on me got to go on. fPAUSCl I didn't tell you? Yes, I'm
going lo Brussels for a week. But anyway, I'd
36 IM T 1I
arranged to do that another night and then I came Question 5
down wilh ihis cold. I Hud a temperature and had
You overhear a man talking on a payphone.
lo slay in bod for two days.
What is he most angry about?
A Harvey got a pay rise.
Question 2 B H arvey was given a com pany car.
You hear a neighbour in the corridor outside C Harvey earns more than he does.
your Hat com plaining about a loud noise. What
is making that n o ise? I can't believe I larwy got a company car! I've lieen
A a burglar alarm asking for oix? for ages, and lx: hasn't even been
B a car alarm working here for a year! I'm so angry, I fee! as if I'm
C on am bulance siren going to explode. [PAUSE] But that's supposed lo be
a special benefit, you know, something you are given
I can’t static! any more of this! It’s hard enough lo as a reward for years of hard work. II also lx>lhervtl
sleep .is it is without this sort of thing waking me up me that they've already given him a rise in pay.
in (hr middle of (hi- night. Those Ihings should lx* [PAIJSK Yeah, I earn more, bill that's not the point! I
illegal. Nobody pays any attention to them anyway. haven't had a rise for over a year!
Mosl of (hr lime it's bre ause m h w cat jumped off a
balcony and landed on ihe vehicle. If someone's going Question 6
to steal a cor, one of those things won’t stop him!
You hear an advertisem ent on the radio. How
long w ill the sp ecial offer last?
Question 3
A 3 days
You hear a conversation between hvo people at B 6 days
a party. What is the relationship between the C 8 days
A They've just met for the first time. Come and do your shojjping at Buckley's. This is an
B They're very good friends. opportunity you won't want to miss! Tint's right,
C They have met before, but they're not everything will be 50% off beginning on Ihtirsday
close friends. morning. The sale will carry on through the weekend -
that's right, we'll be open on Sunday tor this special
Wom an:... Oh I agree. This isn't my kind of thing <xcasie*). This offer ends al closing lime nexl
either. I prefer a nice quiet dinner with Thursday, so don’t miss out on a lot of great bargains!
Man: Well, then, you're my kii>d of person. Bui I Question 7
must admit. I’m glad I came. I wouldn't have
You hear a woman talking about her new car. What
had Ihe pkvisnreof mneling you, otherwise.
was her main reason for buying this particular car?
M y name’s Theodore Harris, by the way.
A colour
B price
Question 4 C size
You arc listening to a m essage on your answering
machine. Why did (he caller phone? It's a real beauty, isn't it? Okay, so it wasn't exactly tlx?
A to borrow your camera cheapest one, but it’s definitely the liest. I he engine is
B to invite you to the cinem a lop quality. The best ihing is. it's Ihe perfect sue for
C to chat my family. The kids, the dogs, everyone fits. It's really
comfortable few lexig Jri;>s, plenty erf nxxn on the seals
Hi! It’s me! Just called lo talk, nothing much going and the bool is huge. The oilier thing I like is this
on around here. (Jive me a ring when you get in. fabulous bh:e. I’ve never seen anything like it before.
I'll be home dll day. Maybe we could see a film
tonight or something. Oh, now that I think of it, Question 3
could I borrow your camera? I'm going away next
You hear a man talking to his friend in the seat
weekend and mine’s still in the repair shop.
behind you at the cinema. How in ho feeling?
A embarrassed
B guilty
C disappointed

U N IT 1 1 37
Man: How am 1supposed to deal with this? I Stacy: W ell, I know one thing. As soon as
mean, Ihe disappointment is bad enough, I'm 18 years old, I'm going lo move
but, oh. how am I going to face back to Liverpool. I'm going to be on
everybody? W hy do I do such silly things? the stage. I've always wanted to be
How do I always manage to draw involved in the theatre. I'm not letting
allenlion lo myself like thal? any gangs stop me!
Woman: You shouldn't worry about it. People have Mr. Bartlett: W ell, you've got a few years yet,
short memories, you know. In a couple of Stacy. Now, why don't we stop
days they'll have forgotten all about it. arguing about this? W e do have a
dinner guest, you know.
Key Mr. Ericson: Oil. well, that's all right. I know how
1C 2 B 3A 4 C 5 B 6 C 7C 8A children are. I've got two of my own,
you know.
Mr. Bartlett: So, lell us, where were you living
before you moved here to Winfield?
Mr. t r it o n : I was born and raised in Scotland.
Transcript Now Ihere's a place vour daughter
You w ill hear M r Bartlett and his daughter Stecy would love! My family and I try lo
talking to Mr. Ericson, $ dinner guest. For visit once a year, at least. M y children
questions 1 to 7. decide whether the statements love it there, too. But you know how
are true or false and mark T for True, or F tor False. il is, Mr. Barllell, you have to go
where the work is! I was lucky lo gel
Mr. Bartlett: Yes, we've been here for, how long this job at the hospital. And I hope
Sla<y? Six years? that, after one or two years. I’ll be
Stacy: Five, Daddy. Don't you remember, we able lo gel a position in one of tile
moved here when I was in the fourth Scottish hospitals.
year of primary school? I’ll never forget Mr. Barllell: W ell, that sounds like a good plan.
ill II was awful having lo go lo a new W e've decided to stay here
school in the middle of the year. {xmnanenlly. W e're quilt* happy here,
Everybody' kept staring at me, and 1 and oven though Stacy has been
thought I'd never make any friends! complaining, she has a good life here.
Mr. Bartlett: Bui you've gol plenty ol Iriends now, She's involved in Ihe drama club al
haven't you, Stacy? You never stop school, and she's on the swimming
talking on the phone! team. She’s also the school's star
Stacy: Well, (here's nothing else lo do in basketball player for the girl's team.
I his boring liule town. People around Stacy: Well Ihal's not difficult! I'm Ihe tallest
here get excitcd about going to the one on the leam, you know! I want
cinema, there's so litlle else to do! to try out tor the football team, but
Mr. Bartlett: You know how children are. Never they don't allow girls lo play. I don't
satisfied. W e moved here mainly think that's fair al all. I know I'd be a
because my wife and I didn’t want to great player!
raise Stacy in I iverpool. It might have
had more lo offer in terms of
entertainment, but the state school Key
system was terrible, not to mention 1F " 2 F 3 F 4T 5T 6T 7F
dangerous. There were gangs al my
daughter’s school. Every day I worried
that she wouldn’t make it home. Do
you know how many children end up
in hospital because of gang fights at
Mr. Ericson: (_)h, yes, it's terrible. It's not only
happening in liverpool, you know.
Even faiily small towns are dealing
with these sorts of problems now.

38 u n it n
WRITING-KEY Task 8 (suggested answezs)

Task 1 Paragraph 2
Subheading Adventure Films
in my opinion... Topic Sentence The most popular type of film
Personally, I think... is the adventure film.
On the whole. I feei that... Paragraph 3
Sub-heading Love Stories
Task 2 Topic Sentence Love stories are widely enjoyed
by a large number of people.
1 a report
2 the principal of your col log©
3 young people's magazines SPEAKING
4 three
Group work (suggested questions)
T ask 3 How many issues per year does the (music)
magazine have?
Topic sentences: 2. 4 . 5 How many pages are there in tho (sports)
Task 4 W hat are the main features of the (wildlife)
1 tend to be 2 illustrations 3 category magazine?
4 keen on 5 fall into
G eneral d iscussio n (suggestions)
Task 5 • 'Scien ce Now" - keeps me up-to-date with
developments in science and technology,
1 biography 2 mystery explains difficult ideas very clearly
3 adventure story 4 sciencc fiction • howto understand astrology and palm reading
5 love story 6 com ic book • probably - magazines have up-to-date
articles, lots of fantastic pictures, interviews
Task 6 (suggested answ & s) with famous people, different articles can be
read on different days, don't have to read the
- The next most popular type of television
whole magazine unless you want to
programme is wildlife documentaries.
• free answers
- 1 think that these documentaries arc both
entertaining and educational.
T ask 7 (suggested answeis)

These usually contain lots of action scenes such

as car chases. Young people like them very You w ill hear a teacher giving inform ation to
much, and say they are exciting. In my opinion, now students on their first day at school.
they provide quite good entertainment. For questions 1 to 10. com plete the noies that
sum m arise what the teacher says.
The story line is always the sam e - a man fails
in love with a woman or a woman falls in love W HI, now thal we all kixw <\lillk* tv:<h oilier,
with a man. They usually have a happy ending I'm going lo Id I you some IKings about your timetable:
and tend to be popular among teenagers and the different subjects you will be doing this year.
although, personally, I find them rather boring. Firstly, you will h;m: most of your lessons in this
classroom. I know that students go to <idifferent
dassroom for cach lesson in some schools, but here
it's the teachers go to different classrooms. There
will lx* a five-rninule break lx‘tween e<xh lesson,
when you will be allowed to talk lo your classmates,
I N IT \ 2 39
but you are no; allowed to leave Ihe room. After the
third lesson, there is a Iwenty-minule break, when LISTENING - TEST 24
everyone has to 150outside'. Ihe school slx>p will be
optvi during this break, but you ,ire no* allowed to Transcript
bring food or drink bade into the classroom. The- you will hear five different people talking about their
le-ssons for which you won't stay in this classroom Summer holiday. Fo r speakers 1 to 5, choose from
are*: music, arl, woodwork, science add gymnastics. the list A to F ifre holiday they describe. There is
WheMt you have any of those subjects, you should one extra fetter which you do not need to use.
leave all unnecessary ::ooks and tiiii^'.s in your desk in
this classroom. N'o othif elasses will ix- using this Speaker One
room, so you nexnln’t worry aliout your be'longings. Oh, it was diwolutely lovely! I'd never been to the:
On tin- days when you have gymnastics make- sure Mediterranean ix'lore -whal gorgeous mountains we
llwt you bring sports shoes, shorts anei a [ -shir!. Any saw! Arxl the swimming was gresil! What I likexi
student who forgets will be marked as absent from most, ol course, was being with a small group of
class 1hat day. friends. W e all look turns navigating, although
Now about reporls. Reports are: given out every- three actually, I wasn'l much help as I'd never been on a
months, anei they contain grades and comments for sailboat lx»fore. Bui there's a firs I lime for everything,
e-ae-h subject. They must Ik- signed by a parent, and right? I'd love to have my own boat one day.
returned to the S( hool. There will also be a parent-
teacher meeting twit i' a year, where your progress, Speaker two
and any problems, can be discussed. 11 is a good Yes, we were away lor six weeks. Fabulous,
opportunity for your teachers to find exit more aboul fabulous. M y wife and I have* done this every year
you. and you are' wetconx; !e>cxime to these' meetings tor the' past ten yewrs. It keeps us really lit. I'ei say we
too if yenj wish. W e also organist- excursions once? a cycled about thirty' kilometres a day. li might sound
month. Each class will have the chance* to visit like a lot. but it's nothing rerally. O f course* we
exhit»iiions, museaims and theatres with the’ir slopped pedalling for a break every so ofte-n. look a
teachers. W e expe\:l you will all have an interesting swim, had something to eat. yexi know. And Ihen
time. Also, at the end of tlx- year we: have a school every four or live days we’d take a ciay off and jusi
festival. Everyone looks forward to this; there are lie- on the beach, getting a gtx»d tan.
displays of stude-nls' artwork, concerts performed by
the music classes, anei a dance competition. The Speaker Three
highlight of Ihe festival is the multicultural dinner, with Samantha and I like to gel away from everybody
food from all over the world. when we go 0:1 holiday. W e don't want to see- any
Finally - if any of you feel ill al any time, you should people or <ars or shops. Just nature' and clean frc>sh
ask your teacher for permission lo visit the school air, that's what we like. There's a beautiful lake up
nurse. She has a specially-equipped dink: on the first there; where we have a swim trverv morning l>efore
flexjr, and has been looking after our students for breakfast, except when it's snowing. Samantha
more than ten years. Of course, I hope that none of usually sits in a rocking if lair on the veranda
you will fex-l ill, and that you'll all leaver <1 healthy anei reading a book in the afternoon while I go out
successful year. Now, any questions? fishing. 1 hat’s my favourite pas lime. W e always
take our ele>galong, of course. Samantha gets a bit
nervous being up there- all alone, though we do
Keyy have* locks on ihe* doors.
1 tcachers
2 five minutes Speaker Four
3 go Outside This might have been the most expensive holiday
4 food or drink I've ever lieen on. but it was certainly worthwhile.
5 shorts I:\er since eJrar Barney died three; years ago, I'd
6 three months bee'ii feeling pretty lonely. This holiday was just the
7 twice a year thing I needed. We- visited so many places that I'd
8 museums only soon em IV, you kneiw, incredibly beautiful
9 all over the world islands with crystal clear water. Some dolphins
1 0 the first ficor followed us a couple of time's, lovely crealures, they
are. Anei the ship was great... lalk about luxury!

40 U N IT 12
Speaker Five every evening - we usually have pretty good luck.
M y friends and I go to the same place down on Al likes (o cook, so we always try lo make sure he
the coast every summer. Some of us are divorced, comes along! Otherwise, there wouldn't i>e much
some of us hove never got married, and all of us point in fishing. I don't know how A! can stand
jusl want to have a good linn*. W e bought a house cleaning those things!
close lo Ihe heach a few years back. K en if we gel
married someday, we can still share ihe house,
you know, use i! ul different times during Ihe Key
summer. I his year (here were six of us. Jake and 1D* 2B 3A 4 F 5E
Andy are my fishing mates. W o go out on the pier


1 overnight 2 full time 3 attend

Task 1
4 appreciate 5 employer 6 time off
Para.1 Thanks for invitation
Declines invitation Task 7 (suggested answez)
Para.3 Hope show is success
Apologise I must explain that it is my grandmother s 1 0 1 st
birthday on the 9th of March anc the family is
Thanks again
having a birthday party for her. You will
understand that she will expect to see me there
Task 2
for this very special occasion and would be
1 Your teacher, invitation, apologising, not able very disappointed if I cid not attend. I would,
to accept however, very much like lo see the catalogue
2 a letter for the art exhibition and I would appreciate it if
3 your teacher you could send me a copy.
4 formal
5 to apologise for not being able lo accept the Task 8 (suggested an svet)
I am writing to thank you for your invitation to
6 - thank for invitation
the young artists' exhibition on Monday the 9th
- decline {say why)
of March. It would have been wonderful to see
- express interest in event
everyone again but, unfortunately. I won’t be
- apologise
able to attend.

Task 3 I hope the art exhibition is a groat success. I

1 first 2 first 3 third am sorry I will not be able to attend. I would
like to thank you again for the invitation.
Task 4

eg - opening arid dosing formalities, indentation, SPEAKING

gaps between paragraphs
Group work (suggested questions)
W hat type of shop is the (first) one?
Task 5
Are both tracksuits and trainers available in the
1C 2E 3B 4A 50 (second) shop?
How much do tracksuits cost in the (third) shop?

U N IT I.> 41
General d iscu ssio n (Suggestions) whal happens in the end - you'll probably go and
• range of styles and colours, quality of see it yourself.
clothes, reasonable prices Question 3
• boys' jewellery (earrings, ctc.), very long W hile eating dinner in a restaurant, you hoar
shorts, platform shoes, fur coats another custom er com plaining to ihe manager.
• have some influence because they are Why is she angry?
paying, but listen to my views too A The waiter was rude.
• not very - clothes must be suitable for my age B Sh e had to pay too much.
group, but not necessarily the same as other C Sh e didn’t get what she ordered.
young people wear - not interested in brand
names - have my own style It's bad enough that ihe waiter was ini rcdibly slow,
but lo try and make me pay for a three-course meal
LISTENING •TEST 25 when .ill I bad was a glass of orange juice is jusl
ridiculous! It’s Such an expensive restaurant. I
Transcript certainly won't be coming here again, and I'm going
lo lell rriy friends not to either. Imagine, trying to
You'll hear people talking in eight different
fool Ihe c u s Io h h t n like that!
situations. For questions 1 to 8. choose the best
answer. A. B or C.
Question 4

Question 1 Listen to this conversation about painting.

Who is talking?
Listen fo this conversation betw een a woman
A two radio presenters
and her daughter. W here are they going?
B two television presenters
A shopping
C two friends
B to a relative's house
C to the beach
Man: II seems Ibill watercolours require a
completely different lechnique from
Mother: Hurry up, love. W e don't want to be drawing in pencil.
late. W c can stop at the shops on (he Woman: Oh, yes, you see here? - That's right
way .ind get some food. guys, lurn the camera Ibis way - I his is a
Daughter: I ’m nearly ready. I’m just looking for
perfect example of how difficuli il can i>e
m y suncream.
to capture a person's face when you liy
Mother: It's in the bathroom. And gel a few lo do <i portrait with watercolours. These
towels while you're there, will you? problems don't t ome up when you're
Your father's probably forgotten to pack using pencil. Last week we studied oil
them. Now do hurry. Your cousins are painting, and again, as you saw during
probably already there. our demonstration, the skills involved are
quite different.
Question 2
You hear a young man telling a story. What is he Question 5
talking about? While standing in the queue at the cinem a, you
A a book hear a man talking to a friend. What is he asking
B a film his friend to d o ?
C a play A lend him some money
8 give him som e money
So Ihen ihe woman just disappears one day. and C put m oney into a business he is starting
her husband hires <i delective to look for her. And
that's where the story gets really exciting. You see, If I don't gel this car I'm going to lose my mind!
his wife wanted it to seem that slic'd been I'm getting sick of riding around the city on a
kidnapped or something, but really she'd gone to motorcycle. All I need is a few hundred founds
Mexico •great photography, lei me tell you - to and I'll work like a slave to pay it bark. Go on -
live a new life on her own. I'd belter not lell you you can afford il.

42 U N IT 13
Question 6
You hear a woman talking about a house.
Who is sh e ? Transcript
A an architect You will hear a conversation between an elderly
B the owner
couple and a young man looking fo ra room to let.
C a buyer
For questions 1 to 7. answer tho question by
marking W for Woman. M for Man and S for Steve.
I know it's a hit expensive, but it's the perfect house Steve: Hello, I'm Steve. I've come about Ihe
for a family that size. I designed it myself, because
room. W e spoke on the phone about an
only mothers know what a house really needs. I had hour ago.
to have lots of windows, and a laundry room was Woman: Oh, yes! Come in, come in. |CALLS O lJlj
absolutely necessary - I've got five children, you Nick, Steve's here. He wants lo look at
know! Look, why don't you discuss it with your the room.
husband and give me a ring .sometime next week'
.Han: I'll be then* in a minute. I his shower's Still
leaking. There's water all over Ihe floor!
Question 7 Woman: Oh! He's just joking, aren't you Nick?
W hile waiting in the queue at the public library, The shower's fine, really. W ell, let me
you hear a young man talking to the librarian. show you the room. It's upstairs,
What is he com plaining about? opposite our room. It was my son's
A The library opens too early. room, but now he’s working in
B The library closes loo early. Newcastle, so we thought we'd get a
C The library doesn't have enough videos. little extra money. Our pensions jusl
don’t cover the bills.
Yes, yes, I realize that you don't have enough staff. Steve: Makes sense to me. Now, does the
And I was only joking when I said you should have room have healing? A phone, perhaps?
more videos; I prefer liooks myself. But I don't see And I need lo know if you have any rules
why you can't stay open later - jusl an hour or so in about what time I need to be home at
the evenings. It you opened an hour later in the night. I lend to he out quite late because
morning il would be possible, wouldn't it? I play in a band.
Man: Did I tear something about lale nights and
Question 8 rock groups?
W om an: Don't be silly, tlear. I'm sure Steve will
You Overhear an argum ent in the next aisle be quiet. You don't plan lo do any
while you are in the superm arket practising at home, now do you?
Who is the young woman talking to? Steve: Of cxKirse not. I he whole band probably
A her brother wouldn't even lit inlo this room! I, uh, was
B her husband hoping for something a bit bigger, at luallv.
C her father W om an: W ell, of course you’re quite welcome lo
use Ihe living room. You might want to
But that's not the point! You're always helping invite a friend over, maybe your girlfriend
Kevin out when he's in a tough spot, so why can't or something.
you help me out just this once? I've never asked Steve: (A little laugh) Probably not, but thanks.
you for anything before! Alex and I will pay you Man: W hal was that I heard ahoul friends and
back within six months. He should be gelling a our living room? You two jusl wail a
promotion by Christmas and then we’ll be okay. I minute! W e decided to let our son's
just can't ask Mum and Dad, not after what room, not the whole house!
they've been through lately - 1 mean Dad's still in Woman: Calm down, Nick. He won't be using the
hospital and his health insurance might noi pay for whole house. W e hardly ever even use
all ihe bills from ihe accident. So don't say ihe living room anymore. You're in your
anything lo them about il, please. sludy all Ihe time and l‘m always in my
Steve: That's all right. The room isn't quite what I'm
Key kxiking for, anyway. Thanks for showing it to
1C 2B 3B 4B 5A 6 B 7B 8 A me, though. Ill sIkav myself out. Oood-bye.

I NIT 13
(door doses) Woman: filings aren't that baci dear. W e il fine:
woman: Oh, Nick, you've got lo be nice lo somebody lo rent the room. Now, if
somebody! W e can't pay back the loan. you’ve finished fixing the shower, you’d
Man: Oh, nothing's going right these days. Ihe better start making the SOUp.
house is falling apart, the car's going to Man: I've* already done that. Can't you smell it?
break down any minute...

1M 2W 3W 4S 5W 6 M 7M



1 pull 2 restore 3 repairs
Task 1
4 paint 5 maintenance 6 protecting
para. 1 : why you are writing 7 polluting
para. 2 : reasons for opinion
para. 3: thank for opportunity
Task 6
Task 2 1C 2E 3F 48 5A 60
1 a letter
2 the City Council Task 7 {suggested ans*et)
3 formal
In the first place, the town already has plenty of
4 to state your opinion
shopping centres, while a new libran/ would be
5 • very few old buildings left useful for the whole community. Secondly,
• nature muse urn is educational
there is only one small library at the moment
♦ appropriate in park full of plants and animals
and. what is more, it is on the other side of
town. Finally, a new libran/ could also be used
Task 3 for several purposes. For example, it could offer
educational lectures and films, and students
para. 1: B para. 2: A. C. E para. 3: D could study in the libran/. Moreover, many
people would enjoy the reading room, which
Task 4 (suggested answers) could also stock foreign newspapers and
magazines. For these reasons, I believe a new
1 Although it might be rather expensive. I think library would clearly be the best choice.
it would be an excellent idea to make the
building into a cultural centre.
2 It would be very educational and. what is SPEAKING
more, children would really enjoy visiting it.
G roup w ork (suggested questions)
3 Many people have expressed an interest in a
now library; therefore this seem s to be the What would the disadvantages of turning the
best solution. building into a (histon/ museum) be?
4 Restoring the old building would take a long What would the disadvantages of using the
time; nonetheless, it would be worth it. building as a (cultural centre) be?
5 Teachers could take students to visit the museum
and, in this way, all the children in the city would G eneral discussion ( suggestions)
have the opportunity to see the displays. • old detached houses, modern blocks of flats
• M any could be pulled down and replaced by

44 U N IT 14
better buildings John: W e've got a laser printer.
The best ones should be kept so we have Uncle Clive: W hat's a laser printer?
som e variety in our town and Still sec some John: It's a type of printer you can connect
old buildings. to your computer. It prints
• discos, youth clubs, job training centres, information on paper really quickly. It
theatres, galleries can mix different colours and print
• yes - understand ihe importance of variety, copies of photographs or pictures.
see the good and bad points of old and So, if you've got a computer and a
modern, be abie to com pare them, see printer, you ran make your own
different materials and understand different leaflets or school magazine.
skills needed to build them (ideal subject to Uncle Clive: Well I never. It's amazing, Ihis new
do class projects on, for school trips) technology. So, is that what you want
tor your birthday? A computer and a
laser printer?
LISTENING -TEST 27 John: W ell actually, Uncle Clive, I'd like
one of your paintings of the wildlife
Transcript on your beautiful island.
You w ill hear a phone conversation between
Jo h n and his uncle Clive. For questions 1 to 10.
com plete the information. You w ill need to write Keyj
a short word or phrase. 1 birthday 2 modern technology
3 (personal) computer 4 painting
John: I lello, Unde Clive. How arc you? 5 classroom 6 telephone
Uncle Clive: Fine John, just (inc. I was ringing lo 7 equipment 8 school magazine
ask if you'd like a computer for your 9 amazing 10 paintings
John: A computer? I thought you didn't l>elieve
in modem technology. Unde Clive.
Uncle Clive: Is so? Didn't you know I used to
have a personal computer? It was a
32 -kilobyte computer - and A2 You will te a r five different people leaving a
kilobytes was a good memory size tor m essage on $3ndy Peterson's answering machine.
a computer back then. But I haven't For questions 1 to 5. choose from the list A to F the
used a computer for ages - most of message which refers to each caller. There is one
my time is taken up with painting extra letter which you do not need to use.
wildlife. There'S so much of il on this
island. Speaker One
John: W e've got a personal computer in Hi Sandy! I lope you get this message soon. There's
our classroom with a 3-gigabyte a fantastic play on at Ihe theatre tomorrow - over on
memory. Your computer sounds Duvall Street - and I've been given two tree tickets.
ancient, compared to that! W e've got B u t! haven't got anyone to go with. W e'd have to
a modem, too. be there by sirven, so give me a ring as soon as
Uncle Clive: A what? possible. If I don't talk lo you today, I'll drop in
John: A modem. It lets vkki connect your tomorrow morning on my way to the office. Maybe
computer to ihe telephone network. we could have breakfast together. See you!
That means you can communicate with
oilscr i uinputers. Haven't you heard of Speaker Two
Ihe Internet' People with computers Sandy, it's me. I've been thinking about what we
and modems can communicate vvilh talked about last night, and I've come up with an
other computer users all over the idea. W hy don't you phono that company you had
an inteiview with last week and lell them that you've
world. What equipment did you have
had another job offer and need to make a decision?
with your computer?
I hat'll make them give you an answer soon. And
Uncle Clive: Equipment? W ell, it had a keyboard
believe me, if they want you, they'll tell you so.
and a screen. They're Ihe basic
Anyway, good luck! Call me when you find out!
equipment, aren't they?

U N I T I* 45
sfaeping, Or I could come round tomorrow - I've
Speaker Three got Ihe day off and no plans. Okay, well, talk to
Ms Peterson? This is Martin Shaw. I live in the you later then.
yellow house ol ihe end of Ihe street - the one
with the lovely garden. Your big fat dog seems to Speaker rive
think it's a lovely garden, too. He has dug up half Hi, it's Toby. I ook, I don’t want to bother you, but
the lawn and killed all my roses. If I .set' him in I've got myself into a bit of a mess and 1 need your
here again, I'll... I don't know what I'll do. Just help. Do you think we could meet tomorrow, say
keep him locked up in your own garden, will you? around lurxhtime? Illl be my treat - you choose tlx;
restaurant. If you can make it, bring your portable
Speaker Tour
computer with you, 'cause we’re going lo need il. I’ll
I li, it's me. I hope I'm not bothering you. I mean, I give you a ring on your mobiie phone if I don't hear
know I've been phoning a lot lately, but I just need from you by this evening Cheerio!
someone to talk to. I his flat just seems so empty
sometimes - 1 should've got a smaller one. Anyway,
if you feel like it, give me a ring when you gel this Key
message. I'll be up late - I’m having trouble 1C 2D 3A 4 F 58

r UNIT 15

Task 1 1 para. 4 2 para. 2 3 para. 1 4 para. 3

para. 2: W atching television can be harmful T ask 4

for several reasons,
para. 3: On the other hand, there are points in 1 moreover 2 therefore 3 whereas
favour of television, 4 in addition 5 nonetheless
para. 4: In my opinion, young chilo'ren should
not watch television. Task 5
1 • too much violence
1B 2 B 3A 4C 5A
© not enough exercise
• need time for creative and social skills
Task 6
2 • educational
© cheap This task, can be set for homework and then,
» available to children everywhere the following lesson, groups of three can pool
3 • should learn how to entertain themselves their ideas to produce an improved version
and how to get on with others which can then be presented to the class.
• can watch TV when they are old enough to
Choose well (suggested answeis)
Many people are worn/ing more and more that
Task 2 computers are having a bad effect on young
1 young children should not watch television children, whereas others believe that they can
write article for magazine be very useful anc educational.
agree / disagree
2 an article In my opinion, young children need to team about
3 for a magazine computers, because they will have to use them
4 whether young children should watch television later in life and become confident about using
5 • what people think modern technology'. However, this does not mean
• arguments in support, with reasons that they should spend hc-urs playing with
o arguments against, with reasons computers instead of reading or playing outdoors.
• your opinion
U N IT 15
Task 7 (suggested ansn-eis) First, take half a minute to look at the listening
test. N oticc that each picture has a letter on it.
1 Agree You w ill use these letters in your answers.
If you play computer games a lot. you might
have problems with your fingers. [Pause 30 seconds.]
2 Disagree
Raying computer games can help you develop Good. Now, as you listen to M e a n 's talk, look at
skills, such as boing able to react quickly. Questions 1 lo (i and write the Id ler of the picture
3 Disagree that matches each place mentioned.
Som e computer gam es are very' educational.
4 Agree For questions 7 to 10, see whether the statements
On the whole, these games tend to be expensive. there are true or false. Write A if tfie statement is
5 Agree true and B if the statement is false.
Some of these games show too much violence.
6 Disagree You w ill hear the talk twice. Are you ready?
Many computer games are easy to use. even
for young children. I lello, everyone. M y name's Megan. I'd like to tell
7 Disagree you about a discussion I had with some classmates
Com puter games are fun for children. about the place we’d most like to visit. W e started
8 Agree talking about it during hnglish, bec ause our leather
Those gam es arc unhealthy and can harm wan Is us lo writer a composition on the' subject.
your eyes and fingers. Simon was the first one to decide; he's always the
first lo do everythin” ! I le loves reading books
SPEAKING about real-life adventures and people who do
dangerous, difficult things. So, of course, the place
Group work (suggested questions) he wants to go to is Mt hverest. t he highest
W hat benefits can a child get from (playing mountain in Ihe world. I le said that one day he'll
computer gam es)? get to the top.
’.''/hat drawbacks might (an cncyclopacdia) have?
W hat can a child do (on the Internet)? George said (hat a freezing cold mountain covered
in ice and snow was the last place he'd want to
General d iscu ssio n (suggestions) visit - he couldn't think of anything worse. He
• wildlife documentaries - entertaining and chose exactly the opposite - a tropical beach with
educational golden sand and a nice, hot sun shining ali day.
cartoons - fun. good if riot violent George is incredibly lazy, so I can just imagine him
children's programmes sitting there all day doing absolutely nothing.
• encourage them to join a sports team or play
Rebecca thought George's choicc was really
a musical instrument
boring. She wants to be an astronomer, and
encourage them to join clubs
spends all her free time looking at the sky through
do activities together as a family h telescope. So guess where she'd like to go? The
• when children are old enough to understand moon! She wants to explore moon mountains. I
what cari happen if they use them too often:
said it was a very original choice, but it wouldn’t
psychological problems: eye problems, hand suit me. I here aren't any people (here, for one
problems thing. And no cinemas, theatres, discos, shops ....
• otay sport, learn how to play a musical they're tho son of things that I like. So I don't
instrument, read books, play board games, really need to tell you the place I ’d like to visit, do
go for long walks, spend time with friends I? Somewhere with skysc rapers, busy streets, lots
of noise and excitement. Yes, a big city is where
LISTENING -TEST 29 I'd like to go to. I suppose it's because I grew up
in a little village.
Transcript Bill said I was crazy. He's lived in a city all his life,
ANNO UNCER: In this par? o f the listening test, a and he's sick of it. He'd like to visit a quiet, pretty
girl called Megan is going to give a talk about iillle village surrounded by Irees. t led love lo wake
p laccs that she and her friends would like to visit. up in the morning and hear nothing but birds singing.

I M I 15 47
Angola was, as usual tho Iasi person to make up it happened again, hut this time il was
her mind. She didn't really lik<>any of the places much stronger. Several hooks fell off the
we'd talked about. Angela's interested in history bookshelf, and one of the windows broke.
and architecture; she's always saying that modern Reporter: i'll bet you were really frightened. What
buildings are ugly and boring. Her choice was an did you do to prolet I yourself?
ancient castle, with thick stone walls and (all Cassandra: Weil, at first I panicked. I didn't know
towers. As she said, it would bo more comfortable whal lo do. I'd realised by Ihen what was
and easier to gel 10 than ihe moon or Mt Everest. happening, but I jusi ^tood thm>, I
And she could learn a lot from the experience. couldn't move. Then I remembered that
my little brother Jackie was in his room,
Then we asked our teacher which place she’d most
sleeping- M y parents were out for dinner,
like lo visit. She said she'd like to go lo where she
you sco. M y aunt wanted to (real them to
lives now - but one hundred and fifty million years
ago, in the age of the dinosaurs. She'd like lo see a a meal because she'd jus! got a now job.
So I ran into Jackie's room and grabbed
Tyrannosaurus Kex. I wished I’d thought of that!
him from his COl. I le's only a baby, so I
I hen she reminded us to do our compositions for
had to carry him. Thai's when I decided
homework, and said I hat she couldn’t wail to read
that Ihe best Ihing to do would bo to go
them. So I suppose I'd better gel started!
down lo the basement. Unfortunately,
the lights had all gone out, but we always
Key keep candles around lor an emergency,
1A 2C 38 4F 5D SO I look some candles and matches and
6 E 7D 8 B 9B 10 A we wen I down lo ihe basement. Thai
was the worst part. It was so dark and
scary down Ihere. Little Jackie kepi crying
LISTENING •TEST 30 and I couldn't calm him down. W e were*
Ihere a long time. W e must have fallen
Transcript asleep at some point, though, because
In this part o f (he listening test, you w ill hear a the- next thing I remember is my patents
radio interview with Cassandra, who Survived an calling my name.
earthquake. Before you hear the interview, take Reporter: You musl have been pleased to sex- them!
half a minute to look over test 30. Cassandra: Yes, we were. I hey wcren'1 able to get
!PA U SE: 30 seco n dsj Good. Now you can see homo right away, of course. They drove*
that the pictures show what happened. As you hack home as soon as it was safe. We
listen to the interview, write the tetter of each were lucky, though. The house was
picture. A to F. in spaces 1 to 6 to show the damaged quite a bit, though the stereo
order in w hich things occurred. After [he and the video machine are okay. Hut
interview, yo u'll hear som e questions and you'll none of us were hurl, and that's (he*
d ecide which is the correct answer. You w ill important thing.
hear the interview and questions tw ee. Arc you Reporter: You were very lucky. W e wore* all very-
ready? lucky, in lac I. No one was seriously
injured. Three or tout people wore:
Reporter: I'm standing here now with Cassandra treated for shock at the hospital, bul
Peoni, a student at St arsdale University they were all allowed to go home a
who w hs lucky enough to survive the couple of hours later.
earthquake that hil Hay City yesterday.
Can you toll us whal happened, Now choose the correct answers to ihese
Cassandra? questions. Choose A, B or C for numbers V lo 10.
Cassandra: Oh, il was terrible! I'd just finished dinner,
and I was silling in my room Studying - il
musl have been almost *5o'clock -wiien I 7: W hen did the earthquake hit Bay City?
felt the iJesk shake. I'd never experienced 8 : W here were Cassandra's parents?
an earthquake before, so I looked under 9: W hat w as dam aged by the earthquake?
ihe desk to see if my puppy was jumping 10: How m any people had to stay in hopsital
around or something, Aitd Ilien suddenly

U N IT 1>
are ready to paint the I>:avI! You may chtxwe any
Key design you wish, of t nurse.
1E 2A 3C 4 F 5 B And that's it -you've finished! There's one other thing
6D 7C 3C 9 B 10 A you might like to do. -and Ihal is lo varnish ll>e bowl.
It's a good idea because it protects the paint and the
[Xipier maclte. Your bovvl would make a great gift, and
LISTENING •TEST 31 could lx* list’d <ls a fmil Ixxwl. just remember: |>apier
mat tie i an be cleaned with a damp doth, but it should
Transcript never be placed directly into waier.
In this exercise. Radio 106 is visaing Timothy Yfells
in his studio. He is explaining how to make papier Now. decide whether those statements are true or
mache. Before you hear Timothy's preseiitztion. not. Write A for True and B h r False. Ready?
take half a minute to look at the drawings and
answer spaces. [PA U SE: 30 seconds; For 7: Papier mache is a popular art form.
questions 1 to 6. write the letter of the picture. A to 8 : Papior mache s very cheap to make.
F. that shows each step. After foe presentation, you 9: The best way to dry something made out
w ll hear some statements about making papier of papier m ache is in the oven.
mache and dccidc whether they are true or false. 10: Things made from papier mache can be
You will hear the talk and statements twice. Now washed in the sink, like ordinary plates and
here is the presentation. ReadY? bowls.

Good afternoon everybody. toddy we're going to

learn how to make papier macho. This is a Key
favourite craft with many artists and inis of people IB 2C 3F 4E 5 D
do it as a hobby, so I'm sure ali of you have seen 6A 7A 8 A 9B 10 B
things made of papier mat he. But you might not
have known what it was. After it has been painted, LISTENING •TEST 32
papier mache looks and feels a lot like wood.
Now, lets begin with step oik -. You'll need a large bowl
with some water in il. Take some old newspapers and Transcript
tear them into small pieces. Put the pa|>er into ihe 1. W : Could you help me for a minute?
bowl of water and let it sit Ihere ovemighl. M : Sure. You want me to mix all these things
In the morning. pour out the extra water, take a mixer in the bowl?
and mix Ihe paper with a bit of flour until they form a \V: No, I need you lo gel the milk from the
kind of dough, as if you were rrv.kin" bread. Don't fridge and then could you wash the dishes?
W : w hat does the man offer lo do?
worry if it's a hit lumpy, jusl be sure to mix it well.
Ihe next thing you have lo do is get your mould 2 . W : I low long did il take you to get to work
ready. Let's say you want to make a Ixjw i i his is this morning?
what you should do: take a !mII<xki and blow it up. M : Normally il takes me an hour because I go
You should place it in a direp bowl or vase SO that it by bus, but today I drove the car, and it
can'l move. Tlx: end wilh the knot in it should be face Look me half the time.
down so that you have a smooth surface to work on. W : How long did it take him to get to work today?
For the fourth slep you'll spread the papier mache
3. M : Can you describe the man that stote your purse?
mixture evenly Over the balloon until you've made
W : Yes. He was bald and had a mustache. He
a shape like a bowl. You may wish to pul three
didn't have' a be-ard, though.
small balls on the bottom of the bowl for feel. This
W : Which man stole the woman's purse?
will allow the bowl lo slarid properly when it's dry.
Now leave Ihe bowl to dtv. This may take two or 4. W : I really miss I lelen!
three days. It's best to let it dry naturally, In-cause M : W hy don’t you give her a rin"? O r write her a
the balloon will pop if there's t<x>much heat, and letter if you’re worried about the phone bill.
the papier mache will crack if it dries too quickly. W : I think I'll send her an e-mail message on
Jusl put il on a shelf in a dry place and leave- il alum*. the Internet.
After the bowl has dried, il will pull away from tlx: W : What is the woman going to do?
l>all<xHt by ilself because the balloon will have lost 5. M : And now let's turn to Gina for the weather
some air by this time. And now for Ihe final stop, you forecast.

I N IT IS 49
W : Unfortunately, folks, the sun won't be W : W hy don't you put the cards into the
showing its face for the next few days. It's envelopes firsl?
already begun to gel cloudy out there, and W : What does tlx; woman ask the man to do firsl?
tomorrow we expect storms all day.
W : What is the weather like right now? Key
6. M : Have you gotten Ihe pictures back from 1 A 2 A 3 B 4 B 5B 6 C
your holiday in Franco? 7 A 8 C 9 B 10 A 11 A 12 C
W : Oh, we ended up going to Italy instead.
M : I hope lo go there some day. I've been to
Brazil, but I’ve never been to Europe. LISTENING •TEST 33
W : Which country has the man visiled?
7. W : How's your job going?
M : I hate it. M y boss is crazy. Sometime*; he Good morning, everyone. I'll !*• your guide today as
laughs all day, and other times he get*, we travel through New York Cily on our "hnjoying
angry with me. the Big Apple Tour*. W e'll be Stopping Jl four fun
W : Is it always like that? places today. First, we'll go to the Metropolitan
M: No. Iciday was tine. M y ix>ss was away, so Museum of Ai t, where w ell have lunch at tlx?
I could relax and take it easy. museum's restaurant. After lunch, we'll drive over to
W : How did the man spend his day at work Central Park where w ell tyke a short walk. We'll
today? continue our tour by making a slop ,it Macy's, the
Big Apple's largest department store. W e'll end our
8 . M : W hy aren’l you read)' for the party ye I ?
tour in Soho, Ihe artistic heart of -New York.
W e've got to leave in is minutes!
W : I'm too tired lo talk to all those people. Example 1 :
Couldn't we just stay home and watch IV ? Is the Big Apple another name for New York
M : W hy don't VOu gel dressed and I'll drive us City? The correct answer is A. 'Yes that's true.'
to the cinema? I here's a greal film on. Example 2 :
W : I hat sounds like a good idea. Are they going to M acy’s department store this
W : What are the man and woman going lo do morning? The correct answer is B. 'No, that's
tonight? false."
9. M : I'm looking tor a gifl for my wife.
W : W ell, sir. we've got these dresses on sale N ow the guide v/ill begin tho tour. Remem ber,
for $40. W e've also got some sweaters on after each section of Ihe tcur you w ill hear two
sale lor $20, or how about a hat? W e've 10 four questions. Mark your answ ers on tho
got this one for the low pm e of only 515. separate answ er shoot. There wifi be 20
M: I ’m afraid I'll have lo go for the cheapest questions m arked 1 through 20. Are there any
thing you've got. Not much money Ihese questions before we b eg in? (PA U SE}
days. I'm afraid. Now. let’s continue. Listen carefully to your guide.
W : Which item will the man probably buy lor
his wife? W ell, here w e are at the Metropolitan Museum of
Art, also t ant'd The Met. The Met is a large*
10. W : this hill looks really steep.
M : No, it's not. Come on. get on your bike. museum with important works of art from many
W : No, I think I’ll just stay down liere. You go if different time periods. The firsl fl<x>r that w e'll be
you like. visiting contains works by tlx; famous Duk h
W : Where is Ihe woman now? painter ViiKent van Gogh, who lived from ltt.r>;{ to
lfWO, and the equally famous I rench painter
11. M : You'd better wear your helmet. Claude Monet, w’ho lived from 1840 to 1926.
W : But I'm jusl going to ride my bike!
M: The law says you have to wear a helmet on 1. Is The Metro another name for the
any two-wheeled vehic le. Metropolitan Museum of Art?
W :Okay. okay. I'll put it on. 2. W ere both Vincent van Gogh and Claude
W : What is the woman going to do? Monet born during the 1800s?
12. W : Could you help me gel these invitations ready?
M : Would you like me to address the
envelopes or put the stamps on?

50 UNIT 17
Now let's visit the floor that's home to many Now, I'm going lo go to tin; f<xxl section, downstairs
famous works bv Spanish arlisi Pablo Picasso. in tire basement. You are welcome to join me.
Picasso was born in 1881 and died about M) w ars I believe there's also a big shoe sale today. That is on
ago, in 1973. I'm sure all of you arc familiar with Ihe third floor. Lei's ali meet back here at the
his work. When w e've finished here, you may entrance at 3 o'clock so that we can go on to Soho.
spend an hour looking through tin* museum on O kay'
your own as The Met is too largo lor mo to show
you every floor in one day. Then we'll meet in tho 13. Is the shoe department at M acy's located
cafe downstairs for lunch. in the basem ent?
14. Is everyone supposed to finish shopping
3. Did Pablo Picasso die in 1881? by 3 o'clock?
4. Docs it take more than a day to look at all
the paintings in The Met? So, has everyone finished their shopping? Now
let's make our way towards Soho. It will take us
I hope everyone has enjoyed their lunch. Now, don't about half an hour, as long as there isn't too much
worry about lining up at the counter to pay for your traffic. Soho is home to many New York artists. It’s
meal. It's included in tin; price of the tour and has full of galleries with contemporary art. There are
already been taken care of. II you're ready, we'll gel also many shops with handcrafted items and a
back on the bus now and make our way towards large number of bookstores.
Central Park. I'm sure you’ve all seen Central Pork at
tho cinema as it's in many movies these days. 15. Do a lot of artists live in So h o ?
16. Is Soho a good place to shop for books?
5. Is each person responsible for paying for his
or her lunch? W ell, here we are in Soho! Now, let's get off the bus
6 . Is Central Park often used as a filming and take a walking tour of this colorful area. As you
location? can see. there are many t,afes here, so if any of you
wish to stop for coffee wo can do that now. Then I'd
W ell, folks, here we are at Ihe famous Central Park. like to take you to one of my favorite art galleries. It
O f course, we won't be able to walk through the has rnanv interesting sculptures by modern artists.
entire pork, as that would take more than a day.
Ihe park is huge. I here is a paved bicycle trail that 17. Might they have coffee at a local cafe
goes around the park. There is also a lake, although before they visit the art gallery?
swimming in it is not allowed. Central Park is lovely 18. Does the art gallery have a lot of modern
for a walk during the day, but it is dangerous. Many paintings in it?
(rimes lake place here, so people are advised never
to walk alone, especially al night. I lore we are at the art gallery. Many of the artists
whose work is shown here and at other galleries in
7. Is Central Park too big to be seen in one day? Soho moved to .America from ottar countries aitd
8 . Are people allowed to go swimming in the settled here, in Ihe Big Apple. As you may know,
lake in Central Park? New York is Ihr place where many people come
9. Is Central Park a safe place lo walk alone? looping to become famous actors and artists. Most ol
the waiters you see working in tlx? restaurants here,
I hope you all enjoyed the walk. Now lei's gel bat k for example, are creative people who eventually
on the bus and go to Macy's. M acy’s is the best want lo make a living either as actors or as artists.
place to shop in the city. It has everything from
clothes, shoos and jewelry to household items and 19. Are a lot of the artists in Soho immigrants
food. The prices at M acy's are reasonable, and the from other countries?
store does accept credit cards, so don't worry if 20. Do many of the waiters working in Soho
you haven't got enough money with you. restaurants hope to becom e professional
10. Does M acy's sell necklaces and earrings?
11. Docs M acy's have very high prices? Key
12. Can customers pay for things with a crccit
1 B 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 B
card at M acy's?
6 A 7 A 8 B 9 B 10 A
11 B 12 A 13 B 14 A 15 A
16 A 17 A 18 B 19 A 20 A
I M l I 51
1 Name of school:

Units 1-5♦Version | Student s name:

Your friend has been on an 'adventure w eekend' and sends

you (he advert, because she knows you’ll be interested.

A n ch o r A d ven tu rk W bk k en d s }

Low cost! G reat adventure! ;

Long weekends! / ^

l’ony-lrckkirig. .sailing unci many , y \ ,w/0 tfC lCk

mure exciting activities ( ^

Read the advert and the notes you have made, then write 10 your friend asking for
more information. Your le tte r should he between 120-180 words.
Exam 1 Name of school:

Units 1-5 • Version 2 Student's name:

Your friend has been on an ‘adventure weekend" and sends

you the advert, because she knows yo u 'll be interested.

A n c h o r A d v en tu re W eek en d s

Low cost! (Jreat adventure!

Long weekends!

Pony-trekking, sailing :ind many

more exciting activities

Read the advert and (he notes you have m ade, then write to your friend asking for
more information. Your le tte r should be betw een 120-180 words.

Paragraph plan:
para. 1 : start your letter (greetings and thanks for sending information)
para. 2 : ask for the information you need (cover all four points)
para. 3: end your letter (express hope you'll get the information, say good-bye)

Exam 2 Name of school:

Units 6-10 ♦Version 1 Student's name:

You decide to enter a short story competition about a disaster for 'Global Village'magazine.
The stor/ m ist lye about a disaster, end must begin with the following words:

I t was seven o'clock in the morning when we saw smoke coming from the forest.

Write your sto ry in an appropriate style. It should be between 120-130 words.

Exam 2 Name of school:

l nils (5-10 * Version 2 Student's name:

Vet/ decide to enter a short story competition about a disaster for 'Giobai Village' magazine.
Tfte story must be about a disaster, arid must begin with the following words:

I t was seven o'clock in the morning when we saw smoke coming from the forest.

Write your sto ry in an appropriate Style. It should be between 120-1BO words.

Paragraph plan:
para. 1 : set the background (how things started)
para. 2 : say what happened next (describe the events in chronological order)
para. 3: say how the story ended
Exam 3 Name oi school:

I. nils 1-15 •Version 1 Student's rtcur.e:

You see an advertisem ent for a Lee’s Leisure Centre

leisure centre and d ccid e to invite
a friend lo go there with you. Read . games room r l«9 b9Ard 9 **“
icness. aacxg.immc-ri & lots more)
the advertisem ent and the notes
• music video displays
you have made. Write a fetter to
• billiards, table tennis have a sw i*
your friend inviting him iher to visit
• swimming pool
this place with you. and suggest
• health-food restaurant
what you can do there.
■^Open from 9 am to 9 pm
have lunch muf af 10 am

Write your letter in 120-1SO words in an appropriate style.

Exam 3 Natnc of school:

Units 1-13 • Verson 2 Student’s nam e:..... ...

You see an advertisem ent for a

Lee's Leisure Centre
leisure ccntrc and decide to invite
a friend to go there with you. Read • games room h*«rd *****
ichess. oackcjammon & loti floret
the advertisem ent and the notes
• music video displays
you have made. Write a letter to
• billiards, table tennis
your friend inviting him ihcr to visit have a sivim
• swimming pool
this place with you. and suggest
• health-focd restaurant
what you can do there.
/ '-"sfbpen from 9 am to 9 pm
have lunch
meef o f 10 am

Write your latter in 120-180 words in an appropriate slyie.

Paragraph plan:
para. 1 : start your letter
para. 2 : say what the place is and invite your friend (include all your suggestions)
para. 3: end your letter (suggest date and time, repeat invitation)

Final Exams Name of school:

Units 1-15 Student's name:

Your tcach cr has asked you to write a com position giving your opinion on the topic:

W ild and ex o tic a n im als sh ou ld not be kep t as pets.

W rite your c o m p o s itio n in 120-180 words in an appropriate style.

Paragraph plan:
para. 1 : what people bolievo about this subject
para. 2: give arguments in support of the statement (mention more than one reason)
para. 3: give arguments against the statement (mention more than one reason)
para. 4: state your opinion

You have just received a letter from your friend, Bru ce, who is
having som e prodiem s. Read the part of his letter below.

... a h i o f problems. Every morning / get up I fife

and mis$ the school bus, so / don f get io school on
time. Also, / a lw a ys fe e l rea lly fire d and / don't have
any energy. But the worst thing is that my best frie n d (
has stopped talking to me, so / fe e l lonely and isolated. (
Can you give me some advice? ;

Write a letter to your friend Bruce, giving him aoV.-ce on how to deal with his problems.
The letter should be between 120-180 words in an appropriate style.

Paragraph plan:
para. 1: start your letter (greetings, mention receiving his letter about problems)
para. 2: give your friend advice (cover all the points and give reasons why the
advice you have given will help)
para. 3: end your letter
(say something positive about your friend's future, say goodbye)

You see a shcrt story competition advertised in your school magazine, and you
dccioe to enter it. Your story should end with the following sentence:
That was the most frightening journey of my life!

Write a s to ry o f between 120-180 words.

Paragraph plan:
para. 1: set the scene (say how you were feeling and what you did in the beginning)
para. 2: say where you went anc what happened
para. 3: say how your journey ended (include the given sentence)
Published by H ILLSID E P R E S S . JA N U A RY 2000

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ISBN STUDENT S BOOK: 960 - 8079 - 07 - 1

ISBN TEACHER S BOOK: 960 - 8079 - 06 - 3

An innovative series for developing w riting, speaking and listen in g sk ills

Five stages. Beginner. Elem entary, Pre-Interm ediate. Interm ediate, Upper Interm ediate

Each unit consists of three parts: Writing, Speaking and Listening

The section comprises:

a short lead-in to the topic
a rubric and a model composition, with word-length and language appropriate to the level
a clear plan for the composition, and tasks which show students how to organise
their writing
useful patterns, and tasks on lexical items relevant to the writing topic
practical help to prepare students for the final piece of writing
a rubric similar to the one n the Presentation section for students to produce their
own letter, story, report, description, discursive composition, etc.

The i section comprises:

• based on
p a ir w o r k ph o to s - describe, com pare and contrast, express
• group w ork asking tor and giving information, making decisions, prioritising
• g e n e r a l d is c u s s io n - based on ideas related to the topic
• u sefu l lan guag e - gives topic vocabulary and idiomatic expressions

The I S l i i C llIT j section:

• rounds off cach unit with a test or tests providing practice in the following skills:
multiple matching, note taking, multiple choice. True/False: etc.
There is a total of 33 Listening Tests.

• Stud ent's Book • A W riter’s Portfolio free
• T o a ch o rs Book with each Stu d ent’s Book
• C assettes/C D



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