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Game Designer: Brady Koch

Number of Players: 1+
Mission Drift Needed to Play: 1 D6 dice, pen & paper

While townsfolk sing songs of adventurers prevailing over ancient evils and visiting rogues tell tales of hidden, distant treasures awaiting plunder, your mind
always drifts to the immediate needs of the world around you that are going unmet. With a vision of a better future guiding you and two gold coins willed to
you from your dear departed Aunt, you go forth into the world to attempt a feat that would cause even the realm's bravest warriors to cower: start a charity!

Roll 3 D6 dice to determine your charity's mission from the Mission Focus table below. Once you have your Mission Focus share it with the players and tell them how
it personally affects you. Once everyone each player launched their charity, it is time to go get funding. Lead with your heart and but pay your debts on time!

Mission Focus
Problem Population Problem
1. Treat Potion Dependency 1. Wizards 1. Our Village
2. Foster an Appreciation of the Arts 2. Bards 2. Across All Allied Lands
3. Eradicate Food Insecurity 3. Barbarians 3. Across All Hostile Lands
4. Create Pathways to Apprenticeships 4. Goblins 4. Across Every Land
5. Dragon Safety 5. Zombies 5. Across The Untamed Wilds
6. Roller's Choice (Choose any Option Above) 6. Roller's Choice (Choose any Option Above) 6. Roller's Choice (Choose any Option Above)

Your Impact
How long can you keep your charity going? How much did your mission drift over time to keep your donors interested? What have you had to compromise to stay operational?
<5 years: Who are you? What is you said you used to do? Get back to toiling in the mud fields.
5-19 years: Your Board of Directors give you a goblet with your misspelled name etched onto the side.
10-19 years: You have made a dent in your focus areas. Your portrait hands in the far corner of the town hall alongside Eldritch the Great, the farmer who greg the
largest turnip of his generation.
20+ years: Having accomplished much, you retire to a small farm on the outskirts of the village. The new leader of your charity seems nice enough, although you hear
that they are beginning to rethink the whole mission.
Mission Drift: Annual Cycle
Always begin Year 1
on the Event Phase

Event Phase Grant Phase

Roll the D6 and Determine Your fate Roll 1 D6 for each area on the Mission Focus Table: Problem, Population and
1. The Dark Lord Attacks: All have been called to war. Operational Costs for Location, This determines the Grant Focus for this year's funding cycle.
Focus Populations double this year. If your Mission focus matches 1 Grant Focus area award yourself 3 gold.
2. The Land is Befouled: The supply chain breaks. Operational Costs for Focus If your Mission focus matches 2 Grant Focus area award yourself 4 gold.
Locations double this year. If your Mission focus matches all Grant Focus areas award yourself 5 gold.
3. The Great Indifference: The realm is distracted making it hard to call people to If your none of your mission focus areas align with this year's grant focus areas,
action. Operational Costs for Focus Problems are double this year. of it you just have a thirst for more gold, you can add any additional focus areas.
4. The Goddess of Abundance Sings: All grant funding is doubled this year. Note: "Roller's Choice" in the Grant Phase means all types of Focuses in that
5. Collective Impact: All grant funding is awarded this year is split equally. category are eligable for funding.
6. Temporary Alchemy: Lead into gold? Why not! All charities get 1 extra gold Also Note: The donor has enough gold to give to multiple qualifying charities
this year. Also, Also Note: You cannot remove any focus areas until after your Pay

Operational Costs.
Worth Noting: Kindhearted players can collaborate to secure funding and share
their wealth if they choose.

Pay Operational Costs Phase

Each active focus area costs you 1 gold to maintain.
You must maintain focrus areas for 1 full year before choosing to abandon it.
You must maintain at least one focus area in Problem Population and Location each year to remain
Your charity made it another year.
If you cannot afford your operational costs, your charity must close.
The mission lives on!
If you have added or removed any focus areas, you must reintroduce yourself and your mission to
the other players. Adjust the name of yoru charity accordingly.

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