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Project Tittle:- FM Transmission System

Group Members:-
 Ducaale Adan Ali
 Asiya Murshid Mohamed
 Hassan Yusuf Dahir
 Mustafe Abdirashiid Bashiir
 Mohamed Nur Sahal
Contant Tables:-
1. Introduction.............................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Block Diagram of FM Transmitte.................................................................................................2
1.2 Technical Background .................................................................................................................3

1.3 Motivation ...................................................................................................................................3

1.4 Problem Statement......................................................................................................................4
1.5 Objectives ...................................................................................................................................4
1.51 General Objectivies.....................................................................................................4
1.52 Spesific Objectivies.....................................................................................................4
1.6 Chapetrs Overview.......................................................................................................................5

2 Design and analysis /methodology/..................................................................................................................6

2.1 Procedures And Analysis OF This……………………………………………………………………………………….6

2.2 MiniFm Project………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….7

2.3 HadwareSpesification ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….7


The aim of the project is to develop a low power fm transmitter to be used in

specialized application such as local area net work. A rapidly growing demand for
the use of FM transmitter exists among individuals and institutions.

Frequency modulation has several advantages over the system of amplitude

modulation (AM) used in the alternate form of radio broadcasting. The most
important of these advantages is that an FM system has greater freedom from
interference and static Various electrical disturbances ,such as those caused by
thunderstorms and car ignition systems, crate amplitude modulated radio signal
that are received as noise by AM receivers.

The successful completion of this study has indicated that practical frequency
modulated FM transmitter requiring low power can be designed and constructed.
Though appreciable range of FM transmitter on low power supply has been
achieved in this works, further studies in areas of signal coupling technique need to
be carried to improve the range of transmission.

1. Introduction

FM broadcasting is a method of radio broadcasting using frequency modulation

(FM). Invented in 1933 by American engineer Edwin Armstrong, wide-band FM is
used worldwide to provide high fidelity sound over broadcast radio. FM
broadcasting is capable of higher fidelity—that is, more accurate reproduction of
the original program sound—than other broadcasting technologies, such as AM
broadcasting. Therefore, FM is used for most broadcasts of music or general audio
(in the audio spectrum). FM radio stations use the very high frequency range of
radio frequencies. The FM transmitter is a single transistor circuit. In the
telecommunication, the frequency modulation (FM) transfers the information by
varying the frequency of the carrier wave according to the message signal.
Generally, the FM transmitter uses VHF radio frequencies of 87.5 to 108.0 MHz to
transmit & receive the FM signal. This transmitter accomplishes the most excellent
range with less power. The performance and working of the wireless audio
transmitter circuit depend on the induction coil & variable capacitor. This article
will explain the working of the FM transmitter circuit with its applications.The FM
transmitter is a low power transmitter and it uses FM waves for transmitting the
sound, this transmitter transmits the audio signals through the carrier wave by the
difference of frequency. The carrier wave frequency is equivalent to the audio
signal of the amplitude and the FM transmitter produces a VHF band of 88 to

1.1 Block Diagram of FM Transmitter

The following image shows the block diagram of the FM transmitter and the
required components of the FM transmitter are; microphone, audio pre-amplifier,
modulator, oscillator, RF- amplifier, and antenna. There are two frequencies in the
FM signal, the first one is the carrier frequency and the other one is audio
frequency. The audio frequency is used to modulate the carrier frequency. The FM
signal is obtained by differing the carrier frequency by allowing the AF. The FM
transistor consists of the oscillator to produce the RF signal.

Block Diagram of FM Transmitter

If the message is understandable, then the information has been converted

from the source to the destination. Mostly, the message produced by the
source is not electrical in nature. But to carry them over an electrical system
the message must be converted to an electrical signal in the same manner at
receiver. The electrical signal must be reconverted in to an appropriate form.
A transducer performs these functions. Thus, an input transducer used to
convert the message generated by the source in to time varying electrical
signal called the message signal.States during the 1930s; the system was
developed by the American electrical engineer Edwin Howard Armstrong.
However, FM broadcasting did not become widespread, even in North
America, until the 1960s.Frequency-modulated radio waves can be
generated at any frequency. All the bands mentioned in this article are in the
very high frequency (VHF) range, which extends from 30 to 300 MHz.

1.2 Technical background

frequency Abbreviation wavelength

3-30kHz VLF 100,000-10,000m

30-300kHz LF 10,000-1,000m

300-3,000kHz MF 1,000-100m

3-30MHz HF 100-10m

30-300MHz VHF 10-1m

300-3,000MHz UHF 1-10m

3-30GHz 10cm-1cm
30-300GHz 1cm-1mm

1.3 motivation

Our motivation to select this project title is that to design and

implementation of low power fm transmitter and also to solve the problems
of information accuses in our campus and mini-media service. Parallely we
will understand the role of communication concept. Secondly we think that
our project will be done by chip and easy components that are found in our
compass in workshops, laboratories and stores.

1.4 Statement of the Problem

For The Papulation The problem is of information accuses in our campus Of

EAU It has Not mini-media service Of Mini FM transmission System.
The Other Proplems It depends The Knowledge Of Mini Fm Transmission
System On however complex equipment demanding high power supply,
high voltage system design, critical maintenance and exorbitant price.
1.5 Objective

1.51 General Objectives

The aim of our project has the following objectives:

To develop a low power FM transmitter to be used in specialized

applications for local area entertainment purpose.

1.52 Spesific Objectives

 To integrate the knowledge and skills acquired from major courses
taken far.
 To Reduce Hight Power Gain Of Large Fm Transmission System.
 To Implement Of Mini Fm Transmission That Work Simpoly Local
AreaThat have Acheaper Cost And Low Maintanance Hadware
 During Hadware Implementation Apractical Skills Such as Soldering
(PCB) Implementation And Circuit Testing Canbe Enhanced.
1.6 Chapetrs Overview :-

This chapter provides an overview of the project by giving description of

the problem. Chapter one discusses about the background of the project,
problem description, objective, motivation and Chapters overview of the

Chapter two discusses about the literature review. This chapter gives the full
explanation regarding the project which including with the function of every
components related with the circuit, the calculation of the inductance, the
definition of frequency modulation (FM) that should be used and the radio
frequency itself where it’s the interfacing part to broadcast at the FM radio.

Chapter three explained about the methodology that was used. The
methodology is based on System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). This
project uses the methods, which start with planning, followed by
implementing and the last part is analysis the project. All the method is use
to determine the way to perform this project in order to achieve the objective
of the project. explaine body of our project. It explains block diagrams,
calculation parts, schematic diagrams and results/out puts
In chapter four, I describe about the Results And analysis, which is
completed with the results and discuss about the outcomes that have been
performed. The part shows the outcomes of the testing in the lab using the
power supply to perform the transmitter frequency. In the other part of the
result, the test result is discussed completely with the actual phone
conversation and the parts related with.
In the last chapter (chapter five), a summary of overall progress of project
is presented and it will provide the conclusion of the project. The conclusion
part concludes all the
2. Methodology Of The Proposal.

Frequency modulation is may be used for sound broad casting in the VHF bands for VHF
and UHF mobile systems and for wide band UHF and SHF radio relay systems.FM
transmitters are used to generate high frequency signal.

2.1 Procedures And Analysis OF This Project

I. Identifying the components and materials.

In the process of identifying the components and materials going to use,
I have to ensure the components and materials related in this project ready
in the stock.
II. Project Circuit Board (PCB)
In the part of Project Circuit Board (PCB) process, I have requested the
Engineering Department (Fabrication) to do the process.

III. Testing and analyzing.

In this process of testing and analyzing, I have performed the job related at
TM office (Transmission Department) and at the lab. The testing part have to
test using the active phone line and the working FM Radio while the
analyzing process have to do at the lab.
2.2 Mini Fm Project

The Mini FM Transmission System is an example of wireless communication with the

help of transmission in FM band. The choice of FM band is in this project is mainly
because of the high digital quality and low noise interference that this band offers in
audio transmission. Also, we do have readymade receivers for the FM band in the
form of our standard Radio receivers or our cell phone devices that are fitted with FM
receivers. So once the audio signal, be it voice, be it music, it can be transmitted
through this transmitter system and can be heard through the receiver that was
mentioned above.
In this transmitter system we will be using the FM band of 88 MHz to 108 MHz of
frequency spectrum for transmission purpose. The input to this system is audio signal
which is amplified with transistor based audio amplifier. This signal is then modulated
with the carrier frequency in the above mentioned frequency range and then
transmitted through the antenna.

Fig. 3 schematic diagram for pre-emphasis

2.3 Hardware Specifications :

 Inductors
 Resistors
 Capacitors
 Microphone Sensor
 Transistors Cables and Connectors
 Diodes
 PCB and Breadboards
 Transformer/Adapter
 Push Buttons
 Switch
 Microphone Sensor
 Antenna

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