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The purpose of this activity is to reflect and comment on your development as a

writer and on your learning experience in this course. In particular, reflective
writing will allow you to:

 Evaluate your progress over time

 Create links between different assignments
 Reflect on your learning and growth
 Take responsibility for your writing


In an ESSAY, reflect on the writing process you adopted this semester when
writing the ‘Argumentative Research Essay/Synthesis’ by considering the
following points:

1. Write an introduction and a thesis for this ‘Process Essay’

2. Comment on the usefulness of the handouts on MOODLE to write the
‘Argumentative Research Synthesis’. (Which ones were the most helpful?
3. Comment on the usefulness of The Wadsworth Handbook and Read,
Reason, Write when writing the research essay. (Which chapters were the
most helpful? Why?)
4. Describe the STEPS of the ‘Process’ you liked the most and state why you
liked them.
5. Describe the STEPS of the ‘Process’ you disliked and state your reasons for
disliking them.
6. Would you add anything to the ‘Process’? If yes, what would you add?
7. Would you delete anything from the ‘Process’? If yes, what would you
delete? Why?
8. If you worked with a partner, did you like pair work? Why? Why not?
9. Describe how you divided the work with your partner.
10.Write a brief conclusion for this Reflective Essay. (Include an estimated
grade out of 100 for your ‘PROCESS WORK’ and justify your


Follow these directions carefully:

 Write your reflection as a well-structured and developed ESSAY in approx.

2 pages(double-spaced, Times New Roman, font 12, with 2cm margins)in a
logical manner
 State your name, your instructor's name, your course and section number,
and the date
 Submit your work on MOODLE.


You teacher will consider the following:

 Demonstration of growth over time

 Demonstration of reflection about the various learning tasks
 Demonstration of reading and applying knowledge from handouts on
MOODLE and the textbooks
 Demonstration of writing a well-structured and developed essay
 Demonstration of writing formal academic language
 Demonstration of applying writing mechanics


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