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Koch Chapter 10: Making the Decision to Become a Teacher


Name: Dorie Isaac

1. How has your image of teaching and learning changed over this semester? Give
at least two specifics.
My image of teaching has changed over this semester by giving me a real-world look
into what I will be experiencing. The service-learning opportunity was wonderful, and I
was able to get a glimpse into what teaching will really be like for me. I was able to see
two classrooms and how creating an effective learning space aides in student success. I
was also able to see the professional dynamic of two second grade teachers working
alongside each other in different rooms, so that their students were all on the same
page and learning together.

2. After reading the Tips for Teachers found in Chapter 10 and the attached
documents, which tips do you plan to implement yourself?
One tip that I always implement is to be early, not on time. I regularly showed up to my
service-learning about five minutes before I was scheduled to arrive, and this is
something that I plan on continuing throughout my career. When I am early, it shows
that I respect the time of other’s and that I am serious about my work. I have always
had an incredibly strong work ethic and that carries over into everything that I do.
Another tip for teacher success that I found helpful was to keep a journal. While I was
completing my service-learning, I always had a notebook with me that I wrote down
what I was observing and different strategies of teaching in. I drew pictures of the
classroom set up along with detailed descriptions of what each teacher had in their
rooms. I also kept a log of tasks I was assigned and how these were beneficial to

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