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Vehicles in Operation

or under Development

To double the performance of a launcher such as Ariane 5 within

5 years is a good technical challenge, and to lower its price
by 50% simultaneously is even more challenging; but it is the only
solution for Europe to stay in the market!

II’ ::$hilst Ariane 5 was success- Tomorrow could seem to be easy for the heed-Martin as well as the Japanese
,{:. .‘I‘,’
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I_.::+ 2; fully completing its first European launchers, but competitors are H2A launcher.
‘, ,_
,:i” commercial mission, on more and more numerous. The market In order to still remain competitive in
10 December 1999, lifting requirements change every day, and the the next decade, it is necessary for
the XMM spacecraft into launcher industry political background Europe to adapt Ariane 5 to new market
a perfect orbit, 1aunch campaigns for has completely changed since the begin- requirements and environments. This
Ariane 4 flights were proceeding at full ning of the Ariane 5 development. The means:
speed. Following the 50th consecutive Russian and Ukrainian space industries, l lowering the cost by 50%;

success on 3 December 1999, Ariane 4 which had a good technological back- l increasing the payload performances
ended the year with flight 125 on 21 De- ground in launchers, are entering the com- in Geostationary Transfer Orbit (GTO)
cember 1999, the third Ariane launch in mercial space market, offering prices be- from 6 metric tonnes to 10 metric tonnes
three weeks and the eighth in just four low those of the West. China is offering in 2002 and 12 metric tonnes in 2006;
and a half months! launch services with the Long March l increasing the versatility, availability,
With the 126th launch of Ariane 4 on launcher family Japan is developing the comfort for the payload,. . .
24 January 2000, an unbroken series of H2A launcher family to enter the commer- This will be a difficult challenge, but
52 successes was established: Ariane 4 cial market. The US develop in parallel one which cannot be by-passed and
become the most reliable commercial two families of Evolved Expendable Launch which must be won! I
launcher. Vehicle, the Atlas 5 from Lockheed-Martin
Twenty years after the first Ariane flight and the Delta 4 from Boeing.
(LOl) on 24 December 1979, these success- Together with Ariane 4, Ariane 5 and
es demonstrate the progress made by About the Author:
Soyouz launchers operated by Ariane-
Europe in the field of space transporta- space and Starsem, the current operatio- Maurice DESLOIRE is Technical Direc-
tion. Twenty years after this major Euro- nal launchers in the world are in 2000 tor at the Launch Vehicles Directorate
pean achievement, 125 Arianes have (figure 2): of the French Space Agency (Centre
been launched from French Guiana. l the Delta 2 and Delta 3 family opera- National d’itudes Spatiales - CNES).
From Ariane 1 to Ariane 5 (f$pre Z), the ted by Boeing;
launcher payload capability has been l the Atlas 2, 2A and 2AS family For further information,
multiplied by almost four. Europe, with operated by ILSlLockheed-Martin; please contact;
Arianespace, is now leader in the l the Proton-Russian launch vehicle Mich&e BOURELLY
commercial space transportation market, operated by ILS/Lockheed-Martin; CNES
and possesses an new heavy reliable l the Ukrainian Zenith launch vehicle Centre Spatial d’Evry
and powerful launcher with Ariane 5. operated by Sea Launch/Boeing; Rot-d Point de I’bpace
And in 1999 too, Starsem - a Franco- l the Chinese Long March in version 91023 Evry cedex, France
Russian company -has successfully laun- CZ2,CZ3A,3B,3C... Tel.: +33 1 60 87 74 25
ched 6 times the Soyouz vehicle to place and in the near future: Fax: +33 1 60 a7 74 a9
into orbit 24 satellites for the Globalstar l the Delta 4 family from Boeing, the
constellation. Atlas 3A, 38 and 5 family from Lock-
Satellite Launchers

Figure 1. From Ariane 10 1 - 24 December 1979 (on the left), to Ariane 504 - IO December 1999 (on the right).
(Doe. Arianespace)



2*3000 kg 3800 kg 4030 kg 4300 kg 5000 kg 5500 kg 5400 kg


Figracd2. Ariane 5 and its rnuin competitors,excluding the Evoh& mnded Launch Vehicles. Also shown is the
payload capacity in GTO On kg). (Dot. Arianespacel

AIR & SPACE EUROPE l VOL. 2 l No 2 - 2000

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