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Course Syllabus

HW101 Introduction to Complementary and Alternative


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Course Information:
Course Title: Introduction to Complementary and Alternative Medicine

This course will take place over the course of 3 weeks.

Live Seminar: 90 Minutes

Course Description:
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) has become a widespread use. the use of CAM is important
in today’s healthcare. There are a lot of questions to be asked when it comes to CAM. What is CAM? Are CAM
practices safe? Who can use CAM practices? Is CAM proven to be effective? Where can I find CAM providers?
Etc... In this course we will learn and understand what CAM is, the history of CAM and some of the types of
CAM being use.

Learning outcomes:
 Demonstrate understanding of what defines complementary and alternative medicine
 Demonstrate knowledge of different types of CAM
 Express understanding of the history of CAM
 Shares knowledge on resources and availability of CAM within the student’s community

Course Materials:
No material is needed.

Grading Criteria:
Week One
Week Two
Week Three



I to summarize complementary and alternative medicine is used by many Americans and can be defined as
medical treatments that are not a part of mainstream medicine. The National Center for Complementary and
Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) of NIH defines CAM as “a group of diverse medical and health care systems,
practices, and products that are not presently considered to be part of conventional medicine” (NCCAM,

Complementary medicine: Used in addition to other standard treatments

Alternative medicine: Used in substitution of standard treatments

Why people use CAM:

Types of CAM:

 Meditation  Massages
 Hypnosis  Chiropractic
 Yoga  Therapeutic touch
 Tai Chi  Reiki
 Creative Outlets (Music, Dance, Art)  Acupuncture
 Vitamins, Supplements  Homeopathy
 Specific foods

Before you start to begin any type of complementary or alternative medicine it is recommended that you talk
to your doctor. It is important to keep your doctor in form of your use of complementary and alternative
medicine because it can make a difference in the treatment plan that your doctor has in place.
Minimizing health risks of using complementary and alternative medicine.

(1) Talk to your health Care Provider.

 List all complementary and alternative health practices that you are using including herbal and
dietary supplements.
 Be proactive and your health
 Ask questions.

(2) Do your research on it.

(3) Carefully choose a practitioner

 Confirm education, licensing, and certification.
 Find out if they are willing to communicate and work with your other healthcare practitioners.
 Find out the practitioner’s experience in working with conditions like yours.
 Talk about health insurance coverage, not all practitioners are covered by health insurance the
same way.

(4) Keep your practitioners and doctors in form of all types of treatment and supplements you are partaking
 Fully informing your healthcare providers helps you stay proactive and in control and managing
your health.

Lecture Notes

Week One

complementary and alternative medicines can be broken into groups including traditional alternative
medicine, body, diet and herbs, external energy, mind, and senses,
Looking at traditional and alternative medicine this field includes things that are more in the field of
mainstream such as acupuncture in homeopathy. Traditional alternative medicines have been used in
practice for centuries all around the world.

Next, body. Since the early days of medical care touch has been a form of medicine used. The idea of healing
by touch is that an illness or an injury in one area of the body can go onto affect all parts of the body. With
manual manipulation the belief that while bringing back other parts of the body to good health and the body
can focused on the injured site. Techniques and therapies using touch me include massage or chiropractic
care as well as many more.

Diets and herbs. This includes dietary supplements, vitamins, herbal medicine, and the use of foods for
nutrition and or a diet. Over many years we have grown from a simple diet that consisted of meats fruits,
vegetables, and greens to a diet that consists of lots of fats, complex carbohydrates, and oils. Due to the
change of diet over the years there is an increase in the issue of nutritional deficiencies in addition to access.
Do use of diets and herbs is to attempt to bring the body back to a nutritional balance.

External energy. External energy is the use of taking energy from objects or other sources examples of this
would be Reiki.

Mind. The connection between mind and body is powerful and that is being recognized by conventional
medicine as well. The deal is that people who have a good emotional mental health heal better and feel
better. Examples of mind CAM would be meditation and hypnosis.

Lastly senses. People believe that their overall health can be affected by senses, touch, hearing, taste, smell,
and cite examples of these would include imagery visualization, dance, art, and music.

Week Two

Complementary and alternative medicine are made up by many different practices. When we look at the
different types of complementary and alternative medicine you may notice that some may overlap with
conventional medicine such as acupuncture. This week we are going to look at a few at CAM practices in
depth including acupuncture, chiropractic care, yoga, and herbal medicine. I have chosen these specifically
because I feel they are the most used.

Acupuncture: starting with acupuncture, acupuncture involves a very thin needle that is inserted into your
skin by using strategies and choosing locations in your body. Do use of acupuncture is commonly known for
treating pain but there is an increase in the use of acupuncture for overall wellness and that includes stress
management. According to “traditional Chinese medicine explain to acupuncture as a
technique for balancing the flow of energy or life known as Chi or qi and is believed to flow through pathways
in your body.” (Mayoclinic, 2021)

Why is acupuncture used?

The risks: following standards and having a certified practitioner- LOW

Who should not use acupuncture?

How to prepare and what to expect. Research, insurance coverage, credentials

You can expect for the practitioner to ask you questions about symptoms. Your behaviors, and your lifestyle.
The practitioner may then examine the areas of your body that you are finding pain, the quality of the pulse
Initial exam- 60 min after- 30 min, treatment plan.
An Overview of Different forms of Complementary and Alternative

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a therapy that uses the insertion of very thin needles into the skin using a strategy of points
within the body. Practitioners believe that inserting needles along the meridians in specific spots your energy
flow will re-balance itself. However, there are western practitioners who would view acupuncture as points
on the body that allow to stimulate nerves, muscles, and connective tissue.

Why is it used?

The use of acupuncture is most known to relieve the pain and discomfort. There is a wide variety of diseases
and conditions that people are using acupuncture to treat including:

 Dental pain
 Lower back pain
 Labor pain
 Neck pain
 Menstrual cramps
 Headaches, migraines, tension headaches
 Chemotherapy
 Respiratory disorders

What are the risks?

By using a certified acupuncture practitioner who is competent and using sterile needles the risks are low.
Some of the common side effects that people can see are soreness, minor bleeding, and minor bruising
where the needles had been inserted. The risk of an infection is minimal due to a new standard of using
single use, disposable needles. You should talk to a practitioner and seeing if you are a good fit to receive this
form of therapy. Some people who may not be a good candidate would be those with bleeding disorders,
having a pacemaker, and those who are pregnant. When it comes to pregnant women there are some types
of acupuncture that are known to stimulate labor and potentially causing a premature delivery.

How you can prepare and what you can expect.

The biggest thing to prepare yourself when it comes to acupuncture is by choosing a practitioner. Some tips
to help you with choosing a practitioner is checking the practitioners’ credentials, interviewing the
practitioner most importantly if you decide to use your insurance you need to see if it is covered by the
You can expect for the practitioner to ask you questions about symptoms. Your behaviors, and your lifestyle.
The practitioner may then examine the areas of your body that you are finding pain, the quality of the pulse
in your wrist. The initial exam and the treatment for the first time could take up to about 60 minutes after
that you are looking at around 30 minutes. The treatments will vary depending on the individual’s treatment
plan but usually 1 to 2 treatments a week.


Immediately after the procedure some people may feel relaxed, and others may feel more energized, but
everyone responds differently, and some may not respond at all. It is important to be mindful of your
symptoms and if they are improving and if they are not should reevaluate if acupuncture is right for you.

Chiropractic Care

What is chiropractic care?

Chiropractic care is a licensed healthcare profession that puts an emphasis on the body being able to heal
itself. Treatment method used by chiropractors can range from stretching two specific joint manipulations
which usually involves and delivered by the hand. It is a process of manipulation that has a purpose to
improve joint motion and function. Chiropractic care is most done on the spine but there are other parts of
the bodies that can also be treated through manipulation.

Why is it used?

Chiropractic care is used for a wide range of reasons most used for back pain, but it can also reduce pain from
migraines or any neck related headaches, neck and spine injuries, whiplash, issues with the joints in the arms
legs or shoulders, immune deficiency, sinus infections, and so on, the list goes on and on and what people
may use chiropractic for.

What is the risk?

Initially after an exam you may feel sore or tired. In rare cases chiropractic care may cause some
complications that are more severe such as a pinched nerve, stroke, and herniated discs. Complications are
most likely to happen when using a unlicensed person to do your treatments.

What to expect.

At your first visit you can expect for your practitioner to go over your medical history and perform a physical
exam which could include some diagnostic testing’s. After completing the exam your chiropractor will then
develop a treatment plan that is based on what they find it through the test results as well as symptoms. You
will then receive your first treatment which would include the use of their hands or small interest
instruments, and they will apply a quick and controlled forced to a joint and with that you may feel cracking
or a popping sensation.


What is yoga?
Routed from Indian philosophy 5 yoga is an ancient practice. Yoga began as a spiritual practice but has
recently become more popular as a way of promoting mental and physical health. In the United States yoga
typically emphasizes postures, breathing techniques and meditation. There are many different types of yoga
ranging from gentle to physically demanding.

Why is it used?

Research suggests that yoga can help improve and relieve some health issues including:

 Relieving stress
 Improving mental and emotional health
 Improving sleep in balance
 Relieving lower back and neck pain
 Helping with overweight or obese people lose weight
 Relieving menopause symptoms
 Helps manage anxiety and depression symptoms
 And helping those with chronic diseases improve their quality of life.

What is the risk?

Yoga is generally low of risks and on the safe side when it comes to a form of physical activity. Yoga being
performed properly and under the guidance of a qualified instructor will help lower your risks of any side
effects however injuries can still occur as with any other form of physical activity. The most common injuries
that do occur are sprains and strains.

Herbal medicine

What is considered herbal medicine?

Herbal medicine is the use of plants, and it is to treat diseases and promote overall health and well-being.
Herbal medicine comes from ancient cultures. Some herbs have some powerful ingredients.

Why is it used?

Herbal medicine is used to help the body return to a state of natural balance so that way it can continue to
heal itself. Herbs act in different ways and are used differently for the body. Some common uses of herbal
medicine include:

 Boost and stimulates immune system

 To help with symptoms in menopause and premenstrual tension
 Help with blood pressure
 Reducing the risk of heart disease
 Helping treat poor blood circulation
 Combating fatigue
 Treating mild depression, anxiety, and insomnia

The risks?

Herbal medicines are most mistaken to be thought of being completely safe because people think that they
are natural products, but this is not the case it is important to talk to someone who specializes in herbal
medicine. Herbal medicine should always be prescribed by a qualified and registered practitioner there are
many risks that can come with taking herbal medicines such as allergic reactions, vomiting, nausea,
headaches, asthma, and diarrhea as well as many more. In addition to those mild side effects there could be
severe side effects as well.

Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2021, March 26). Acupuncture. Mayo
Clinic. Retrieved from
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Yoga: What you need to know. National
Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Retrieved from
Herbal medicine. Herbal medicine - Better Health Channel. (n.d.). from

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