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Reka Roefika Novita Putri

English Department-Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta


Movies are part of media learning, it is an attractive way to stimulate the student to
improve their study, learning and thinking. Movies give them education also entertainment. The
aims of this paper were to introduce asking student to make movie as strategy in teaching for
college student in understanding Educational Research Methodology and also for stimulate their
thinking. The advantages of using this strategy is student will study first before lescturer explain
to them and this strategy means lecturer educate them because college student is about learn by
themselves and not like children which is the teacher give the knowledge first like mom bribe the
child. This strategy can train the student confident, raise the students mind and opinion.

The others advantage from this strategy is develop socialization from the students
because they make movie and work together with their friends. This paper aim lecturer to know
new strategy for teaching because from making movie student could increasing and get useful
skills which is can students use when they are teaching for their students or when they work
related with movie.

Keywords : Movies, Strategy, Educational Research Methodology, College Student


Some lecturer seldom asked students to make movie and the contain is the material from
the subject, they usually use movies media such as students only watch the lecturer ask the
students to give their opinion or what the contain from the movie. Before students make movie
they will learn fisrt, they will read the materials first then from this strategy they get new skills,
they also understand Educational Research Methodology even only little bit make lecturer easy
to explain. Making movie make students can be creative, imagination and confident to speak
their opnion. Helping students to know their goals such as one of journal from Mr.Sofian “what
are the goals am I trying to achieve by playing this game”. ( Dr.Muhamad Sofian Hadi.M.Pd) it
means student know what they will achieve from making movies.

This paper discuss about ask the student for making movie to stimulus and understand
Educationa Research Methodology. Movie is popular right now and every students love movie
beside it Korean, Hollywood, every students surely know about movie. This paper discussions
consist of making movie as the strategy for student to stimulus and understand educational
research methodology, What the reason ask student to make movie as strategy to stimulus brain?
and how to use asking students to make movie as the strategy for students to stimulate and
understanding Educational Research Methodology.


The world of education is always evolving along with development of the world.
Likewise with educational facilities and infrastructure more adequate and more complete. So that
learning can be done with maximum. Similarly, the media used in the learning process more

Technological developments in the end also penetrated to the world of education.

Technology in learning can be a means of learning, method or media and a source of learning for
learners. Because of the technological developments we can modified method for learning such
as when in senior high school we use movie for media but the way is they watched it and the
teacher asked students to give their opinionor conclusion but when in the college we can
modified strategy the student watch and students also make the movie

Because the advantages from making movie for stimulus and understand material is good
because the lecturer wake and hacking students mind, making students inactive before will be
active, increasing creativity from students.


What the Reason Ask Student to Make Movie as Strategy to Stimulus Brain?

Movies is media which is making the student interest with the subject. Student love
movie recently and entertainment. The reason choose asking student to make movie as strategy is
because from my research this strategy can make our brain be imagination, creative and train
student to create good work team. The important is before we make the movie we will read the
book and understanding the materials before the lecturer explain and that is the true college
student. Asking student to make movie can make students have critical thinking, thinking what
should they do, solving the problem together, making your students have new skills in use
technology, editing the video.

Why I choose this strategy because even this strategy force the students but the strategy
will useful for students. Because this strategy means lecturer train students to have habit to read
book and understanding the materials before lecturer explaining, also train students to think out
of the books. Even you seldom to read the material you will know and remember even just a

How to Use “Asking Students to Make Movie as the Strategy for Students to Stimulate and
Understanding Educational Research Methodology”?

Using make movie as the strategy for students to stimulus and understand the materials is
not mean the lecturer doesn’t explain and doesn’t give them knowledge. The lecturer keep gives
explanation but the way is the first lecturer explain how the lecturer teach and should clearly.
Second lecturer give students material such as the selection of a research approach, review of the
literature, the use of theory, kuntitatif, kualitatif, mix method then divided students into some
group. Third after lecturer gave explanation then lecturer ask students to make movie.

After they make movie after that the movie should play in class after the movie has
played the lecturer ask the member of the group to come forward then the lecturer ask students
one by one from the materials whom is their materials, but the method after students movie have
played is should different but make it such as quiz or questions whom make students thinking.
Because this strategy make students think quickly, and understand the materials, surely train
their brain also increasing student’s memory. After that lecturer explain and tell the right answer
that materials whom is students show off in students movie.


Based on all of the explanation above if asking student to make movie for students to
stimulus and understanding Educational Research Methodology is good for students because
from making movie students know how to use technology, increasing students confident also
students critical thinking, brave to give opinion. Lecture give students habit to stimulus students
brain to think out of the box. Even you seldom read the materials you will know and remember.



eaking_for_Young_Learners, accessed 18 June 2018

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