Womens Health

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I ACOg H,{\ lHI JO
gHI I31I{
NOrJI(IU S.UOrCf,'t10C

g Ed's letter
ro Ask WH
46 The WH team
r37 Stoclzists
q8 My weeh on a plate

De.code your fat to torch it

The no-BS way to a flat stomach

- you'd better believe it

Watching YouT ubc videus made

onc reader d|dp 3st

Drop acid, fight diabetes

Shed pounds with pasta. For real EAT SMART
Why beer and sperm don't mix How to upgrade your dinner


Naiosho Corrett's top sugar sub
Meet the antioxidant ne\ucomer

Tenbrehkies you'll eot
The off-kilter ways to fight a cold t'orever


Get bigger to boost your worbout ltalian menu trops
Swerve the

',^ioMEN's HEALTH I March2ol5 I

srlJrol salDs padsns aql a?pog wDuunH a\nllJ \:1a\ sl\8now KxaS
uyJ Y oJ sIflx tHtb€t NOS iIJrUnOLVt 68
nqtmt oB pq1 sla?po2 a4DUS taSnOJl s11.1LutDllJ o1 r'/.OH
SJUVIAIS UNOI flSN Z€T ufl.{wfl.w srH uilswg.witu 98
t\8nft\ asq puo (7o11 o1 oX pnal $au aql ol aly anol moK a4n1
xotgo NorJvNrJsgo 6zr flSNflS XIIS flHJ E8
STTIXS fl,{IT trAOT 8 XflS
trflAo) gHJ I{O
xas pf31p lo stno puD sm aql
Kpoq mo(. nl spuau $aq a\L
troy eattad nt 447ool acard-or tno1
xJoJs x)or 6L
do1 o1 sddo Wpa\ $aq oz a\I
4ool qlo? uKB aql4)ot ot (\oH
isrrrJ ovoTN too 80r XJVTq. NI X)Vg LL"
tauul(t\ 9roz Kpog a11l s,Hty\ uo qrlls ol slulx:;.qnlSura8o-4uy
ufloNo t tlLttsoor ot7,.to TTg.htil
saooll paus-l1?ry r1qryg uo nlplos pwt 8uuo1rol \lm n4utl
sJyil Jsflg s,xn z6 dn ilns 69
Kpoq nqpuryaqunyd aulsu! aql
t'xxxxfl 'rfSNlfUg S,JI 8z sxoor ooo9
7Zt 69
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e;;a ;;s ihey'ie both gieat"rhatt because


The big ,ft"ut" picked and packed at their optimal

state, says food scientist Dr Sue

ii;[y. B"tfrozen#ns by u T"id,g: because
flash-frozen in its most beneficial-form'
*"**hile, is heated to kill the micro-organisms
vegetables.Which are lhu,.u,rr" spoilage, resulting i"3 fty nutrients
morenutritious? beins lost. To geithe best out of both types' lt"ql
Got tt/
l{eena, Birmingham
ftor""rveggies"and go for low-sodium cans'

womenshealthmag.co uk
EN's HEALTH I March 2o'ls I
II HIIVIH S.Nl^O^^ SIOZ qcreh In of, 6euqlleoqsueuoM
ftilr 'aug SuDIr"d e;o 1no .&-u srq 1pl
]ea.^as o1.^aoq ]noq? oJaz .r\oD1 II.er{ II HlUO/v\ IONE e rol]e llnls olll Aq rea^ S
'seprseg 'rurq ro; q8noua sr arue8 aq] II HIUOM tr oldood IL eloprauv ( lr L.llr^
Jo a ol sq ur areqs o11ue.Lr no.( Pe; pol rl sl .ral U elilB .rno^ :lll)
erit - rlrrur oo1 l-rro.,u. 1,up1no.,u. dlpar 1 sn Luo.ll ou l
u MS u Luoc ls uo l]lnu
'do1 aql reao o3 ol paau ou '3uppf,l - e s,lr 'uoql Mou rol su eldxa Apoq rnoA 1o 1no
alepurrsse no.( diaq ]lL A uJerf,s eql 'sluo rJnu pue su xo] poqsn I uoql o]e qr qM
1e sarltre;o.rd Surqei 'elnr eplsJo uoaMloq alua.ra]lrp ',,soluPlsqns l xol 6urllerlle
aq] Ieu noL;r s]urod t4xa urea 1,nod aql lol upl lr roqloqM 'lauOpLU e ol I slrp,, ll
pue uorurdo lpqlooJ-qnd pasu"lod uo I.le nl lrsd',lno I ls ue6^xo qlrM poleo.rl s,leq]
sruos ro] sPlolq4 arlt P€er 'tuPe] sq s,A.rnl oLll - la^ lsnt s)lu rp uoq.rel poOreql Alo^ leOou
ur s:a,&1d aqr lpJo seureu eq] ur"aT IroM .rolle leolrpql 6urddod sLposreql pale^ lrv leals
'pa1no aq p dn )lool ol onroq]eq
11.nod pue pror"r Suor.Lr auo - oO l,uop lnq '(urol l d
4ro-Lr1au ue8rloor{ a}"J}lgu of Surlrf 6LUOO9 u lr o)lel uel no^) oql uo Morql no^ llnls aLll
" jou
lua8e ra,rorrapun u" e{r ar,no1 i"H uMol oql uo lno lll6ru p-reLl sl srrll :lsr I s6urql lsr j
uopuo'l'DtgDX <
6}.rels I plnoqs aroqr!\ TYO3T{\T{J OEJYAIJSY ""LI HTUOA& JI SI
'l! puBNrapunlsuop I lnq
'1pq1oo; ottul{lpar
q pual"g-tuq,(w
l8ur;eqs panunuor
']uru3 e u?q] erour '.rapr.r 'dseg '+sproJleH ruorJ
;o sacuanbasuol er{} ro1 pa.redard 1aB ppoqs nodpue uoqesre uoJ 6s'9tj 'elPpPS./Y\olc IeD z)E\e1I
3q lng'Pa{o}s eq 11,aq trn8 urePoru orp uI tuq aqo,tur,(1praua3 a11ag aqr d:; 'el{learq o} ruoor
s.er{ JI 'ulooDl€olf, eql lE ro ool 'uorurdo srq 8ur-1sr,(q slual o,r$ srr{ speu srq aar8 ot alpprru eqt ul IIa-&\
aqt ul s,aq 3FI.^a $lurrp aql rol ,&4 ul&rorq] o1 Iurq 1oD go uoru uJn] elllll qll-^ pul{ eql - leas 3ur1c.b
'Surrago :o 'ssry e 8ur1eu lnoqtll,r lI ]eql sl1elap alnrsnulu ssal]urod " padeqs-ueaq rulq 1aB pue
oP puP uor]"ntrs eqlJo Iorluof, e>I"J yo Surlunocar pue surelled qaads rno,\"J
E urlq oC '1unoc ur.rads srq
.,firunyoddo lsarlrea aq1 1e Su1qleuros pelEralrrf,e aql s.r1 'oce1d1ro./ eql 3ur-ra.tto1 .(p;erodrual'sa1:r1sa1 aq1
ro;.(ed plnoqs nod'pta1su1 'oy ur srea8 rnod Surpuu8 s.]eqt sl 1l sl"arpelo 'uJnl ur 'srq1 'rrtq7 3ur6
leqm ureldxa Klttulnns pue,(1upc -oerx rCI tsrlrrcads lr1pra; sureldxa
$pn1,p1r,1 < uaqr '(rI q]p.\ lno aruoc 1sn[ '1se 'sllq slq ol .^aol] Poolq e)nPer
auqrlla1NnhpForIS l,usaoP ar{ JI Pu") sr 1eq1 dqrt nod uec - t.rcd1 leqt Ip uorlueu ol
',{seaun aru sa{Bru
11 fnq {s" urII ra1 '(uorpunpdp p}uaur o} 1ou - sdrunq pu" slllq;a-to Surprr
'Frr.q1fta,taroJs(ed pcrs,(qd ra;ard azrn) esuel laay nod 1o a.inssard oql esnef,aq arull relo
JAUFEd,teAU,(I^I 3up1eu sl {ro^( ruFI 1a1 'pooB 1ea; a8eruep aarlcnporda"r esrcl u?J slees
nod aleru ol sr q)rr{ - elII saop aq apdcrq preg 'relaaq,^a-o,{\l sq uala
lrqm o1de1d og 'nod goddns pue 11 'sad'pue slued 1q8r1 's?urcs - sSurql
{& ro,ro la8 ol spaeu aq'q8nory feqf dueur dq patraJe a.re ,sdr€ eplll, slH
Surr(es u1 Jlasurq lnoq? aTII lpseop
&'*t prclsu4aq3'Dwwa) <
aq ]rqrrr Surpagar rnorrreqaq rnod
tnoqe aq [vv' srql lo auros og '.{ep a-&tIual quutu,&u
, lxou al{l ll {r!n uo la8 pue xoq" uI lra.IIB Fugcfc ue3
$t lr ]nd o] raloq qf,n1711 'leq] ees ol
r{m nod ro; sI lue { rale a.rrr 3u1ql tsel
arp PrrE sernlrcI a>l[ IaeJ sn se{Errr 'uer{tr 'lea-^,\s oN ,,s}rega rp1eer{ Jo TST.r
.ffi ]I esrcJaq IJo 4.lnoq" u"oIII 01 ou,, sasod ]r prus os sr slrnpord asaql
o{{ },uop uaur :3u1q1 oqt s,orar{ oS ur puno1 ]unorup ar{} }Erll s.&s lcua8y
uo4)elord Pluauuorl\uf qsruec
pnlp71n2'nlly <
eq1 :]ad rea8 urlS 3ur,Icr.a,r-lea.tts :rnod
idlaH'op I uaq.tr aru lno,^ .orrll lpop 1ng 's11ac rnoL lp
ol uaNrl ].uo & puB )IJo,/ta. ur,lenrreru uor])rulsu, aql',VNC
lnoqE Fup1p1ar111 rnod a8eurep o1 p4ualod eql er'eq
orreu ra,qrs Jo s1a,r.a1 q8rq pue 'sseg
l6usaop puBqsnqdN
:a;ruue{ rg lsrSoloJrxol pluauruorraue
sure,^^. 'popquT eq uec salcqred ra.tls
aql lng 'seq;ado.rd prqorcnuqut s1r
SCNIA S,N=A CNV S:ICOE ol qu"ql 'a1sedq1oo1 o1 sle.^ao] pue
In o'l?uqtlEoqsuauoe .rcaru.spods ruog Surq/-raaa ur readde
@)qlleoqsuauoa :lIeue S,N=AOM SMONY,^,CEVH S=AV| Id
L-\OrJStrrlt) ol palrpls ser{ le]atu crdocsorctu stq;
DNININflYJOI) 'aq.(eur 'noL rog 'ou 'ErJalJ?q roC
UOOC IX=N uopuo'l'DuuDltv <
ANC )SV aaJl?s lI sI 'spnpordJo
7 =HI lolBurouBuJa us
Fulaas pal.ruls a rI
SI In o) 6euLllleaLlsueuoM
iruoog 'selrsnru rnol. sellf,pa{ raBuIS qclqlt 1e paads
eq] selqnop ulelord q+ft'^tt €ururgruof, 1v\or{s selpn}s
requry lEaru qll^r raiuits JnoA rrEd 'sllnser eas
o] paau nod 1p s1 dep e ds] ]sn[ :s^\eu ]saq eq] puv
'3ururc;1 qt8uans qll^a peurqurof, ueq \ s{ae \ 0I ra^o
1e; dpoq Jo B11'f ;o a8e.ra,re uE ]nr ue.r a1de1s L.r;-.rr1s
srr{} }Er{} Pe./!\oqs ssauilJ puD^asntaxfl to Toumo[ eql ul
paqsrlqnd dpnls p ']q8t"r s,]EqJ 'raEutB qll1\"'
"'.Tllo xHol&

s >^ trNJl.f I .T, n \.',r t{ >-SO'I JHDIST\\
$I [8 f

Rumblins bellv? A new review*
suggests firobiotics found in yoghurt
.ail".edrce your risk of getting eight
Jim".L"t ,yp", ;;'i;"i"3'tria
issues, incfuding diarrhoea and
irritable bowel slndrome, by 42o/o.
Researchers say this is due to their
capaciw to overwhelm unhealthY
batteria. In fact, these prob-iotic ".. ,

powerhouses can boost Your bodY

Irom top to, er, bottom...


Halves nasal Speeds recoverY lmproves

al ergy symptoms from respiratorY consttpat on
in eight weeks by lnfectrons by 31% bY symptoms bY
decreasing wh te ramping up virus- 62% by lowering
bLood ce I act vitY. targeting cel1s. gul pH levels.
Find it in: Spillaour
Find it in: Act vla Find it in: Yakult TotaL
=4 c


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I I I .- a- D'| D a-D

wo me n sh ea lth ma g.co.u k
16 woMEN's HEALTH March 2015 |

The type of fatyou eat can affect howfat
you get. Research by Uppsala University

in Sweden found that saturated fats
cause you to gain more podge than
polyunsaturated. Dont cut out sat fats
completely, though -
Brazll nuts and
-Yhe percemtage :l:*re &ikely coconut oil are still good guys.Aim for , Watermelon

y*u are tei tre elverweight l0o/o of your intake from sat fats, says
i$you take y*ur hreaq*.
'lvhite', accordixtg to a Mel Wakeman, nutrition lecturer at
$pazdsh stxdy. n irz*it yxiur Birmingham City University. Fat luck.
w}tite intake t* &ve slices a
week, or *pt Sor wla*lelaaea},
The fibre a*d &ll-you-*p
cclmplex carl:s ixa brow"m lryr{DIC?xoNuutNafingenin {n,r rin ic. i,r)
make it a breadwinnen
Use your leraf"
It sounds like a wrestler's stage name, but it's actually a compound found in grapefruit that

r corrects some metabolic mishaps responsible for obesity, heart disease and diabetes. In
. thrdy p"bt
had lower blood sugar and gained a fifth less weight than those on water. So next time you
order a fry-up, chase it with a glass of grapefruit juice. You cant be bitter about that.

li.rEN's HEALTH ] l4arch2or5 !vo me nshea lthmag.co. uk

gloz r-]f,reh I
)n 03 6euql|eaLlsuauoM
iLl6n .poads
u oseor)ur %9 so^o.]cLUr lr puno]
e ol spso srql Ipnls ue uerl
'lleq p lLq no^ uv ,l et-llos
uoqA lun.r6 pue I
euo Lllnrlsu r,
e^odsrsrls reuul ..ro 0nl 6urqleol
.rnoA lauueqJ )iJl]ods e leadoE
'lsooq arup.rnpua i."-s'ttaM S,tes
: t:: l
lugl ]ru6rs e ur uadEdQinAN :
I llnso] uel srr.ll ,,rfiiapn lfiiiuffi:
sles.ql..reosoE pueliuirni no,n
'ole.l s 6uunp roi.q ir 'duf,oo.m.,
o^rlrsod e u uels Lntured sie6
llosrno^ ol Ilel lnO>lrorrt e.u0UM
, 1.: l,: :t: t: : ;
:pEelsq senf, lBf,o^ rerpo aseq] rpl & ]no{rozu. rnol, pogg
'sp.lellrta$ pe,',de lr.n ,],(]ei[xonu
ppal {Eur ture} eqt sdes repo}s8po.y 3rg[ rg rer{rreeser 6leaT
'paumq daqf uEIql asrJrexe reue salJopf, eJoru a1e .Suprnq
]eJ, ]noryo1v\ rraq] peflaqEl orrv\ s]re[qns PunoS -Lpr+s uelrua3
'esrf,Jaxe no[ eruB ]xau eq] ,qesl,/v\- spro a Jno4_ef"gg!m)
S N:.ri stoz qf,reh In otr 6euqlleeqsueuoa
V i Hrrvf t
'lxeg 'qceurols rnodgo
ualee soleSuel qll^a rulq ernpes PIno)
nod ;g '*loqorle dq pesnec e8eurep
elpeprxo ruog u.rads spelo;d
J ururelr1'slurd uea l1eq eom[a8ue.ro
eql uo ruq la3 'ur.rads uedeqssrru put
tr1qsuopel relleurs tazvre; ur llnser d1a1eur4p pue
aq plns{
ppqo13 Surpurq auouroq xas, paller
auoruJoq err,rpnpo.rder eq] Jo sle el
eql lran3 o1rr^\oqs ueeq s"q IoqolIV
',/ott.lg,luno) ur.reds eJnpeJ uec r(ep
e 1u1d e Jpq 6n[ 'dpn1s tuerar o]
Surp.roccy lee/y\ e qurd ea.rq1 o1 .re8e1
srq lllull pFoqs eq 'ePoru Sur)Ieru
-dqnq do1 u1 sreruunlv\s srq daa4 ot
:dn ualsq 'dpoorq 3u1ee; erpod 31
Hgflfl d.{o
a/cTb eS
ylva or .frFWf.
vrve EfE
:suollrsod 6ull66nus alyno eJ
s,uollPu aql aJe oraH 'su!09
ueql orou Io de6 e ql!^ osor.ll
ueql rolddeq are uPde url ueql
ssal daals orlrr^ soldnof, s/Y\oqs
*qlJeasal yn'lq6luol dn
JH9ITI dtrflTS

{}hJL{ &&r{}Hil
This rainforest tree (pronounced:
koo-poo-ah-soo) is the hottest
buzzword in beauty. lt's related
to the antioxidant-rich cacao tree
and its avocado-like pulp contains
skin-repairing fatty acids similar
to the lipids found in human skin.
This makes it perfect for sealing the
skin's moisture barrier (to keep out
wrinkle-causing free radicals). Find
this wonder in Aveda Botanical
Kinetics lntense Hydrating Soft
Cream, f34. Get slathering.

toke i.ttoofar
Going alkaline may be good for your body, but if youre after a
CHEER-Y T]P : smoother barnet, acidity is your ally. New research- has found
shampoos with a high alkaline content (pH B and upwards)
contribute to more friction between hair fibres because of
the highnegative charge andtherefore create more frizzand
A study of
inlhe tnternational Journal ,,

Cosmetic Science has discovered that l,: tangles. Your secret weapon? Opt for shampoos with a low
cherry blossom extract can prevent ','

the production of nitric oxide - a pH (a.5 to 5.5) - the bottle's back label or company's website

compound in the skin that increases
irritation and inflammation. Try
will tell you. Try Joico Daily Care Treatment Shampoo,
L'Occitane's Cherry Blossom Petal-Soft :,
f10.35, to ensure your hair is more manageable. Done.
, Cream, f1B, patted onto the skin after :,

, cleansing and toning. Happy faces. l,

'. € E::.

1*-" -^.I *- *r'

ma*ifl;rs every two weeks
your nails grovring and spe.
moneyonthem will make,
incline* to let thern be,

22 . -)wF\ s HEA-r-r | .ur. :o'; v/om ens hea lthmag.co.uk

The next time your boss
wants a'word', sit up.
Proper posture means.
we're more likely to
remember compliments.
A new study of 30 adults'
found slouchers recalled
more negative words
than positive. To get
the good stuff, engage
your core - and you'll
automatically sit
up straighter.



Apply some sweet relief at the first sign of an ulcer to get the
better of the little blighter. A study found people who applied
honey to inner-mouth sores saw them vanish within three days
and were pain free within 24hours. Go for Manuka Doctor
Active Manuka Honey 24+t - it's more mature, meaning its
antioxidant and anti-inflammatory levels are higher. Sweet as.

ry ffi
woMEN's HEALTH I March 2015
Listen up! According
to new research by the
American Council on
Exercise, the perfect
workout sequence for
fast results goes like this:

What? Burpees
How long? 4 x 20 secs,
I min rest, repeat

What? Kettlebell swings
How long? 7 x 30 secs
on, 30 secs rest

What? Walking lunges
with side twists
How long? 7 mins

TIMtrTOTONtr Neuromctsr
What? Fast bench steps
One minute? Two? Turns out, the ideal rest period Frozen
How long? 6 x 30 secs
(fast), 30 secs rest
between strensth-training sets depends onvour soal. i,ntime

If you're building *rr.I", a twb-to-thre6 miiute

breather is best, according to new research from the
US-. If you're wanting to 6oost your metabolic rate,
60 seconds should do the trick. Work both methods
into your training for the ultimate results, says study
auth6r Dr NichoTas Ratamess. Then get baci< on it!', l,
bra ,qB
at} :urm

l6 ,. cYEN's HEALTH I March 2ots I

o r ens hea lthmag.co. u k
xqt &



WOMEN'S HEA Maror 2015 o me ns hea lthm a g.co, u k

6Z I H trv:H s I sLoz urr"l,'r I
In 03 6euqlleaqsuauoM
d'h 'runl urnur puE dpEer-AJW uae/yqeq
\l-l r{}.ro; pue >lreq euo8 seq Lpoq req pue '(auqrape{ u1,ra) pueqsnq-xa
sI raqleJ rIeI{} ilq8ra 'uepdPf puq '3ulu. 'uo1sar4) uzu,o req Jo
selqeq PEr{ sPq eqs 'uaq} arurs 'oEe sreel. 9T oePh ,erull arow
euo dqnfl"', aq] ur dururnl aSeueal req +o esdurlS e plro./v\
eq] erre8 eqs e_rul] eq] Iuo4 zlto"r8 pue '4ur;qs pue zvro.r8
sruadg deulpg Eulqcle*r, ueaq e^ErI sn Jo lsoru 'lseuoq eq s.laT
,{.XSdI'I ddSf til
"'non LfiLfii, a"tnLq ol npoa"l s.aLF lnoT.tolx J,aaxod n 01
selunqllppuD - a!?l"taq to adnqs paqaLtluI i****Q'nauy,"tg s,ll
-'€ r
1: ''

But before Britney's arrivai at

the set of her WH photo shoot,
her long-time manager, Larry
Rudolph, mentioned that she was in
probably the best shape of her 1ife,
and here it is: living proof.
The 33-year-old's abs are enviably
cut; her arms, sculpted; her legs,
learr and defined. And while
the petite powerhouse (she's 5ft
4in) is not the biggest fan of her
behind - "I wish it were smalier,"
she tells us - most women probably \
wouldn't mind swapping derridres.
It seems Brit's been listening to
some of her own lyrics: "You wanna
hot body/Look hot in a bikini/
You better work, fl'
bitch!" (From, Irp,
.work B****, one
for any treadmill
playlist.) Even
during five-week
break from her
Piece of Me show HAVING KIDS"
- her several-
nights-a-week residency at Planet
Holllwood Resort and Casino in
Las Vegas that will last at least until
September 2075 - she's kept up
her turbocharged fitness regimen.
(And a1l this while simultaneously
launching a new sleepwear line
and promoting her 17 fragrances;
her latest, Fantasy Stage Edition,
marks 10 years in the beauty
business.) 'After I had Jayden, it
was real easy for me to get back in
shape," she says. "But five years later,
I started not icing changes in my
body. My hips are a little bit wider
because I've had kids. So it was
crucial for me to be continuous with
my exercise. Consistency is key."

14 DAYS OF F IT WITH BRIT rhe popstar spitls the beans on her workout reeime


"It's agoodthing "Iliketo run

"I startwith20 "I loue this class. Ihadasmoothie throughthe "GotupeailA and
minutes ofintense It's highenergA for breakfast! choreogro,gshg "Time to kick it madescrambled
cardi,othenmoue andcombines "Forty laps Some days I need [of my Las Vegas i.nto ouerdri,ue: egg uhites and
ontolightfree treadmillwork cl,own!Swimming that extra energy showl tokeepthe twoworkouts. whecfttoast
ueights, andbody- wi,thcircuit alud,As getsnxa to getthroughthe mouesfreshin I'mgoingto sleep before Ihitma
weight exercises." trai.ning." heartrateup." third set," mymind. welltoni.ght!" Ihome] gym."

30 WOMEN'S HEALTH Marcr 2ol5 g.co.

I m e n s h ea lt h m a u k
I€ | nrrv:H s,Nf hoM ] siozurr"r4 ln os 6euqileeqsueuoM
,,'xun b nutto ,,1linpr stnoqxzs ,, lSnULDAJOSAOqS ,,'1.na$patmoupun ,,iatos atn sOa'L ,, ssD/, sxulop I ,,6opumopux
ssaulnlacradaqlol lnowomolpaau alE)l,tofitloc.lps 01 U5norl42pannodJ nupuD auoq atou.L aqi.t aOuo,Lls autxD.txfra apx.1,11)
p,tp0t,to! fruxtlooZ nofr'1n)-nuuopbtr[ apN istooptno nop xng ipa.tLxru,Jpun p6I ltx.un sx puD,taOuoJ,ls tuads I os'i1.16?l
'aulo tno Ttlool aqollng'lnoqtom D to! ,uuodald lno 6u1)!"to0tto fruxqxqlnoqton patl noLlaaolL, atam s6uztfsuDE
qaaot. nsnqaqJ'uL
[s,Z frnO] lDadaq,,
'Iil.oo,lpaqnu sliDp 1146LDt1s LT lDat6 n lDqm ntrN'uoD60n nru
daarylpsnrupIL, uLpaqcla4s,, uaaqs,l.L- ,u'lufiru p6totsfrDmID L, p6otqDmLLDC,,
o] oB 'sn qlyr\ .4 ar^Jalur las-uo
req uro{ s}addrus snuoq roJ
puv (q sr?a^.s deulr;g l"q]
urld 1noryo.r,r. railDl ar{l snld ';116
ro; d1a,r.rsn1cxa 1da1 .ra8urs aq]
purno[ ]no{ro.r lea.la.-o.1yr1 aq} roJ
uo P€eu aslrEleP aq] IIP ]u" \
'edeqs .(qlror'r.- a3P1s ur
Jlasrar{ daal o1 - arour pup - }?qt IIE
saop Laulrrg asnelag 'spDI er{} rlll^r
pueldausrq punorc Sursdrrrl pue
Surcuep'3op p.rr-t'urnop'Surruruu"t's
'3,rHl,{ 'sruual sdo[ua aq adoq all
'losraqf, ellrerll ;acnpo;d pue
ralrr^r ol Llpcrlueuror pelurl uaoq
s.aqs - palelqoru r(r1s o1
daulr.rg ro; T
uos"eJ eJoru eq I
01 srEodde araql
',t1]uarar 'puy ..f[[JYAIJON
.;PeP rlour ONItrfl HJIA
Sureq uelqord e
a^er{ l,uplp I HIETflOHd V
]nq 'pe]? poru
nod deel srourerJ trAYH J.NIO( I,,
1no Suolro.la,puur .t
l,uop L, 'sdrs aqs ..,(lpcrsl.qd pue
dleluaru - oru JoJ ]url;odtur sr,,
l.pq llasraq deulrrg sr
sdep asaqt l]np uo rpeor eurrl-llnJ
,{1uo aqt 'suorssas zSod pur sasselc
ssaulg dnorS Surpuapr Jo aprslno
:etuIl slql loN 'durec looq 3ur11an;8 e
q8norqr raq lnd o1 perrr{ Leulrrg 16
pas"q-v'I snoinqeJ eq] Jo eur"u eq]
nod 11e1 dlensn a.^a eJerl,/'r sr srqJ
Drenched Fi.tness. founder Julie Kenni,ngton re'u-eals hou - thanks to a combo of spri'nt
i,nteruals andki,ller strengthn'Loues - Britney got l'ter trademarkboda back

1. 2. a)o

$1fi ulup -rr.ur-$ $ t*mffi+rti $)mst:r-wg*s

(a) lo d dumbbe ls at your s des, (a) Get into plank, with hands
feet hip-width apart. Step back under, but slightly outside of your
with your left foot, bend both knees shoulders then with your core
unt I your r ght knee s 90". braced, lower your body with
(b) At the same t me, curl the elbows tucked in untii your chest
dumbbe ls to your chest. Reverse nearly touches the floor. Feel that?
back to the.start. That's one rep. (b) Push back to start, quick sticksl

Do: 3 sets of 20 reps (10 per leg). Do: Three sets of 15 reps.

'frendmill inten,a]s ' 30 seconds; spr nt at 4% inc ine.

Uh-oh, t's gett ng harder now
1. b.

. 2 m nutes: rrvarm up w th ' I m nute: recover at 2a/o nc ne.

a s ow-]o9 at
nci ne . 2 minutes: jog. Start at 2%
. l minute. jog at 2% nc ne. inc ine, every 30 seconds,
' I minuter run at 2% ncl ne increase the inc ine by 27.. Gu p.
. 1 m nute: fully recover by ' I m n-Le toro Q d Boo 1c 10.
wa k ng at 2% ncllne unt your ' 30 seconds;1og at B% nc ne. llead lifbs ffif,e;vu:fle #ffitffitrh(t$
heart rate returns to norma ' 30 seconds run at 4% lncl ne.
. 30 seconds. run at an a I out . 30 seconds. spr nt at 2% nc ne. (a) Be^o aL you' hios and knees (a) Lie flat on the floor with your
spr nt at 2% incllne. Sweat lt outl ' I m n-Le. roco.o- o 2oo .1c oo. grab a barbell using an overhand hands behind your ears and legs
' 30 seconds fu y recover by Sweet, sweet recoveryL grip - with lower back arched. 6in off the floor. Hold it, hold itl
wa k ng at 2% incl ne unt I your (b) Without allow ng your lower (b) Now use your abs to drive your
heart rate returns to norma Repeat treadmill _ back to round, stand up with the right elbow towards your left knee,
. 30 seconds: sprint at 3% inc ine.

intbrvals when E,,1 barbel, pause, ower to the floor release then switch sides. Powl
you see the logo
. 30 seconds. recover at 3% ncl ne. Do: 3 sets of l5 reps. Do: 3 sets of 30 reps (15 per leg).

6. 8. 9.

!Yeigl":t+x{ ${fiHrrts "filri**r&r rflfi$-ym $inrtrlu"a'lw*+m :Lh enttncll*s

(a) Off the treadmi 1, stand, feet (a) P ace your pa ms on the edge (a) Lie on your stomach and draw (a)L e on your back w th knees

h p-w dth apart, \,v th a dumbbe I of a chait arms slraight and w th , o-' ra e . a-d. , o-' >o ^e
Lo,n bent. feei on the floor and hands
(at east 2kg) n each hand. hips just n front of the seat keep ng legs stra ght and arms oose y c ac-"d behrnd your head.
(b) Bend your knees and push your (b) Bend your elbows to Lower stretched oui over your head. (b) Crunc^ up by br ngrng your
^ ps back. Pause, then push back j,our hips unt your upper arlns are (b) Arch your back, raise your arms rrb caEe ll,"','arCs your pe vrs,

-a -a .1e slart ng posit on. ila.a e to the f oor. Push back up. and egs off the f oor for l0 counts. then re:-r- ti the start.
Do: : s::s of 15. Toned in no t me. Do: 3 sets of l5 Get those guns Do: 3 sets of B'ace that core Do: ,< s-.-: :'21. vcu're doneL SB

32 .\OVENS-rA.t.t wa, -)5 |

c - e n s h ea lt h mag.co. u k
LE H-LlVf H S.NlhC',' SLOZrlf,rel/\l I
ln os 6euqlleaqsuauoM
.rorof, rarxas 'JaOuorls e ]oJ ::.::. :-=::=:=.. -..j :.:
(r' sa^oLu 6urueql6uol-allsnL{
aqlleaq Jno^ 6ururjeLl
pooLlJnoqqorau rno^ sl
puo^aq pue - 6ur)ileM
roJ opeuJ slooq lsaq aql
Ilrl .rall seleu puP lrJ req
sdael IeLIM uo ppry arpof
luaudrnbo aArllaJJa
lsor.r"rs,u^6 aql jolseh
(waql{o auo tust frn6 stqt:1ag) 'stafi,n1d "tanod
s,tuoo,t 1q6ta0x aLfi qy,{n ,Dunws puo .rap,LDr,t tt"Lo/14

ice work. You made it this

far: the darkest corner ofthe
gym. Trouble is, there are at
least 12 pieces of bewildering
apparatus, all of which you need a PhD
in'meathead' to operate. But if you want
a sexy,toned body and a sky-high
metabolism, you need to jump on in.
WeVe picked the onlyfour pieces worth
mastering, now we're showing you
exactlywhat to do with them.
Grunting is optional, of course.


You know like at the
O ymp cs. One of the best ways to
work your own body weight. Not a medieval torture
Shoulders and chest. device - just a res stance cable.
E evated nverted rows. Your core.
(a) Grlp the rings and ean The woodchopper.
(a) Seclre a -dno n ae
back until your body rs paral e to di I

lhe floor feet rest ng on a bench. hiqhest polnt, Right side on to the
(b) Du lo- r*est -p tor,ta--: station, grab lhe handle with both
the rings as hlgh as you can, body hands, above your right shou der.
straight, then lower. Do 3 sets of 20. (b) Pul it across your front to your
outer left thigh. Return to the start.
Do 3 sets of 10 per side.

38 ct4EN's HEALTH I warch 2o15 om ens hea lth mag.co. u k
6E I Hrrv=r s,Nrhc sroz qcreh I
ln oo 6euqlleaqsuauoa
@'sruad slq Jo dll aql ,,'sdrq rno[ u6rle ol lsnf,, 's,furaf I uag lo le^ e ur 'o[ 01 Eur]unof, Jo] ra)ttrlts 'sarunf, pue uoqs ro} lrure
sr leq/v\ pue uill "'pu!Uoq uorJ dn auol u/r^orpol lueM no^ saleN e ta6 l/uop no^ - ralrp pueq oql puv'uo
'no^ lsnJ s,lr pue lro/v\ JoUe ol saIII 'alpllf,ou popeoq "'uaoqs-lea/,As alll ^Josrnu
l,usr srr.ll lnE 'preq sluPd rnol lnd no^ a.rolag
llrupeaJl or..ll uo oJrno^ e puv'lle$uod e seq aH ^xas aqI
'lulno paleurpro-or 6urlrortir ar,no^ :lr la6 oM ia^o puaq l,uoc iuoruiS
-=: i
: ..r
' '':t:::i_i
&i' &
AOYfl trHOIIOO trHT S,OH-.&\
'6oi ,od
0L lo slos t oL,.]
'lrels aql ol uaql 'aprs -r0qlo
or_ll ol 'purlloq ourMs loMol (q)
aprs oLll ol dn 6oJ ouo l]rl 'polerq
arol auo roq6rq p 6u ploq
'6unr A\ol e uo log (e)
'sllrl onllrlqo oprs
'olue pq no^ 6urleLu ssllsnLU
snld-009 le slroM ll ^q
'sllnpp rol lnq 'ouJs4 6u qurll
e se srql lo lurql
'0llo slos t 0c rooll oql ol e . .
ore sq6 ql rno^ lrlun lent. (c
S,Jp'Orc, OA_O l-Ol.
o-lpeol soledli6aM . .;
Lltp lool rllrM (e)
^\-.roplnoqs 'pore\o
lenbs luorl I oqrPB
'saln 6'speno
'p,d- o^ reaM s <r.-l ld^r
,{\eaL t.pd. \ ea,p! ...
no^ uoqM /v\oul no^ J
x)vu rvnos 3H-
ttrvrH S,\!rr3 !.cz qsrehl 6euLllleaqsuouoa
woj qwDluaa.8 11s1' qwD'l 'tr r{uo.^ s,tl Lpoq mod ro; pooS s,ltq.,ra, u:rea1 nod - .rap1o
Jles.(ru 11a1 I }nq 'tl roJ a3e31roru
uaat) puDtq J,ama.iuxq rot aSuu s,a1Po[ aas ol puolas ? ]no aI?t ol paeu l.lpcrperd notr Sur11a8go 3ururl re lrs arl] sJI 'or8reqtal os 1ea1 I
'rary ap aurerJ sr a8-rn1ds lsaSSrq dru pue .ttou 1eql a>l{ lea I JI tnq 'ezzrdprm sraS.rnq uo
@t 'slaqlo ueql rallaq ]ro,l Lle}Iugep "l
eruos - sadrrer Ieu€uo Wltr dn Sururoc a4t 1 luau4sa.{ur uE s? eJ?JuDTs aas dlalrugap 1 pelsga I ta8unoL se.ra.l uaqrll '1r ur 1nd l leq.tt
'sluarpa.rSur aqt ur lsol 1a3 1 ianrlelrpau-r;o t:os 's33n p pue Lpoq,ftu;o Ir5padsar erotu qrnru os ur,I
1o rrcd ur punore Surdruols pu? ee-II
saqsip Suneero pug 1'tayValsotrg Surop acurg dn-a>1eru aruoq 1e spq,/y\ ,erpol ,{-r1unor, aql 'san-rrq1-prur -{ru ur ru,I ,^doN 'uap:re8 aql ruoq
iurptunoru dn aur 3ur33rrp dn pua 1,aq leql sr aur Tper eql }nfl '(erecseru ro;) .(qrualrg salqela8e.t rlll^& ep€ur eloressEr uelrlqr aq
q pl^ec qtl-^,\ raSupp aqr qSnoqriy 'saDrs aPL&\ pue (.r,ropeqs prrp raurl :o1) o4aLg tr.qllJ
'srelddns crue8ro pcol
IILA reuurp lerld& V
'3rq pue -rre qsa{ aql - resserls-ap lseq oqt are euolreql are spu"rq o1-o3 ,(1,rtr 'poo8 1oo1 rro{ l?elu l"e pu" lsqiarl Pue sa1qe1a3a,L u.Lr.o
q1e.n 3uo1 'a.tqce taB 11I ueq] o1 uoJe rr" a{Eur 1 Llsnorlqo rno ,r,ro.r3 a.^A - pooJ pooS lnoqe aleuorssed
'pooru ,(ur lsooq lsnl ro pPaq uaql 'ladrec par aq] uo ru.I ro qloq ar,a \ tnfl .rel"l {uls ar{l o1 yau sse13
iru realr'u,^ op urlPr o, p"* 11i {* {ro-^a roJ uopuoT uI uI,I uerl \ IInJ-JIBr{ P pug U.^e PI ?C
snroJ.qAI arBJ{IN uasr8 aql qsrug s-&.trp tuop J :Jseuoq aq
'speas pu" rap.r,rod eceur tap.tlod
uaar8 'qcrurds 'seldde ctre8ro 'operorre
rilj-^ ap"ul aqloorus ? SEAA r €utrroiu srq;
pp?N.tno 'uaa.r8 Surqleruos;o sse13 r qlr.r,r
urooJpeq ei{l olul Surruoc pr.teq
dq dn ualo.Lr ur.1 's8uru:oru 1so141
'p"q oot ].usr qrrq,u'911o decrpueq ego.fu1d 1
'tq8ruuol E aruo seloq BI ul tg 1 pue frerplos
;aruroJ prr" roqln" La1a4e1g] plteg
pueqsnq dur - 11o3.{e1d osp 1 '1oo1 uil8 Lur
Jo erpr sa{pl }"q} os 'qure'I uaar3 Lu?dulor
ree,^aalrlJ?.rog eurl u.tto dru pau8rsap dlpnlct
aa,1 - poo8 4ool ol aIII 1 'uaas Suraq uopuoT
uT ur,I aJurs 'uolSursuay qtno5 ur ur(3 y;1t
qses orpr"r rallH ? op I '+o,&.ro;-&rc aqt u1ru,1
uer{.^a 'leqt 3ui-{eg 's1noryo.t\ uI aFpeqtrs ol
paeu aql IaaJ t,uop I - olpul uos p1o-rea,(-aatqt
,&u :age Suruum .(llutlsuoc snld - punore
sua{rrqr eq} pasEr{l pue sSop eqt paIIE{\
'sasroq eqt tno pa>irnru e^.I atuTt aqr.4q pue
aprs.fulunoc xessns lsel[ eqt ul a ll I ']S atu
sdaal ]eqt pr3,&1unor e Suraq s,]I 's.("p?.^aou
1ng 'ure8e pu" A\ou sJ?J aJ?.I
Ilps I pu" olod .,G1d ot pasn I -
ueuro.,nq:ods aleuorssrd r ur,1
6uo,lXs puVtu pun fr,poq.Lax{ frudaaq
uo dnsuado - J,au6?sap "lpam,s6lods
01,oupun - tafit asald (ppow, aLlJ
sodDa] MOU 6urArl
-,1eluesejd ru/lapoL,l

(I (tIX
,,'',* ,ff*
-h *j,;
II (Iof J
R.3'# 1
{LIi)J>^ S,0(ll}l
: _- lllpt^t ] In oo 6euLllleaqsuauoM
Fr,r'66erE Jro! se ornf,es se laaj 'ro]leq ure./ral q6nol soless 6utqlou eLUrlou ur sro>lrq rrproN
rno^ sdaal lroddns allue erlx: 'aprse spdror]s pup sleo6 urelunoh osaql del ll,no^ uo oe
'sra}q ollue pue roleM 'pnul sralMers qral 6urltrerlle lnoqllM
ol sopl^o.]d '''u^ ep llrl sloerls ot{l )leM
roqserE'6LLJ llor]ah'ot[:l
seprpe'9EL:r el6lv',ozt3
LlJnrpelled'61f uro3uolqseJsaqcleLU
le loros 'oLLf uoluoles 'otLJ of,trf
'99lJ ounC'62[:t erquJnlo]'oIL3
non .rc!.r1ao\oo{ tq6?,1aql aa114
am 'acw lsod aLp oloulddod ol
otn [uDlL.t ?,11,x 6 utqwr,lc 1.4.1o't i
'Joo.rd-At6nJ pue 'qndorlse6 oL{l ol ltl6terls -
-MoUS=laqqnr+epens salqLUe] sploMslotr roJ lse]rod
'ol lue/v\ noA Mou>1 no^ luopnls 'lo)reuJ ,sraLUreJ oql ul aurot-{ 'sluo]J- s,LuuJpH uoi se 6nus se
oOueqrxo rauur rno^ qseelun le lq6u >1ool pue trrLlr Aprnts sooJ rnoA doe>i ol 6ururl leuJreql
! ^a

l;,fnet'e Ssy Li,-'e ma4 b( tctkfng AecLrs o.ffAaLtr ii.{e. [;a,,t-. f,nkt tur
!g.i; --' ..:-',-,'lt cLtL lnw deacily ytottr st't'ce d.q ,trad lrczu to jir i'

-. I'm like a woodland

elf in an enchanted
forest (+2)
E lt's no New Forest, but
I can see five to 15 (+1)
{i Um, mavbe four?

44 1
Wof4EN'S HEALTH I March2o15 womenshealthmag.co.uk
)l n or'6eu qlleeLlsuauoa
Sn HllVf H S.Nlr'l _..32 qcreh
a.rpoll v lno slq6 l o:o133 .i--i-
lsnlpp LUolsAs sno^rau puP s3 l:'*
ino^ d oq I rM lrlPls -rol oe 3:a
I 'llrql ol ouJf iuo dad aut3tpaN sold
@! i^ll'olasPosrp lrpoq
o.roloq 6u s r.roxo ar,no^ J 'p ps .tPef ^lrsro^run s^es osaqo oq ol r' orrl ssd
polnpur-ssarls lo lslr rno^ ler60louqlof ue6tqlrh
'(lPnils doap e a)l 'luoua^ou..t lo punoJ 'ssorls ornpo.r
rar ol slPpiloq .relnoor sles uel %ara]e srolnLuLuol o^ llv *ffi
o6up.r llnl aql q6no]ql alrsnLU aql q.Jeasaa laAs_L Jo L])il-lM 's|o qsrl L|ro4 st 'aloLU 6urpr..r ro 6ur).llp^
o)lel noA o.rorlM s qlla.rls l ureulp oLll lnE ro lrl e s ou.roil rno^ -e6ouro qlLM loorls aql lea8 tnq'loos or jo ^rl
e Lr o..10^
p spuolas 09-0t puno.re rol
6ur^ou] lnoqlrM uorlrsod aql plotl
noA oraql s rlll0.rls l lsls e '/ oul
no^ os lsnf) qllo]ls l l?ls e qllM
plor dols no^ uorlM ,Jlo-do.rp, olrall
ol nb soLUrlou]os or.ll ol pasoddo
aHuoos Hot{Y]\I Hflo^ (II(I atoH
sp uorlrsuP.rl -rollua6 A lq6l s p
Apoq ,10^ se^rb oup 6- r
no^ sdool I lrLUeuAp P,l V
'Surxag ta5 'dn 1r ppnq (O+) sqeqa)
o ol e,{"q noL :ai)snur aIII s.uo) ro s.pteuoclN ljy
sr ra.^&odlF^A {uJrI}
" s,eroql eas s,lol 'llofu\ lr
'a.r0qMaLUos 0.l0ql ^&ou
EslSolorlr.(sd'sreqrrPasar (+L) iPuoloq
ulolle] llrM ALqeqord ,A6pop, p]or,r
pue osollrpM of ,,:l
aql 'oLuoq s,ouoaLuos lo Mopu M
a8prrqrue3 3o &IsreAIu1 I
-{es 'asaqo aq ot l,la{[ se (Z+) .rozoor] otll ul
luo]l aLll uJo]] pasrl.lo^pe 6uraq slql
a)r,&\l lsourlE erE PooJ ]sEJ rllql ar660^ apeLu-ouloq
aes no^ J ',qonoql's6u ql e ql M sv
'oluopuolse enl .r ds lnoqe arolll 01 sse33" Lsea qlra aldoed oulos a^eq I >lulU] | t'
s] qlpordds aLll a]oqM'rul epun)
alrlun lou 'p0oA lo lros lsPJ e s qllqM auolldo pool 0l-06 rno^ srleq^
'6urql rno^ orour aq Aeu e;1uei e1 q,a,t 'paqs!uel oIf nort pue olel s,ll
]o sonb uqlal 6utqlea;q pue eoo^
rr6nO.q I ra-t,eO .no^ -l M ft Lo ) .-1.
Ourleo.D uo posnlol o]ou.l s qltqM
'erluel poE s lsr I oqI p60A prluel ,/
lo sad^l ULpLU oMl a]p a.raql leql '_ureJq.rnol 3r{Joos r(sea aqlearg'slspualrs :
ueql aroLU sr lr 'xas Lll M pole lossp ot Pelearf, '.ssapq3ra16, ueP"ue] dPS 'o/o09 ol
uouo qonoqlle pue l ol, sp dn.(quoilnlod sef,npor
{r?rl aql o} ualsli 't?r{l
solp sue]l AlqOnor p]luel
"oleraqlxoluol l3"ralunof, oI fi 1sra,lluq 1I - ra1l5 rre edeg e.(nq
s ql ur xos lnoqe Al enlle lou s,ll lnB pr? reH sdes'o7o91Lq des a16'slueprsar uolsog
srnoq ouru]ol xas 6ul^eq 6urls lo a{orls palrlar-]ol) P Jo Jo dpn$ o1 3uprorf,"
lurr.ll pue ,llrluel,.reoq noA',AAoul I v "
4sr.r :no.( sdn esrou lrlle;l '&rpnb daals ;nodpont
ur gp611o a>11ds &aag dlsnouas uecuopnliod
(0+) ,N oql ol lxau a^ll I
- lunol ol oo1:)
(l+) ualll Jo lle^uPur I
: pue - xrs aq^eN ffi
Lusr^po8 Jo r0punol
! *': (Z+) e sdellrod
pue ld
'srel ^Aaj
IT aas l,uel I hr
upo nc soluef
hl, a$r!r reoq nofi eJnoq qsn,
op leq/n'Eululour Eulrnp silulurad
uodxo orll Isv eqt u! aplslno auoq Jno/t Sssd
06 nor( uaq/r1t srE J\,roH
Ly I -- vrH S \rai ;,:a qtrreh I
In o3 6euqileeqsuo!uoM
@t uoo^\loq lsar qlr,\\ (4. _:?; - aprs rod B uor.ll puP
rod g) 0L lo slos t :sdod ' .'l s oprs ]ad sdor , :sdou
isa lrels ol lleq pup pueq --a , .rno^ ol lrs]luol uaql
lqOr.r rnol ol lxou p]e,,1 .rol iooq rno,{ sso.Ds u.r.rp lqO.l
lool lq6 r .rnoA 0urr8 (q) rno,'{ LllPai pue olprlul (q)
" roll
I e .ro] o.redard A oN lpnbs e olu .raMol 'sdrq .lnoA
'lue d q6rq olur log (e) uo spupq pup l.rpde lo0! (e)
'uoor laq lso] Jo spuolos 0L
qlrM 'sdor oL lo slos B :sdau
'surnq lr 'qo 6urpuels ol
u.rnlor uoql t lo lunol I rol 'ru]oJ Jno.( rals"ul ol ]ee.^ ? seulq
lPnbs prqt oLll ploH (q) e^5 las sql oc ,;]?J urnq PUP ellsrur
'soLU auol 'ursrIo(Plau rnoL lsooq ol laruloJal
l t lenbs oql ol ujnlor
pue dn durnl'lgnbs e olut sp .(p.^A eu"s aq] uI llillqtlsuT PrrE aJrrelslsel
u,^ao s,-{poq aI{} sesn tnolro.&\ sIt{L, JIasreI{ etoluEeH
roMo 'l.rpde lao] l-llrM (e) Y
lE s.raurrojer erfl PauSIssp-ruolsnl oq.&\ '8uilru{rs ssal
s.(es ,,'1nq Suppnq lnor{}!tr - salrsnu euo} prre ueqg8ual o1
@ eJrr?]srsar sesn reuiloJar eI{J,, 'laqloq oN 'e;os t;o aceds aql dn
aTel pu" quroq e lsoc daql - rualqord aq; '(peq ra.Lr.o1 put sqe
'roog cr,rlad aqf {arueu) salrsruu asnoq.ra.ra.od s.dpoq
,rnod SuruaqlSuerls pu? arnlsod ;no.( Surloanoc ;o
a,tlcage lsorrr eql Jo euo sI JaluJoJeJ sa}"lld atl
? 092:paurnq souolel
leLU solelrd v :luoudlnbS
LUell)llo8 prollrn'uos.roqdreh al I :slua!|f,
(In ol o.rollreaq) ororlreoH lo
ropunoJ '6urrnq)s ssof :uadxo otll
's6o Llloq uo 'uo llo.rp
rou!erl s.r,lluoul sltll
L]leo ur olnurL-l-r L:sdau
l_lr l.usoop'slrnH olpurollv
ror-llo oql uoql IeM ouo
sollrl ur lr o^oLU MoN (q)
'ploq pue oprs oql ot lno
olqrssod ss q6 q se 601 llol
rno^ llr 'lll6rerls oou) (e)
EI,\tJ 11 f _\ lllf

glozqrrehl )n otr 6euqlleeqsuauoM
6V 1 H1lvf H S,Nlal','
oue!lEll Plsal 9Sd
XOdHYNNYH souorlit
lsoq s.lsellsarS rsd
i,Laauap fr\\na"t fi.aqlop xng'rynl
lUAXJ,lnu "LA1\Aq'fi 65Lq D no fr, sAS?Luo"Ld
aerunrnl "'s! JIi Esd sepnus padLt t ld n\Lorucalolu lo ps m,au v
sorlruuo ol s6eu Erd Ah[trHJTV
SJNSJNIOS ooo,{vf,dns
pgp n.rttog!1
he humble mushroom. Filler of soups
and omelettes. Nothing special,
right? But.cue M&S voice-over- this
isnt justanyoldmushroom, it's an
'enriched' mushroom, primed to give
you athird ofyour dailyvitamin D.
Its justone of manyof foods having
a makeover. Keep 'em peeled for eggs with extra omega-3s;
yoghurts with bumper probiotics, selenium-enriched
spuds: a newbreed of Value Added Diet foods (VADs),
boosted with micronutrients we arent getting enough of.

Leading the way is, rather appropriately, by food manufacturers to tap "i.rto our
Marks & Spencer, who has been growing health hlpochondria?
developing Active Health, its enriched
food range, since 2011. It has just Ilor,l,the rich get richer
released its two flagship products: First up, the science part. The method of
the aforementioned mushrooms and food enrichment depends on the food,
selenium potatoes. 'A lot of health and itt important to clarify the difference
conversations focus on rising obesity between fortified and enriched foods.
rates, but overeating can lead to being "Fortified foods are those with nutrients
undernourished as much as only ever added to them during processing, for
grabbing food on the hop can," says example, many breads and cereals are
M&S nutritionist Helen Stevenson. fortified with extra vitamins and minerals
"National dietary surveys show there to provide a health boost where it might
are key nutrients many of us struggle to have been lacking," says nutritionist
get enough of from our diet, including Dr Carina Norris. "Enriched foods are a
iron, calcium, vitamin D riboflavin, step beyond fortified foods, because they
folate and selenium." Often this incorporate the added nutrients into
is because our diets aren't balanced, but their cells, making the nutrients part of
it's also linked to poor soil quality and them. Potatoes and sprouts are fed with
environmental factors. selenium-enriched plant food so they
But do we really need foods that are take up the minera-1s through the roots,
super-boosted with extra nutrients or and hens are fed omega-3-rich flaxseed,
is it a clever marketing ploy developed so they lay eggs higher in omega-3."

We find out if these enriched products are worth forking out for

Fortified with 86, one cup

gives a quarter of your RDA of
this essential energy booster.
Perfect for a !luggish morning.
o @
AIbert Bartlett Purple
Majesty Potatoes
(f1.68, Ocado)
sprouts (f2, M&S)

Other green Ieas don'l rave 86

so this really is a superior brew.

50 woMEN s HEALTH I March 2ors wo m e n s hea lth m a g.co. u k

glozqf,reh >ln of, '6euqlleeqsuauoa
IS Hr-',lvf H s,N:hc,,,
'ra.^ su€ aq} lsn[ aq Plnor
@! 'loor aIe+ ol los s{ool }Er{}
pueJl auo sr srql ,xg -l^au ? JoJ 3ur1oo1 s11;oorl{sn111 peI{JIJue a11;os olul 3ur-1on1
uollrraue8 dddeq-puads pu" snoi)suor 'auqsuns $lrEI 'sqluotu ralul. a oql
-{}peq 8ul,r,ror8-raaa u" q}lra puv .reao dlproadso taqlea-^ )n ar1] leql
'sllld Jo peol e-3ur,ra.o1p,la's ueAID 'llnsar P s? C u1rrPl1.t Suronpord
a^Io^ur l,usaoP r{3lqr\\ 'uollnlos € su?}s dpoq rno,( pue s-{er.111 s.uns aq} 01
,,nirql'^oN .sdes sr.r.ro1q ,;sluaueirnbar uDIs urrro rno,( asodxa no,( uaq-,t,r sueddeq
(pep-rno trq ol tinrslp s,tr sarulteruos lEI{.^ ' e{ll }lq s,ll 's,{es eq ,,'C ulurell^ (@saj'9r'19 Jolel^
" uluell^ neolel9
'l4rpa.r uI lng,, 'poo; teln8er ulorJ olul paua^rroJ sI 'uollerp?r A.1l ol ruaql
peau a.^ sluarrJnu aql IP 1a3 p,a,a,r asodxa no,( JI 'wll{^r '!Punoduror e{ll-c
'plrolY\ I?apI u? uI uIIu?}I e acnPord
.,'Surpealsnu o ... *a r-r,t,r^rrrr.rr.,
rrr ^lPnp?
dlpqualods,lrJrue^a aSJAJnIJP+nuBIu i'Xffi llq ,FIII "
- Suqr e
poo8 1p1s
s,1r .sa1qe1a,a,r
pue fq padolerap :'f{ii*:,rJ#"11
;'l#i:Jili1ffi"; .(o1d Fqla>1reru li',5i1:",Tb"Jil#;
D ouxqcwH
ffii,ffiH,i:lJl renalc lI sI B IIB il:;:,i*'T:iffiT
ar{l Jo }?r['^ puv
a{eIII s}goueq PaPpe
asaql ;r-'q8noqr54, 's,&s Surpreg ,,'poo; 's,tes suroN ,,'slaip rno olul Preuru
jo".rotirr,o ir1"3", e utqi raltaq due Suqsooq-,h1unuuil slql elerodrocut o1
s,lr Jr -4 ou{ o} raurnsuo) arll roJ }lncglp }l ,(e,ra. papr ut aao;d ppoc }r 'lr ur 1Y\ol sr Ios
p1.o, q)Irla 'spooJ asar{}Jo ouros uI s,ul?}lrg asruraq dp"red 'a>1e1u1 runlualas
sluarrlnu Jo le^al .ru ,roipgap p8al ,^ oi a ?q )o eql ur aldoed dueur esnecaq
"q+ puv,, 'spff&\reuP pePP? sluolrlnu a-{erl
ro luaurerlnbar ou s,aroqJ-, 'sea.re.f,ar8 slr
a^Er{ saop luaturplrua pooJ 'asrno) JO l€q} spooJ u?r{l - dpoq aq1 dq paqrosqe
uIruElIA .(psea arour 'sI }eql - alqe[e^Polq
'rea,{ srq} alcplre,/\" IIp osle ore (l
pepp" qll. a asaeqf, Pue TIIur pu? sa,/\?al aroru aJ? slualJlnu orp su?elu osP 1I
p?l?s potlslrua-unluelas roJ lno {ooT
'firumuurr lsooq o] JuIz pu? J urru?]rl
?rlxe qly( sacrn( pue 'lorelsaloq) arnper
o1 Surdlaq'pappt uecn13-"14q Polpr erqg
olqnlos ? qlI.^A saiqloous '$luup peqrliue
:8urql lxau aql 's,/tes uosua^als ,,'spooJ o1
,, .:,::t,.;4.€€,
pappe dpsea sp lou s,]r 1nq 'uor1 s? rlrns
'slueutrnu ureuar uo Suryor"r IIqs ar.alA,, ..a*

H'.! '.': r"'

'slerp rno uI soloq aql 11g sderrrp 1,uec
spooJ per{f,Irue 'are daq} s? Iryasn }ng rflTffi
arucra.Ilrp B FUI{I3N
: _- uller^t I ln of, 6euqlleaqsueuoM
€S ] rrrv=n S,\:,-,:
H- 'u_]ea,D 0lrN azaoll ep-e,- sotnuru oz Fi rolloq 106 lsnf au)or8
'oAPOE pue lrPrlxo
#;ffire ro;oteroouJo6 a^e6e :: '-
'alr qlrM zz[]M llrul
ellrueA Jo r]sep e pue *uk puoLule pue'suaor6
]aleM dnl L's/v\aqsel ffli;:fiffiff"';,:3 :t .3 pue sauroq Jo lnlpueLl
pozlrlq dnl I lopMod W pue oerel qreo dnl f:= 'euPUeq uozor] L l..llrl
W'- q/ .eunlnl dst ztrl8 E:ffi
*€; eLUnlnl dnl % ul rlls 4ft z iffi eLunlnl dsq] Z ourquroJ
@t <srpnhc s6nn-r
' "8urppa.r,r dru roJ ll o{eu ol
Suro8 ur.1 sn{t puv 'p€q toN it.:.,'.s:
%- ieI"r
... 'slgeueq aqt 1p dear o1 uoodsalqtl it-
E t"* auo paeu l.1uo no,{ snld 'a8pr:rod
'surpa.rJ aJr 'sarqloorus ur ]r esn I
'poo;-radns ? osp s,terl] selnlrlsqns .iii
;e8ns dluo aql Jo auo osp qll 'spir"
,,fue; Suqeaq-uDls slr pu? saqs"rr
.re8ns poolq luaaard o1 ,!gi1qe s11
'(qrool loa^\s peq sLen'ie a.t.1) ' ,t'::'.
alsel sll 'suosear eerr{l roJ 1T o^ol I ;*:**
'urL8 aqi l? preq ]l Supt1q a-r,nod;r
@ 1oa;.rad'selerpdqoq.rec xaldruor ;o r
ec;nos .(1rpnb s,lr 'arour s,lpli/y\
'surruell.\ g puP urnr)lPJ ')u\z'uotl
'urnrsselod'slueprxorlue ur qc1.r
- spoo;radns asuap .(1ieuor1rr1nu =:'=
lsoru s,1atre1d ar{tJo euo s,1r snld
'qc1ocsra11nq a>ir1 salsel trI 'uo8errr
qlieaq eql uo -{e1s ol sluetr lnq r ,.==
qlool laa,^s e 1oB s,oqrrr' auol.ue ol
' a&
puaspo8 e s.11 '.rap.r,rod ar{l a{eu ol
pale;pdqep sr 'op?f,o.€ ptre o8ueur
pllqr a^ol eql aIII s{ool qrlil.^a
" Jo
'1rn+I ]aa,^as aq] Jo dpd aq1
'ropEnrf, pue aln{f, 'nlad ol a^Il?u
rl*- 1rnr1 pcrdorlqns e uro{ epPu
pod ellrue^ qsarl I I, punlnl dsql t @, Fii sr -rep.llod rapuo-^a srql
I, rateM lu09Z I, sMollsel 6092 . 'lalu€r?f, s.orn]€u ]r
.'6upl s660 9 p0l0u 'lro lnuolol o1 rala.rd I tnq'qeur
* I, il ,: ll"r-ool-oo1
609Zl, rp6ns lnuorol 600Z l, les ffi pa:unouo.rd
dst epos ouileq dsl spuor].rlp
'# s,]l'1s.rq s8urq; ts.rr
% I, [*
punoio 6912l.llerlxo Pllrup dsql
raleM ureM eunln j
Z I, lLUOtzZ *
dsqt t l. oerel Mer 600t.'areJ I,
suil.! Og I re6ns 6/'9[ | ]eJ ]es w
6h'7.7.I se) q'tlq I zt sa^los
sEtooa"t{ n.rou?\nc olu? 1?
6ulForl r aqse, eoJrtnl
r.lllm exe, alepror{l utnx pu'D - 1? acunouo.t d o1 0xo14 slxouel
nat.Lo c DqsDlnN' fr,\\ntEuoq1 .Laql?au sn
'a do 71 2qntuo os o o T enu,L- ooo- jpn.I
'uor.ll'oArssa.rd LJ..r
'r!o]pooJIql paq^llsouoq
lo ropunol pue trqlleaH
fl]saua H'souos looq)lool YHIII 3NT
oluno^pl s,LUeqIrOE e rollrn
Jo roqlnp oql osls s,oqs
'6urloor ou s)llp lo uoonb
oql sP "'Jaq /'AouI ll,no
llorol eqseleN :or,{l
70 =, ,. " .:
:: t:
# ,r-. 'r:: - €ikl
+ ii 4i
# -"rJr +f- F ''
Ed 1'ff ,. b,f
:.t -?q'**,

- q.i+F+
, -!+.." I :^ -.r:
1,: - .r:i!ri,r.

POTS @ o

Serves 2 1135 cals I O.7g sat fat l4g sugar 20 mins

* 15oq bio-live fulFfat yoghurt * 3 tbsp manuka

honey* 2ocm rhubarb * I vanilla pod * % cup
water * 2 tbsp toasted buckwheat

f there's one man in the world you'd want to cook you breakfast, it's Miles Kirby. As chef Start by mixing 1% tbsp honey nto the yoghurt.
I and director at Caravan restaurants (caravankingscross.co.uk) - the busiest bmnch spot Now, gently poach the rhubarb wllh the vani la
I since Charlie Sheen s kitchenette - Itirby knows"how you want your eggs better than you n a pan for l0 mins or unti sofl, but still holding

do. So sling the Kingsmill back in the bread bin and whip up his waist-slimming, immune- its shape. Place the yoghurt in a pot and lay ihe
boosting, hunger-hacking creations instead. Those mid-morning cravings are no more. rhubarb on top. Spoon over the rest of the honey
and the buckwheat. Easy I ke Sunday morning.
Key to success: the kick-start in your brekkie Manuka s the only honey to contain
Braln powering
Satlatins iftinq I Digestlon{rlend y
d hydroxyacetone, a compound that is both
ant vira and antibacteria . Make a bee ne for it
I tmmune boosiino ] I Energy

o o O

Serves 2 368 ca s I Bg sat fat I 78 sugar | 50 mins Serves2 I 193 cals 299satfat I 529 sugar 40 m ns Serves 12 590 ca s I 35.49 sat fut | 25.39 sugar I 40 mrns

* loog black rice * 2 pandan leaves * 35oml water '* 2 eggs t I aubergine *'l tbsp yoghurt * I tbsp 350q coconut oil * 2OOg agave nectar * 2509 organic

* loog xylitol * 8Og coYo €oconut yoghurt * 2 tbsp tahini * I c ove garlic, roasted * % tsp cumin * oats * 20Og desiccated coconut Jf 200g dried fruit
gingerbread crumbs or smashed ginger biscuits I lemon ll4 slices preserued lemon'll sumac mix* * l00g nut mix* * l00q seed mix*

Cook the rice w th 200m1 water and one pandan Half the aubergine. Now grill for 20 mins till Preheat the oven to Heat the ot and
eaf. 1n a separate pan, bring 150m1 water, xyl tol brown. Remove the flesh and mix w th yoghurt, nectar in a pan untl the mixture is smooth. M x
and the other leaf to the boi to i'nake syrup. tah n , garLrc, cumin and a squeeze of emon. the drv nqred ents in a arge bow then pour
After 5 m ns, bl tz r,vith a b ender and strain. Spoon lO0g into the pot. Bol the eggs, pee and over the wet ingred ents. Mlx aga n and press
P ace the rrce n a pot. Spoon on yoghurt, halve. Place egg on top of lhe baba ghanoush. down into a baklng tray. Bake 45 minutes. Let
a'zz e w th syrup, spr nk e g ngerbread. Yum. Garnish with preserved lemon and sumac. ccol lhen cut lnto fun-size bars. Grab, eat, go.
Pandan eaves contarn essentlal or s, PotiilckAuberg pl3 rjch n frbreand Bvtam rs Coconut o I ramps up the ca orle count,
::-- ^s. g ycos des and alka oids, making them Essent a f rst l:h rg as they a d digestion and cut don't fret. lt's ful of medlum-chain fatty aclds
-::.rre's pa n re iever. No more ouch. lift energy eve s Bet:er than a triple espressc (good fats) that aren t stcred by your body.

54 worvEN's HEALTH ] March 20]5 wo m e n s hea lth m a g.co. u k

slozqf,reh >1n otr 6euqlleeqsueuom
SS HI-'lVlH S.N:,r3'.
fim -. .a .e. 1. . ... .';,n-;q 'slued Alrpu-rs uorllunJ or I u60l pue A]ouaLu 'lrpl lnl ool l,noA rauoos aql ',Maql
lool UAql ls.lll SalnUlu irriO] e , j,,3r3i"1 UL ll lLoq .lollsq ul 6u llnso.r - ule]q .rnoA alelnulls no^ .roOuo aqI ouJrl 6ulMoql o.rotlr spoou os
ql qM 'spLle ourLUe Lll M po I j sr ales a.rqLl
lo llnl s oriel u er60 oq^ uer el
la0q aLll lo luoluol lleS arll;3iio o,
'so^ea pup spoos L..llr qsru]pg lMoq p olul aojnd ' oo.rc 'sa^ io LlirM o )luuds dol uo s r.ll ale d pue Z=.
lo^oqs alq p0 UP sP asn PLP aP S oql Uo
o^ros Alssol Irl I r6 pue o q].{,\ slaoeq qsnrS pup suJoorqsnLU uoods leaq Luo.rl OAOLUaE 'oles llpq ur 660 orll lnf ]oo]taaq qlrM dol pue lod oql
applnoLuo.r oq] uo slpld uaql'ro pup p.rplsnuJ pup u.rLU Lll upd ot]l azelooc llos llun olur or]el aql uoods roddad pue lles'lro o.lolll
r-llrM sueaq x A oq e olul uoods Ia s]Pd pup ^os
o)lplr qs oql A4 'upd ^\p u o ur olzzr)c oo.rnd P olul
I olll
I e qlrM loorlooq oql uosPos'lMoq.roLlloup
lrnq6ol qlr,\i\ looq xrLU ',ope
nourar aql aleul oI nlol pue aLueu]epo oql as nd lossolo.rd pool e u ul roddod pue lles ql uoseos pup l o lo l.Intls
p 'Aols]pd 0uros r.ll ^\
A o.r.rpl oql xrtlr 'l^\oq e ul
elunqr ez s ol q otu par s la6eq u!er6oloq/[ L l, llo peddoqr qOnor ,0pue.rol I" sp00s otuesas paFEol
^ (pe^oLuer sl d) paddoql'sa rlo palloq
o^!to dsql L dsql | s^pMq16uol lnl dsi t l.
oles dsql Z * u!r!u dsqt Z * arnes Aos dsql Z f .i. s66a Z Jt
{, plelsnu qsll6uf *
'sueaq uaar6 paLlluelq ol i, peddoqr'^alsred qluld I, l. sruoorqsnu olel!lqs poltls 6001 I, laddad puE lles loorlaaq polero 601 * roddod pue Ies llo opero e
* *
olueuepa 6001i'
nlol uallls lolled poddoLp '^oFr€d 6!/ds orlel po)toor 6002 .l(,
unq6o^ I3ar9 6ot pepporqs 'laaq lles Paloot 60E
* i, * llo a llo * I' l.
:, -
surur oL I rpons 69 I lej les 6E z I sler 162 | z so ros su ur ot I
re6ns 69t lelles6Et I
slel 9999 | zs0 ros
sullr.l oL I I
re6ns 68 t lel lps 66 z sler 662 z so ros I |
IOd J338 I'IVS V Nl ]^IUOIS IOd NIOI NI3IOdd AIH9IN rod J.338 JlnN oddvl
o o ao
'Maqd orouJ pue u-rn sau6eLU
'al LUS poour .rnoA a^o]dul pue A0rouo.lno^
loH i lqr (6urlsooq-urqdropu0) pue (l pup 98
'u.rn l pl'Lunrpos'uo] 'g-lE'= 'l su u-lell^'o.rq J su uelr^ u r.llrr) rl.rP6 lo appu-r s olnps eLlle.r .rs aseo]]ur 'souoq Suorls ur prP osle lsa6rp
ol Ispa ore spuoLU e 6u LUroJ-au lP)llV
ur ql u poolrodns 0nll aq,l :slnuolol 'qleo-rq ouru]oru rol leo.r6 lou ol qM
'lrnq60A pus app eu.rPLU qllM a^ros lspol pue 'Ourql ls.rl leLll oOpueLU uel no^ uo^f sorraqon q pup spuoLUle aql .ro^o alIU -rds
0lr s'ool l0 l surur E, rol oleE ull o)lPl paull e dol uo nlol pa]p pollss oql ale d uoql'o^ras pue lod aql olur .rnod 'Ippar aluo Aluols suol
uL oleld roqlaool xru uaql'slualpa]6ul l0l aq] ol lod P u uol0turoleM possarp oql lnd lu tu o)l ,a6pl.rod e seLl pue suo)ll ql ll lllun routuls
au qlr.rol 'sluo par6ul ,{,rp oqi eu qurof loOBL ol oql pue alnes eqle.r rs 0Lll Lll M uo aLxl0leM pue I oq oLll ol stualuol aql 6u.rE (poq u
uo^o OLll leoq-o]d 'l e
I lea luop ]eo auo soleLU sLql par p aql xrLU lr oq p u I es pos lo qru d p t..ll M salnu LU 0z e.rlxo up no^ oA 6 ol o.rolaq lq6lu
o lu .rds pup sarpnlls tulE l olu nlol aLll doql oql paloor) eournb aql pue I lu p^os oql LIILM
unq6o^ laarD dsql z * 'apelPurElu dsql z :0^]0s ol .* upd p ur l lnd pue eueueq oql alLls :a dur S
orusss3 elllue^ dsl zl * Illr.u lnuoto, lu.rooz * ualeoq sa^eal lulur poddoql I+ alnes llll,p
s66a t llps dst % rapr od 6ulleq dsl
I, lnuoro) % eqre/US dsqt Z * uolauralp,u par!p 6001.* lles salraq.nlq OL I, spuoule paFeol patlF dsql t*
* *
6o9L rnoll 6007 pas palell dst I nlol uollls r.uru lo lolred % Ilrur p^os lLuOOt poulnb paloo, 6002
* eueueq t I.
palprrlsap 60oL * re6ns ralser l. l. I, * t
sutut 09 | .le6ns 6gt i tpl lps 6z B I sler 992 I zL so ros sutu-l oL I rp6ns 69 | t?l tes 69 0 | sler z6 I z so^jos surur oL I .rp6ns 66 tL lel lss 68 | I sler Bgt I z sa^ros
rod ullNNt/v\ ov3u8 InNolof, IOd O9.OI NJOI ONV NO]3N IOd UVrSdSdnS VONTnO
oooa o oa
tH0T'J .J \l\ll()l\



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56 | wovrN's HEALTH I N4arch 2o1s womenshea lth mag.co.u k

:.cz qtrreh ln of, 6euql eeqsueuoM
65 | rr--=-:
no^ SAVS
ou've done endless crunches
in pursuit of a sculpted stomach,
countless tricepsdips for a a

pair of smokin guns and tried

desperately to run your ass ... and I U*"ql,l mg (

off -literally. Tlie issuei nothinf helps. {r,fr 'frrrr/l%,rr;r* .t-flrt

"sometimes weight gain isnt a simple case
of consuming more calories thanyou're
usins." savs integrated medical doctor Ela
Manla. "it corlld be due to a metabolic
imbJance or a dysfunctional endocrine
svstem." But dodt panic - here's how to
dtcode your fat zoies in order to blitz them.

Fat zone:


Anxiety or an
underactive thyroid.
Anxiety-induced -
elevated cortisol levels can
cause insulin resistance,
leading to - you guessed
it - belly flab. An underactive
thyroid also causes tummy
fat - watch for fatigue, dry
skin and constipation.
With targeted exercise.
lntense cardio like kick-boxing
lowers cortisol. Meanwhile,
strength training will help
kick-start your thyroid.

Fat zone:
Cmxpk&es Fat zone:
retention or fatigue.

Press the area for Too secreted to oppose

five seconds -
if it stays much sugar or insulin, which causes
depressed, vou're holding excess oestrogen. that muffin top.
water. Swollen calves can Love handles Flx it: You need to
I mean you're affected by sleep often result from limit sugar. Rejig your
i apnoea, which can cause fluid a sugary diet, Fat diet - when eating
accumulation and heart failure, around this area may anything sweet, pair
says WH trainer James Duigan. also be linked to high with a protein hit to
Besides a minimum oestrogen. The more slow its glycaemic
seven hours' shut eye per sugar you eat, the absorption. Cut down
night? 'Avoid carbs three hours more lnsulin your body external oestrogens,
before bed to help with toxin produces to counter too. Soy and dairy are
removal," Duigan says. Yes, sir. it. Oestrogen is then your main culprits.

60 | wovEN's HEALTH I uarch 2015 |

wo m e nshea lth mag.co. u k
gLOZ qf,rer\l >1n oa 6euL{t eaqsuauoM
'LUO qo,l : a-. -,: . ,- i , : :- l.:
ql\^6,r.., .r:.-" ...? @l1eL{lale1 ssojls 'zIMJOH AUUarll
p noM I os sal,^cs a::, a.- ,9 J teaq sdlaq uorlelpaur
uerlrlorp sAPs
punol Apn$ Alrsra^run
punol^urpu-r s ql -,' z a,o)lE ourlo}u
surldoH ur.loT v'ouill ,,'0uraJJPl pue
P lO ASnelaq I LJegLg,:IClaq Iq palelnutls aq
/PJTO/,e6" .O .P,9-ii: .,o uoz auJos ut ozaanbs
osle plnol losluol
'snld'lr qlrr\ 6urleop
no^ J elnur.rol uor x pe.ro I .rc (l auouror.,l ssorls otll
qrosqe no^ sd orl I uturpli^ aql) le 1a6 no^ ro]loq oql
'urP.r] no^ atouJ
eql lo sla^al q6rH,, LuLuel
olrnlo6ue.ro qlr/ uolel .rap Ao]d uosPf lsruorlulnu
'uorllnpo.rd losruol
uorl auolpds o)l I ouo e pool s^es'aleJ oLll punorP
^Lrpcuor qonouo 0ti1 asnel uef, osrf,loxo
Luorl 106 ol prPq 0q 6urleolq u.rnl ur puP
uel ll se luoLuo ddns e 0fel lllls p, ol[.l] puv'losr].lol
'uorlerp^qop osne)
'leql sp sno]as se lou s,l Jl sl d rno^ Ilor.lr ol d9 rno^
uel 6urzoog
uor paq rlsord olpl ol poau I M ISe oslv sJUeprxorlue
JO slol pue re6ns ssal 'slnol.rox\ osuolur
no^ uaql'erLUoeue Lllrl posou6elp
- ourN\ par asool..ll ua^a lo - ssarls
pup luoDrlop IllPl poLU orp no^ J
'Iuup op no^ Jl 'louollv
:ouoz leJ
ullsru 'Lrnrsau6eLU 'olqrJ lo lunoue
poo6 e seq .rallnq poos]aMo luns
pue (sOu ssarp u -ro snur[]nq ur leol0
solsel pue) unDlel u q6rq Al eo.i s
(rurL-lpl ele) rollnq poos oLupsos :ool
'sl Jouoq Prlxo o^eq srollnq poos
'sqnl lrlseld ur poo] 'sllnpord Ipp^ra^a
dn ourleoq eAJaMs ur punoJ urxol e'vd8
'leLll 6u APS qlroM s,l ',t-p6aLUo
l puv'sallsnLU uie slso66ns Lllreosar
lo I nl os lnq lollnq puoL.ulP ueql
,apun ]dln)s-o]-prPq :surxollo a)uosard
rarlle] A lenlrp s qrqM rallnq
seuol 1r snld 'dn-p1rnq eql ale)pul osle uPl ll
lnuleM o^o | 0luP eq oql sso]p3] 'asnrapun L{lrM -
urxol lo pu lo6 dloll
lsql spool u e)lel oj Addeq sIe^A e ^e^i\e
o] arnlerodurel arol polsei!\ ro - patqdorle
LUe I OS'JO p 9-P5OU-rO A]oA
^APaq lnol sasrer e6o^ lor]
ll a^eLl sel)snu rno^
e OApL..l aM'lsoM 0ql ul spaos slPoq
r..llrM 6ururerl Lll6ualls u6rs e oq lLlorul ^
orlP.r t pooruo ol 9-p6auJo.Iotll
..a.r ',,.:,r, sOuli!\ o6ulB r.,",i. ,,.,,.
lno^ oseallul
le.rauo6 uL lnq 'luoluol lel .loq6lq s
o^eLl slnu'sa^ a6pa aql seLl rollnq 'squrl rno^ ur 'sro]leJ lelu0ruuorAUo
lnu aLu rol lnq 'leor6 o]e qlo8 leJ orols ol rno^ ro poorr er^ dn-plrnq
osnef, uef, ^poq
loureluol urxol pue orprel
pool )rlseld rno^ olrl LllnUl OOl :.':'.: ::: t."': ,
xffixxg,m el$xNgg
In ol uosn610]
A.rpLUosoj 'ls uo I rlnu :ouoz leJ
ls AolrpH
uosn6-ral ArPLUasoE
uodxo or{l Isv
JY.f ss_\1t
9[OZ qtr]eN >ln oJ 6euqlleaLlsuauom
E9 I
lrM I :llu1u..reM'peau)l pue
urls lo s nlpupLl qpr6 'laol aql
lp Su liels',lr olp^rlls 01 .Ipp e
g= erloo8 ol dn Aq urnq-ouolel
srrrNrg 6urlsooq IloArllo]Jo orou.r )j.loM
solf,snu] rno^ sdloq olddns
*..-= onssrl Aqllarls srql Su daa)l
'urnq-alJole, sdn ll :IHn
'LUn oseaql pallalr-i pue olPlod
loaA\s urolord LllrM sq]el
ILllrels pue
^il loa^ S leo no^ uoqil\
pospelor ,auouJ.roq Iddpq, oql
'uruoloros possa.rddns sr srLll 'snol.tos a.t,aM 'se^ puv
ro6unq sra66rrl LlrrqM '.qrunl ro] ourl ur 6urpupls alrL.lM
'urialL.l6 auoLU-roLl oql ornpord r1 punorO oql llo saqlur ,4 al e
6ururl s,qlpLuols rno{ ur s11er,{u11 lool ouo 6u srer,{q 11 1ro1,1
'llnJ laol no/t sdlaq ll :/\H/y\ .readdesrp uJnl ..rno^ soleLu lr
'sp]o,r\ reqlo ul
- sqp rnol ur lul
sostprxo srAlad -rno^ 0ulsllrox:
'role^!lfe aro, rnofi s,ll :AHi
'( eD'OOpH eLe.eO Ot6LitS p
S .1Py_ \ ep _ il).lD-S lL0lS,Sdr.
lo 6E ZL leo'LlluoLU rod qll
-).OiOl tP, Dd.OrS lrJ U IPJI
\v. (, -o 6- ."JlA, Sp lP Fllpr
-//oo s)
edjq ,J\,1 ,'oA ,atlr,
€s U/JOO S rpOO rlol tsnr lOLt S I
:lpl urilq rdloq il:AHIA ,
i :.1,:, r r, rr,irii: i. I

.I SHtrD THRtrtr STOl\tr 7

=i::r+I @-

Seeing the scales seltle

at almost 12st was my wake- ,,&'
up call. Untr then, I was around
lOst and a srze 14, but my love .:r'{1-,*
of carbs meant the pounds had
crept on without me notrc ng.
I was only 22, but l'd lost my L.
confrdence and couldn't face
lorning a gym, so nstead my
mum, Nicky, and began to go
for six mile hlkes frve ttmes a
week. We also readjusted our
drets repLacing potatoes FITSPIRATION
and pasta with veg.

After a year of waikrng

and eating belter, l'd lost "Fail to prepare, prepare to tail."
lst 5lb. Confident enough to I use it every day.

lo n a gym, began with Light

cardio three trmes a week. After
12 months, l'd got to gstl But
I wanted to tone up, so I turned
to strength trainrng, us ng A home-made protein bar -
YouTube v deos. Over the past b rtz nuts, oats, rarsins, protern
year, l've trarned myse f to llft 15- powder and boi rng watet ball
20kg and push 90kg on the eg 'em up and leave rn the fr dge

, press. And my lrght cardio has for two hours. Yuml

turned nto rnterval sessions
on the treadmrll

Feel So Close' by Calv n Harris

. it has the perfect beat for

l've tota y overhauled my
when 'm at the gym.
d et, swapping out carbs for
proteln (tuna and sa mon), and
eatrng ots olveggres. l'll also
make healthy snacks rke prote n
bars and muffrns. l'm currently at
Walking lunges (we ghted with
my goal we ght, 9st, and a size B. lt
7.5k9 dumbbells). They make
proves you don't a ways need an
s-c^ a d 'fer^^ce to ,r, egs.
expens ve PT to get results. I did it
with onlrne insp ration and the
support of my family. n fact,
Mum and I stll go walklng
rogeL-e - Lsalolease' I get my vrdspo fitspo from
than it once wasl LrvestrongWoman and
S imF tAndHealthy. GE

64 WOMEN,S HEALTH March 2OI5 wo m ens hea Lth ma g.co. u k

6e l- qtcz qcrehJ ] In of, 6euLllleaqsuouom
1,1,to(n fi,1a1tu{ap Wqt aa{ s,ataq
|to1yzcunoc pcol D at1t7
pa! nofi, aqnru ,oll
upc ll,ns 5uo"tm aLfi asnocag rlls
Mou lqOu spaau lauleq
aqJ jno^ s6urLi] 0L Iluo aq-L
soll!ssafau rleH
reoMur^6 lo aprs Irep oLll
rllr^ ]ueurolels e aIeN
Uale qlo6 qlleaH
ourlnor Alneaq .rno^ lo
uoonb oql :lrO
roleredo 1e1;5
lpaM ra^ od s,uoseos
slql ul uroor or.ll ul o
noA s1;ng
il1i- ; t 'rr al a-] :j .-; .1-i i. ::: : :'. Y :'.! ::
''"'t''l 1,'t') 3

t')i ,i\"%{i'\t.'..
Big shoulders? No problem. The new
classic is all about sloping shoulders
and relaxed tailoring. "Go for a 'slim-fit
shawl' or'narrow notch' lapel, which
won't draw too much attention to
your neckline," says Dominic Sebag-
l'4ontef iore, creative director at
bespoke tailors Edward Sexton. Sleek.

Blazer,8325, '.
LK Bennett
Jumper, :

8279, Brora
Shirt, 863,
Brooks Brothers
Trousers, €195,
LK Bennett
Hat, €8O, Laird
of London

Keep it clean
Limit dry cleaning to once
every few months. The
harsh chemicals will play
havoc on the fabric's shape


!*- $
Give your white shirt' an artistic
f ourlsh with these little extras

_ ___ ._F
The neck tie The pin The bow tie The necklace The collar tips q

to, A5u5 fl5, Austin Reed f45. Thomas Pink f60, Topshop f8.50, Topman

70 woN4EN's HEALTH I March 2ors

TL] i- :l-: :. :-.alqf,reh I
)n oc 6euLllleaqsuauoM
'slsorl) lelJ ol odeqs so^r6
06nH '69lf, 'slppues pue sos.rol 6uol dn sleoJg
ere[ xeN 'ogt:r 'razelg
inol ol JoA od uallV pue 6ur) le 6uuolrpl
jo peoLl 'on6el lN oueN sles ,,'.ouanollls
Jno^ osrseqdLua llrM sauo paluo4-lell
alrqM a.rn6rl ssel6rnoq rrol rauell llrM
s.rasnorl lsrel -q6rH,, auado lollel ]no^
ouueoM sa^rnl ro] rauurM V
X'=oort ^oos
.; J
'sraplnoqs dreqs uallos
'sllorxs pue surels
llr/v\ ladel pa^rnl oql
oAoLUor snld'sorqrl aql
uodo llrM ureols or..l1 jrns
dn-6unq rno^ punore
oluol ourlroq e UeM
ueals dn pllnE
Get a fabric to meet your needs


Cool Ligha|€ight Delicote
Cool linen is perfect for pears
as the loose fabric skims #
disproportionate curves without Wcrm Non-crease Durable
clinging. This cut also helps to a )'.1
balance wide hips. "Remember,
the jacket hem should go below
the top of the thigh to disguise
larger hips," Sebag-Montef iore
says. Bye-bye, baby bearers.

. t.
Blazer, €695,
Nicole Farhi
T-shirt, €4O, #
Zoe Karssen
Trousers, 835O,
Nicole Farhi CREPE
€245, Reiss
Sliders, €89, Cos



L.a:-...:.:,i:e,;.,... .::


Bag it!
Use fabric garment bags
instead of plastic. The
chemicals in plasttc can let

off f ibre-damaging f umes. aw

72 | wovEN's HEALTH I March 2ols I
wo m e n s h ea lt h m a u k
:,lz q3reh ln otr 6euq]leeqsueuoM
O EEt salctoad )aNlo'oz'zozz llarc sasselg le uor6rlau 'sz5 r.usud'otzf, anbrldo }e eperd '01tf,
trtr8 SA.IIOA
uosql^urS 'OStJ
'asel dolde-l .,
'96lf 'rrtqs
'o931 'rozelg
'suoseor lqOu aql
lle rol
so)iel-olqnop ]radxl osrol Jno,{
0urlLUeorls IlrM ulLls Jnolor +se.rluof,
e alrqM 'ur lsreM rno^ qluD llr^^
sroplnoqs raOuorls rllr^ la)iret V
's6al rno^
Jo lred lsoLuuJrls oLll
olenlua))e ol aou)i rno^ Aq uioq
aLl]ol u,Mop uorluaue MPJp ll,I -
.rozelq ourl-6uol e osooqr'olppil.x
roorel s lnoqe pauloe\ ar,no^ Jl
'sarq4 alll dn burlurp lea,trs
luo^ard ll,]l srnoq,Z roJlre ol ]no
]r o^eol ?al)P[ rno^ buueoM roUV
luqnd u! uaull rnol rgy
gOYru I .' ._

OILEDUP ..,ffi


@'ffi ,,-

W Fine lines
Best slick pick: 'Are premature

Breakouts agelng and sun damage ssues? Fix

them wlth olls that are formulated
Best slick pick: "Squa ane o I s your w th antlox dants or anti agetng
best bet. ll helps calm overactive ingred ents, ike vltamin A," Marmur
sebaceous glands," dermato ogtst says That'Ll help repair the damage
Dr Jeannette Graf says. Extracted Worst slick pick: Coconut oi - sort
from olrves, lt's known for its of. t won't hurt, but it's too thin to
feather I ght texture. ]t's a godsend. dramatrcal y improve wrink es.
Worst slick pick: Avocado or . Slick tips: For day, swap your
" t's heavy and may c og pores of mo sturiser for Sanctuary Active
those wrth oily skrn," dermato og st Reverse Lipid Recovery Facial Oil,
D'E'en lvorrur sa5s. \o, Lha^ks. E22, which conla ns pomegranate,
Slick tips: A thorough wash is loloba and a trio of essentla oils
crltlca for oi y sk n to remove .nal are rc1.n tio,'dan-s A
build up ofsuperfluous dead sk n nlght after c eanslng and after any
cells and grease, wh ch c og pores treatment products (particu arly
and produce spot-formrng bacteria. ones that contain ret nol) "app y the : ,-'
So mornrng and n ght, use a same oit should be the last thlng
squalane-contarning cleans ng o , you put on," Graf says. Simple. iiI ft
like BareMinerals Mineralixirs Facial #,
Cleansing Oil, f2t. " t m ght seem }.. S:l
counter inturtrve, but oi attracts o l,
so you get a deeper clean without t*
overly stripping your sk n," Graf
says. Time to oll up. H'


A pea-sized drop No more lhan a 5p Think a 50p

1,,1",;;:.T-" ry lhrough the ends -

no qreasy scalp here.
per body Pari


o m e ns healthmag.co. uk
qsrehJ )n otr 6euqllPaqsueuoa
:=: @t .Jlla6-Mo'D rdue lu6rr sdo,P
oorql uo.]a^el uaql lasr.]nlslolu aql
So.o . . -.. .--:.. n..
: ol )llrls 'uorle.rp^q oroLu paau no^ Jl
P..t: ,\ S::..:.. --
'urls saqloos pue suolq6ri qJq^\
e OSa SAUO,-r, C -r.l- a:,-:S Ou
'8rl'aref, lrletuorv auuo6uel
A luoO pue sPor€ po rp aql dn x'., *r./
pesEq-.u urqdrec A-rl ;esunlstotu 1o e:e1d
o*nio t.l o, J5 s.lPql
alet uer l o 6uruolLl6 rq V :sdll lllls
,osr.rnls oLU lll6rsMlqlr e !l A\ u )ls
'I.rf s^ps le.rg ,,'uo leluauo drodlq
-rnoI alp.rpIL] '^ purj ssou sea.rO pup
fu oleL-uuuel1ut-1sod ol peol
lol urls peop 6u ureuar 0Aoua.l
uel LllrLlM 'u )ls olslu-il u?r 0soq1,,
'u IS oql u uorlelnl-r l ale nLu ls ol
'sl o o^oll pue luruloddod 'prssgl :.tr
]ouol P rll Mol oj ssau l o a.roLu
/ 'uoLUpuuLl :Il!d lrlls lsro/l^
6u snel pup ll 0u ddulsro^o p oAP ol
roA: roxrl uollPluoLUOrd
rosueo l la6 ro 6u ueol e ql u IS l .s^es.rnLU.lpN +
uA ou)]-lsoq oLlI
osueall Alreln60..r os'suorlglnLU.roJ
,,'l urLUelr^ 6uruolqbuq-utls lo trro]
o lua6 asn ol sr oql sllnpo-rd
lernleu e ureluol slro pospq
A-rollrpPrluol^olAUeLU ool Sursn
^aql,,u )ls ua^oun
-snrlD -rol oO 'ouol
Aq pasnel sau-r loLuos s,ll sadll
]o slods lrpp rol :I)rd IJls lsoE
urls lua]o]jrp a]oLu ro oMl alel sr
.rno^ uaqM sr u IS uo lpu qurol v ouol ',1',,4t+
o uaaaull
paou noI Our.lnoluol "'fAVH nOA lt
oql le s,lerll sauoqloaql oql Suole
rotq6 q0rq ql M qsru J puP'slaoqr
aql lo soldde oLll oluo applls dod
Oql]o^e',Lllnol eu l P]oj uallos ol
uMop uoql puE aul.l eq aql sprpA ol i
dn.rno ol oql puo E sNooql rnol ol 4i -
apsqs le.rlnou aql I dde pue slrurs
apeus ,dod,.rali-l5uq p pue le.]lnou e -
qsnlq Jo sappqs oMl osn'souoqlaaql loM s,lro s^es JP.le ,,.losilnlsroLU
-rno^ ur leos ol ]o^o lP Aldde ro eare
aruequo pue.rno ol ppp ol APM lPo.r6
e s qsn q 'olel rno^ ol uo lru lop ppp
lelil o doo)l'pos lP)o sr ssaupor
ol lueM no^ a^ol no^ sornleal oql Jl,,
:ool 'slrq o^rlrsu0s uo I asn lLo
I puou.rle pue drq osoj l0pua^pl
os seLldua pue 106 o^,no^ lpqM Lll A\
q}M'6Zl'lro xolao lqElura^o
N-roM ol rallaq s.ll dn-aleur ql M
ss.rnlea] .rno^ 6u 6ueql sor dLU l se louaLld^lod arlepnel o)1 'LUd puP
ure lro 6u LUlel e osn :sd!llrlls
alel aLll au lop ol ..rozuorq 5u sn
, 6u ]noluol Lu,L
leql uo sspd l,oM
Jo UPJ 0 q e lou V 's^ss
lp.re ,,'uorlelrr urls ospe.DUr
o plno) ql L.lM 'qs.rel] oq ol spual ll,,
' ro.]olseJ
ilrld l)rls lsro A
sl l0LUSol uMorB ool'sloq poo6 orP 'l o
tqqoE lo pue
oll poos e L..ll olrl 'spDe Alle] lp luosso
.rapunol'lsrlrP ureluol leql slro pooM epues pue
dn-olpl^l osor !apuo^Pl'o ru]oLuer'rlnoLlrlpd
u^ or8 qqoB :dloLl lPr.ll Lr.roql lo qrunq e s,a.raLlI
's^es rnu.reN
,,'uorlelu.r uo so)lprq
olll lnd ol dlorl - u ls aql rol
uurdse olrl o-rp sarlrodord 6urqloos
uodxa aql Isv -!
r]lrM posn]u sllo,, :Iild llrls Na8
o IlISuaslt "'3AVH nOA
tr xJlT>^ lltr
LL f,z qrreN I
)n'of, 6euqlleeqsueuoM
qr;;y3' adel
^llo8 ^lpoMs'
slods Cf lP PLUnd
@t'lua:z ser?ls qpap
pue :aurta,{a;o saqs"l }ng 't
i(a,r8;o qselds ppo aqt sl sy
'alqeldocrr are atrrl rJo saqseldg 'E
'3u11elap qsaur pue sleued raaqs
r{}lr/( aqloarq }g}no rno,( 1a1 '7
ppe o] sJlnlxJl dn *IW 'I
sosv rp s PU O.rO
sPp pp' '6eg
Ed et,{ts tp
[., ryr
Llrlh' 'do-L
, :::!I
rolrod-e-loN le
U U e LU-l OLll LU :.:,.', da
Z' )..t,',1' I
''')l ,|.'i3dJt C);)l{}t-te SI iJAr{ 2', till,l}.t1
i.),,'>l.tuy D,rliri#./.)
( rra*tr11}! 3:.1 I 'r" '- ^r r' - '-"
{}tl,ll I l, /tUt{ ;d!'t-t
JlLl"; ]u.ul'{rilJut)u f ilil Jn.}l: ut{i{3 tJ:}qAt"
xJV'lg -\\l\
F.T I?ti,i-to\.i,5 ]J\5C, i',ll
rno^ uosool ssuclsutob pal lu
r1lo4 s36.rei-ll lruor ai.ll - LLrleq
Slql Uo .jei-iletS aat.ia,la -Zu a
li0?.i.i tier;r€ s.tl iool
pPOLlpoq roJ sdrl arlr ilSno]til
o lsrN srq.] s,o.rilrll uotll
tffio 'A?rdsiieu
^n6 ielnbar s aroql
|ZJ /6
# ..r!\: '; : '
llo 6ij:llill liloi,l ,r.i\ lstjr.,i
,1O r1 ./:Cc,.Oj -O . O t
sorl luap ilLie asaLll
W ^aql
rllrM ,(rp-A\olq .rno^ oArasa.rc
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1D141 lOdS lAalxs lonx1as Aql :ulnd puD
a"msnaldlo 6utpau,t paltad aqX qU
o hat do scented candles, ice cubes
and nipple clamps all have in
common? Despite sounding like
the BYO listto Russell Brand's
40th, they're the gatewayto newsexual realms
known as hyperstimulation - foreplaythattoys
with pleasure and pain. "With hyperstimulation,
the body thinks whether it's about to be harmed,"
neuroscientist Dr Jim Pfaus explains. "Once it has
eliminated danger, it serves youwith an incredible
rush of adrenaline." Try these shock tactics yourself:

Ice play Clamp dorvn

Risk factor * Risk factor ****
Ease of use ***** Ease of use **
Stimulation **** Stimulation ****
One reason to keep your iceboxwell When it comes to nipple clamps,
stocked... Intense cold creates skin- get him to try them on you first as
tingling sensations, as the sudden female nipples are more sensitive
change intemperature triggers the than male ones. Just remember, it's
narrowing of your blood vessels. On the release of the clamps that creates
cold contact, your body then releases pleasure - not the pressure itself.
pain-dulling honnone noradrenaline, "Temporarily restricting blood flow
Pfaus says. Cue an enhanced orgasm. creates a flood of sensory feeling
Crack open the ice as things become when the blood flows back into the
heated. "The effect is heightened
when unexpectedj' Pfaus says. Cool.
skin, plus the psychological sensation
of relief. It's nothing to do with how
Try it: For arousal on overdrive, slide
tight you can stand it," bondage
instructor Midori explains.
some ice cubes along a lover's earlobes
(where most of the thermoreceptors TrY it: Newbies can get magnetic
are). Or trythe Touche Ice Vibrating versions, like the Fetish Fantasy Gold-
Bullet Massager.. The aftermath? clamps. If you want to sidestep your
Incredible pleasure... and a slightly nips, other erogenous zones are the
Iarger than normal wet patch. inner thighs, neck and earlobes.


'e.r> 'e{> 'e{>

Mickey Rourke totally ruins Kim Madge pours candle wax Two puppets have sex, Charlie Sheen seduces &
Basinger's shirt by dripping ice over Willem Dafoe to disBlay and technically there are his lady friend by frying I
cubes all over her. That's what we her dominance. Gentle by both strings and candles. bacon and eggs on her t
call making G&T the long way. Madge's standards. So we're claiming it. belly. Classy guy. t

84 woMEN's HEALTH I March 2ors ]

,! o m e ns h ea lt h m a g.co. u k
gS I Hr-IVf H s,Nlt,loA\ | sLoz u.r"t"t I
)n or'6eu LllIeaLlsueuoa
6'slrqlSraua q8rq
ut azoaras -:: ^:'. :3S r,,o',\ ol Jo suolllpuol l-re3q IFIr$ esoq] 'IUerd liule ll 'sa6er
6ur11eli pLra,ari,a-s 3e. - aLr dulnl roJ loN 'raqury Surrrqua erolaq lBnxasoql^sd s!rl slonl
uo 6ursnloj a,ojao 0s 'uaql xos sq8ql pue isol{r 'urnq aq1 uo sped a)n[ Aze]o qil/'^ polllJ
a^eq ol luer'ualf o os 'dn a1e,ar ,{aq1 aq] oJ?ld 'sluoJrnr Pu? saPorlJola ISeU se6 s.JoddoH s!uuao
uoLll suolllora la6 ol pual uauJ Sursn ur 3n1d uer saldnoc lzql -
- lupl]odL!l os p s 6ulLUll ur op {rIId aqr a111 - sdol
-1I-g8W:I onc
lqOl.r sOurql Mols ol LulL..l laO :sltll go o8uer e op ruqs"rlralg rl!
/lll uaql'>lles oql u unl o.toLU lueM 'ra8uep eql snuru a8e11o-t
- {r
no^ osnslaq ro 'o-lnssa.ld .loPUn 'uol3ur4p16 ellaH rolef,npo xas sdts
loal oLlM uaLU ouoLue uouJtl-lol sl ,,'Jeqlou? auo qcnol nod eraqrrrLre,ra
qrrqr,r [1o xue a]ueLU.to1rod sltl tllL^ suorlJprluor pue sa13up IeeJ III^4. 8..,,
'alu0roJJlp oroz solpuJ
lpop ol s,lr Jl raulred rno,{ pue nod :saporlcala
sr sruod srL.l 6rq Moq pue - slsPl 8ur,rq olur serpoq rnod surnl pu8ts
orl 6uol Moq '.palplo.l Aqeq s,ll ll e 8urreqg,, 'uDIs ol >lJlls nor( 1eq]
'por.r]oM or,no^ AqM uo spuodop I
V sped q8norql IeAPrl ol luerrnr I
,{^olP t"ql sLol la8 uEr no^'sruod srq
aop a^ uef leq/v\ - pou/orvl
u,l 'paq u! 6uol fuan 1se; Surllrr,'-a.Lg1 oB 1.uop lsn{ - saxerurlc
lrusaop Jaulred AN o rnod qloq dldrllnru ue) nod 'se,rrau
pnxas Surlelnturls dg 'ruse8ro
'Mou s,lr 'ApMp Isotq tutLU lotl s rurru € aTrI 'slJerluoJ ePsnru 3tI]
,{1 1snlo1oLull e spM o.loql ro^o Jl 'alrau JoJour o1
luaJrnJ e {dde
no.{ uoqrrt :orul} uossal aJuer)S
oS (rlsll Alto pus s660 'leolLl LUorJ
VCE rno^ lo %OL lnoqe loo uPl
+++++ uollelnurlls
noA qOnoqlle) uns aLll C u Luell^ ++ asn lo asef
lo alrnos utsu aLlI (,(ePl oq uo +++++ rolrellslu
oAroluol soldnol IUeLU 'sdeq.rad
'uospor oLlI)'uaL-r ut JUnol Lurods saporpalfl
pue uouroM u sauoLuroq xos lsooq
uer s o^o C utu]pl A 6utssollul lpql
'se1e,u.rd alq"ullfieu sluezrr dpoqou
sr Moul op oM lptll lnq 'Moul allnb
l,uop oM.\ilpxa 'AqM
- sreT)rml rllaqluds pro,rt oq.{eru
uru.re] A p aAPq ol uMoqs ^ruollllop
o]oM %t6 lsnl'uI 1I o8tsseru dlensuas uaql
c dytl.ols drr6 '1ec;o pod lsrg rno.(
.sl nsor oLll uo leln^o qllM
^lrlrllolut oq ppoqs sqBFIt - slred a,ulrsuas
uoLUoA 19 pOUlLUpxO 0u r paN io
ole oql Aq lsotu oq] o1 luace[pe s"arc ar{} roJ
ooqls 'rory ep oJo3 anbrlnoq crlore;o
^llsro^tu{l ^pnls urr-V
luolor e'llel ul st A;ute1-re: oloql V puelSug uosIIIV sdes ..'rl rnod nod
aeleroqela noA ue3 ueqrtr. prnbl1 o1 urn] r{rlr{^r tsnnq
'l(1;g1ya; pue O ultuelln Paqs ro xerrr Los qllla ap?ur ary'aq1,,
usaft^laq Iu!l e s.aJaql '-asrnbxg uorJ sauo e{rl 'selpue)
1eq1 6ulreaq daa)t I O a8tsseru radord asn o1 reqtuarueA j
'suEls xas Per 3q1 uaqa rlsnr
.ra83rq e roJ pasnore-raddq aq 1.nod
+l ur I lsoM ellz
:.{e1daro1 o}ur selnulru 01 ar,nod
0rll Jo rollor p oql
ueq,&\ xe.^a ar{} asnpo4ul :ll AII
pup 'lrodxo Ilrlrl.lol
pue xos :otlM 'ured pcrsdqd 1ou 'uorl4cadxa pue
lsoM pllz osuadsns lnoqp IIe sr.{t1d srql 'q8rq
:uadxa aql pnxes r(zerc e ol"erJ IIr.t sl!\olloJ
lerll es?ola, eql 'auror lpsaop ured
terl] ueqIA'outPuarpErou asEalar -/
uodxo rno Isv nod'qcno1 nod uaq-al su"aru l"aq
q8q uror; ured;o uorledtcllue araru
oql 'sauoturoq;o a8rns ? as"alar
serpoq.rnod'(araq sn qll^{ rcaq)
alpueJ xas urrro,{raa. rnod uo
aqf fq311 nod luauoru aq1
+++ uollelnulls
++++ asn lo asef
+ Jolrel Is!U
xBlr{. }oH

His peni,s
precious - both to him and you. That's why we're proffering these
sci,enti,ficallU backedperformance enhancers to help rai'se his game

Choose blue
Say cheese. (No, not that t1pe. Gross!)
A l.,i{T on empty .
3!!lB"fore he hits the squat rack. tell
T[ade in Qpe 2
Diabetes can leave your man numb
Research. found the fat in that stinlqr E hi- to make a pit srop firsr. Peeing downstairs. According to Diabetes
French favourite roquefort can increase his before he pushes ensures no urine is Voice magazine, up to 58% of male diabetics
testosterone levels and restore his sex drive. He forced into his testicles (grim but true), are impotent. To swerwe the conditions, he
should consume twice the monounsaturated which the Uro Center of New York says should swap starchy carbs (rice, potato)
fats (cheese, oils, nuts) and saturatedfats (dairy causes epididymitis. This extremely painful for fibrous carbs (broccoli, spinach) and
meat) when compared to polyunsaturated fats infection can last weeks and cause setious polish off meals with black tea - it has
for optimum effect. So a steak in blue cheese swelling (and, no, not in a good way). polysaccharides to help lower blood sugar.
sauce with a walnut salad ticks a 1ot of boxes.

The dvnamic duo

While 99.9% of al1 penis-related
A Booze snooze
Just soy ntt
It's time to change your Ocado order.
milk may be your thing right
Q-trpil1s are a con (the Nigerian pi1l that
makes his manhood 50% bigger? We wish),
U*:::*'l:";:il f*TI'+'l:
ladies, but serious bingeing could lead to
a study- found the testicular tag
now, but a Harvard study found consuming
it regularly could considerably lower sperm
of zinc and folic acidi is all he needs to
long-term consequences. One study. found
10 beers in a night is enough to lower his
improve his healthy sperm count. Oysters testosterone by 23o/o, which'Il leave him
counts in men. That's a lot of 1itt1e guys to
have more zinc than any other food, while limp between the sheets long after the
lose over his Frosties. If he does struggle
with dairy, then almond milk is a much lamb and adzuki beans are both rich hangover and embarrassment have cleared.
sources of folate. Plate up, people.
safer bet for his swimmers.

6.! A glass act

q} i:::. x'
f , ffi il ":n; Il! l,T),i
found that BPA exposure from
plastic food containers can cut his sperm
count by up to 23o/o. Make sure he nukes
last night's lasagne in glassware oniy. It's
another reason to keep those salt-laden
Chinese takeaways to a minimum, too.


86 WOMEN'S HEALTH March 2.IJ lvo m e n s hea lth mag.co. u k

sLoz urrnt.t )ln of, 6euqlIeellsueuoa
L8 | Hrtv=l s,Nlho/v\ | I
'"aa?,ssDruD s,lD1,lJ
EE!'unb ol elurl'a-ussa;drur
eroru {oo1 lr alP{Ir lluy\ srorrrru Pu" a{orus
Jo lunou" oN 'rauorls dlluecgru8rs a;e
suorlJa]a .sJe{ours suParu uIJs?le pu" slesseA
poolq ot a8eruep }eqt punoJ eulrlpalll
's8e; aqrgo no.{
;o looqcg &rsra run uolsofl
tlqBq aql {JN (, a
'sa,rlasrno Lroaqt ]€ql lsel PFoqs e.^ 'Surqqrrcs la8 ol ueru
aqdelrl 'parurguocun '1aL se 'st ruro; e{"r uI rnod 'recuec apued
11a1 30 TSIJ sIq ses?a.rJur
ssaualrlreJa rIaqJ'slJege JluaSourcrec-que l.1a8nt1 osp 11 'Surpaaiq pu" saros or p"el
lua1od a.teq aprsur slueprxoqup aualore) u"f, uDlsaroJ arll Japun (uotleut8trut .inod
-rtaq aql l^oqs D)uD) pu\ uoultlnN ur,(pn1s esn '[a-^a "'roJ urra] ptrIurlf,e] aqt) eru8aurs
e lnq tego uo ll"us snorourelS lsoru ar{l 1o dn-p1nq ,tur leql se1e1s ,fiaico5 rorupJ
l,uaJ? sloJr"J 'JoJuer rplnJllsal Suque.Lard
'(aurze8eru Iool{Js-p]o ue qlur- de.,'t'
'sn1d 3rq e - suo-p.req 3ur1se1-.ra8uo1 'rapr"q anSopue eqt xg urod srq la8 ot rulq IIal
ro; 'saiJsnu roog cr,r.1ad srq uaqlSuarls pue) lsap srq t" tI a^"el o] urrq raD tlipraJ
Laql 'sasn.raxa 1a3ay rno Jo slraga eql srq L.r; um srql 'sleuBrs g-l^a rlll^a paulqruor
slrrurur uorJ"qrnlseru .rep8a6'acutru;o;.rad 1"g'Z lq sa.rnleradruel leloJ)s eslel uei)
srq ro; pooS dlenlce sI pu"q srq pue doldel talqBt e ql1a,r dn 8u1Fnr PunoJ uo4cnpotdaa
srq qll^& luads aq salnurru 61 prcads leq] uDunH purno[ eq] uI qlftesag 'a1c.(c
daals srq pue srno.( u"q] erour
tTx."#fii;e#II sdorlsap asn lauralur lq8ru-a1e1
gnlJ ,sH3gl\3I\
: az ultPt^t I
68 I "l In of, 6euL.lljeeqsueuom
au! doals
no^ op leqn
aoJaq rno^
JAn OqS aluno^el
'suorssrrrrada.r aztBe8au aq
apoleu plno.41\ eraq+ parEJs sPl!\ I 1\r3r{tr
ro auo6u!-I
Plnor J uErl] aroulgo uelrq p.I
' araq.4(\1ErIl a{rl uor}drqrs E ur
uaaq fo eu eA I 'sEr I pa arlaq I
^ll!n9 3urql,{:a.ta lsure8e Suro8 se.ra. 1
['ru1g aqlyo 1no palpd 1nq
dar3 uegsuq3 deld ol anp se.,ra.
ueuunll] 'u.lr'op]ua,4 Xnls [/G4
,fol sapuqg 69 rerp Ip uarl!\ :V
4pa"recs nod
r(lear aroil1'
srrrrl lsEI aql seittt'
uaq11 :$
['papuocag] 'poo31oo1 1ns nod 'Ial sJ"rl.^ sJEr{} PIrP <elq,^A
1ng 'p1o 8uq1a8 ar.nod'***g :y r .rag:e saledrssrp.(ra1s.(ur pue
irorrltu aql uI lsnl aql 'drqspuaul uo pa Eq ale
r1oo1 nod uaq^{ >IuIp nod sdrqsuoqelar dq;peq 11v'sa :V
op IEII A'uaq1 1q31a :[ eool'puar;J lseq rno( aclntas |uoo"t, 01 11461n/4s
aq puap;1.43 E plnoqs oS
'1r lnoqe 3ur.,Gto,l\ paurru sr "'saspd rno lnq 8ug1d;e,rX :| sao6 pu'o tllDlllDurs aLp sdl,tls "tols
,/rep aloq.ra'dur'lrrede or oB fi.qct
nuy to suos plo .ma n+g aqJ
o] a Eq IJI'suorlErqrs ssoril 'u-ra.op s.aa,o1s Surql&aafl
ur p.re.tr1z"re dlquoq IeeJ I i(pyro.,u-raqto sleal lpr{} a)pld
',ttou>[ ].uop aldoad grvvr 1eq1 o1 aced e pue lSraua ut
Sursrprcos aleq I pu" Ipl s.ararlJ 'Tur.rP Pu" uns aq] ul ]Is
lPtus elerl I 'sanred o] Suro8 'sa8esseru a,{"q 'aor ras ruooJ
apq 1 'lprxtre pnos d141 :y .rapro ar11 's8uudg u4e6 ur sdep;o
ilnoq" alnJasul lsoru nor( a.re aldno: e qlr,n raq asudms 1,1 :y
'3ulqdue 1 '1eq,r,l og :[ 41115 essa:dtur nod op.r,o11 !$
g^o-I JSi'i-\-

Spicing up your bedroom
antics with a sex toy is not
only fun, its also a great
way to increase the pleasure
factor and hit climax faster

i:1)1i'tii11i|11il1lliil! r. "'""/"; 11\lii111ii1 111iri1l:1,

ou know that endorphin rush

you get post-gym? Ii's even better
after sex. Few workouts engage
. all the muscles like a session
between the sheets can, and
none come with the promise of a heart-racing
orgasm (unless you're having an affair with
your personal trainer, that is).
While the calorie-burning potentiai of sex
is clear, less obvious are its hidden health
benefits, like it's other-worldly ability to soothe boost your immune system, keeping colds
away aches and pains, or take your mind off a and infections at bay. Best of all, great sex
seriousiy stressful day. Regular action can even feels amazing, so it's the perfect antidote if
you're feeling down. Aquarterof
So if sex is so amazing, why aren't we having people saidthat
more? Too busy, too tired or too stressed are
,. .. :{\ theyaremore
. -*'\ (' l. the common complaints, or the passion is
.L fizzling out - it's not that you don't fancy them
'\*'\ anymore, you've just lost that rip-their-clothes- somethin$newin
,.\\ ., \ 4
ofi feeling. The solution is simple: get a new thebedroomon
plaything. No, we don't mean a new Partner,
we mean a sex toy. Always ahead of the curve,
Durex has just released a range of ultra-
stimulating toys designed to hit new heights
of sensory pleasure. From multlfunctional broadentheir
vibrators to out-of-this-world massagers, it's sexualhorizons
t i me to unlock a new era of .e .
' thisyear
'Osrt,li{ ar{l Jo tur: t I. 'u-trop slued rno.(
i:a-ra ut a ro1 3urleur qlla,r fr{3nBc la8 ol lue.tr ln'o'xa/np lB sle^lrJp
Falel orll doqs pue aJout lno Pull
{aar\ auo puads pur 1.uop nod :esuas uoruuroJ
'unl aql uo lno ssltu l.uoo 'sluetlrqn'I
lsll)TJsril f,ilo-Ia u? olul rnod pue ser{lolr pue slag aJnseold xarno Pue
euroq .rno.{ uJnI leql auop ur,re,la. Surrg'aplslno s^ol xarno lo a6ueJ^eld
6u!l!rxo aql
Surleure-to1 rnoL alel ql!n^ suo!lesuas PUE arnseald Jo
'areql uaog iruoorpaq arlJ pl,rom mau e o1u; ernluan I;Plog
pue uoorpaq eql wlIC
lo't'lldHr S0rsrno
']! t..llJo,^^ Jq lIl,ry\ lIP.&\ Jqi -
'reDaq eql
-ra1e1.(o1 xas.{rau lPqt rlllx\
op ot ueld nod ltq.tt -(pcexa 'ralle.^a ar{} os
rurq 3ur11a1 sgal .(ureals Joordtele,u.
a8ur:qcxg'uorlecgtler8 dlpro+ st
pedelap tnoqP IIe s,euo sIqI rolPln1ul}s
ssvirr v aa/t .^ au aql
'sluaruour snoaueluods 'dueduroc
esoqt ro; l-rolrad - a-teq no-( uaq-al
uollaJlslp a]"uIlln roJ un1 erour sde-tr.p
larnb-redsrq,u s1 Jol?lnruIls
TVE6 aql's1:adxa
]s€al aq uarl.\\ IuIq q€rc 3AO'l
3t)trlno .1ods aqt sl]r{ rts
,tp1os l,plog 'eoru deld o1
ury s,1t ra8ess?W al?rullul
ssITs TV0SNES aq] qlt^^
-sa.tlasrnod.(o[ua o1 (arur1
arl] W) sgnrPu"tl PUP
sploJpullq Poau l.uop no
slrN 6-
4nod l,uop 'a3,rtqc ur r-
'apsFln pu$ aql ]€ rauul,!\ Suraq a,to1 no.( asneoeg
e a4t 'uo uaoq raaa a.n,nol'
1aa; nol. dlaq ilp\
delda"ro; 1o salnurur .,{yrq1 dtrl :a.r,rod alqr:rnseald
'.ra8esseyq el"rullq SS I'IB lsour aL[] aq II.]I 'pIo] s.oq
TV1SNES aqr qrr.r,r dPnPerB sr d1]cexe saop aq atns
uorssed 3o saurelj arll o{ols olelu pu? sular aril a{?I
3Sl'lvrNVr-/ ASSOE
auoflarur oJ.no^'1eeq eql dn ulnl ol sdll
Jno qlll lo al lxou aql ol 6ulleulo^ol JnoI eIeI
E6 ELOZ qf,reN I
In 03 6euLllleaLlsuauoM
@ NrvHvd VNNVHOf El
mo1xolq aql lnoqrym,lno lDa q m,oLlto
umopUpa.Lqtno - dorupnot fi,,touqnc st'ql
qlrmtyasmofr, ayosuog ifi1,o14s o1 1utuutSaq
4atp o6-aql-uo ,r,nofrto spa{a aLE a'LV
a' !:!
e honest, when was the last time you cooked an entire
meal from scratch? Last weekend? Last month? On the
other hand, when did you grab something in town?
Last night? This morning? An hour ago? We feel you.
Whether it's the mid-week cheap eat with friends,
succumbing to a lunch-hour sarnie because you cant
face the home-made salad currently wilting in the fridge
or the pre-office breakfast that bought you a few extra
minutes in bed - the high street's exponentially growing
menu caters to pretty much any craving. And when ,l
you're in the midst of a restaurant industry that's worth
f40billion, it's not always easy to make the right choice.
Use our ultimate eat-out guide to decipher the good
from the bad (and the downright ugly) so you can
chow down on more, deliciously guilt-free.


Sugar (g) Fat (g) Sat fat (g)

BHEKKItr Product Calories Protein (g) Carbs (g)

Caffd NeroAll
ALDtrSKO Day Breakfast
480 22.8 57.2 2.7 79.8 3.9

Breakfast 373 73 32 5 74 4
T tt Fridav and vou're Bacon Roll ,?':x<€i
I nrr.rirrg'" h"rrgor"r.
You deserve more than EatHam&
a bowl of granola. You Cheese Tomtie 553 27.3 45-2 7.7 28.8 70.5
deserwe something
hot, carby and bacon-
like. Here's how the
CostaAll Day
high-street breakfast
butties stack up.
Brealdast Roll 5. l'n*
ti'. ---e
qFilFir- 553 25.7 s6.4 3.2 4.6 6

Bacon&Egg .#h,igfe 345 79 27 2.7 77 6.1
"The Pret baguette is =:,.:'.:,
the lowest in sat fat, has
carbs to he p fuel you and
Cheese& 378 78.6 35.2 7.7 77.6 70
enough prote n to keep Mmite
you fu 1," says nutritlon st Sarnie
Char otte Stirling-Reed'.
P us, Newcast e University & PretAMmger
t! 72.9 2.9 o.9
research tound the carbs in z EggMayo
z &Bacon x;?r@is!3+
307 41.6 9.3
bread paired with amrno E Baguette
r ch bacon helps to boost
cohol dep eted leve s of
neuTotransm tlers, leading
Leon Bacon
W 399 27lSz 6 27 6
to a good mood and clear
head. Best. Sc ence. Ever

94 woMEN's HEALTH ] March 2c-5

s6 fz r.lsrer{ |
In o) OeuqlleaqsueuoM
]Pjpslpjntes.rai"\a-a:aa-,,?.ioqll,no^ i lnoqlMlt.ro])1sv sar.lolsloot 'sauJ upr.ll sor.rolel roMoJ
009 seLl oll.l
llrnS jo aprs aLil
lno-- '. ?zzrc 3ql oneH ' etlxo ue s,leql :nslpI.tnoI uo olnps ds oql coprs p lnoLlltM oAt l,uel
^t.tnl ^) ^qrs)
* i"&.:
eJ0Aeurld xoq olueq rurqses sdrqr pue Ja6Jnq sead pue qol aql uo
ezzrd AuurIS uoules pue eunl uoI)rq) urol rlil/vr ual)r{l %
asooqS asooqJ asooqJ
WZIZ Jqsns io^ s6opuBAJ
aolgo uDl[-LLada
uD fita,LdaA4
I I==

DRUI{K wondered whv it is no one
Dar""f."r',fy craves a salad? That's

rooD because alcohol enhances the taste

ofsalt and fat, hence nothing quite
hits the spotlike agreasykebab after

SWAPSItrS abig night out. Fact No2: 9.3 units

(three large wines) is the point at
whichyou're more likelyto binge on
snacks. Employ these clever swaPs:

At the ltalian

Domino's Vegetarian
Supreme Delight Pizza

Cals Jl-.: protein l9.Bg, carbs 62 79 Cals 572; protein 279; carbs 659
(sugar i lq.r: fat l0 9g (sat fat 4 79) (sugar B.5g); fat 22q (sat lat 9.29)

Save 136.4 cals; 11.19 fat

"--li'3 sttLl gives you lhe satisfactron of eat nq a pizza - with a c ear
leggle pizza
:c'sc ence," Stirllng-Reed says. "lt ls in excess of ]00 fewer calor es and half the
r'ated fai." Plus, ts cheese is 33% lower in fai
so you can keep them on speed d a

r\t the kebab shop


with baked beans

Who knows how to "After an evening ofdrinking,
Cals 474; protein 9.69; carbs 64.]s Cals 826; protein B,4g; carbs 76.89 survive a night out I'11 have a cup of hot water

(sugar Z6g); fat 21.6q (sat fat 2q) (sugu 12.39); fat 55,99 (sat fat 6.59) without ruining their and lemon before bed. It helps
body? For these five aikalise the bodyl'
Save 352 cals; 34.39 fat women, it's a full- - Sophie Gotdon, co-owner
time job. Here, they of Villiers Coffee CompanY
'Baked beans are a great option with ch ps, l-e added proteln and flbre w ll he p keep spill their secrets and All Day Dining Room
you feel ng full w thout lhe need for such a arr. roTt on," Stirl ng-Reed says Th s swap
saves you nearly half ihe sugar and two-l" '1. l't,le saturated fal. Gui t free greed.

omenshealth mag.co.u k
96 woMEN's iEALTH I March.:.
:r a N =, ^ oz qf,reh )n of, 6euqlleeqsueuoM
L6 I
loo8 rel aull pue urn learls )looqroo) tnqooA IaaD leto! spuouJ tol poo! paxelad :uaq4tx sollloQ I squrnrf, Jo
Jo rapunol Na^rds qlnu - Jo ror{lne lleqr '|;eqr;4 olrldos - glP, roqlne 'ue^u q6elaqs -
Jo JapunoJ'euLuaf ale)dn) -
,,qlEtuots aql SurTues .;]s€ot uei{l tarq}lEatl.(P./t\ sI ,.11ea6 ssal %0S punore ,;leqros ro elnrer8 e a1t1
puP sre^o3u?11 roJ lPerS os af,Ir u.^ orq pue qcr;-ura1o;d sr 8ur4ur:p dn pua notr dn ir dot 8urr1]auros ro; oB'asr.tueqlg
'3upfrxolap pue 3ur,r.rta: s,t1 'dn 33a 'dn nod sary.,u. 1111q3 '33a ol sJalr?,\\ Jrls€rsnr{luere^o '1r op
1,.(aql '0I Jo tno seturl
e{P.{\ I elnullIl aql ?al sl]]eu P ue rltl,&\ eJrr u.^aorq IIIlqs pep] Supuolp e:o;aq ssei3 .(u aurN'uessep aa.g-:r:3ns
a^Prl I 'sProl ualea a ,I JL, aleur ta;e Sururoru aql, qsrug 1 'Suuurrp tno ueqlA,, r ro1 eJrr" pE ur dn3u1g,,
SU gtTI fl IYI{OIS S fl ..{OTId
, slEl ,{qlleaq pup uor a)l sJUo rlnu u .rotllr..r I burf ptu
'leolu ro6.rnq aqj upql passolo]d ssal aq ol I oI I os e s lpals aql., s^ps poau-6ut.rtlS
auL 6uLnn$ unql
,,roMo qlnLU S o.rr3 lPj palp.rnlps aq] pup rp6ns ol ]]oAUo) sqlpl s,qns oql lo ra,\ al , jno 6utoO hllag
]€J 3S'8I :sler S/I a €S
(6fl tef lEs) O1Z lel :(60t r6ns) 6E 7lel tes :69 8 lpl :(65 9 rP6ns)
Olt sqre):6lt ulalord :BLE slPl 60, sqre) :692 ulalord :ttt slel
s(pleuoOlW tuoII asaoqf, ql!rt^ Aemqn5 uorl
ropunod raueno qns u!9 asaoq) pue Ieals
luBrnBlsar pooJ-lsBJ aql lY
6uiql oloq ', ar.r a equi LLlo,rr"r rol os ,,dn no^ li lA\ sueaq )l-.p q pa)lrpd-orq J sl 'slel
pup IPJ u -.5 Ll
ls s laoq aql 3 qA^,, s^ps paoE-6u ]lts .'r tl u olo.rd oql Suroptuep
lnoqlr/ -9r COlP,rnlPS pUp Sa rO er aqlI eq lsou P sales alnps 6ur^]oA\s,,
lEJ 36'S :slef, 9ZS e.{€S
(61 Zt let les) 66t lel :(6r'5 re6ns) (02 9 let les) 6t ii tel :(6t Zl r6ns)
6? 011 sqrel :6t tq uratord :1tz'l slel 69 89 sqler :01 9, uralold :0ll slPl
eleseu eIIrl uol)!rlf, a)nes ueoq lrPlq pue laog
fe,rmerpl aql ly

i f

& h

RL-I,E 3

, q

IFYOTI'Rtr The depression The delayed The hunger

DRT]'{KII{G hangover hangover hangover
THROUGHIT Joy has tipped into sadness
(there are tears on the horizon).
Dodged a bul et? NoPe. Entet
the 3orn hangover from hell.
You're hangry! When nothing
else will satisfy those low-sugar
You need pepping uP. Pronto. We've 9ot just the antjdote. induced munchies, this will.
7-l-t hen this one's for vou.

om.iuttn there are
four tlpes of hangovers'
(collect the set!). The bad
news: each one will
you believe you've been
sk :!#
gifted Oliver Reed's liver.
The good newsr with this
handy guide from some of
the best bartenders in the
business, you can take the
Reed approach to getting
through it, namely drinking
ffiJ "."J;...# e#
some more. Your hair of A-peeling Banana Daiquiri The Maple Leaf Martini Mezcal Flip
the dog just got (relatively) by Mario Sandgren by James Huertas by Mike Atkman
smarter. #Winning! The Rum Kitchen, Trarler Happiness, The Bramb e Bar
Notting Hill Portobello Road Edinburgh

Peel and chop a banana, then Put I P ace 25m espresso, ttvo cracked Combine 5Oml of lVezcal tequ Ja
in a blender with 35ml Kraken Black cardamom seeds. 20ml dark r,vrth 20m agave, one eqg and

Sprced rum,25ml Pedro Xlmenez choco ate iqueur, 20ml aged rum a dash of angostura bltters ln

sherry, G ffard Banane de Brest and lOm Appiewood smoked a cocktai shaker and shak-"
(banana iqueur) and B lce cubes. maple syruc n a cockta shaker. v gorous y r,v thout rce. Add tce,

Serve in a wine g ass wlth shaved Shake ,,vttr .e,r. i.e t I s frosty. na. e o '( se-o'os d'o sirdl'

nutmeg. The banana conta ns The coffee'.', -.4 -.:-'-'e:abo sm nto a tumb er. The egg s a Prote I
tryrptophan, whlch he ps Your body to process .^: : -t -: :-a g ve You h t tc fl you up, wh e the ow-G

to ne<e mood-boost ng serotonin. a mUCh--==- --: =' :-l. COOSI. aga,,,e c.events sugar crashes.

romenshealthmag.co uk
98 i woveN's HEALTH I l4arch2crr I

alPiplqor l M]ale^A pue roqunlnl
'll uo la9'opelo^e puP qsenos po)nporlur /v\ou seq pue q6nop aql ol qM 'qleuols Aopop e o llos 'lr
EE! {
'0llq/v\ uPtll SIPJaulul 'roleM lluol ql
lnurounq'slrluol altl sluotpol6ul eer;-ue1n16 lob osle s,ll 'sle) PUP I M lu rr aql
^ il
SUluellA OJOul Seq qllq,f 'ulol dol 'alr lo sselO e uL .rnod of eqs
6urlsnq-raFunq apnl)ul Pue OO9 rapun lle - a6uer elo66a'l
rnol Jo tnoJ a^ell slr rllr/v\ laarls q6rq oql ol ,ezzld anlq Lllr/Y\ SBIPU slr roJ lno lool pue dn.r^s romo Jrop a LUqL PUe
^ep-e-o^U P dn.r^s rgOns lLr-rE
'olrnl uotu0 t.1.t0Z
speles poolJadns sll 'suessop Auurls, 6uuq ol lslq al{l se/v\ ll lnq'(sarqloouls oPe)o
pue s66l pale8 uellxeN 'urg sr..l6 olrn€ LU09 ppv Soll s
ua^a pue speles'sroilels lel-Mol
lurql) nueu lsellealq roqLUnlnl z pue saAeol lu [] Bx l,\l il
/v\au e poqlunel ll
^llue)al erpnbs Aele1;ag
.rp€ sereuo8
ouot6reB oddosrnc Aq
raloo] Iaquln)nl
'saqsrp slr lo qlea loJ slels iOUo ul u/v\oc 'Slotls af,lnf
'slleus ssal ro alrolef, 00[
+ 1-'
alqelaoa^ pue abpu.lod aalJ ror.]l rol lno lool'puoule _l
llexa so^rb osle,lolelnlleJ . ,,-1-1..'+::
uorlulnN ollJlng aulluo sll -ue1n16 paqrunel lsnt osle lojd pue e^os'alu 'teo alll '$llltll
'luoluo) leJ pue olrolef, lle lsll ol Iuep-uou popuetq-uMo JoJlo
'(leJ les 6['t seq ollrlnq
uollrtll unlpouJ e) spuelq srolrelar /v\a} aql Jo ouo 6utaq Iq ol lsru otll se/v\ pue sl)npolq
aarJ-uolnl6 Jo a6ueJ lsapl/v\ 'peq no^ qs M epull no^
qlrMpues Aueu ueql slel srounsuof, [ll]oJu! ol 6utnutluol
pue slod uroloJd ,Y\ou oulPpe s,ll aql s€rl osle il's1eeu /(peej 'a6.rnd p.ltll rno^ rolJP PUe - o P
Jarv\oJ pue le] ssal a^eq sltv\oq
pue speles 'salules lel-rv\ol noA olrL 6ul oo] ofeM no,,
peles pue olurnq sll'suolldo 'sdsilf, elel pue JaleM lnuolo)
pool-lsel rarqlleaq aql Jo auo u/v\o slr 6ur^ras lou s,ll uol'lM Jo a6uer a6nq slr se lla/v\ sV ra^o8uPq
ql€ap-reau eql
41", wh
€. :5. 11
,,fi.n6 opuztlTlnl
-tlU14-ssDI6 D w,J,,
'laojls r.{6rq aul uo sotllaiq 'syrrlsdoqr rnoA qetg 'sPe;es uoos llr/v\ pue sa)tnt olqelabo^
6ulllU auosolotuv\ Pue soqslp passard-plof, Potllunel osle
lsaq aql Jo auo llrls a.le slod
66a q)u-ulaloJd raql Pue nslod lor.{ r.llr/v\ lalleu uoll seq nsll'(slel 00t lopun
aleqs uoorb e Jo qurq aql -aarJ pue ue6o^'ueuelaoo^ lle sadDal) Iooqlool
ubreduel Sl, ul ueoll I aLll olur raqltnl 6ulddel aq slr lo qlunel aql lolJv
ueol sll 'Ilrur puoule qll/r^
opeul saleqs ooJJ-nlteP
!;,- .:::
poqlunel ureql aql lea^ lsel
# v$
# 5' t
,ffi E-. :.::.
ffi *
,\.\{ D I, I.\ .I D,\ N .I O N Ii S


100 | wovEN's HEALTH I N4arch 2o1s
U sroz qrrey1 )in of, 6euqlleaqsuauoM
r 1Ei

tevie Hartlev speaks so softlY, it

has the alhrlng effect of maliing
vou lean in cloGr. And the closer
'tlryf- yougqt,
j the more there is to take
rn. -Y
When we meet in a central
ffi W
io"Jo"-.J", she's wearing a
ffi ffi black shift dress, oPaque tights
ffi ffi and loafers. But there's no
V %'#
J ^, r. -7--t 1^^r--
disguising that Its L^t-aa
body. T+r^ taken
Stevie two years to carve her pffiqu";"a diffi.ult
---- journey, she
confides. One that saw her loie'more than 3st as well as help
battle postnatal depression. "I won't lie; it was tough,'"she says.
"But rfinning this competition has made it all worth itl'

It's a week since Stevie got the call,

telling her shed beaten the four other
finalists to be crowned the winner of
our 2015 The BodycomPetition.
The beaming smile from behind was always, she says, a silent fear it
the cappuccino says that she is in would come back one day.
equal parts thrilled at and disbelieving And then, after her daughter's
of the result. Because, by anYbodY's birth, the darkness returned' She was

standards, Stevie has come a hell of diagnosed with postnatal depression

a long way in the last 18 months. (PND), a crippling condition that
It was in June 2013 that SteYie the NHS reports afiects about one
was at her lowest. Alone in bed, her in 10 mothers and whose s)tnPtoms
daughter of six months, Savannah, in include tearfulness, anxie$, and often
the cot beside her, she looked down at a disconnect lrom their chi1d. There
her body. A botched C-section had left is no miracle cure for PND. It can be
her with a 6in ragged scar. At 13st on a long and agonising battle with the
her 5ft 6in fuame, she felt heavY and sufferer and the i1lness.
tired. But there was something else "Exercise was suggested," she says.
"But it's the last thing you feel like
- a strange, eerie detachment from
everything around her. "It was like doing. I'dbecome arobot' Sure I couid
an out-of-body experience," Stevie look after my daughter, particularly
explains."I knew that the body I was with help ftom my Partner, Bil1Y,
looking down at in pf amas was mine, but I was just going through the
but I felt no connection with it." motions. I wanted a better life."
Throughout her teens, SteYie had Salvation, howeveq kePt in the
suffered with intermittent bouts most unlikeiy form: hit US DVD
of depression, arxiety and mild series Insani|, created bY WH
schizophrenia, which runs in her contributor Shaun ThomPson. The
family. "Going through all that, I felt workout is famous for its hard-core
so isolated and aftaidi' Stevie says. "So approach to exercise. combining
it was a relief to get a diagnosisJ' With intense Hiit training sitl'r n'eights
help from doctors and counselling, to blast pounds. "l lvas too ashamed
she was able to control it, but there of my body to get to the $m, so a
DVD seemed like a logical solution,"
she says. "I couldnt stalid tto I was
and hated myself. I char-ir,el1ed that

wo me n sh ea ith mag.co. u k
LOZ I wovEN's HEALTH I March 2or5
qLOZ qlew ln of, 6euqlleaqsuauoa
€.u I
'r.--.r ,'auop t.uale,iaql l€ql
.^ orr)I ol ruaql ]uE.{\ 1 '.(1luel-rodurr
]solll ]ng 'puIu LqlParl e ol dals .\
tsrg aql sl dPoq dqrpaq P l?ql rusq] €-.
-pu"-.ao1s rar{ lnq 'Lsea 1,use,u 11
-^aoqs ol ]u?. a L, 's.&s aqs .!s?^\ I IEL{I
uoqPnus au"s erl] uI aJE oq.t\ sseulll ,,lueruour a.reds e peq I Jo auaq.la uI
suorssas ,&u Suqro,u 'qeuu?,/!Es JaUP
Plueru ql1.{\ aldoad -raqlo dlaq uec 1 3uryoo1 uee-Mlaq {ae.^a s.(ep a,tg
os uorlecgrpnb 16 t 1eB o1 Suro8 ur.1,, "
pesoraxe 1 '3ururer1 ,salnulru 06-09
;p1o-.rc;,(-g7 rql ro1 txru s.iPqn slpttl3 Il"tus
Surop 3o urr-p aq] ql!&\
.-eJuPt{J pu€}s l.uPIno.t\
aur alrl euoatuos lrlSnoql I 'relua
srrros PUE ruJo] }f,eJJof, atu Pa.t\oqs aH
'u,uo dru uo oB o1 snollsuof,-Jlas ool
ot aur pJpens.rad oq.l,r urnur du
1,, 's,(rs ailels ,,'auIq ls.rg 3ql
s?.&\ lr 'qlnrl ur 'q8noql ualo - tuoor qq8ra.n aql ol aur loot dipg pue
uorlrladuoc aq] relue o1 pee;8e 1
stuarPd .&u qlI,^A lqeq eql ual elA,,
Lqat sr pu? uo eur s-rnds 1eq.lt 'dn aicsnru o1 aurrl st,tr 1r - ur-{3
s,1eq; 'ure8t
l?ql af,uJrledxa ol cqr paurol pue dtrrrosul dn a,,reB aqs o5
lupm lJ\au 1,,'s(es aqs.-Jul sJUlrJJ'l
uorssa:dap ,(r.u pue ,,sriluolu uI atul] ]sJ5
oqr :og aldoad :eqlo
Ir"q {ool L,
'q8noue s?^\ teLll PunorE 3q ol pslu?.^A J
puP J'lPls uPJ[J n rlltm
'lPuuou rsnl ',(ddeL1
SuLl.rpls eIrI sP!\ ]l
1ou - p:1nau Sugaa; 'lueu8a;d 11a3 I aroJoq
dn alan o1 ue8aq 1
uaaq p,I ezrs arll ol
Illun luanbe{ aroul >p"q {unrqs peq I
au?f,eq asoqJ 'uaaq
tnq 'up8 tq8ra.tr
pEr{ 1 ar^4s aq} Jo
prde-r .{ru urog .{33es
sasdrurt8 aas p,I puP
uorssas .Lra,ta ;aqe
put .Lra8rns urog
parn8gsrp I[]s s€.!\
pasearrep .,felxrre
(poq tr1,1.. turpUuol
dW,, "p"tl[ uorssa:dap rerl pu" Jles
pur recqdn a.rour Surlaaj sP\\ Jt.ls
pauol Ly:reru:o1 s1r o1 1cr:q 8un:ds
'VrcZ puP rs6t ot paddo.rp rq8rau
Lpoq .raq 'Ir"ru qluoru-xls u{l lV ^q
req 'sqluoul e^q uirilll^ ,;sPooru
.- p.rt.ruo3 Su'-oru sr:aa.
3uLrpni:nU .(ru ano;drut pup JIJSnLU
ag ,iiu a1i1 +1a3 'i1pug 1., 'sdes ar,r'a15
urc8 aur dlaq ppo,rt ]eql sedilar roJ
..'ool ':a8uo.rls sE,n pului .!,r1 dpoq,{ur
s3o1q poog rltTpat1pue Surplnqdpoq
t"loqP.r(r I l.usP\\ ll.. r-,re8e alqtsurc:alr
surJE plr? s8al raq uI sailsnru leeu aril
uo paqrrEas L, 'u.\\op PUE pelEolq
pur: paleeddeslp qr"Luols ,&1sag -raq laeJ rerl aPelu peq ttql sIf,?us.(rP8ns
3ur..re1da.r 5lpJuI snorttrlnu'aldtuLs
'peruurrTs lsreu rar{ '3ug11 1o sqluour
o,u1 utp1{{ go plpd qreo:ddt ,{peals
q]!& 'oo] 'pa8ueqr lalp roH
.:uo arr parrnds :alq8nep .(ru
-roJ rauaq 11as,(ru Suqtur go lq8noqr
eql lnq 'dols ol paldural os str.tt 1 urcd
qll.e{ pau?alls dpoq dur 'elull lsrg
3rl;-, ldels ralqSnep rer{ allri^\ Ieo.&\
e saurrl xrs '3ururcr1 1rr11 elnullu-srJo
s.{ep xrs o1 dn 'q3no1 se.,"t utld aq1
,':apreq ;lasdtu Suqsnd olul uollotua
STEVIE founder of Workshop Gymnasium at
L ee Mulli,ns,
London's Bulgari, Hotel, has workedwi,th Steuieto
create this 45 -minute fat-torchi,ng workout


u-- _-_--{Y
(a) Get into push up posil on and (a) Alr qht, f we're be ng spec fic,
do one rep. Get on your knees cross-body mountaln cllmbers.
if it's a blt of a struggle - don't Ready? Assume the push up
stress. lt takes timel pos tion and put on a smile.
(b) Now comes that trickv part: (b) Bend your r ght knee towards
lower yourseif one at a time onto your eft shoulder then return
your elbows and lnto a g or ous to the start posrtion and repeat
plank and lhen return to the start on the other side. Brace that
l:osition. Feel the burn. core for the best support.
Do: 3 set of 10 reps. Stick with it, Do:'l minute on and I m nute rest,
it' be worth it - we prom se. 5 times. Fast. (Sorry.)


(a) Stanci lvrth your feet h p- (a) Begin n a wide push up (a) Nobody likes trlcep dips, but
.. .tl apart then bend at the position then, keep ng the damn do they make your guns look
'.'a st and aCe Your hands on the distance between your hands and goodl Sitting with knees bent and

f cor Keep ng your egs straight feet, wa k your eft hand and right hands just behlnd Vour hips, press
- rrrt not ocked out waik your foot forward at the same t me A through the hands to lift your hips
'::nds ior,,vard wh e keeping your bit confus ng, we know. -p ard yorr le't leg Io .re cei ng.
.:: a,:C back braced (b) Do the same w th your right (b) Bend elbows to ower yourself
(b) your feet back to
S ow y wa k La da dlell oo.Ro"r to just above the floor then rise up,
nds. Srmp e as thatl Do:3 sets of 3 m nutes. Fee t. That s 1 rep. \'ce. Now keep go,ng.
Do: Do 5 sets of 6 reps. y,e:' Irat means it's work ng. Do: 3 sets of 10 reps per leg. Yesl

104 woMEN's HEALTH March 2a'5 wo m e ns h ea lt h m a g.co. u k

gLOe q3reh )in otr 6euL,l11eaqsuauoM
S0I I urrv:H s'.:,..:
'ouop or,noI sr sl\ou DocO oql' oM ''')llor )il.:
cqonoua peH sdor gL lo sres t :oO 'Irol )llrl 60 rod sdoj 0L:o0
lL-.l6ruls p LU.rol sraplnoqs
'sour l unl (Irolr,o 9 pue t'ZL)
pue sdrq 'soeul .rno^ os puno.ro aql llo 60l lqO r .rno^ 6ursn oluonbas
uJnq .rno^ llrl ol solnl6 rno^ ozoonbs (q) 6urdLUnd-lrPoq oql leodo.r
'sooul rno^ o^oqe lsnI pupq o]upJsrsar uor.ll (Irolr,o 9) Ireq pup
rurLU e lnd'luoq s60l 'Ilpq rno^ uO (e) (lro r,o 6) lloL aqt ol teodoU (q)
NOrSNlrXS dtH'6 clqOu '^spo oS 6urpupls ol
u.rnlor uoql le luoq sr oou)l
lqOrr.rnoA rlun uMop 6u )lu s
'(Iloll,o ZL s,leLll) loo] l]o rnoA
r.llrM p-reM]ol oOun 'sd q rnol uo
Sp .eq rno^ ql // MoN lrol) 6 q P
uo 6u pupls Jlosrno^ osrlensi^ (e)
r9Nnl vtolf,'9
'oO no^ punol
pue puno.] :uo 09 'zL :oo
lo slos t
iuro 'uLUeC peoq rno^ purLloq spupr-l
rno^ o slor pup.06 ol dn sMoq 0 rnon llrl 7
,eqlo6ol sopelq roplnoqs rno^ 6urllnd (q)
'du6 pupLlro^o ue ql M pupq Llleo ut
slq6ra^ 619 6urp oq le puaq'trede
qlprM-raplnoqs lool rllrM pue15 (e)
sslud'ltvrou rnou'a
'uoddeL{ o} pasoddns s,lPqM
s.lpr-ll'da^ aror^paq 6ur]106 slLtrorol
aql looj 'oprs rad sdor OL jo slas t :oO
irlllrMs puV lrpJS ol urnlar uor.ll'lrl6raM
oqt qlM raplnoqs tqOu rno^ dPf (q)
'pupq qleo ur p
lloqqLUnp 6lt 6urploq
uorlrsod lusld qOrq e olr.rnssv (p)
sdvr u10'tnoHs't

Tdke itto
the bridge

\tr\\., |: -Y, t; :'. 1t\t;r\

THtr 1'l\-jl\

" """:""""

:""" ".'"""


F'OOD ryk Three p nts of

water, fish oil and
a multivitamin
G - h,ry-
*-*i*;p ,,,: a. j.- ni :^a
a mult v tamin
lp!r..E115 rnTee P nIS oI
1'flG3 rr'iale'..is- oi arc
a multlvitamin

Get clean,lean and 8am 8am 8am

healthy with Steuie's Oats wlth a handfuL Mushroom, spinach Shredded wheat
:. .1Y".J:..
.' *, ,.t.
no-fussmealplan of blueberries, nuts and pepper egg- with crushed nuts
and green tea wh te ome ette and green tea

lIam 12pm 12pm

You know what Grilled chlcken Wholewheat
they say, an breast with : toast with organic
app e a day... steamed veggies peanut butter

12.3Opm 3pm 3.3Opm

learty chicken l rr it smooth e larith Carrot batons
and vegetab e r1r''ey protein and and home-made
soup or| fat _voghurt hummus

3pm 5pm *q \ 6Pm

. ..*=,:_ Two crispbreads :l;':fr of nuts I-
* -.IC<6
1 &t \ /dl I rllt tU Ll tc-uuL
with prawn, rocket a:!ec a y OVe ifift!ffiEtfi
.h .,6n .r^\^l
and sweet chilll '::>,ed a monds

5pm 6pm 6.3Opm

Chil i con carne S. -on fi et w th ;: A cup of
with steamed C : -: rCes and -fR
green tea
brown r ce ::::a'aEUs

106 | wovrN's HEALTH I March20'15 wo m e n s h ea lt h m aq.co. u k

LOI H-L-:.- oz q3reh In of, 6euqIleaqsuauoM
*S -q
@t par .r..,. t=' eot uaa.rlr it €F eel uoo;6
r!e: ii#':'--' %f
: 9>
lo alrrl = Jo dnr V = lo dnr V
urdg uldog'9 4a
uldg rudog'9 ?d
spuou_.rlp I.rinl uer.relo60A slir
_a -_rl -: - : 6u TAJSTIPS -R
pa)lPl *
qleurds pue pup1...i,3-:. lo^ 'oidLu S - x:
6@.r,r '#E=
eod)ilrLll Mols o qelaoon
''*o*i '& ^lreoH
EB.*l*F e lo,at.r:i-rC $u{;l'
utdg '' udg Erx
p0xru_r jo <-
s6urLULU r] soOpaM 6uo e , *.G.:.* slnu
. is:1E:€
oql eqlM saob
^e,4i\ -
I ,a,lals ;*;ffii+- nlpueLl e pue ..: . ,..€#, ol
"'.1;"'.11t* i@ fl.-#{E
lJ 1.:*r..I :4.+4E
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uds udt I
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pe es.roddad pue ;;..:;; uoLueuu I pue ;.;;,,.
*: d-
uo uo por 'opsro^e ffi eusuPq al ls rll M - )eL os p-e .4:$- t: !ii
'qleu ds'AAoqruV 'w ;il':;;x$;; lseol leaLl/,^oloqM snu-lLunq 'PUnI *€:s'' ":r'"
rudZ! urdZI
w -::l =?
solelued uLolord eal uoa.rO pue 660 eol uoar6 pu? eal uoojO r.ll M ;>
lpaLulpo poqreod qIM tallll # slnu 'sor.roq0nlq olloloL-ro Llleulds
pue paLUeols 'uoLUlps po)loLr.rs P?
eueueB Iroppeq qlrM leoLUlpo
ule8 ue8 ffi, ue8 ulES I.
ulLUel A llnLU e uruel Arllnu e urLUel A llnLU e urLUelAlnue
pue o qsr] role,^/\ pue o qsu )oler pue c qsJ]ole,\\ n.kr.'..- 4;
,.,&"* ' '.t'fty:a . t",f,,lT:'.',',il
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lo slu d oorql i@! 1o s1u d ,.+#a ,#rF
@ ?i
ulel ulez ulel weL ?i
; r',";
: l!i ':,.,*:{:
1 ll:a..4
# ',(^"

There's thousands o.f apps that
promise to transformyour body
* but do they work? WH rounds up
the ones that actually deli,uer


E). cot tN BUAGLDY

Heart: beta

108 | wovEN's HEALTH I March 2ors I

60I H rr v: H s. \: ... : ',' lioz qcreh ]
sLUOiqord .rnoI sosop pue suorlelrp0LU o, .]
,, ,, ,
o.rPqs ol oreLd eopr ue s,l rPln6ar .rnoI uo dn IloLll uel i3u 1,er,i, -:) sr":a,l --.a*: a --
@ '\lJ-o pue petP.oc J..'ol J Aaql os lolrop rno^ ol slels
'slsrderoLll pu? s.rol 0sunol .rno^ OurMoLls Jo Aseo ol lea.r3,. :l)!p,ro^ uadxf
poluouodxo lo LUols^s lroddns 'leai6 e sr s L.]L, :lrlplo^^pM
uadxf '6uo ool pa)l.rpd
oA le^ouur uv,, :l)!pJa^ uadx! 'srno^ o)lel ol 106.ro1 no^ ir uoaq s,l JL sse .lno^ oAoLU ol
'dloq l.rodxo pup LUn.roJ sroqlo slrols uo^o pup sropu LUa.l no^ pu u.ra.r ol sozznq dde
p sop oslv dde Ars p no^ spuas srql llllor]ol lr alsl s ql oseas p -relnlse^o p..rel ol
po-lol uoLU sll-ll LIILM uo sso.rdop uo lplrpolr.r poqr-]]sa]d sluarled ute6 lqO oM r.1ro]l 6u qlAra,na
Ll6norLll loe :uir^opn ol aql lo %0E lsnf :ul op/'Aol aql lo IS! ]p sn 6urAe0 ',*uA,\op
uopuo l'lsrderoqloLlr^sd lelrdsoH lerouec 6u ll s ol | 6ur)l]ol .rno lo 9601
pue ls Oo oql^sd lolelS p.rolleM'nrpuri.loN qouls ol dn puods aM :uil^op/r^ol aql
ou el= :^q popuouruo)au lrLusel rc :^q popuoururo)od pl dsoH a.r dS d9'eE
Ipld 01600e 'sounll Ie d ol6ooC'sounl :oorl :lso] :Aq papuauruo)au
:uorldulsqns qluoLu/rzf :lsol sounll :ao]l :lso)
UfONll^lfd'l'tld I
llv/r^ fIlHrrA CE /9 SOfl^l fJVSIOShl /7 iddv uno^ afuobt /2
solrnos luplsrp tlro]l spunos 'pre 6uueoq e se souoqdpeaq ,, ssosse ol ro sea uolll 6ul)lpLu
,{1 dure re- t uoll-Llr] p p qlrM posn aq uel lsol suas 'su-rolled Lurol upl elep aLll se
0u .rPaq aLlr ,:lP; oS P dg rnol e qOno]ql ssol Our.rpoq^lr^rl
lerJualod luo l llo orolu sluoLUlu odde
00S nol\ a]olaC lE S Du .lP0q slr0loc :urhop,vrol otll d3 soleLU osle ll qllPoi-l leluotu
.lnoI araq,lr :a l!a.rlSSaSSe -lln'olnlrlsul rpf oql'6.roqueore lerJAO ,^Or O o.'l) d .lO66lO
us no,{ 6u r,ra .rol l.rp ll rq pr,re6 :Aq papuauruofau P rol sl.reql 6u leo.D ',osn
s s rll, :l)rpJaA uadx3 Aeld ol6009 'sounlr :oorl ilso] ol e dLr.r s,, :lllpro^ uodx3
'qlle0q PluaLU r 0Lll
x3lVUrfd o^o,duil ol 6urlusA ouo^ue Aq
posn AloprM Mou s LUS Llrldo
'uorssordap qlrM oldood le
poLUlp Alleu 6uo :ur oprt^ol aql
slsr-rlprLll^sd lo o60llol pIoE
oql lo roquroLu 'pro]6upl
xolv rc :^q papuauuorou
sounlL :ao]l :lsoJ
l^lSll^llldO /t

Cost: Free, with pay-for features; Research shows that t works for
iTunes, Google Play two ol every three people.
Recommended by: Dr Chidi Expert verdict: "This app says
Ngwaba, GP/surgeon, Newbo d you'll be able to concentrate
College of Hlgher Education for 100 mrnutes stra ght. You
The lowdown: Claims to be p obab y wor'r neod I 'o' lf d.
able to boost Vour attent on long, but th s rs very useful if you
span bv 400% usinq have a shorter attention span or
'neuroscience-based musrc'. work nanoisyoffice."


Cost: Free; Google Play

Recommended by: Dr Michael
Blackmore, GP
The lowdown: Track your
Expert verdict: "Th s app al ov,rs
the patient to enter their own
de .' Otio- s o' I" e r edoo . .,
'"| .'o I'i'o'ceo ch^c.rg

headaches, from their severity of boxes. That's why t's the
through to precise location, most helpfu app in q v nq a
so you can report back to your c ear prcture of r,vhat cou d

7/ SLEEPIO doctor more accurately. be caus ng your pa n."

Cost: Free with in-app Cost: Free; iTunes
purchases, iTunes; from Recommended by: Mr Glenn
f2.68/week, Google Play Carp, ophthalmic surqeon,
Recommended by: Dr lrshaad London Vision C inic
Ebrahim, London Sleep Centre The lowdown: Helps with
The lowdown: Created by self-prognosrs and tracking of
world sleep expert Professor yo-'eyes gl't. lt s sirPle, ouL

Co in Espie, th s subscription useful if you're worried about
app delivers personal sed deteriorating vision.
cognitive behavioura therapy Expert verdict: "The benefit
techniques to help quell of this is that it might alert
anxiety when you just can't you to the fact that your

get off to sieep. vision is not as good as it
Expert verdict: "This is an could be. Many eye conditions
excel ent solulion for those are very slow to progress
with m ld sleep problems, such and can be difficull to notice
as occasioral bours ol s'ress- - the results of tests ike
nduced insomnia, but more these could encourage you
serious cases will need more to seek a full consultation
specia ised one-to-one work," with an optometrist or
ophtha lmo log ist."

110 woMEN's HEALTH I vrarch 2c-: wo menshealth mag.co.u k

III I rrrv:n s oz qsreh
'popoeu uollellnsuol
,, !1 eaq .l rlila 3u.llal Jr
1o esn iea-]6 V sro ld .rlsa]d (rol pr?d) e o6uerP pue
lo6 uo^o upl no^ d aLl leuorssolord e ol ornllld ..lo
,o, 6J'loo .r. a- o,o.l^poads
- jl v uorlsanb e lxof IoaM e slep
auo^up rol lpop s,ll peorqp arp x s Aep e s.rnoq zL srollop ol
no[ uaq/!{ ]Ea.rO ool'^ )il nl) ssorle no^ so^rO leql A,06rns
olPp uo lsl nsuol e lsanbo.r uPl de lpnlr^ v :ur'Aopmol orll
noA o]P no^ .ra^a-roq^,\ '3Lr I Iue d9 sdnE 'ueupuooq6eE
lP - s.rollop tuorl uo lE[].roJU euLlorls ]c :^q popuauuorou
lue^a ar lo6 ol 1se1 .{ran Asld ol600g'sounlr :suorlellnsuol
p ^PM
s ddp srrl1., :l)lpraA rol-^ed LllrM'oor! llso]
.r? f 0a,r ra iluo s ' ,, oos ol aI p,no^
ler dn aIeM poo6 V So6ueql
-r t,il i.,lS_aLLt -:.1.1 .l S- Cnol lq6u oql olpLu pup dc rno^ sossol lLleLUp.rp aLll o.rnlder
,al l-,al a.l ri rg li- -.134 a]e Slql qlrM dn srql 6el] upl no^ os l,uop solpls oql uoi]M le0p
ai sar.iaa sl.a lea ,iu cl l 'soloqerp ol alnq.rluol uel leql - .rnoA ol Ou )1pt1l
pu3*lrlO-:3r UaJC ipU3 aLUll s.rollpJ alAlsolrl oql Ourssossp ^poq
o.i,no^ aluo.rollrp oql s^Aoqs
e 1.ral tsa'r- , a.ll ou I sa dnol rol leor9,, :l)lpra^ uodx3 'lupr rE,, :l)lpra^ uodxf
6ir C aLi !' !.rolo-r )lle]l lsa]6 p 'soloqelp z adll 'sorAou] osdpl-ou-.lll
seL.l ccie siql,. :lilpra^ uadx3 6urdo o^op lo lsr.l rno^ pup sqled ssoulu'soloqd
,{qeq e -ro1 ,{rl ol saLU I lqO r ourLu]olop dloq uer leql dde ql M Allensr^ ssol-lqO 0M
aql Jo 3-rnllrd p pl nq upl no^ poseq-zrnb v :urr^op/r ol or{I .rno^slle-ll :urvropl ol aql
Ua euo lulnN
os salsp uorlPln^o pue pol.rod rolsu rulsaM Jo
.rno^ sllPrl :ul opni\ol aql 'Llrsi u ro.rnllol
OqeJOUr IOl ^lisro^ ^dProql
Ar]o8 rlnN lo]apuno] pue
.roqlne 'Uodxa A1r1 'uouueS
1,la1 .1OrU0S'OTZUOIf eh pr9qrrE .rc ls uorlr.rlnu 'uosl M Lleres
euul :{q papuauulolau :^q papuoultuo]au :Aq papuauruorou
saunl loperOdn '^eld ol6ooC'sounl :d69 :lso) sounl :0orl :lsoJ
rol-p Pd rllr^\ aa]l :lso)
ufyrfH, AUVIO
ON3IUJ ALIIILdAJ /ZL xslu s3lirsvrc /Lt rflo lvnsth /al
l,.rcril1o 6 1ons14
14 :
iF:#r'''. :
,rc :

Cost: Free; Tunes, Google Play P ay
Recommended by: Recommended by: Cost: Free; lTunes, Google Play Cost: Free, iTunes, Goog e P ay
Vrctoria Harmer, nurse Scott Lald er, PT, weight-Loss Recommended by: Recommended by: an lVarber,
and breast care spec a ist, specia ist Dr Michelle Tempest, nutrtlonal therapist
lmperial Co lege London The lowdown: Food intake and theraprst and psvchiatrist, The lowdown: You're out and
The lowdown: Breast check exercise rnon tor, developed Candesrc Healthcare about and in desperate need of
guides and r sk assessments, by Leeds University. ln trrals, The lowdown: Test yourself a gluten-free treat. But where
w th check remrnders. users ost lOib over six months on what vou need to know to go? This app has the answer.
Expert verdict: "Empowers compared wlth 6.5 b ost bV in ife-threatening situations. Expert verdict: "Brilliant for
women to know what signs online d ary users. I ncludes up-to-daie first-aid t'ack ^g down al rhe rearesL
to look out for. t qives vou Expert verdict: "Tracking sa informat on and video tutoria s g uten-free-friend y shops,
a free r sk report serv ce proven weiqht loss technrque Expert verdict: "Wh le you restaurants and menus. lt does
and the short instructiona and this does it well. t helps shouldn't use this app tn an the hard work for you and
v deo s very he pfu ." you notice trends and how emergency, it's extremely avoids unpleasant outcomes."
moods alfect we ght loss." useful for being prepared."

I )


Cost: fl7.49; iTunes. Cost: Free; rTunes, GoogLe Play,

Recommended by: Va entina Amazon Appstore
Fernandez, chartered c lnicaL Recommended by: James
psycho ogist, Barnet, Enfield & Lamper, ife coach and
rla''-qey Ven-a Health lrust behavioura therap st. oz
The lowdown: A ms to cure The lowdown: Relaxation app ;Z
arachnophob a sufferers. rreaLed b, r ed ra. on e pe-
Expert verdict: "This daily (and monk) Andy Pudd combe 5E
treatmeni arms to reLax the with hundreds of hours of gu ded
patient through ow-leve and non-guided medltat ons 1t
exposure to the feared Expert verdict: "ln a slressful
sp der srtuatron. t's a popular situation, you need t me out to 4,
and proven psychological ref ect on how you're feeljng 1l_

technrque, building up and what your next step wl I

tolerance to the perce ved be. I' s rd'ul^ess med LaL on

threat. I wou d recommend app does just that. I high y -:
this to my patrents." recommend it to anybody."

Ll2 | wovrN's HEALTH I varcn womenshealthmag.co.uk

H-LrV:H S !r,..a q,o; qf,rer\l >ln otr 6euqlleaqsueuom
@,,dde Moqs-lolloq ,, ul0q1 uo snf,ol ueLll ,, lroM l,usoop LlreorddP -s a::-:*,33 ? aas ,, leuorssoJord e 6urlrsrA
olern))eur slqL, olp -:q> -1, loJ olnlrlsqns oN,,
srql asn ueq] so^rleurolle r0r.{ler suorlrerluol JJo P '3,\ Pea s;4.,
loqlo le lool ol i0l10q oq puil.r.r r0rll ale] plnoqs llrM no^ uor]/v\ ,sll po]d, :l)!pJaA uodxf rplproA lrodxf
plnoi!\ 11,, :lrlplo ilodxf surnN,, :lrlproA uedxS :l)lproA uodxS llu l loarls Aa rpH sp^oll
olr pil.! 'soluef uopuol o60llol aql'rlv pLlsrel rc 'allueuJoarl
^reLUreLld uosrlv
lsruorlulnu 'uos6pl
rIrlA:^q po^ordslo elsoqou :^q po^ordslo leuodu-rl '6ur) xolv rc :^q Pa^ordslO :Iq po^ords!O
al6ooC al600g :o0rl :lso] :^q pa^ordslO Aetd al60o9 sounlr :6r'[] :lsof,
:d69:lsof, ^eld sounlr :66 lf :lsof, 's0un1 :66 zl :lsof,
UOlVlN]1Vf, oud 3unsslud
uouurN gNrvNruo /s NOrrf,vuINof, /t rNrlovro /t l10N uorf,oo /z 000]8 rNVrsNt/t
'-"/ ---)
a a .-
.'.. ,
- . .,,-..*. - -
1r -,
/ )o)tw
buwtrp $ €F 5t
pxoaD ol sddD an![:nL],Laua "Lnon sL fi,6o7ouqca1 uawvt
quni tnonllt,d
' -e- id$q;'i: .-
'; ::ii|r"
'^sp qlee .rol sla6rel
,, llp.rl uo 0lplul
-le1er,r .lnoA daol dlaq 6u >1ur.rp--]e1e,tt ios no,{
:=. ol sl]a e puP 60 p sasn sle LlrqM 'ddP sil-ll
s ql )i.ro,\\ 19 ssaupo.r l ppo uMoC 'uo lp.rp^qop
ol uo ]pllualuol .rood aq (^ qeqord) l,tsql
uorl 5u q1,{ro,ra sesne: csso lsr 'alqpl ]] 'qlnoLU
leql pue - ale.rpAqa] ol A.rC :ur'Aopmol orll
laoroJ ol ,(see aq ue: lsruorlLrlnu'uoorc rzns
I '^snq s^eM p o].no^ :Aq papuautuof,ad
ueq,11,, :1rlpran yedx3 sounl :d69:lsoJ



774 1 woMEN's HEALTH N4arch2o]s wo m e n s h ea lth m a g. co. u k

gLOZ q3rehr ln or 6euqlleeqsueuom
Aouro]E B lossnU '912J 'soorls +
uopuo l lo sluL'l '969J 't4fleM +
llo>lull esraqeu I
'qzzJ 'l!nsdunr +
S,Ov tdeulild
l=vHf lN 'Ett3 'leot +
'luaLulredop ]sol{l aql ul pol opua
AlleulutLU osoql loJ sl\ou lPoro
'anbls^Lld 6ullool-.rellnl e soleerl
ll ']lrqe] a^lllaljar oul sotllle)
]q6ll aq] uot]r\ osneloq s,leql
'sorn6u qst^oq uo odeqs aleall
uel slllleloul aulqs-Ll6lH
t i:sldvHs A008 sllns
3 't Y I
. ..1's al
i!";':1 ;
. -.2'! ;t
:: '
o .F"c

i,,,. .,P i', S
I,U .E
There's a reason the sports Iuxe
trend shows no sign of abating:
it conceals sinful bulges (high-
waisted leggings are essentially
the socially appropriate Spanx)
and reveals l've-worked-my-ass-
off muscles. WinI

+ Jacket, €75, Odlo

+ Jumpsuit, €39O, Monrea
+ Watch, €185, Skagen
* Sandals, L26a,Y3

116 | wovEN's HEALTH ] varch zors i

H-Lrvr! s.\:.^.. sloz r]trreh I
In of,'6euqlleeqsuouoM
sx]elS 'o93 'saotls +
r epnN polrun
y)PO c73 SAl6UeS +
eoa E ned 'o6rJ 'u!Is +
ooI I ined 'oozJ 'dol +
'lrOeN souol Irelueueldilol
ur soduls lelrlraA Auurls lol
6urldo Iq ourl-LUrls oO ro sauol
6urlserluol ul soduls a6lPl ol
6urllrls Iq odeqs aleorl sued
Ipoq asrn6stp ro orueque
ol Aei snrua6 P ale sodlrls
The decade that iaste forgot?
Sure, if you're thinking crotched
hot pants and budgie smugglers.
But the Seventies' dramatic
shapes like this full-flared skirt can
also be a winner for balancing oui
tricky body shapes.

+ Dress, €49O, M Missoni

+ Turtleneck sweater €105
l'/ CHAEL Michael Kors
+ Bracelets, from E4O,
Folll Follie
+ Shoes, €383, Pollinl

118 lwovrN's HEALTH ] t'.4arch 2c:5 wo m enshea lth ma g.co. u k

!-Lrvft S .-.., )ln oc OeuL.ll eeqsueuoa
6II -.-oz qtrrehl
o o13'sosv 19Zf 'NlN30 39lvd OOrll r,nn 90Lt'HSVUIUsdnS
t! 4,
n s!
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oozJ's'I'ltrs n:
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ffi zi
'U3trN3dS A S)lUVI^I 5;
t#ffiffiffi *"+* :
ggw",@ o
otrJ'tNt"l'lod o
OO93'GOO/v\ISf /v\ m
.:.-#,.@ffi;"+ SNNsIAIA ?
- "*i:;d%a=-.." .
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B,#i. 66'rr.J )
=ry = J
s9n'rd AddvH
oSrJ'o)Ntd 191],INNV9
E8t3'3df d
saFrurs StrI'IlVI=N
=HI ^^ON =HI =N,NOA.






ASOS. f20

@ ral
. t(9{: \*.Y ;
ODDERSHEDE BACH, €16O .:....,..-1,



(, m
o NEW LOOK, €24.99



t I 12 ti:GJ


8188 rUnsreNeenc, ezts
72O i wovEN's HEALTH ] March 2ol5 womenshealthm.n.$ S
gtOZ qrrPN ln of, 6euqlleeqsueuoM
TZI H.LlVf H S.NJI O/v\ |
,O HIIIHo rl{tr
fi.y,pqt ssod cr,1o"ta lo ullDa,L lxau apUft?, o salo64sanu? H/yL ' s$?qs acunlnq "Lam,od aLfl
puo - saaloaa xas aur.yuo lo pl"tolx tlplcDq alll sy 'fi.7t"r.ossacau NN aX46t,t'fi,tup0ouoru
to! a1r,uo1dfi,"tq7ogr,6tp sl,puo ualu sasll?.suasap'u,aLLLol't, sa{r,patqo 1t,:u.tod Jau"talul
ultllg UOJ 1U I t-t
It wasnt just Skype sex - she was putting on a show for him iust like
the cam girls did. "It was an unusual time, but ultimately it opened
up a whole new dialogue for us, as a couple, that wouldnt have
been there otherwise." What's more, it had a profound efiect on
Jessica's own erotic sensibilities. "I nowwatch cam girls regularly as
part of my sexual play,' she says. "It's made me less naive and more
accepting of diverse sexuality. I tell all my girlfriends to do it, tooi'

When it comes to our sex lives, the internet has a lot to answer
for. Porn, once only found on newsagents' top shelves (or
discarded in a hedge in your local park) is now as ubiquitous as
cat memes. In fact, video streaming site YouPorn now accounts
for about 2o/o of all web traffic. One false click and you could
was in a long-term, long-distance relationship when I started find yourself lost in a virtual maze of sexual sub-cultures, the
watching cam girlsj' explains lessica Smith., a 3l-year-old likes of which your parents would only have ever learnt about
paralegJ living in north London. "I first came across them in my by reading it in the News of the World. But the intemet has also
Loytriend's search history and after an initial period of jealousy had a profound effect on female sexuality, opening up a whole new
- I mean, these girls really could be your next-door neighbour - realm of erotic possibilities. The proof: one in three online porn
I realised something. I actually got a kick out of watching them." viewers are now women. The most famous and influential sex
For Jessic4 anJ thousands of blogs are written by women for women. Porri
women like her, that double-take (or - channels like XConfessions and sssh.com have
more aptly, double click) wasa tuming
WAT C II I lV G A been created solely for the female gaze.

After all, tamming', where
I;: uin cAM - s rr ow ".iT,r:?*T #Hff'"f:ffilfsxTj
where the male gaze rules (and of course,
women put on live interactive shows, WAS A CURIOLTS there is still a vast amount of that going
varying from the sublime (a burlesque
strip tease) to the ridiculous (a game TUR\{-Ol{', on), as well as the pending apocalypse for
monogamy. But what if it wasnt the enemy
where, if viewers get answers right, we've been Ied to believe? "I discovered
an item of clothing is removed), is one of the more controversial I actually loved being on camera,"Jessica sa1s. "It made me more
intemet mediums. 'At first, the live element upset me. It felt one aware of my body and more accepting of my individual sexrality.'
step closer to cheatingi' But that didat last long. Ifyou look in the right places, the internet could, in fact, not
Wanting to understand why her bo1&iend did it, one night only improve your relationship, but welcome hidden passion.
alone in her flat, Jessica went online, punched in her credit card Take one of the most interesting launches of recent years,
number and watched the cam girls perform. "I thought it would makelovenotpom.tv (MLNP). Started just two years ago by
be vulgar. Obviously, there are seedy sites, but the one I watched former advertising executive Cindy Gallop, it allows couples
was incredibly sensual. Watching a live performance, in the to upload their own sex tapes (and receive 50o/o of tlle viewing
comfort of my home, without any physical contact, I understood profits) and subscribe to watch other people's. Gallop introduced
why it turned him on. I had never experienced a-nything like it
before." Before long, she found herself getting offon it.
Inspired, Jessica, who at the time was living in London while
hei bo).&iend was in Paris, suggested she should cam for him.
The result was something neither of them expected. Previously
shy and bookish, without even the confidence to try role-play in
bed, Jessica bought a webcam and started to strip for her partner.

124 lwovrN's HEALTH ] March2ol5 I

H-LrvrH s glOZ qf,rer\l >ln'of, 6euqlleeqsueuoM
szI \:,.:
I qqeE ]JPOr:! r'ci cer6
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lP P palp-r-x pup rl lr'reoq
S S rl] llo sa,i' osLuaql
5u lla6 ua,.uo,\r to ss.rnllid
'MlsN lsluo4 llnl s
106 no^ Iu l oql uo llr l
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o)l I f oo ueruol qS
aleL_u lrlo-ra
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sd I lao ol r asn ..ro qller'
ol luell' no^ ouoouros
pujl no^ I lun punorp Aeld
salrs 6urLUL-Uel lsao6 q
oLll lo ouo s,lr 'l l ldxo
&eL, {}&*& &e b%eq
*14?" *L,l&**Xt\w*
#a ep,ms *** w%tr
uo.{ flg^\
the phrase "make love not porn" during a Ted Talk. It was, she
says, an attempt to quash the mlths of hard-core pornography,
and create a dialogue about how real couples have sex. "Our site
has around 300,000 users, nearly half of whom are women," says
Sarah Beall, curator at MLNP. Feedback tells us we are fi-rlfilling
appetites that have previously been underserved." E
One user, Dorothf is 48 and has been married for 10 years.
After seeing Gallops Ted Talk, she found herself surfing the site.

Both Dorothy and her husband were brought up in oppressively
religious households, but MLNP helped teach them to enioy =
a guilt-free sex life. For them, uploading their own home-made
porn wasnt only a way to spice things up, it was their way of
giving 'h big fxxx you to the last vestiges of everything I viewed
as holy, righteous and wholesome," Dorothy says. It was closure
- butwith mood lighting.
'We both looked at other porn sites independentlybefore MLNP,
but we felt it was something we did privately. I would often feel
jealous and judgemental. Then it hit me one daywhen I came across
a site with a man masturbating. I thought to myself: 'Watching this
naked stranger does notmake me anyless in love with myhusband.'
My entire view flip-floppedi' Although filming themselves was
a big step MLNP opened doors to better, more adventurous and
Iiberating sex. "Rea&ng about, watching and then participating in
MLNP strengthened what we already had. PIus it spurred us on to
take that experimentation into the bedroomi' she says.
It's stories like these - and Gallop's site is frll of them - which
show the web's power to udeash our most secret sexual stirrings.

While MLNP dominates the DIY porn market, XConfessions (also
started by a woman, Erika Lust) is also gaining ground, allowing
women to submit reai-life Confessions with the most salacious a
made into a sensual short fllm. Itt a flash forward to what the future
of sex might hold. It seems that, used correctly, technology can do
everything ftom bolster your bond, to improve performance and


&v* xr*-v't *{*nin?' *&ylu3 Wirl *1***x?***wrxrzy ***wd %

y(}{., *x{act*y wr"},et ym{,, y\*w* y* $wt *Y\ e w***

strip shsw (pole not required)

il l;

"The tease e ement
"Dim ighting, "Plck an outfit based is just as - if not "Look like you
cushions, whatever on whether it'l ook more important mean it - whatever
It ls, make your sexy as you take t than the strip. happens Snapped
envrronment one off. The more you Play with the pace. G strrng f ying across
you'd want to wear, the longer the Unbutton a top, then the room? N'1ake it
have sex in." strip will 1ast." stop to have a drlnk." part of the act. '

L26 | wovrvs HEALTH March 2O15 I

LZT ] r.lrrv:H s,Nf hoi\\ ] sLozurr"t"t In 03 6euqlleeqsueuom
io 6'luapagnba aJlfl"ar aql se poo8 se alrnb ra,rau
o; 1nq'alII dsnq asrzuaqlo u? ol uorlrppe poo8 e pu€ lualua uoJ
'sellsqea 3ur1rp ro Surddoqs aulluo leorl nod st 1sn[
pe]"ert oq plnoqs rupar plr3rp aql 'xas ol soruo) tl uarl^L
,, as.ro.a,r s8urql
a>1eur dllerUce leql uo Suro8 s,1eqr"r. lnoqP serselueJ
*+ alearc aldoed 1r lnoqe 3urye11ou dg,, 's,(es >1c1eg ..'rualqord ou sg
'amseeld;1es roJ s,]eqt JI 'eu{uo }eqt roJ >1oo1 rqftru nod aro;araql
22 pue 'srloq] laeru lou lq8rur nod leql prre eu4l oql IP sPeau
rnod laaru 1ou lq8rru rautred rnod 1eq1 p;qtu dpcapad s.11,,
'uaruoly\ ur saop ll trErp arou -&re ueru ur firlaPIFI sosrul
{r larrralq aW l"rp e3uopu.e ou s.areq] lnq 1noqP >IIE] o1 sluP1{i auo ou
ueuro-^ .
raqlo aql uaaq spq leuJalq aql uo xas 'urod q4e.tr lpop
o< uaruo.l& :3urql auo lnoqr lueruear8e luals ur uaoq e eq uaruo,l.r
;3 ]soru pup ueur 'sread rod ']l o1 opn11ne rno sJI :ep?lsqo atp s.]pq]
q: lualuor eql ]ou s.tl esnErag 'tl lel o \ - plag Surdeyd Pnxas aql
1a,ra1 dpu5 rua l"rD 3u1p aqr eq lq8p 'sureas 'louralul eqJ
'uolltraue8 rno Jo sJarel a.lol oq] auroJeq el?q
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3g Supug o1 'sue1d a{eu o} rorsea Supleur ruorg 'sdrqsuorlelar
ur firmres;o s8urtaay saJrreque .{Solouqral 'spruuallru roJ 'l"tp
punol Kdotatg dtywonopa puo aydno1 to Toutno[ aq1 ur ,(pqs
€I0Z 'aplAueoyg :arddtq are rarllo tlr"o txes oqrrr saldnot
Surpodar (dony1 Kllutog to lDurnol uDruautv aql ul lpnls Z\OZ
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uerlell qsr^el V
U]IIV H1 )]IU1 CNIN'fr
aspiringwellthy. You want
t's a tough life for the
to schedule in the sort of annual detox that
revives the body, liver and face, but if youre r- -i-!
soins to blow the cost of an Ikea kitchen on a

6r"uf, youd rather it didnt consist entirely of

purified kale shakes and soilingyourself inay-rrt. With
ihir in mind, we headed to Espace Henri Chenot in the
Italian Dolomites to ask if a luxury detox holiday can
still deliverbody-changing results. The answers go thus:

urine tests. Your results will then Auaiting room

uorthwaiting for
determine your treatments. In mY
case, these were hormone-balancing
Maybe. Here in the Italian town of supplements, energising vitamin
Merano (think cobbled streets with
a lush mountain backdrop) is Palace
injections and colonic hydrotherapy.
Some were less pleasant than others.
Meranq a five-star hotel dedicated to encourage detoxification ald energy
detox. Margaritas are unsurprisingly balance. The1.IIbe the best massages
absent from the menu. ever. Iust prepa-re yourself for a lot of
Fear not, my enema-averse ftiend. paper-knicker wearing.
Itt not all intravenous driPs and
anal probing. Youll enjoythe
'tellular resonance treatment with
Dont let the chandeliers, marble and energy control", which works on the
Imelda-Marcos-esque opulence of acupuncture principles of meridian Hmm, unless it's a dehydrated, dairy-
the place fool you. Palatial it may points to rebalance your energY free, wheat-free, sugar-free ca]zone
be - guests include aged C6te d'Azur
couples with their miniature dogs and
Russian oligarchs with their miniature
flow. But instead of being stuckwith
needles, a painless radio wave is sent
through your body via a gadget. No
Espace Henri
youre after, youre out ofluck. You
will, however, get {ruit and veg, barley
risotto, tofu curry and bean chi11i,
girlfriends - but theyre there to be idea how it works, but I do know Palace which - to aid digestlon - youre
mbbed and hosed backto weilness I felt infinitely better after three Merano, ltaly trained to chew to a pulp before you
with Chenot's approach of old-world treatments (apparently because my swallow. Youre also allowed fish twice
WHAT TO ..-:
health philosophy (that wellness starts liver had been resuscitated). Best bit: aweek. The only time the Mars bar
in the gut) meets new-world tech. baths and massages are obligatory. cravings hit was during the suggested
A six-day
luxury (but not obligatory) 3O-hour fast, €
detox with upon which I surwived on water, miso
all meals soup and hangry determination. -:
Oh, where to sta-rt... First, You'Il Yes, the fundamental treatment of included
have a fulI check-up by a doctor Monsieur Chenot is hydrotherapy -{
(yes, a fully qualified and holistically - and not the colonic kind. Rather, HOW Most likely. In fact, on average people l*i 3

honed MD), who'Il order blood and the theory that water Pressure can MUCH? lose about 51b in a week. But youre =-a
stimulate the ll.mphatic Approx. told quite cleariy that's a side effect,
pathways to encouragd E5,248 for
seven nights
and most of your loss willbe water €
detoxification. In other and waste products as opposed to fat.
words, each day, youll take So dont expect it to last long-term if
your 2O-minute hydrotherapy FOR INFO: you re going straight back to a diet of
bath, after which a nice lady See palace.it beef crisps and gin. But if you carry
willwrapyou intoxin-
drawing seaweed clay and
leave you to sweat it out
on with Chenot's principles (not the
practices - self-administered colonics
are never a good idea), the benefits
before taking you to be power
hosed down with fteezing
should be indefinite.
water (sounds horrific, but
it's masochistically good).
And then in an altogether
drier, but still-near-naked
scenario comes the massage
I truly think it is. By the end of the
week, I felt calmer and perkier and
significantly debloated, toP to toe. I'm
where magic hands work on cullently trying to bag an oligarch in
your body's meridian lines to the hope he'l1 pay for the next trip. GB
wo m ens ea lt m ag.co. u k
130 | wovEN's HEALTH I
h h
March 2c15
I€I gtoz qf,ieh
€e{-- \
(lilt D ioLL)
lDaS aloJ
uaa.t6 '.uaa.[0 aLlJ
*, {
paqta apLS
Fe;'=:-* -
I _

d- -*],-p

fI4.99, Smart Touch €17.99, MiPow f l9, Chipolo f29.95, Belkin at John Lewis
Beans on toast just got Homeware for the emotional This is basically an Asbo tag For taking calls while
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d* '.-

f79, Nest at John Lewis f79, Amazon f79.95, Drop at Amazon,com f79.99, Thane
Meddles with your heating to Putting the final nail in Weighs ingredients, plus suggests Cleans pretty much everything...
lower your balls. Nosey. your DVD player's coff in. recipes. Your own personal Delia. except perhaps your conscience.

Wf AYffii{}' ff(} PAYI}'&W'



fI80, NuFace fl89.99, Sony f249, Hovding f249.99, Tefal

The Botox can wait, This Android wrist candy for The inflatable snood your Slow cooker? This recipe book and
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f399, Bufton : Es4g,Samsung f579, lRobot €601, Myontec

Because every meal deserves i the smartphone that makes Put yourf:et rp'"ihile this Record your leg work -
a plunge pool. i other smartphones look dumb c eans L'le'thern. and feel strangely sexy.

132 ] wovEN's HEALTH L

t'4arch 2015 |
wo me n s hea lth ma g.co. u k
g€T N=t,,.loM sLoz,.lrrnt"l )ln otr 6euqlleeqsueuoM
'olor.lor (lel s.rnoqLl6rou ']<O:a a -o ' ^ : 'slurod IaoO rsnur roJ
E4! 'ouo uo 06 ol p,olle jo^a uel
no^ - sdeus Aep loq rol popl aql asnluol^q pue) sser6 aql lnl ql /n xoq rno,i lE a aa: j soun] .rnoI Lueer1s,4lssayolt711
spoJJeH le e)ral'OSZ7, /r ouroqou '661'[, 91'69?'11 uasJnlO I 6ueE'969f,
l HI
'p.reaq sP
llaM sP uaas
aq ol so^Josop Ilrls os
sm a'l uqof le souos
'oluods arnol ueq]
olqrxol] ololu s,leql doldel
)av '66'6LZl

H 0urL!lU r.llleols
'APp .rod selnurLU lsnl
ur uuO olrqM-pooM^lloH V
6 'ry,,
Alou llJutl papaau
noit tloul l,uplp tto,( sowztj
ua6-lxau aw wlAi'passas(lo lar)
's.romoqs elnurLU-OZ aAq-eAq 6utoq osnoll 'aLuoq rno^ ur qsU aqoqdeuro6 'ouoqd rno^ uo.U
io^rl pol)esue.r
sllrq asoql uo llaLll e sdoo) lnol qlleM ol qstl^ls V aq] rol sO p lecueqds ,a,ney eddnl rno^ lorluor elouJoE
oaddeus'96'69[;1 uoo)o)^eM
'ss[] qtolq'6t[:I onlo)il's6'66r
't a^ord o] lauuels 'Llral lo qs.reu.rLlrlrl srql 'prer lrporl rno^ lou 'ouoLld '6uuollel] sfieitrtle st a]ue]slp
Ipoq s ql osn apauoq 6rE r-]lr^^ apr)rLuor..l lueld luo^ojd rno^ dn srol od roquauou :lslssDleu reuur rno^ o] ul a^to
r66'6tf, rolsuol^l '96'v2t lnHase)'66'627
AuoleuVenls 76'69f, lorred

tte}l'fiqt /-

cdsPI \\ ot\)s
f ;\\\tt
gt 0BB

. ;'.., ' ::;

:'__ i"i:


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Once upon a t me, spare tyres That smooth-talk n91 sa es
tlere par for the course. But pitch in a su t wr say it's not
those days are gone. Novr you But t is. Yes, there may be
have to pay extra. "This s one an offer on a forest-green
area ,rhere you can haggle," C troen, but you' I strugg e to
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honestlchn.co uk "Get them resa able hues are red, b ack,
l:o throlr n a lack and tyre whrte and meta c. The mosi
ron, too" After a I there's no unpopu ar? l,lnref ect ve
co ours, ke, er, forest green.
oo nr in hav ng a spare rubber
r,v;thout the too s io use \/ th t. The extra mile:
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Price up how much repalrs order lhe right hue: go for
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then ask fcr that off the car's of the car wor d Everyone
pi'rce. Nothrng gets past you. su ts tand wants to buy it.

134 woMEN's HEALTH | l4arch 2cr5 womenshea lthmag.co. uk

9€r ln of, 6euqllPeqsueuoa
uEurtutunof, !u!l{
zol pus
lorlod uo le6n.rl
sr pue spuolos
0l ur LldLU0g-0
soop lspoq
srql hns ^xas
'freqLlrleL-l ].rPd
r-- *-
ft:n unl 6uot aut ur no^ '| el rel s^ps oq ,,'solnurLu o^rj
lsor lir^ llrds lro alll l leql so6ueql I60 ouqlol
olrqoN ouorld rno^ qlr^
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ol lou no^,Ll elllrl e prpMroJ :ol!u e4xo aql
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pup roqlrn] dols ^oqlouo og lsol A lpnllP l,no^ uoql zuog
::al!u eJlxo aql -s0polrol lo,lollorrp sales
,,.]ol]e polool uaoq 'urpuoqureLll uepv s^ps
lou s,lr 'lnoqP ou )llou)l ,,APp o6ero^e ue uo op p,no^
suqop s,aroql Jl rnolol Aourno[ ]lpxo oql olelnurs
uoploo e puP >lreru lpl e o^up lsol no^ uaqM,,
oql ot dn oq p noqs lr - lr lo 'slaoql rno^ ol onleA olPSol
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relnlrlrpd ur 'llrlsdrp orll ^q
lua^ord sdloq qtrq^ 'lsrssv
!sr pueLl-puolos e s,lt ll uorluollv zu0B-sopolrol
ropun )ool ol pasu no^ - lt sp qlns - sarnlPol
olrl noolouqrol lqou oql
l]o ssp srq o^oLU ol LUtq I oI
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I]NNO8 lHI Sf,]ds Hf,]I ]HI
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\l .\ ]t (' 1l 01

Star of The Saturdays, mum andface of Reebolz,UnaFoden
tellsWHhow she stayshealt'hy and energised


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8.Soam 8am 8am 8am 9am 8.3oam
All-Bran with an An Actimel Boiled egg AII-Bran with Oat porridge An Actimel
Actimel shot and shot, toasted wrth wholemeal semi-skimmed with a fresh shot with
decaf coffee sesame bagel toast, sunflower milk and apple and fresh fruit,
with crunchy spread and a banana berry juice granola
l.SOpnr organic peanut l'4armite and natural
Chicken, egg and l2pm 12.S0pm yoghurt
butter, a glass
lettuce baguette l2pm A grilled bacon Two scrambled
of fresh orange
juice and Vegetable and and avocado eg9s on lpm
3pm chicken soup sandwich on wholemeal toast Ham, lettuce
A pear decaf coffee with beans and tomato
with a side of wholemeal toast
8pm t2pm home-made 4pm
Baked potato brown soda 3.l3Opm wholemeal
Chicken chorizo Salted popcorn
bread A pear and sandwich
paella with with ham, cheese,
English mustard
chocolate bar 8pm 7pm
mushrooms and 6pm Meatloaf
courgettes and salad
Flllet steak 7pm with a side of
Chicken curry
with spinach Stir-fried chicken, with steamed
8.3Opm 6.3Opm and couscous
steamed broccoli
rice and
Tea with Spaghetti and chunky and mashed
potato fries with avocado a poppadom
digestives bolognese potato

I love tea, Every morning One thing Ifeel I try to keep up Some mornings, I found it hard

Normally, Ihave I make sure very strongly my fitness during I cleanse with to get enough
four cups a day, I have a probiotic about in my diet pregnancy, In my a julce. I haven't vitamin D and
but during shot to line my is f ibre. lf that first trimester, looked back folic acid from
both of my stomach. ldidn't side of things isn't I use the treadmill since getting a food during my
pregnancies, I cut have morning working like it and rowing NutriBullet. lcan't first pregnancy.
down io keep my sickness with should, you'll machine. Further put anything So I take a
caffeine levels either pregnancy know about it. on, I cut back to creamy in it, multivitamin
low. lcan't forgo and I put that I make brown walking a mile though - it turns every morning
my evening down to the bread and have after dinner and my stomach. as a safety
cuppa, though. probiotics, it on the table swimming Bananas are a no; net in case
It's the best thing which help to - even if we're 40 lengths I stick to berries I don't quite

to relax me. ease nausea. having a curry. twice a week. and apples. reach my RDA.


h/H's nutritionist Dr Christy Fergusson gives 2,4AA-2,6AA calones a day when she ls o':c..'.. of bran and trading the orange luice for a
her verdict: One of the keys to eaiing we L To balance her mea s more, lt's importan: tc green vegetable luice. I notice she sticks with
through pregnancy is keeping your energy eve s watch the QUantit es and types of carbs s-. :.:s decaffeinated coffee, which is great, but she sttll
ulo, so 'd recommend morn ng and afternoon for. A few swliches cou d have 3 qpssl ir!-i. needs to be careful as it can contain stimulants.
snacks. such as hummus and oatcakes. or fruil chanqrng the baked potato or baguette fc' l'd suggest cutting it out and sticking to herbal
and nuts. Una r,vou d be f ne to eat between a sma sweet potato, st ck ng r,v th oats i":-:.,: tea. Other than that, an exemplarv dietl @

2ols womenshea thmag.co.uk

L38 | wovrN's HEALTH I March I

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