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Tekst i dizajn/Text and design:

Dragana Mijatović-Jovanović

© 2012 Dragana Mijatović-Jovanović, the Netherlands

Ilustracije/ Illustrations:

Microsoft ® Office PowerPoint ®2010 (14.0.6111.5000)SP2

MSO (14.0.6112.5000)
Part of Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010
© 2010 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

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Page -
Content - Sadržaj
Greetings - Pozdravi 4
Wishes – Čestitke/Želje 5
Answers - Odgovori 6
Situations – Situacije
Introduction to friends Upoznavanje sa decom 7
Introduction to adults Upoznavanje sa odraslima 7
Lunch/dinner at Na ručku/večeri kod
relatives/friends rođaka/prijatelja
Lost Izgubljen / Izgubljena 9
Public transport U gradskom prevozu 10
Newsstand Trafika 10
In a bakery U pekari 11
Fast food Kiosk hrane 11
In a confectionery U poslastičarnici 12
In a cinema U bioskopu 13
In a theater U pozorištu 13
Ice skating Na klizalištu 14
At a hairdresser Kod frizera 14
At the doctor Kod lekara 15
At the dentist Kod zubara 15
At an airport Na aerodromu 16
In a plane U avionu 16
Emergency phone numbers - Važni telefonski brojevi 17
Conjunctions - Veznici 17
General expressions - Opšti izrazi 18-20
Time expressions - Izrazi za vreme 21-23
Days in a week - Dani u nedelji 24
Months - Meseci 25
General numbers - Prosti brojevi 25-26
Ordinal numbers - Redni brojevi 27

Greetings Pozdravi

Foreign language Srpski jezik

Hello! Zdravo!

Good morning! Dobro jutro!

Good afternoon! Dobar dan!

Good evening! Dobro veče!

Good night! Laku noć!

Goodbye! Do viđenja!


Remark Napomena

On the line under the English text, you can Na liniji ispod teksta na engleskom jeziku
write this text in the language of the country možete da napišete taj tekst na jeziku
where your child is living. sredine u kojoj dete živi.

Wishes Čestitke/Želje

Foreign language Srpski jezik

Welcome! Dobro došli!

Congratulations! Čestitam!

Bon appetite! Prijatno!

Cheers! Živeli!

Bless you! Nazdravlje!

Happy birthday! Srećan rođendan!

Have a nice trip! Srećan put!


Answers Odgovori

Foreign language Srpski jezik

Yes. Da.

No. Ne.

Thank you. Hvala.

Here you are. Izvolite.

You are welcome. Nema na čemu.

Excuse me./Sorry. Izvinite.

I’m so sorry. Žao mi je.


Situations Situacije

Introduction Upoznavanje
to friends sa decom
Hi! I am ………………... Zdravo! Ja sam ............
(name) (ime)

I am from ……………..… Dolazim iz …………..
(country name) (ime zemlje)

What is your name? Kako se ti zoveš?

Where are you from? Odakle si?


Introduction Upoznavanje
to adults sa odraslima
Hello! I am…………….. Dobar dan! Ja sam ...........
(name) (ime)

What is your name? Kako se Vi zovete?

Where are you from? Odakle ste?


Lunch/dinner Na ručku/večeri
at relatives/friends kod rođaka/prijatelja
I’m thirsty. Žedan sam.
Žedna sam.
A glass of water/juice, please. Molim čašu vode/soka.

I’m hungry. Gladan sam.
Gladna sam.
Please, pour me some soup. Molim te, sipaj mi supu.

Please, pass me the meat. Molim te, dodaj mi meso.

.... bread. … hleb.

…sauce. … sos.

…vegetables/ salad. …povrće/salatu.

Would you like some more? Želiš li još?

Yes, please. Da, hvala.

No, thank you. I’m full. Ne, hvala, sit sam.
Ne, hvala, sita sam.

Lost Izgubljen / Izgubljena

I am lost. Izgubio sam se.

_______________________ Izgubila sam se.

Can you, please, help me? Možete li da mi pomognete?

I’m looking for my Tražim moju mamu/baku.
mother/grandmother. Ona se zove…………..…
(ime mame/bake)
Her name is…………………
(mom’s/grandma’s name)



I’m looking for my Tražim mog tatu/dedu.

father/grandfather. On se zove…………
(ime tate/dede)
His name is…………………
(dad’s/ grandpa’s name)



Can you tell me, please, Molim Vas, gde je ulica

where is the street ………….?
(street name)
(ime ulice)



Public transport U gradskom prevozu

One ticket, please. Jednu kartu, molim.

How much costs the ticket? Koliko košta karta?

Does this bus stop at the Da li ovaj autobus staje kod
swimming pool? bazena?


Please, tell me when to get Molim Vas, recite mi kad da
off the bus. siđem.



Newsstand Trafika

Could you please load my Dopunu za mobilni za

pre-paid mobile phone with ….….…..dinara, molim.
………. dinars.


When will Kad izlazi
……………….show up? …………………..?
(name of newspaper/journal) (naziv novina/časopisa)

In a bakery U pekari

One roll, please. Jednu kiflu, molim.

One pretzel, please. Jednu perecu, molim.

One bagel, please. Jedan đevrek, molim.

One ‘burek’ with cheese and Jedan burek sa sirom i
a yoghurt, please. jogurt, molim.


One bread, please. Jedan hleb, molim.


Fast food Kiosk hrane

One hamburger, please. Jednu pljeskavicu, molim.

A bag of French fries, please. Jednu porciju pomfrita,
A slice of pizza, please. Jedno parče pice, molim.


In a confectionery U poslastičarnici

One piece of this cake Jedno parče ove torte/ ovog

please. kolača, molim.


One ice cream cone with Tri kugle sladoleda u
three scoops of ice cream: kornetu: od čokolade, vanile
chocolate, vanilla and i jagode, molim.
strawberry, please.




A glass of water, please. Čašu vode, molim.

A glass of orange juice/ apple Čašu soka od
juice, please. pomorandže/jabuke,

A cup of tea, please. Šolju čaja, molim.

May I have the bill, please? Račun, molim.

In a cinema U bioskopu

Two tickets for …………..…, Dve karte za……………..,

(film name) (naziv filma)

at two o’clock, please. u dva sata, molim.


How much are the tickets? Koliko koštaju karte?

One bag of popcorn, please. Jednu kesu kokica, molim.


In a theater U pozorištu

Is there a show for children Da li ima danas neka

today? predstava za decu?


Two tickets for Dve karte za
………..………, please. ……..…………, molim.
(play name) (naziv predstave)



Ice skating Na klizalištu

One ticket, please. Jednu kartu, molim.

I would like to hire the skates Hteo bih da iznajmim
size… klizaljke broj………………..
(veličina klizaljki)

Htela htela bih da iznajmim
_______________________ klizaljke broj…………………
(veličina klizaljki)

At a hairdresser Kod frizera

I would like a haircut. Možete li da me ošišate?

How much costs a haircut? Koliko košta šišanje?

Please, cut my hair short. Ošišajte me na kratko.

Please, don’t cut too short my Nemojte mnogo da mi
bangs. skratite šiške.



At the doctor Kod lekara

I have a stomachache. Boli me stomak.

I’m feeling sick. Muka mi je.

I have a headache. Boli me glava.

My throat hurts. Boli me grlo.

My nose is running. Curi mi nos.

I have a fever. Imam temperaturu/

At the dentist Kod zubara

I have a toothache. Boli me zub.

I lost a filling. Ispala mi je plomba.


At an airport Na aerodromu
Boarding card and passport, Bording kartu i pasoš,
please. molim.

Here you are. Izvolite.

When departs the plane? Kad poleće avon?

When arrives the plane? Kad sleće avion?

Excuse me, where is the Izvinite, gde je toalet?


In a plane U avionu
My seat is 12C. Moje sedište je 12C.

A sandwich with ham/cheese, Sendvič sa šunkom/sirom,
please. molim.

A glass of water/ orange Čašu vode/ soka od
juice/ apple juice, please. pomorandže/ jabuke,

Emergency phone Važni telefonski
numbers brojevi

Foreign language Srpski jezik

Police Policija
Call: 192 Zovi: 192
Fire brigade Vatrogasci
Call: 193 Zovi: 193
Emergency Hitna pomoć
Call: 194 Zovi: 194

Conjunctions Veznici

Foreign language Srpski jezik

and i
or ili
but ali
if ako

General expressions Opšti izrazi

Foreign language Srpski jezik

who ko

what šta

when kada

how kako

how much koliko

why zašto

where gde/kuda


General expressions Opšti izrazi

Foreign language Srpski jezik

nobody niko

everyone svako

somebody neko

somewhat nešto

nothing ništa

nowhere nigde

somewhere negde

always uvek

never nikad


General expressions Opšti izrazi

Foreign language Srpski jezik

up gore

down dole

left levo

right desno


far (away) daleko


close blizu


Time expressions Izrazi za vreme

Foreign language Srpski jezik

day dan

week nedelja

month mesec

year godina

morning jutro

evening veče

night noć

holiday praznik


Time expressions Izrazi za vreme

Foreign language Srpski jezik

in the morning ujutru

in the morning (before noon) pre podne

noon podne

afternoon popodne

in the evening uveče

midnight ponoć

early rano

late kasno

What time is it? Koliko je sati?


Time expressions Izrazi za vreme

Foreign language Srpski jezik

today danas
yesterday juče
day before yesterday prekjuče
tomorrow sutra
day after tomorrow prekosutra

Days in a week Dani u nedelji

Foreign language Srpski jezik

Monday ponedeljak
Tuesday utorak
Wednesday sreda
Thursday četvrtak
Friday petak
Saturday subota
Sunday nedelja
Months Meseci

Foreign language Srpski jezik

January januar
February februar
March mart
April april
May maj
June juni
July juli
August avgust
September septembar
October oktobar
November novembar
December decembar

General numbers Osnovni brojevi

Foreign language Srpski jezik

1 jedan
2 dva
3 tri
4 četiri
5 pet
6 šest
7 sedam
8 osam
9 devet
10 deset
11 jedanaest
12 dvanaest
13 trinaest
14 četrnaest
15 petnaest
16 šesnaest
17 sedamnaest
18 osamnaest
19 devetnaest
20 dvadeset

General numbers Osnovni brojevi

Foreign language Srpski jezik

21 dvadeset i jedan
22 dvadeset i dva
30 trideset
40 četrdeset
50 pedeset
60 šezdeset
70 sedamdeset
80 osamdeset
90 devedeset
100 sto
308 trista osam
1.000 hiljadu
1.000.000 milion

Ordinal numbers Redni brojevi

Foreign language Srpski jezik

1st ______ 1. (prvi)
2nd ______ 2. (drugi)
3rd ______ 3. (treći)
4th ______ 4. (četvrti)
5th ______ 5. (peti)
… …
10th ______ 10. (deseti)
11th ______ 11. (jedanaesti)
… …
20th ______ 20. (dvadeseti)
21st ______ 21. (dvadeset i prvi)
… …
100th ______ 100. (stoti)
… …
once jedanput
twice dvaput
dubble duplo/dvostruko


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