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I'm Lisa and I'm from Australia. I love

listening to classical music. We're a very
musical family. My brother plays in a rock
band and I play the flute in the school
orchestra. I practice four days a week after
school. I also love sports and go surfing in
my free time. I meet my friends at the
beach, and we surf for a few hours.
We are at the beach now, but I'm not surfing, because I'm very tired today. I'm
sitting on the sand and watching my friends riding big waves.
All of a sudden, Jason fell off his surfboard and disappeared in a big wave for a
few seconds. We were all scared. But then we saw him. He swam to the beach
with difficulty, because he hurt his right leg in the accident. Now he can't surf
for several days and must stay in bed. He can't move. Doctor's orders!

Answer the questions:

What nationality is Lisa? ____________________________________________.

What musical instrument does Lisa play? ______________________________.

Does she play in a rock band? _______________________________________.

How often does she practice the flute? ________________________________.

When does Lisa play with the school orchestra? _________________________.

Is Lisa a surfer? __________________________________________________.

Who does she surf with? ___________________________________________.

Where is Lisa at the moment? _______________________________________.

Did Jason fall off the surfboard? _____________________________________.

What did he hurt in the accident? ____________________________________.

Can he surf after the accident? ______________________________________.

Can Jason move or not? ____________________________________________.

What must he do for a few days? ____________________________________.

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